Do whatever you want from today

Chapter 232 Taking Sisters-in-law Together to Sing

Chapter 232
"We know each other. When I was playing with the claw machine, she and her boyfriend had been watching me grabbing. At that time, there were three dolls in the claw machine, and I caught them all. I think they also I like it very much, so I gave them one." Su Wei is very understanding, seeing that Tao Xiaojun didn't know how to speak, he opened his mouth to help explain.

He didn't expect Tao Xiaojun to be Liu Meng's sister-in-law by such a coincidence.

Looking at what Tao Xiaojun is wearing today, he is wearing sportswear all over his body.

The clothes he wore were completely different from the last time I saw him. Today's clothes are a little too conservative.

"Speaking of which, I really want to thank Mr. Su for giving us such a precious doll." Tao Xiaojun was very skillful when he spoke.

She was talking about Mr. Su, but she didn't mention that Su Wei was catching dolls with a girl.

Because Liu Meng talked to her, I met this investor today, who is her best friend's boyfriend.

And the girl that day looked younger than her, and she could tell she was still a student at a glance, so how could she be best friends with Liu Meng.

When talking about herself in the last sentence, she deliberately emphasized "we", which proves that she went with Liu Meng's brother at that time.

Such a conversation, five points true and five points false, only told her what Liu Meng wanted to know, and didn't mention anything else for a long time.

The main reason is that although her relationship with her boyfriend is not as good as it was when they were first together.

But his cheap brother-in-law, isn't he going to be a director soon?

And Tao Xiaojun's dream has always been to be a star, not to be a dancer.

There are so few careers for dancers, and so many people graduate every year, no fool wants to change careers.

"Then this is such a coincidence, Mr. Su, what is this called? This is called Youyuan. Come on, let's all sit down and chat." Ge Xiang didn't care if what they said was true or not, he only knew one thing, you That is, Su Wei not only knew Liu Meng, he also knew Tao Xiaojun.

As for whether there is an affair between the two of them, he doesn't want to care about it, and he won't care about it.

He just wants to make a good movie now, and wait until he becomes famous.

What kind of woman my brother-in-law wants to find can't be found, and now he is still young anyway, so it doesn't matter if he wears a hat or not.

"Liu Meng, you young couple invited me here this time, probably not just for dinner, right?" Su Wei really didn't expect Tao Xiaojun to have such a relationship with Liu Meng.

Although Tao Xiaojun hasn't married Liu Meng's younger brother yet, the two of them must be very familiar.

Thinking of this, his heart began to stir again.

But after thinking for a while, my mind went down again, because Ge Xiang was here today.

"President Su, Director Ge and the others have finished writing the script. I have already told them that I can sign the contract when I return to Shanghai, but they insist on seeing you." When Zhang Ruoyu saw Tao Xiaojun, she knew it. This woman's own boss must have been fucked.

That is to say, the two women Ge Xiang brought over today have slept with Su Wei.

When she thought of this just now, she almost laughed out loud, but she managed to hold back.

"Mr. Su, it's like this. Our old Ge has listened to your suggestion and has now perfected the script, but he is afraid that the changes will not be in place, so I specially invite you to dinner today, and I want to ask you to read it. , Is there any dissatisfaction, we can also correct it, Mr. Su, do you think so?

Lao Ge, bring the script and show it to Mr. Su on the spot, and you can listen to it and see if there is anything to be revised." Liu Meng originally thought it was unnecessary, after all, she had already discussed it with Su Wei.

But Ge Xiang didn't know, he felt that the contract was about to be signed, how could it be possible that the investors didn't see him for a while, so he had no idea.

After waiting for Liu Meng to come with Ge Xiang, I felt that I was lucky to be here today, and I also brought Tao Xiaojun.

Otherwise, she would never have known that Tao Xiaojun knew Su Wei.

She planned to call his brother later to ask if such a thing happened at that time.

If Tao Xiaojun was telling the truth, then Liu Meng would definitely help her out because of her younger brother, so that she could switch careers and become an actress.

But if she knew that Tao Xiaojun had lied to her about this matter, then Tao Xiaojun would just stay where he was cool, and if she wanted her to recommend him to be an actor, there was no way.

After all, she would do this favor entirely because of her brother, and without her brother, Tao Xiaojun would not be able to get along with her at all.

"Xiao Zhang, you can take this script and read it. I don't want to know anything about this plot, so just tell me how many actresses there are in it, and how many actresses will be with me in the movie. It’s fine if there’s a rival show, and it’s not interesting to know too much about other things.” How could Su Wei have the interest to know these things, after all, he will invest in movies.

The main reason is to go to the entertainment industry to play female stars, as for how the movie is made, he doesn't care.

After all, the income of investing in movies is not high, and the investment cycle is still long, so the chance of making money is not particularly high.

"President Su, let me introduce you.

Here I designed a total of three, relatively important female characters, among which the female number one is a female police officer disguised as a man, whose real identity is a hidden move by the county magistrate, because she has been following the protagonist Sima Jing's side, and Sima Jing had some ambiguity.

When she was investigating the case, Nan Gongjie accidentally discovered her daughter's identity. When Nan Gongjie saw the number one woman in women's clothing, he felt that he must have this woman.

Nan Gongjie used a trick to divert the tiger away from the mountain. When Sima Jing was going to save his junior sister, he plotted against the number one female, and then defiled her.

Since his father's death, Sima Jing was sent by his mother to Qingyunmen to practice martial arts, also to prevent him from being wiped out.

So the second female character I designed is the junior sister of the protagonist Sima Jing, because she and Sima Jing grew up as childhood sweethearts, and have always liked Sima Jing. Like to use righteousness.

When going to save the woman who was defiled by Nangong Jie, he was drugged by Nangong Jie, and then mistook Nangong Jie for Sima Jing, and voluntarily slept with Nangong Jie.

The third female character I designed here is the concubine of the county magistrate. In fact, her real identity is the undercover agent placed by the prefect next to the county magistrate.

Although the fact that she was defiled was true, it was actually a trick played by her and Nan Gongjie to prevent the county magistrate from suspecting her.

Mr. Su, what do you think of the three main female characters I designed? If you think it’s not enough, I can add more female characters into it.” When Ge Xiang wrote the script, he could already imagine, When the movie is released, the audience who entered the theater will be so angry.

After all, although the male pig's feet here are the number one male, the female pig's feet inside have only emotional scenes with him, not any passionate scenes.

If this is the case, the audience will not say anything, after all, there are quite a lot of pure to low movies in many movies.

But the male supporting role in this movie has a passionate scene with the three female protagonists. If the audience doesn't explode and curse, he has been the director for so many years for nothing, even though he is the director of commercials.

"There are only three female pig feet? It's a bit small. In this way, Nan Gongjie is not a flower picker. You can arrange some plots for him to pick flowers, otherwise his image is not full at all." Su Wei made this movie mainly. Just to have fun.

Although Nan Gongjie is not the protagonist, Su Wei filmed it with the idea of ​​the protagonist.

So how can he have no experience, he must have experience, and passers-by characters must be involved, so that this character is perfect.

"Old Ge, I think so, your plot in the movie is a bit simple, and you also need some passer-by characters to participate, so as to make the plot richer.

Mr. Su, this wagyu beef has been blanched, try it quickly.In fact, I can also understand my old Ge, he is not unwilling to enrich the plot line, the main reason is that he thinks that if there are too many plot lines, he is afraid that the budget of this movie will be overrun. After all, Mr. Su, you invested 2000 million in cash." Liu Meng used to think that 2000 million was a lot, but only found out after studying with Ge Xiang.

It really costs too much money to finish a movie. Although 2000 million is a lot, it really can't help but spend it.

If it is really filmed according to Su Wei's idea, then the plot line of this movie will be rich, but the 2000 million may have to be fully invested in the early stage, and there may be no money to get it in the later stage.

Sometimes it's really not that the director doesn't want to enrich the plot, but that he doesn't have the capital, otherwise, who doesn't want to go to all over the country to shoot scenes.

"I thought it was a big deal. If it was overspending, wouldn't it be over if I added more? As I said, I only have one request. I want to have fun by myself. As for the spent I don't care about that little money at all." Su Wei thought it was something that couldn't be done, and was still thinking about finding a relationship to help them.

It turned out that they thought it was too expensive, so they slimmed down the plot.

The problem is that Su Wei is not short of money. If you feel that 2000 million is a little less, then you can invest another 1000 million. If 1000 million is not enough, you can invest another 2000 million. One hundred million is fine, as long as it makes Su Wei feel good. worth it.

"With Mr. Su's words, then I know what to do. Let's do this. When the time comes, we will look for girls who have been defiled by Nangong Jie. We won't look for them in Hengdian either. There are not many, we will go directly to the film school or dance school to find them.

Mr. Su, when our movie is about to be released, when we promote it, we can use so many beauties as highlights. After all, the audience has been suffering from ugly girls on the screen for too long. We have so many beautiful girls. , those old-fashioned viewers, don’t go crazy.” The more Ge Xiang thinks about it, the more it makes sense, after all, in other movies.

Because the female lead looks too ordinary, and the behind-the-scenes capital wants to promote the female lead, so they all replaced the supporting roles with ugly monsters.

But if a movie comes out at this time, the female characters in it will all be extremely beautiful.

At that time, many old porn fans will definitely become the tap water spontaneously.

"Director Ge, you have a good idea. When the time comes, you should pay attention. Don't look for those who have excessive plastic surgery. That kind of people look good in reality, but once the camera hits them, their faces can't bear it.

By the way, are you optimistic about the candidates for actresses?" After hearing Ge Xiang's description, Su Wei felt that they were indeed good.

In those other movies, in order to praise the unattractive female lead, they forcibly distorted the audience's aesthetics. As a result, no one was good-looking in a movie.

But Su Wei's movie didn't think about making anyone popular, it was just for his own enjoyment, so of course he went straight to find good ones.

"Bold thief, dare to be a flower picker in my senior brother's territory, you really don't give me Qingyunmen face at all, let me teach you a lesson.

Mr. Su, what do you think of my acting just now? Can I play the little junior sister in the movie?" Tao Xiaojun heard Su Wei asking about the actor, she took off her sports jacket, and inside was a sleeveless tight T-shirt ,

In front of Su Wei, there was a live performance, and in the end, he took a stick that he didn't know where to find, and performed a sword flower for him.

The performances she just performed were specially practiced in the afternoon.

"It's not bad, Xiaojun's performance just now really showed the stunned young girl, so you can play the second female number." Really good.

At that time, she was able to dance swords and guns with Su Wei when she was on the horse.

Moreover, she has a strong endurance. Even if she was beaten to the flesh by Su Wei and screamed, she still refused to admit defeat and endured until Su Wei beat her to sweat.

"Thank you Mr. Su for letting me be the junior sister of this drama. We didn't drink any alcohol today. In this way, I will substitute milk for wine and toast Mr. Su." Tao Xiaojun didn't expect that Su Wei didn't say anything, and looked at her The acting just got her through.

If it weren't for so many people now, she really wanted to cry.

She really knows how difficult it will be for a girl who is a professional dancer to become an actress.

After all, there are [-] if not [-] female performers every year.

In addition to broadcasting and hosting, and those lines whose lines are not good enough, they can only become directors. The competition is really too fierce.

"Director Ge, now we have No. [-] and No. [-]. No. [-], the concubine of the county magistrate, do you have any good candidates?" Su Wei accompanied Tao Xiaojun to drink some milk, and then asked.

After all, there are only three main female characters in this play, and he is wondering whether to find a famous actress to act in the play.

"Mr. Su, you don't want to avoid relatives. I propose a personal choice. I think my girlfriend Liu Meng is very suitable to play the county magistrate's concubine." Ge Xiang would propose Liu Meng because he had already had this idea up.

Although in this play, the concubine and Nan Gongjie will have a passionate scene.

But for the two of them, one is an actor and the other is a director. If this small scene is unacceptable, then they will not find someone in the circle to be their partner.

And he is the director of this play, so it's better to have him watching on the scene than Liu Meng to act in a passionate play in other plays.

The most important thing is that if Liu Meng played the role of the third female lead, the salary would definitely not be low.

At that time, his director's remuneration, plus Liu Meng's remuneration, will definitely be a lot of money.

"Liu Meng can act as the third female lead, that's fine, that's fine, my concubine will choose Liu Meng, Director Ge, you can contact Xiaozhang the day after tomorrow, and then go to my company to sign the contract.

By the way, I opened a box at the King of Karaoke tonight, let's all go and have fun together, and celebrate the birth of this movie." Su Wei didn't expect that Ge Xiang would be so generous.

He actually pulled his girlfriend into this movie, isn't he afraid to wear a hat on the scene?
Sure enough, these directors who play movies have different views from ordinary people.

"Okay, I haven't sung for a long time, Sister Mengmeng, then you have to show your skills in front of President Su today, you are a professional.

Mr. Su, I don’t know if you know that our sister Mengmeng has released an album before.” Tao Xiaojun is really super excited tonight.

Now that Su Wei is going to sing at night, she plans to show herself well later.

"My singing is actually average. Otherwise, how could I be a starlet at the [-]th tier?" Liu Meng has indeed released an album, but if it is said how good her singing is, that is nothing.

At that time, after she became famous on the Internet, she was signed by the current brokerage company whose contract had just expired.

When the agency signed her, they analyzed her and found that her voice was very good, so they hired a vocal teacher to teach her.

But later on, I don’t know if the songs I bought were not good enough. The album she released was colder than ice at minus 52 degrees.

Except for those who knew her and knew that she had posted songs, everyone thought she was just a young actress who specialized in filming.

"Mr. Su, I'm afraid I won't be able to go. I have to rush back to Shanghai tonight. Mengmeng, you and Xiaojun will replace me and take care of Mr. Su." Ge Xiang came to the capital to talk about investment this time. It's all about time.

He also wants to stay here to sing with a big boss like Su Wei, after all, he is such a big money owner, who doesn't want to serve him.

But his family is really inseparable from people, because his parents came to Shanghai to see a doctor this time. Although it was not a big deal, they were getting old and needed someone to help them.

"Don't worry, I'll leave it to Xiaojun and me tonight." Liu Meng knew that Ge Xiang's parents had come to Shanghai, and she must not be able to leave when Ge Xiang returned to Shanghai today.

But she was a little worried that she would be dragged away by Su Wei at night.

After all, Tao Xiaojun was also there, and she was afraid that her relationship with Su Wei would be spread by Tao Xiaojun.

Just in the middle of the meal, she had already sent a message to ask her brother. When Tao Xiaojun saw Su Wei last time, her brother was indeed there.

"That's really a pity. Let's do this. When the movie starts, I'll be the host and invite the whole crew to dinner."

 Many readers feel that I have one chapter more, while other authors have two chapters, and I have less than them. This is really unfair.

  In fact, in order to maintain an even subscription, I had no choice but to combine two chapters into one chapter. Their two chapters add up to only 4000 words, and I have 5000 words in each chapter.

  Because I want to maintain an even order, I can only combine chapters, but I am not incapable of adding changes. Sometimes I will add as many words as possible in a chapter.

  Everyone understand.

(End of this chapter)

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