Do whatever you want from today

Chapter 310 Su Wei's Gold and Silver Arrived

Chapter 310 Su Wei's Gold and Silver Arrived

"Wait, I haven't finished talking yet. If you choose the one on the right, your house will still be demolished. Then I will build a new villa for you for free. Note that it is the kind of villa in the city." To Su Wei For the villagers, it is only a small amount of money to build villas for the villagers.

After all, for the main body, it is now only a square in the early 1000s.

A villa of 300 square meters, that is, 30 yuan can be done without packing and repairing.

Even if it is to build such a hundred villas, it is only more than 3000 million.

For Su Wei, it was two days' interest money.

But he didn't like those villagers who slaughtered him as a fat pig, after all he didn't know them.

Moreover, Su Wei has already checked the new road and found that the exit there is very close to the bridge river.

As for the exit of this old road, it is very close to the county town.

When he comes back in the future, he should always come from Qiaojiang Airport. The new road will allow him to go back to the village without detours.

"Weiwei, our house is not on the side of the road, can we demolish it?" Among the people who came this time, some people's houses were not near the road.

They are very nervous now, wondering if their house will be demolished and a new one will be given to them.

After all, from the beginning to the present, no one has told them the rules.

"Your house is not on the side of the road. What does repairing the house have to do with you people?" Su Qiang sarcastically heard someone on the right asking this question.

After all, he was now, and he still thought that Su Wei would repair the old road.

As for the gimmicks to get these new villas built now, they just want to trick them into demolishing the houses obediently.

After they all choose to demolish the house, Su Wei will definitely widen the old road.

Su Qiang is not in a hurry now, if the requirements are not met, he will not move even if he is beaten to death.

"This time, all the villagers voted, so it doesn't matter whether your old house is on the side of the road or not, as long as you vote for one-for-one, there will be villa subsidies.

And the location of your new house should be on the side of the newly built road, and the school and hospital will all be on that side." Su Wei's original goal was to build Tiger Village into a rural area like Jiangsu and Zhejiang.

And he has decided to move all the villagers to the new road, and he will build a school and a hospital in the village.

Anyway, he will put it there in the future village square.

As for the words here, he intends to engage in hygiene.

He doesn't plan to care about other things.

"Well, Weiwei, do we have to pay for the renovation?" Some people have repaired a house in their hometown and can buy another house in the city.

And some people still have no money to repair new houses.

This time they moved to a new house, if Su Wei didn't decorate them.

They can't even pay for the decoration themselves, and they may only be able to live in the rough.

"Of course not. Not only do you not need to pay for the decoration, but I will also fix everything in the yard for you. When the time comes, you can just bring your clothes and quilts to live in. I will also cover all the furniture and appliances for you." Su Wei Since They all chose to be taken advantage of, so of course they would go straight to the end.

Not only is it a new house for them, but also all the furniture and appliances in it are directly provided to them.

At that time, in these new houses, the furniture and appliances in the house they live in now will be complete.

He equipped them with air conditioners, refrigerators, TVs, washing machines, dryers, and ovens.

At that time, he will make this group of people who voted on the left drool when they see the people who voted on the right this time.

I'm afraid they don't know that Su Wei is very vengeful.

"How big is that house? There are 7 people in my family. Can everyone be allocated a room?" The person who spoke was an older elder in the village.

Although he is only over 50 years old, his seniority is too high.

What he was more worried about was whether he could have his own room.

After all, there are 7 people in their family, so at least 5 rooms are enough to live in.

"Don't worry, grandpa. I built a villa this time based on the head count on the household registration book. As long as the household registration is still in the village, everyone can get 60 square meters. As for the daughter who is married, the household registration is now moved to The man went there, and I will make up 30 square meters for her in your house.

If you have a small family, the minimum standard will also provide you with a 300-square-meter villa.

If it exceeds 500 square meters, you can choose to divide it into two sets of 300 square meters villas.

When the design drawings come over, you can make your own designs." Su Wei didn't intend to make every house exactly the same when he was repairing the house this time.

It just so happens that Liu Hua's apprentices are here, and they can be directly asked to draw the design drawings.

Although such a house is a bit troublesome, at least it is much better than the same one.

Su Wei's suggestion this time was also discussed with Su Xiaoming.

Those daughters who are married must at least have a place to live when they return to their natal homes.

"Then there are seven people in my family, and I have a daughter who is married off, and she gave birth to two children, how much is our family flat?" The grandfather is a bit clueless about this, because he doesn't know how his grandson counts. Not counting heads.

Now that Su Wei is here, he happened to ask clearly.

Otherwise, after Su Wei left, his subordinates would not be so easy to talk to.

"This is not easy to calculate. For example, there are 7 people in your family, which means 420 square meters.

Your daughter, son-in-law, and two grandchildren all have 30 square meters, and they can add 120 square meters to you.

That is to say, your home has 540 square meters. According to my regulations, that is, if it exceeds 500 square meters, you can divide it into two sets of 300 square meters. "Su Wei thought that the old man was too old, so he couldn't do arithmetic.

In fact, he didn't know, they wanted him to explain the rules clearly.

After all, when the people under him do things, they will use chicken feathers as arrows.

What if he doesn't give all the area of ​​his son-in-law and grandson.

Now after he asked clearly, it wasn't just an extra 90 flats, but an extra 150 flats.

"Oh, this is good, this is good, Weiwei, you are a great benefactor of Tiger Village." The house in the grandfather's house was repaired many years ago.

In fact, his family has long wanted to repair the house, but has no money.

After all, there are many people in his family, and if he repairs it by himself, it will cost at least hundreds of thousands of dollars.

The people standing on the right this time are basically from relatively poor families.

They want to build a new house but have no money, and they don't want to gamble on such a good thing as repairing the house and paying back the money.

It has now been proven that they were indeed right.

"Don't say that, I'm also from Tiger Village, and I was born here, so I should make some contribution to the village." In Su Wei's family, the person who has the deepest affection for Tiger Village is definitely Su Xiaoming.

As for Su Wei, there is only a little affection, but not deep.

This time I will spend so much money in the village, mainly because I want it to be better.

After all, his grandfather's grave is still buried here.

Every year in the future, he will come back here to visit the grave.

If this place is dirty, he can't stand it.

"Good people, Su Xiaoming's family are really great good people." Some old people burst into tears when they heard that the conditions were so good.

Because of Su Wei's generous investment, it can be said that every company on the right side has made hundreds of thousands of dollars.

For people like them, it's normal to shed tears of joy.

"Su Wei, what about the people on our left?" The people on the left saw that the people on the right had such good qualifications, and they were really envious.

After all, I built a small villa for you and let you move in with your bags.

The people on the left haven't made a fuss yet, and are still wondering if Su Wei will build a house for them too.

"You chose the one on the left? Don't the people on your left like to stay in the old place? I won't demolish your house, and I won't demolish this road. You can just continue to live here when the time comes." Su Wei is definitely not Will demolish the houses of these people, after all, they are greedy.

If you want to say that Su Wei is here to make money this time, then Su Wei should share points with everyone.

But Su Wei is not, he is here to help the villagers live better for free.

You still want to suck blood at this time, isn't it because Su Wei is easy to bully.

Su Wei is not a good person.

"Weiwei, I'm on the right. I was originally on the right. I came here because I was tricked." When the people on the right heard what Su Wei said, they all exploded.

What does it mean?This means that Su Wei doesn't care about the people on their left.

What about their new house?After all, they are different from those who stood firmly on the left from the beginning.

Most of those who stood firmly on the left from the beginning were from families with a little money.

They were not very surprised that Su Wei didn't build a house for them.

"That's right, Su Qiang lied to us. We don't need money for the house." But the number of rich people like that is still small after all.

If you really have a little more money, you basically transfer your account to the city.

Su Wei would never build a house for those who did not have a registered permanent residence in the village.

Because apart from a homestead, their household registration is no longer here.

"Boss Su, the people from ICBC called me and said that we have arrived at the intersection, and we need to find someone to pick him up." At this time, Zhang Ruoyu leaned into Su Wei's ear and told him that Baiyin was coming.

Of course, Zhang Ruoyu didn't know that there was gold on this car.

She just thought that there were dozens of tons of silver in this cart.

"This is all your own choice, and it's useless to make trouble with me.

Liu Qiang, you ask someone to go outside to pick him up, and then we will go to the new house now." Su Wei came back today because of gold.

As for the problem of this house, the main reason is that he just happened to meet it.

If you don't encounter this incident, it is likely to be the end.

It was Liu Hua who opened the new road silently, and he didn't even know that there had been quarrels in the village over this matter.

"Su Wei, you are not allowed to leave, please speak clearly to me." Others wanted to stop Su Wei, but they were stopped by the bodyguards.

This time Su Wei came back with more than 20 bodyguards.

They could only watch Su Wei helplessly, and just got into the car and drove away.

"I don't want money anymore, I just want a house, woo woo woo"

. . . . . .

"What's wrong with Yuanyuan? Did you eat too much just now?" Su Wei was in the car, and he was in a good mood.

After all, his gold and silver are coming soon.

At this time, seeing Wang Xiaoyuan touching her belly, she guessed that she must have eaten too much.

Because when he was eating just now, he also added a bowl.

"Auntie's chicken is so delicious, I just ate two big bowls of meat." Wang Xiaoyuan didn't expect the chicken in the village to be so tender.

Just now, grandma and aunt kept picking up vegetables for her, and she ate two bowls of meat without knowing it.

When I sat in the car, I realized that I had eaten my stomach.

"The chickens here are all local chickens, and they are not fed. If you like it, then buy some and take it back when we leave." Su Wei saw that Wang Xiaoyuan liked it, and he planned to take some chickens back when he left.

When he just ate it, he also thought the chicken was delicious.

When he didn't make a fortune before, he thought the chicken was delicious and thought it was because he ate less good things.

Now he has almost nothing to eat, and the chicken is still very delicious.

That proves that this chicken is indeed more delicious.

"It's ok, anyway, there are many refrigerators at home, it doesn't matter if you buy more than a dozen and keep them at home." Wang Xiaoyuan didn't know what Su Wei was doing, so she bought two spare refrigerators at home.

This time I bought more chicken, just enough to put it all in the refrigerator.

"Yuanyuan, how about I set up a chicken farm in the village, and I will send some to Shanghai every once in a while." It's not a thing to buy all the time, because the quality cannot be guaranteed.

Only by raising it yourself can the quality be ensured.

So at this time, Su Wei thought of raising some chickens by himself.

When the time comes, find a few people and pay them the same wages as going to work.

In this way, he can continue to receive the chicken delivered here in Shanghai.

"Can large-scale breeding be done? Can it reach the quality just now?" Wang Xiaoyuan also ate a lot of good things, knowing that large-scale breeding of good things is often impossible.

If the quality of the meat is not as good as it is today, then she feels that there is no need to raise it herself.

"That's definitely no problem. At that time, I will build two mountains and use them to raise chickens. I will sprinkle worms on them every day. The quality of the meat may be even better than today." Enough exercise and nutrition, Su Wei is very happy. Have confidence to do well.

If it doesn't work, please invite a few graduates from the Department of Animal Husbandry to work.

Anyway, this is what he eats, so Su Wei definitely doesn't care about the cost.

"President Su, don't the leaders of the county want you to invest? You can invest in breeding, pigs, sheep, and cattle can all be raised." Zhang Ruoyu ate the beef today, and it was delicious. .

She couldn't eat spicy food at first, but now she started to eat spicy food with Su Wei.

She felt that the fried beef today was very tender.

"Hey, Xiao Zhang, you reminded me. If we want to do farming, there is a place in our county where there are dozens of islands. I will specially hire a few islands for farming."

. . . . . .

"Su Qiang, I was standing over there and doing well, but I came here only after listening to your words. It's all your fault." The people who came here with a weak will are now besieging Su Qiang.

They are also angry, they have already chosen that side.

It was Su Qiang who shouted here, saying that there was more money standing here.

They also came here after hearing this.

"What does your coming have anything to do with me? Did I ask you to come here? Didn't you come because you were greedy for money?" Su Qiang didn't expect this to be the result, and he was also dumbfounded.

Originally, he wanted to build a new house this year, because Su Wei's matter of widening the road came out.

That's why he didn't fix it, and planned to take a house for nothing and get some money.

Now Su Wei doesn't expand the old road, but he doesn't plan to renovate the house either.

Because if it is really repaired now, it will cost my own money.

The money for other people's house repairs was all paid by Su Wei.

Su Qiang is not cultivating now, nor is he not cultivating.

"It's not that you told us that this time it's a vote, and the minority obeys the majority, otherwise I wouldn't have come here at all." The eyes of many people surrounding Su Qiang were red with anger.

If they don't pay for the new house, then they have no objection.

But now the opposite is building a new house, but they don't, so of course I feel unbalanced.

For them at this time, they must be looking for a scapegoat.

Su Qiang, who danced the most before, became this person.

"I just saw Su Xiaojun's wife standing over there, and I knew something was wrong today" because Su Wei had lunch at Su Xiaojun's house today.

They thought that Su Wei must have revealed something to Su Xiaojun's family.

But in fact, Su Wei didn't say anything, just because she was afraid that her aunt would not be able to help telling others.

It's just that his aunt loves Su Wei's money, so she stands on the right side.

"This Su Xiaojun's wife is too selfish. The folks in the village didn't even tell us. When I asked her just now, she said she didn't know." Although Su Wei had already left, no one else had left.

The two groups of people who stood in line just now were discussing enthusiastically.

People who have a new house are always calculating how big their home can be.

People who don't have a new house are discussing how to have a new house.

"No, we can't just leave it like this. We're going to make a fuss with Su Wei. If he doesn't give us a house, then we'll make him fail to repair the road." It was the sixth uncle who spoke.

Before, he and Su Qiang were the most determined people who asked Su Wei to pay for the house and compensation.

Now that his house is not demolished, he can't accept it even more.

Because according to what Su Wei just said, his family can get two big villas.

Moreover, the two villas are all well-decorated and can be moved in with bags.

"Drip, drip"

"Hey, what kind of car is this?" The villagers who were discussing were awakened by the sound of the car horn.

I saw an Audi off-road vehicle at the beginning, and all the bank deposit cars behind it.

"The one at the beginning is the car driven by Su Wei's bodyguard. Have you seen the cars in the back? I saw armed policemen with guns." Su Wei's bodyguard's car is so easy to recognize. After all, the Audi off-road vehicle with the license plate of Shanghai is in the county. It is also the only one.

But the car in the back was awesome, and the money-paying car was actually full of armed police.

And the most amazing thing is that they all brought guns.

"I saw it too, let's go, let's see what's going on.

Uncle Liu, are you going or not? There are so many armed policemen here now. If you make trouble, don’t shoot you here later.” Some people who choose to take the house just heard Uncle Liu’s words.

Now that there are so many armed police, he doesn't believe that Uncle Liu dares to stop the construction.

After all, it can be seen from so many armed policemen that Su Wei's background should be super awesome.

"I, I just went to Su Wei to make an argument and see if my house can be demolished. I'm not the kind of person who swears." Seeing so many armed policemen, Uncle Liu's feet went limp.

When speaking, he was not as stiff as before.

"Ha ha ha ha"

(End of this chapter)

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