Do whatever you want from today

Chapter 230 The Snake Tunxiang Project

Chapter 230 The Snake Tunxiang Project

"Oh, isn't this Xu Meng, No. 1 Yuan in Kyoto? What do you want from me?" Su Wei didn't know if Xu Meng called, if there was really something.

Because he has blocked Xu Meng's phone and WeChat, even if something happened to her, it is impossible for Su Wei to know.

There is no way, Su Wei is such a stingy man, he will love Wu Jiwu, and also hate Wu Jiwu.

"Su Wei, I heard that you are going to buy Yuanyang Lavie's villa?" Xu Meng heard Su Wei's voice answering the phone, and she immediately asked him straight to the point if he was going to buy a house.

Because she was afraid of Su Wei, she would hang up the phone in the middle of her speech.

She didn't know why such a big man like Su Wei was so stingy.

It's because of such a trivial matter of her father that she still broods about it to this day.

Can't he be a little more magnanimous?After all, that person is his father.

"Yes, you are indeed worthy of being the No. 1 Yuan in Kyoto, and the news is well-informed." Su Wei was actually very unhappy with Xu Meng's title of No. 1 Yuan in Kyoto.

Because this title can be recognized, it is almost stepping on him.

If he could get used to seeing this, it would be a strange thing.

"Su Wei, you are enough, you are a big man, can you stop being so ambiguous all the time, I called you today, not to hear you mocking me, I have something serious to tell you" Xu Meng said to herself now The title of No.1 Yuan in Kyoto is really satisfying.

There have been many high-end gatherings recently, and she will be specially invited to attend.

There are many parties here, which her father may not even be able to go to.

But now the words of No. 1 Yuan in Kyoto came from Su Wei's mouth, no matter how he heard it, it seemed to be mocking her.

Yes, Xu Meng was wearing the title of No. 1 Yuan in Kyoto, and it was true that she stepped on Su Wei under her feet, but at that time, he really had a good impression of her.

Otherwise, why did he invite her to dinner, and at that time he admitted in front of her uncle that he wanted to chase him.

She didn't talk nonsense about this matter. As for this matter being exaggerated, that's not her responsibility. Those who spread these words like to add embellishments.

"What's the matter, it can't be your courtyard house, and now you want to sell it to me again?" Although Su Wei didn't take the initiative to contact these circles, various circles have been contacting him.

For example, about the courtyard house this time, someone had already told him all the inside information.

What happened to Xu Meng's family this time was not simply an economic crisis.

It's that someone is setting up a trap, trying to swallow their family whole.

But who knows what a coincidence, this time Su Wei unexpectedly came over by accident, and even made a horizontal shot, planning to spend 15 billion to buy their courtyard house.

The person who set up this game didn't have that much money herself, and most of the money had to be borrowed.

So if Su Wei really spent 15 billion to buy Xu Meng's courtyard house a few days ago.

There was nothing she could do. After all, Su Wei's cash flow was terrible, and her relationship happened to be in the bank.

When she met Su Wei, she had nothing to do, because Su Wei was ICBC's largest personal deposit user, and she couldn't touch Su Wei with her relationship.

But people are not as good as heaven, Xu Jinguang actually broke the contract with Su Wei because he believed in other people's mouth.

Turning around to earn the 16 billion that was not even written off, it turned out that the other party turned out to be hilarious.

This made the person who set up the situation very happy. After seeing Su Wei and Xu Jinguang really fell out.

She also took the initiative to contact Su Wei, saying that she wanted to work with him to complete this plan of swallowing elephants.

After all, the current group of Xu Meng's family is worth two or three hundred million, as long as their family is not worth one billion in the bank this time.

Then the debts owed by other banks will immediately start to ask their family to take it back.

At that time, the only way to wait for Xu Meng's family is bankruptcy and liquidation.

Although their family group, if they were all sold, would owe more than this, but the problem now is that no one is willing to take over.

"Yes, my father has figured it out this time. He thinks that since he signed the contract with you, everyone should perform according to the contract. This courtyard house will still be sold to you for 15 billion. Hey, hey, hey, Su Wei you You bastard, you actually hung up on my phone" The matter between Xu Jinguang and Tianlong Group is relatively secretive because there are not many people involved.

Xu Meng felt that not many people in the entire capital knew about this matter, let alone Su Wei in the capital of chaos.

So she thought that Su Wei didn't know about this, and wanted to sell the courtyard house to Su Wei for 15 billion.

But I didn't expect that when she just said that she was going to sell the courtyard to Su Wei.

Su Wei hung up on her directly, which made Xu Meng stunned. Fortunately, he was almost at the real estate bureau.

. . . . . .

"Xiao Zhang, next time you make this kind of call, don't show it to me. Apart from wasting time, you didn't talk about anything serious." The day Su Wei knew about the Snake Tunxiang plan was the day he went to pick up Wu Fei and the others.

In the past few days, he was actually a little hesitant, because he didn't know whether to go in and get a share.

Because although it is talking about snakes swallowing elephants, the snake is only relative to that person.

And if Su Wei enters the arena, this matter may become a snake and a dinosaur swallowing an elephant together.

So in the past few days, he has actually been avoiding direct phone calls with Xu Meng.

Because he is a person who sometimes has a soft heart and is afraid that Xu Mengzhen will kneel in front of him.

At that time, I can't help but spend 15 billion to buy this courtyard house, and then this opportunity will be ruined.

As long as he can refrain from saving Xu Meng's family now, then sooner or later this house will be his too.

"Okay, Mr. Su, I understand. Next time Ms. Xu calls, I'll know what to do." On the first day Zhang Ruoyu came here, she really thought that there should be some tension between her boss and Xu Meng. something.

But they didn't expect their relationship to take a turn for the worse, and now their boss doesn't answer her calls anymore.

The two want to get in touch now, and they have to convey it through themselves.

"Brother Su, we can go over and pay the taxes. After paying the taxes, this villa will belong to you." Cao Yuqing was still in a panic when she heard Xu Meng call Su Wei just now.

Although Xu Meng's courtyard house can actually make her earn tens of millions, no problem.

But there are too many variables in it, it's better to earn the 400 million safely and steadily.

Now after seeing Su Wei hang up Xu Meng's call, she immediately urged Su Wei to pay the taxes.

"Su Wei, Su Wei, don't go." When Xu Meng was hung up just now, he had already arrived at the gate of the Real Estate Bureau.

The place where she lives now is very close to the real estate bureau, and the road is relatively smooth today, so it takes a few minutes to drive there.

As soon as I entered the real estate bureau, I saw a group of people gathered together, and Su Wei was in the middle.

"Xu Meng? Why are you here?" Su Wei was just about to go to pay taxes with Cao Yuqing when someone stopped him.

He turned around and saw that it was Xu Meng who had just hung up the phone for 5 minutes, and she actually appeared in the lobby of the real estate bureau.

"Miss Xu, Mr. Su has something to do right now. What's the matter with you? Can you talk about it after he finishes his work?" Cao Yuqing quickly stood between Su Wei and Xu Meng when she saw Xu Meng appear.

She knew that Xu Meng's courtyard was already planned to be sold to Mr. Ma of Tianlong Group.

But what she didn't know was that when President Ma of Tianlong Group said that he wanted to buy a courtyard house, he was actually just saying hello.

Now she just waits for Su Wei to finish paying the villa's taxes, then the house is considered a deal, and she doesn't want to make any extra troubles.

After all, she is different from Xu Jinguang. For her, it is okay to earn more or less, but the most important thing is to earn.

"Get out of the way, I'm talking to him, what does it have to do with you, you'd better not make me angry, or I will make you unable to get along in the capital." When Xu Meng faced Su Wei, he might just be playing when he was wronged Petty temper.

But in front of outsiders, she has a very temper.

After all, for a rich second generation like her, she always says what she says, and the others agree.

So their tempers can't be very good, especially the rich second generation here in Kyoto, their tempers are quite violent.

"Get out of the way, Miss Xu and I will have a private chat and see what Miss Xu wants to say to me.

Yuqing, if you bring Xiaozhang to pay the taxes, I won't go in person.

Miss Xu, let's go, let's talk in my car." Su Wei was very upset, but he didn't express it directly.

Hand over Xu Meng's ID card and bank card to Zhang Ruoyu, and ask her to pay taxes for herself.

Su Wei was willing to talk to Xu Meng mainly because he felt that it was really embarrassing to make a scene in front of so many people. Now there are hundreds of people in this hall.

A lot of people saw the excitement, and they were not in a hurry. They gathered around the bodyguards to see if the girls would fight.

"This is your new car. It's so beautiful. By the way, this is my birthday present to you. It's a Tiffany necklace." Xu Meng was pulled out by Su Wei, and then stuffed into a Rolls-Royce co-pilot.

After she got into the car, she didn't talk about business immediately.

Instead, she began to pull Su Wei to talk about Su Wei's birthday. After all, she also knew that if she directly talked about the courtyard house, it was very likely that this topic would not be able to be discussed.

"Thank you, but my birthday has passed. Why don't you give me this gift next year? I think we can talk directly if we have something to say." If Xu Meng really wanted to give Su Wei a gift, he wouldn't wait until today.

After all, with her ability, it is too easy to know where Su Wei lives in the capital.

But until today, he was going to buy a villa, and she brought the gift over because she was afraid that she would not buy her courtyard.

So Su Wei really didn't have any expression on this belated birthday present.

"I bought this gift specially for you. You should take a look at it anyway. Look, isn't this nameplate pretty?" This gift was bought by Xu Meng when he went shopping the day before yesterday.

What she thought at the time was that if Su Wei invited her to dinner, then she would give him this gift.

When she first knew about Su Wei's birthday, she didn't think about buying him a birthday present. She just gave him two red envelopes.

It wasn't until Su Wei's 24 hours passed, he confiscated the red envelope and didn't reply, that she knew that Su Wei really seemed to be ignoring her.

It was time for her to go shopping, and she stopped by Tiffany to pick out a gift.

"The two of us are just friends. It's a bit too much for you to give me such an expensive gift. If you don't talk about it, you can go back. I'm going to be busy with the transfer of ownership." Although Su Wei didn't know the gold How much is the nameplate, but it must be tens of thousands of yuan.

But he didn't want to accept Xu Meng's gift, because she still regarded herself as the No. 1 Yuan in Kyoto in front of him.

And if he accepted her gift, would he buy that courtyard house or not?

"OK, you don't want to talk about this, let's talk about something serious. I heard that you want to buy an ocean-going lavie. How much is that villa? Is there a lot for my courtyard? Why did you choose to buy it?" Xu Meng saw Su Wei didn't want to chat with her about family affairs, she had no choice but to start talking about business.

She couldn't figure out why Su Wei suddenly chose to buy Yuanyang Lavie's villa.

As far as the location of the villa is concerned, it can be compared with her family's courtyard.

"The location of Yuanyang Lavie is indeed incomparable with your courtyard house. But the price of this villa is not that expensive. The rough price of your courtyard house is [-] billion yuan. How much is this villa? The decoration only sold me [-] million yuan. The most important thing is that I bought this villa because I came to be an uncle, not to be a grandson." When Su Wei spoke, he became very angry.

Indeed, when he bought this villa, he directly cut down 7000 million yuan. In order to sell the house, the landlord could only hold his nose and recognize it.

But Xu Jinguang was different. He felt that he had lost a lot by selling the courtyard house to Su Wei for [-] billion.

So when Tianlong Group said that it would buy his courtyard house for 16 billion, he didn't bother to distinguish the authenticity, and directly messed up the contract with Su Wei.

It was because he felt that since Su Wei had booked the house after looking at it for a few hours, it must be because the house was too popular.

Even if Tianlong Group doesn't take over, someone else will.

"The house price can't be calculated like this. The villa area in Yuanyang Lavie is outside the Fifth Ring Road, and my courtyard is in the Second Ring Road. The two locations are completely incomparable. And who made you a grandson? Father, as an elder, said something about you. Wait a minute, my dad is calling.

Um, uh, next to me, you want to chat with him in person?OK, I'll give him the phone.

Su Wei, my father wants to talk to you in person." Xu Meng really didn't think there was anything wrong with what her father said about Su Wei.

After all, that was her father. If Su Wei had behaved better then, if the two of them had been together, her father would have been his father-in-law.

And he did have too many rotten peach blossoms. I heard that he took a woman to buy a Rolls Royce this time. I don’t know if it was this one. She was hung up by Su Wei at the time, and she called her best friend later. On the phone, she kept hemming and hawing.

"Hey, Boss Xu, what advice do you have?" Su Wei was annoyed to chat with Xu Jinguang now, because the two of them couldn't chat together.

But now in his car, Xu Meng handed him the phone, and he could only take it and see what Xu Jinguang wanted to say.

"Xiao Su, uncle heard that you want to buy Yuanyang Lavie's villa, listen to my advice, that house is not good, we Kyoto people, who has money, will not buy a courtyard house. In this way, the house in Ya'er Hutong That courtyard house, if you add a little more money, I'll sell it to you." Xu Jinguang waited for a long time, but he didn't get a call from his daughter.

He could only contact Xu Meng on his own initiative, but Su Wei happened to be next to Xu Meng at this time.

This made him feel that licking a dog is licking a dog, and if his daughter is on the horse, it's easy to catch.

So when he quoted the price, he still hoped that Su Wei would add a little more.

Although Tianlong Group didn't buy the courtyard house, but quoted a price of 16 billion, his current appetite has been stretched a bit, and he feels that [-] billion is a little less.

"Don't add a little more, how about this, how about I pay 150 billion?" Su Wei was really laughed out of anger, Xu Jinguang really couldn't see the situation clearly.

He was still hesitating whether to join the Snake Tunxiang Project.

Well now, he doesn't hesitate anymore, he has joined the plan.

"Xiao Su, what do you mean? I'm serious with you, but you actually made fun of me. You really have no tutor." Xu Jinguang didn't expect Su Wei to make fun of him, which made him angry immediately.

Since he became rich, it has been a long time since no one dared to talk to him like this.

"Boss Xu, whether I have a tutor or not is none of your business, you're too lenient.

Xu Meng, your dad and I can't talk to him anymore, you should talk to him yourself later.By the way, I bought a house just to live in it, and I don't have any feelings for courtyard houses.Okay, get out of the car, I have to go to work too" Su Wei heard the other side say that he has no tutor, so he hung up the phone directly.

No matter whether he bought this villa this time or bought a courtyard house at that time, he really planned to use it for himself to live in.

Now he changed his mind to buy a villa for no other reason than that he could move in after buying the furniture.

He has a fart feeling for courtyard houses, and he didn't grow up in Kyoto.

I would like to buy this courtyard house mainly because of its good location and freehold property rights.

"Su Wei, if you leave, there will be no relationship between us." Seeing Su Wei finished speaking, Xu Meng opened the door and left.

She opened the car door, trying to call Su Wei back.

But he left very quickly, ignoring Xu Meng's persuasion at all.

"Xiao Meng, what about Su Wei, this kid dared to hang up on my phone, and turned on him instead." Xu Jinguang didn't expect that Su Wei would hang up on him, and he immediately called Xu Meng again.

This time, he planned to vent his anger by scolding Su Wei on the phone.

"He's gone, he won't buy this house." Xu Meng finally came to his senses at this moment.

Su Wei really doesn't seem to care much about this courtyard house, so besides him, who else can take over this courtyard house?

. . . . . .

"I have already considered your opportunity to swallow the elephant, and I will also take a share."

(End of this chapter)

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