Chapter 285
"Lili, what did you tell George when you came out?" Su Wei deliberately started the car slowly, and then waited until George got into the taxi before starting to accelerate.

Because he planned to play some exciting things with Lili later, which would make George more painful.

He kept watching the back while driving, for fear that the taxi behind would lose its target.

"Let me tell him the truth, tonight is a girlfriend's party." Lili really thought it was a girlfriend's party tonight, but she didn't come for Wu Xiaoxuan and the others.

The purpose of her coming today is very simple, to see if she can find a rich second generation.

After all, she had had enough of living as an ordinary person in the Lighthouse Country, and now she just wanted to be like her best friend Xuanxuan.

"Girlfriend party? But Xuanxuan and Duoduo didn't come tonight." Su Wei's original thought was just to put Lili to sleep tonight.

But now this George has followed, and if there is a chance, he doesn't mind making the two of them feel dirty.

Anyway, one is a gold digger, and the other is a foreign trash full of superiority.

For playing with them, Su Weina has no psychological burden at all.

"Ah, they didn't come? Why? I also said that I haven't seen them for a long time, and I wanted to catch up with them." In fact, the person Lili most wanted to catch was Su Wei in front of her.

Because even in a city like Shanghai, there are not many people who can afford a new Bugatti.

Now that Xuanxuan was not coming, she almost jumped up happily.

But as happy as she was, she wasn't an idiot.

No matter how happy you are knowing this kind of thing, you can't show it too obviously.

"Xuanxuan is a little uncomfortable. Why, if they're not here, you don't want to go?" Su Wei heard the joy in Lili's words, and knew her little thoughts.

So I deliberately asked her if she didn't want to go.

There is not much friendship between them.

Look at this Lili, she didn't even know that Xuanxuan's real name was Wu Xiaoxuan until now.

Among the four girlfriends, Wu Xiaoxuan may have a better relationship with Duoduo.

"I just feel a bit regretful that they didn't go. I can't meet them tonight, but I know, Brother Su, you will definitely introduce other friends to me." Lili really didn't look forward to meeting Wu Xiaoxuan and the others at all.

If she was really looking forward to it, she would not have followed George to the Lighthouse Country alone before.

When she was going to go, I tried to persuade her not to be impulsive.

Liuliu and Xuanxuan acted as if they had nothing to do with them.

"The people I want to meet tonight are indeed my brothers. They are all well-known rich second generations in Shanghai. Their families are very rich. They can help you broaden your social circle." When Su Wei was speaking, there happened to be a red man in front of him. lamp.

He checked the time, there was still more than a minute.

At this time, Su Wei's right hand began to rest on Lili's leg unintentionally.

Seeing that she didn't respond, Su Wei's hand began to search down.

"Brother Su, the green light is on, we're already urging you." Lili didn't expect Su Wei to be so bold that he touched her thigh directly while waiting for the green light.

Today she was wearing a white dress with no safety pants inside and only a pair of black stockings.

It's not that she didn't want to, but Su Wei, the pretender, opened the hood.

What if I played too much and was photographed by the people on both sides of the car.

"The Balenciaga socks you are wearing today feel pretty good"

. . . . . .

"Where are you going, young man?" Old Xu had just sent away a pair of wild mandarin ducks when he was stopped by someone.

And the young man didn't say anything, he opened the door and sat up.

It could be seen that the young man who came up had an ugly expression on his face.

"Don't worry about where I'm going, just follow the car in front of you." George is very angry now, and Lili told him that no boys will be brought to the girlfriend's party today.

Who is this person who picked her up?When did Su Wei become a woman?
Fortunately, he followed, otherwise he would not have known that Lili lied to him.

"Young man, my car may be a decent taxi, but I don't dare to do illegal things." Old Xu has been driving for so many years, and he knows what's going on at a glance.

The lad wasn't doing anything bad, and he didn't look like a cop.

There is only one way, that is, he is here to catch rape.

He often does things like following the car for others, so how could he not do it today.

He would say that, that is to say, to these traitors, they should be more sensible.

If he only earns gas fees, then he will definitely not work hard.

"My girlfriend is in the car in front of me. I tell you to follow. If you don't leave, believe it or not, I will complain to you." George was still young when he went to Lighthouse Country, so he didn't understand what the driver said.

But he also has his own way, that is, he can sue him.

"Okay, I'll go, I'll go.

Boy, the car in front seems to be a Rolls-Royce convertible. This kind of car costs several million dollars. It seems that your girlfriend must be very beautiful." Lao Xu didn't receive the favor fee, and was threatened by George up.

That must have been annoyed, after all, George's accent sounded like a foreigner.

But now taxis have been robbed of a lot of business by Didi, so if they are complained, they will be fined.

If it was a few years ago, Lao Xu would definitely teach this passenger to be a man.

But Lao Xu wouldn't just bear the tone like this, but praised George's girlfriend with thorns in his words.

After all, the one in front is a Rolls-Royce, so if George's girlfriend isn't pretty, he won't be able to get in.

But if she went up, she would definitely not be innocent.

"Why are you talking so much nonsense? It's none of your business whether my girlfriend is beautiful or not. Drive your car well. If you follow me, just wait for me to sue you. I tell you, I'm a lighthouse man. "George kept calling Lili, but no one answered.

At this time, the driver was still arguing with him, and he immediately lost his temper.

In order not to let the driver quarrel with him, he even exposed his identity as a lighthouse country.

"Young man, don't get excited. I understand your mood. I'm following." Old Xu really wanted to follow him halfway, after all, he didn't get any benefits.

Why should you take the risk to follow someone? What if you are found and beaten up.

But when he heard that the young man was from the Lighthouse Country, he began to follow him seriously without saying a word.

After all, people in China complaining about him now may not have much impact on him.

But a person from the lighthouse country complained to him, and the incident was very serious.

After all, some old men just like to go online, and I can't give them this opportunity.

"..." George ignored the driver and kept calling over and over again.

He was very worried about Lili at this time, afraid that she would be controlled by someone.

Although he is a bit lustful, his feelings for Lili are serious.

Lili had been with him for more than half a year, and he didn't believe that she would cheat so easily.

And she has always wanted to immigrate to the lighthouse, doesn't she want to go now?
"Young man, why don't you talk? Don't worry, I have been driving a taxi for 20 years, and I can't lose the car in front of me." Seeing that the young man ignored him, Lao Xu was afraid that he would really complain.

After all, if you really complain, you will have to pay for it in real money.

"..." George remained silent, but he stopped calling at this time.

Because Lili's phone was turned off a few minutes ago.

If he would pick up the driver at this time, he is now concentrating on the Rolls Royce in front of him.

And it is ready, if Lili is supported or hugged down.

Then he will call the police directly, even if Su Wei is very powerful, he will fight hard.

"Young man, we're here," Lao Xu said all the way, and what he said later was meaningless.

Because this young man ignored his words at all.

It felt like his three souls and seven souls were taken away by someone.

"Master, where is this? Do you know?" George came to his senses when he heard the place.

It was only at this time that I realized that the surrounding environment was not a pitch-black place.

It's in the city center, and there are people coming and going everywhere.

At this time, he also saw Lili coming down, she didn't seem to be controlled at all.

"Oh here, this is Myst, the gold-consuming cave in the magic capital, where you can spend tens of thousands or even millions of dollars a night." Old Xu looked at it, and this is the famous Myst.

The famous KTV in Shanghai, the place where big bosses and rich second generations prefer to come.

Ordinary people may not even step through the gate here.

At this time, he also saw the guy's girlfriend, who looked really nice when she got off the co-pilot.

No wonder he was missed by the boss who drove a Rolls Royce, I can only blame this young man for not being good enough for her.

"Don't look, I'll give you the 100 yuan, and I'll give you the rest as a tip. You can go now." After seeing Lili and Su Wei get off the car, George took the initiative to take Su Wei's hand.

But Su Wei directly changed from holding hands to hugging waist.

However, his hand kept sliding down, and soon reached Lili's buttocks.

George in the taxi couldn't wait to go down and beat Su Wei up.

He actually took advantage of Lili so much, in front of so many people.

At this time, he found that the driver was also watching, and gave him 100 yuan to let him leave quickly.

"Bah, the fare is 98 yuan, and if you give me 100 yuan, people who don't know will think how generous it is.

So what about the lighthouse man, his girlfriend was snatched away by others.

And told me not to watch it, thinking I didn't see it, my girlfriend was eaten tofu in public"

. . . . . .

"It's here, it's here." Su Wei's hands were not idle all the way, he touched all the way.

Although I didn't go inside, I had enough tofu outside.

Especially thinking that George is behind, this feeling is even more exciting.

It's a pity that the taxi couldn't get past Su Wei, because there were several unlicensed Q7s blocking him.

"Brother Su, don't be like this, someone here can see it." Lili was groped as soon as she was groped in the car, but who knew that Su Wei would still grope after getting off.

This is a public opinion, she has a boyfriend after all.

And with people coming and going around her, it would be embarrassing for Su Wei to touch her butt.

"Oh Mr. Su? It's really you? When Mr. Li told me that you were coming, I couldn't believe it." The person who spoke was the salesman Su Wei met at myst before. He immediately saw Su Wei's car I greeted him.

If he still only regarded Su Wei as the famous rich second generation before.

Then this morning's news, he has completely changed his mind.

After all, the conflict between Su Wei and Yang Jiale has already been rumored.

Now that the Yang Group is such a big company, the person in charge will go in as soon as he says he wants to.

Who would not know that this is the result of Su Wei's shot.

"It's not my first time here, take me to Lao Li's box." Su Wei didn't want to act too much outside, anyway, George had already seen it.

Believe that at this time, he must be trembling with anger.

Su Wei is not a big-hearted person. If he offends Su Wei, he can still be good to him?
"Okay, Mr. Su, please come here." Yang Wu made room for Su Wei, and trotted to lead the way.

He has already notified the vice president in charge of all matters of KTV, and he said he will be there soon.

"Hi Mr. Su"

"Hi Mr. Su"

"Boss Su, can we take a photo together?"

When Su Wei went in, no matter it was the security guard or the receptionist.

They all greeted Su Wei very warmly, and some people asked for a group photo.

"Of course." Su Wei didn't expect that his influence would be so great now.

I spent so much money and bought so many cars before.

It didn't get as much attention as killing the Yang Group this time, after all, it is a company with a market value of tens of billions.

"Brother Su, you have too much reputation here." This is the first time Lili has met such a big boss with such a high reputation.

It's not that she hasn't come here to drink with those young rich second generations before, but those young rich second generations came here.

It's basically marketing with this kind of big KTV, and the relationship between them is like brotherhood.

It's not like Su Wei, who seems to give them a lot of face after coming here.

If it weren't for the crowds here, I feel like these people would kneel and lick.

"Isn't it better to have a bigger card?" Su Wei was also happy, thinking that this KTV is too sensible.

He had received this treatment in OT in Kyoto before, but that was because he spent several million there.

But here he didn't spend that much money, maybe not even 100 million.

"Of course the cards are big." Lili took Su Wei's hand even harder at this time.

She didn't want to meet Su Wei's friends at all at this time, she just wanted to go to an empty box with Su Wei.

It's best for the two of them to be in that box, so that she can strengthen her relationship with Su Wei.

"Mr. Su, Mr. Li's box has arrived." Yang Wuhui has been waiting for Su Wei at the entrance of the KTV. The important reason is that no wine has been ordered inside.

After all, today is Su Wei's treat, and Li Ziwei and the others will definitely not compete to order wine.

"Then Lili, go in with Xiao Yang first, and I will explain something to my bodyguards." Su Wei must explain something, otherwise what if George who followed behind came in to make trouble.

Since Lili has come today, Su Wei has no intention of letting her go.

"Brother Su, have you always brought so many bodyguards? Didn't they all see the scene outside just now?" Lili was too excited before, so she didn't pay attention to the people behind.

It was only after Su Wei reminded that Su Wei had so many bodyguards behind him.

That's what Su Wei did to her outside just now.

Haven't they all been seen by these people?She really wanted to dig a hole in the ground right now.

"They can't see what's going on inside, go in quickly." Su Wei didn't know why Lili was shy, after all, he didn't put his hand in.

And she came here dressed so coquettishly today, pretending to be a virgin with him here.

"Then, hey, okay." Lili originally wanted to pretend to be a wave of innocence, but found that Su Wei didn't like this at all.

She had no choice but to follow the marketing lead. It seemed that she thought of Su Wei a little easier.

But think about it, a big guy like Su Wei.

How could it be so easy to take the bait, if so easy to take the bait.

The person who caught him might be Duoduo, not Xuanxuan.

"Old Liu, you met this girl's boyfriend at the auto show. If he finds him later, remember not to let him in to make trouble." Lao Liu was always by Su Wei's side at the auto show, but George and the others didn't notice That's all.

Now that Su Wei asked Liu Qiang to stare at George, it must be impossible for him to come in.

After all, Su Wei has seen the strength of Liu Qiang and the others.

"Don't worry, boss, I know his boyfriend, I will definitely not let him in." Liu Qiang witnessed the whole process of the auto show before.

He knew at that time that the people of this lighthouse country would be unlucky, and now it really came true.

"Well, I don't worry about your work."

(End of this chapter)

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