Do whatever you want from today

Chapter 3 Buying a Car

Chapter 3 Buying a Car

The money problem has been settled, and now Su Wei is busy with his own house. The Huangpu Bay house in Greentown has not yet been handed over, but the ICBC commissioner accompanied him to change the name, and Su Wei bought 5 parking spaces by the way.

Su Wei went to see Gubei No. 80 and liked it very much. Except that it is a little far from the city center, there is nothing wrong with it.The house itself has three parking spaces, and Su Wei bought two parking spaces at the property for 5 each.After the house was transferred, [-] people were arranged to clean it carefully, and the commissioner was there to supervise the whole process.

The ICBC commissioner is called Chen Lihua, and he is very efficient.

In the case of Tan Gong, because it is a blank, and this house Su Wei intends to live in for his parents, so he plans to wait for a while, find a designer to come up with a design plan, and then decorate it properly.

When Gubei No. 1 was able to move in, it was already January 13th. Su Wei had already lived in the hotel for almost a week. These days, Chen Lihua picked up the car when he went out. Now Su Wei is going back to the shared apartment. To pick up the luggage, I don't want Chen Lihua to pick it up, I plan to come by myself.

I took a taxi back to the shared apartment in the suburbs. It was more than 3 p.m. and there was no one in the house. The people in the other two rooms hadn’t left work yet. I checked my things and found that I had nothing to bring, except a diploma. Holding my diploma, I called the waste collector on the small advertisement in the corridor, and gave him all the other things. There was only one request: take the things away, and clean up the sanitation.

Then I called the landlord and told her that she was about to cancel the lease. The landlord told Su Wei that the remaining rent could be refunded to him, but the deposit could not be refunded because he had breached the contract.

After the negotiation, the landlord came over on a battery scooter more than 10 minutes later, checked the room, found nothing damaged, and forwarded the rest of the room fee to Su Wei on WeChat.

After finishing the co-rental work, I called Didi and went straight to Gubei No. [-].

Su Wei slept alone in the room at night, and was a little scared. After all, he was the only one in a 680-square-meter house. He had no choice but to turn on all the lights in the house and turn on the lights to sleep.

When I got up at noon, I went to the bathroom naked to take a shower and wash up, and then I remembered that I was living in my own home now, without hotel service, and no one helped me to do the laundry anymore, and Su Wei was in the shared room yesterday, changing clothes. I didn't take any clothes.

I ordered a takeaway first, and while waiting for the takeaway, I called Chen Lihua.

"Old Chen, help me find an aunt who orders takeaway every day, I'm tired of eating"

"Okay, Mr. Su, do you have any requirements for Auntie?"

"The food is delicious, and it is best to cook Hunan and Sichuan dishes"

"Okay, Mr. Su"

Auntie's matter is settled, Su Wei plans to go shopping today, and has earned tens of millions in the past few days, and bought a few parking spaces without spending much money.

Open WeChat and scroll down from the top to the bottom. There are only about 200 friends, including dozens of bank staff. Otherwise, the number can only be said to be even smaller.

It has been more than a year for normal people to go to work, so it is impossible to have such friends. When Su Wei changed his mobile phone and mobile phone number, he spent an hour deleting all unfamiliar and unfamiliar numbers, and deleting small numbers. One thousand people.

After searching for a long time, I couldn't find anyone to go shopping with me, so I had to go by myself.

Su Wei plans to buy a car first. Men, who doesn't love cars, have money, so don't spend it hard.

In some novels, pig feet are about 20 years old and buy an a8 or 760 car. God, young people buy this kind of car, maybe they have a sick mind.

Su Wei is rich, so he must have bought a sports car, just to pretend to be aggressive. Young people are not young and frivolous. They look like they are 20 when they are 50. What's the point of that?

For the first car, Su Wei plans to buy a Porsche. After all, it is the best driving car among sports cars. The specific model to buy depends on what cars are in the store.

After eating the takeaway, I found the nearest Porsche 4S store on the map of my mobile phone, and then called Didi.

When I arrived at the Porsche 4S store, it was like shopping in a vegetable market. There were so many people, and there were people in front of every salesperson. It just so happened that Su Wei could take a look by himself.

The Cayenne and Macan are the most displayed in the store, and these two are Porsche's best-selling products.

The closest to the door is a 718. After looking at the 718, the car is so small, especially when there is a 911 in the back. I sat in and felt it. It was okay to come in. There is no such small car outside. Feel.After seeing that most of the people following 718 were girls, Su Wei left silently to look at other cars.

Don't look at Macan and Cayenne, just look at Panamera and 911.

The space of the Panamera is larger than that of the 718 and 911, but it didn't give Su Wei a feeling of excitement just sitting in it. Although the space of the 911 is small, it has better packaging. The result is obvious, so the decision is 911.

The car looks almost ready, so I greeted the salesman

"Is there any sales, come here personally"

There are quite a lot of sales people who heard Su Wei's greeting, but most of them have customers. Only Liu Yue has just finished working with a customer and was planning to drink a glass of water. Much more important than drinking water.

"Hi, I'm Porsche's sales consultant, Liu Yue, I'm sorry, but the store is too busy, so I didn't come to entertain you"

"It's okay, I want to test drive the 911, you can arrange it for me"

"Okay, give me your driver's license, I'll register for you here, and then arrange for a test driver to come and take you." Liu Yue was quite speechless. She didn't have a word when she came, and she started the test drive directly. This person will not come here Just test drive the car.

Su Wei handed Liu Yue his driver's license. He got his driver's license last year. He had driven the Lavida at home, but he often drove it in his previous life, so he didn't panic when he drove 911.

When Liu Yue saw Su Wei filling in his phone number, looking at his string of 5s, she felt that his number was filled in random.

"Mr. Su, is this phone number your WeChat account? Is it convenient for me to add you as a friend?"

Su Wei took a look at Liu Yue, above 160 and below 170, around 25 years old, with a good figure, and looks above 80 points.

"Yes" is definitely rejected if it doesn't look good.

After Liu Yue finished adding friends, she called Su Wei on her mobile phone, and when she saw Su Wei's phone was on, she immediately hung up.

"President Su, this is my phone number. If you don't mind, you can give me a note." After saying this, Liu Yue went to the test driver to arrange a test drive.

Su Wei didn't know that Liu Yue had been tricked, and thought that he was really planning to add friends and leave a phone call.

Liu Yue found the test driver and told him that he must drive that kind of feeling that people will never forget once they experience it.

"Xiao Liu, your client is so stable."

"That's a must, my customer, if you want him to love this car, I believe he can order it today." The main reason is that Liu Yue has confidence in Su Wei's phone number. Buying a car is like buying a toy to them.

(End of this chapter)

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