Chapter 399

The next day.

"I can't accompany you to the ranch this time, you must be careful when you go there." When Wang Xiaoyuan saw Su Wei off at the airport, she was a little reluctant to part.

Because she was stopped by Zhang Guihua this time, and she was not allowed to go to Montana to see the ranch.

The main reason was because Wang Xiaoyuan was pregnant and was afraid of accidents.

But Wang Xiaoyuan doesn't have to feel bored, Xiaoya and Zhang Guihua will stay with her.

"Don't worry, I heard that the law and order in Montana is very good. After I buy the ranch, you will fly there." Su Wei raised his hands in favor of Wang Xiaoyuan's refusal.

After all, they were going to see the ranch this time, not to travel there.

The roads in the mountains are definitely not as good as those in the cities.

Of course, the roads in the cities of Laomei are just average.

If Wang Xiaoyuan bumps a few times in the past, who knows if the baby in her stomach will be safe.

So to be on the safe side, of course she had better not go.

Moreover, Chen Yihua was negotiating the price with the landlord for the house in Xingang, so she was also needed to sit here.

"Brother Su, I went to Montana. Remember to supervise Ah Feng for me, or let him fool around everywhere." Xiaoya was going to go this time. After all, she had never been in contact with the ranch before, so she was very curious.

But seeing that Wang Xiaoyuan wasn't going, she didn't go either.

She can't leave her girlfriend behind and run to Montana by herself.

Anyway, she couldn't do this kind of thing.

"Are you mistaken? This time we are going to Montana to see the ranch. The ranch is deep in the mountains. Where can I fool around?" Li Renfeng's words were indeed correct.

Because the pastures are basically in the countryside.

And the state they went to this time was Montana.

It can't be said to be a backcountry, but it is indeed deep in the mountains.

"I'm just warning you, don't have such thoughts, give me your thoughts as soon as possible." Xiaoya also realized at this time, what kind of place is Montana.

This state is the fourth largest state in the United States, but its total population is less than 100 million.

In such a place, they really have no place to play.

"Okay, okay, you people, don't be reluctant to part with me in front of me, and point me on purpose." Li Ziwei was really speechless when he saw their couple say goodbye.

If he had known this, he would have brought his girlfriend.

You don't need to watch them send candy, just to stimulate him.

In fact, one of the important reasons why he didn't bring his girlfriend this time was because he was afraid that the relationship between Su Wei and Wu Xiaoxuan would be exposed.

After all, Lele is Wu Xiaoxuan's best friend, and he is afraid that she will accidentally tell the story.

"Who asked you not to bring your girlfriend, if you brought her, why would you be so boring?" Li Ziwei and Lele have been together for more than a month.

But Wang Xiaoyuan and the others have never seen Lele.

So they were quite curious about Li Ziwei's girlfriend.

I thought I could see her this time, but I didn't expect that he would not bring her here.

"Let's go, otherwise Weiwei will be blackened." Su Wei checked the time, it was already 10 o'clock.

If you don't start again, you may not see the pasture today.

After all, they are flying to Montana now, and it will take nearly three hours.

Last night Jennifer asked them to leave early.

"Where's the real estate agent? Didn't he go with you?" Wang Xiaoyuan looked around, but couldn't find the real estate agent.

Up to now, Wang Xiaoyuan and the others don't even know that the intermediary is a woman.

"She has already flown to Montana ahead of schedule. She will pick you up when we go there this time, so don't worry." Jennifer had already flown to Montana after finishing the conversation the night before.

After all, to visit the ranch this time, she needs to make an appointment first.

With such a large ranch, no one will take care of it without an appointment.

"Then we're going back, remember to call us when you get there." Zhang Guihua was quite relieved about Su Wei's safety.

After all, Su Wei and the others were followed by three bodyguards.

Zhang Guihua has not yet realized the biggest difference between China and here.

So she couldn't understand why Wang Xiaoyuan and the others were so worried.

"Know it"

. . . . . .

"Wow, it's so cold, it's already June in Montana, why is it still so cold?" Li Ziwei felt a gust of cold air enter the plane when he saw the cabin door open.

He was wearing a T-shirt, and goosebumps came out right then.

Just before the plane landed, he clearly saw that it was sunny outside.

"Whoever asked you to pretend to be aggressive told you to wear a coat. You thought you didn't need to wear clothes if you were so fat." Su Wei had already asked Li Ziwei to wear some clothes just before landing.

But Li Ziwei thinks that the weather is good today, and a T-shirt is enough.

Su Wei saw that Li Ziwei wasn't wearing it, so he ignored him, and put on a windbreaker honestly.

"No, I have to come in and get dressed first.

Uncle, your clothes are exaggerated, you are wearing a down jacket." Li Ziwei felt that it was still too cold, so he ran inside and changed.

At this moment, he saw Su Xiaoming putting on a thin down jacket.

"You and my dad are two extremes, one is too thick, the other is too thin." Su Wei wore a windbreaker and thought it was just right.

He couldn't understand why his father was exaggerating so much.

But the body of the old man may indeed be a little worse.

"Weiwei, is the agency here? Do you want to give her a call?" Su Xiaoming wore short sleeves underneath and a thin down jacket outside.

Originally, he was wearing a thin coat.

But the gust of wind just now was too cold, so he couldn't help changing into a thin down jacket.

Anyway, others don't know whether it's cold or not, but he himself knows it.

"I sent her a message before I got off the plane, and she said right away, get on." Before Su Wei got off the plane, he had already sent a message to Jennifer.

After all, they don't have anyone they know well here in Montana, so they can only rely on Jennifer.

When Su Wei was talking, he saw two cars coming from a distance, and then stopped beside the Gulfstream G650.

He was so surprised because these two cars are all pickup trucks.

And Su Wei also saw the person in the car, it was the real estate salesman Jennifer who would be killed by her assistant Emily.

"Hi, Su, welcome to the State of the Sky." This time, Jennifer rented two cars to welcome Su Wei.

After all, Su Wei and the others originally had five people, and with the bodyguards, there were eight people.

Together with the two of them, it was just enough to make up two cars.

"This is?" Su Wei has never been in a pickup truck since he became rich.

Although I know the United States, the acceptance of pickup trucks is very high.

But in his own words, he is quite resistant to pickups.

Because before he went to his father's construction site, he often took a pickup truck.

That old domestic pickup made a particularly bad impression on him.

"This is because we are going to a ranch, so I arranged a pickup truck this time." Many roads in the country are relatively broken.

So Jennifer can choose only off-road vehicles and pickups.

But this time in Bozeman City, all the off-road vehicles are Wranglers with such a huge chassis.

After thinking about it, Jennifer chose the pickup truck.

"This car, this car seems to be a Raptor F350, isn't it Jennifer?" Li Renfeng felt a little familiar when he saw the pickup truck driven by Jennifer.

After looking at it for a while, I found that it seemed to be a Raptor F350.

"Yes, this car is the Raptor F350. Jacob, you like this car too?" Jennifer herself really loves the Raptor F350.

After all, this big guy has a big V8 heart.

There is a Raptor F150 on her father's farm.

If it weren't for her frequent business trips, she would definitely have bought one.

"He likes a shitty pickup truck, he must know it because he has it on his farm." Su Wei saw through it at a glance, and Li Renfeng was planning to fall in love with him.

I don't know how this guy can see that Jennifer likes this big guy.

Anyway, Su Wei knew that Li Renfeng definitely didn't like this big guy.

Because he likes the same car as Su Wei, he likes that kind of super sports car.

"Haha, then let's get in the car, which one of you will take my Raptor?" This time Jennifer and her little assistant drove a car each.

After all, Su Wei is a guest, so it's not easy for her to let them drive.

So the two of them planned to be drivers by themselves.

"Miss Jennifer, how long will it take us to drive to the Mountain Sword Ranch this time?" Su Wei and the others went to the Mountain Sword Ranch first this time.

As for why, it seems to be because he heard from Jennifer.

It is because the Mountaineering Sword Ranch is relatively close to the city, so the first stop is arranged here.

"The Mountaineering Sword Ranch is very close to the airport, and it only takes two hours to drive there." This time, Jennifer arranged for the Mountaineering Sword Ranch first because it is closer to the city.

If you go to the beaver farm, the journey will be even further.

"Two hours to drive? Can I drive this car?" Su Wei didn't expect that the two-hour journey would be relatively short.

He didn't even know how far the beaver manor was from the city or the airport.

Su Wei wanted to drive a pickup truck, not because he suddenly fell in love with it.

Just because he doesn't like being in other positions, bouncing all the time.

"Su, can you drive this car if you want? Do you have a driver's license?" Jennifer now knows that Su Wei is coming to the United States for the first time.

It would be very troublesome if he was caught without a driver's license.

"I don't have an American driver's license, but I have already exchanged for an international driver's license, and I can drive for a few months." Su Wei had already changed his international driver's license before coming to the United States.

So within three months, he was able to drive on the road.

But if it takes too long, it won't work.

However, he has also applied for a U.S. driver's license, and he can take the test just waiting for him to return to California from Montana.

"Okay, I'll give you the key." Jennifer heard that Su Wei had an international driver's license, so she handed the key to Su Wei without any nonsense.

After all, if someone is willing to drive, she can't wait for it.

"Are you in the car, we're leaving"

. . . . . .

"Brother Su, you drove too fast just now, no matter how hard we chase you, we can't catch up with you." Su Wei and the others arrived in Bozeman City after driving for more than an hour.

Because it has been driving for so long, everyone plans to eat and take a rest.

Li Ziwei complained that Su Wei drove too fast, and their F150 couldn't catch up with them.

"When you get to this kind of place, the speed will go up unconsciously." The western rural areas of the United States really interpreted a sentence, the land is vast and the population is sparse.

Because when they drive, they can't see people or cars for a long time.

In such an environment, Su Wei drove fast unconsciously.

"Look, Weiwei, that person is dressed like a cowboy." Su Xiaoming saw a person in a cowboy outfit in the restaurant.

Su Xiaoming was very curious about such a dress.

After all, this is his first time in America, and he was still in the city of Irvine this morning.

It was the first time he had seen this western cowboy outfit, so he was particularly curious.

"Uncle, Montana is the western part of the United States, and they have a cowboy tradition here." Zhang Ruoyu followed Su Wei to Montana this time, and she also did her homework.

Although the climate here in Montana is not like the loess scorching sun in the movie.

But here in Montana, it really is the western part of the United States.

"Awei, after you buy the ranch, we will also wear the same clothes at that time." Li Ziwei saw the cowboy outfit and thought it was pretty good-looking.

After all, everyone has seen American movies, and who hasn't performed the scene of confrontation with guns in private with their friends.

Especially after opening the grab, be sure to blow the smoke.

Now that he has the opportunity, he will definitely come to a cosplay.

"No problem, we will get you a good horse when the time comes, and we will also play with the cowboy style.

Miss Jennifer, how far is Mountaineering Sword Ranch? "Although Su Wei had a great time driving, he still wanted to know how far the ranch was.

After all, it was almost three o'clock in the afternoon, and they hadn't arrived at the Mountaineering Sword Ranch yet.

If it's too late, Su Wei plans to start again tomorrow.

"After waiting for Bozeman City, we will be able to reach Mountaineering Sword Ranch in half an hour's drive. The agent entrusted by the owner of the ranch is already waiting for us in the ranch." Jennifer and the agent of Mountaineering Sword Ranch yesterday After chatting, I called Su Wei.

On the phone, she had repeatedly told Su Wei to come earlier.

After all, this is buying a ranch, and the location must be far away from human habitation.

Who knew that Su Wei and the others only set off at ten o'clock this morning.

"You guys are here to see the Mountaineering Sword Ranch." At this time, the owner of the restaurant came to Su Wei and his table and chatted with them.

Because he is quite curious about Asians.

Although there are already tens of millions of Asians in the United States.

But in a place like Montana, you don't see many Asians.

"How did you know?" Su Wei wondered, how did the boss know that they went to see the Mountaineering Sword Ranch.

When he came over just now, they didn't chat.

And when the white boss came over, he used affirmative sentences.

"Because in the past few days, many people dressed like you have come to eat in my shop. They all went to see the Mountaineering Sword Ranch." Mostly Asian faces.

Mountaineering Sword is the largest private ranch in Bozeman, and the locals here will definitely pay attention to it.

Su Wei and the others could tell from their attire that they were from a big city.

So the boss guessed that they were going to the Mountaineering Sword Ranch for inspection.

"Are there a lot of people going?" Su Wei didn't expect that so many people would like this Mountaineering Sword Ranch.

At the beginning, he thought that there would be very few people looking at this kind of ranch with hundreds of millions.

"Yes, there are probably five or six groups of people." These five or six groups of people just came into the store to eat.

As for how many other groups of people did not enter the store, the store owner does not know.

"It seems that the Mountaineering Sword Ranch is still a sweet pastry, so let's go after eating."

(End of this chapter)

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