When Su Wei left the airport, it was almost 11 o'clock in the evening.

"It's been so long, Fan Wenqi, you've become more beautiful." Su Wei came outside the airport, and Fan Wenqi had been waiting for a long time.

This time she came to pick up Su Wei, and arranged for a Mercedes-Benz Maybach S-Class.

In addition, there are two cars behind, which should be the Mercedes-Benz GLE that Su Wei's bodyguards and the others sat in.

"You say it so nicely now, but it won't change the fact that you released my pigeons this morning. Get in the car." Despite Fan Wenqi's face now, she is actually quite happy in her heart.

After all, she was pregnant with Su Wei's child in her stomach.

There has been a bond between her and Su Wei since they had children.

"I let you go, isn't it because I have something to do in my hometown. I plan to make more contributions to my hometown this time, and I flew over here in an emergency at night." After getting into the car, Su Wei found that it was Zhou Light rain drives.

He had actually coveted Zhou Xiaoyu's words for a long time.

It was just because Zhou Xiaoyu was Fan Wenqi's secretary that he didn't attack her.

Unexpectedly, she was wearing a mother's skirt today, which made Su Wei feel a little itchy.

"Come here now, everyone is gone, I can only wait for you to meet him next time." Fan Wenqi called Su Wei over this time, intending to let him meet Zheng Ziyang.

I hope that while Su Wei can drive Zheng Ziyang away, her family will know that her sexual orientation is normal now.

There was no need for someone like Zheng Ziyang to straighten her orientation.

"Who do you want to introduce me to? Call me to the capital in such a hurry." Hearing Fan Wenqi's words, Su Wei took his eyes away from Zhou Xiaoyu.

He wanted to know why Fan Wenqi asked him to come here.

After all, the threat at noon today really scared him.

"It's one of my suitors. I want you to see how he is, whether he is suitable for my marriage." Although Fan Wenqi hated Zheng Ziyang very much, she didn't plan to tell Su Wei about it now.

So it's just one of her pursuits, and when she talks, she still makes it more ambiguous.

Because she wanted to see what Su Wei's reaction was like.

What attitude would he have if she married someone else?

"Fan Wenqi, don't go too far." Hearing what Fan Wenqi said, Su Wei lost his temper immediately.

Grabbing her face and forcing her to look at him, the two of them looked at each other.

Because he wanted to know whether what Fan Wenqi said was true.


"Xiao Yu, you just need to drive well, Su Wei won't do anything to me.

I'm just joking, Su Wei, why do you have such a big reaction, do you like me? "Fan Wenqi was caught by Zhou Xiaoyu's sudden stop and almost bumped her head into the front seat.

Fortunately, the seat belt on her body was firmly fastened to her seat.

She felt quite happy about Su Wei's anger.

Because of his expression, too much information was revealed.

"You are my child's mother, if you marry someone else, no matter whether it's a physical marriage or not, I feel like I'm wearing a cuckold, so it's normal for me to react a lot.

Zhou Xiaoyu, since you stopped the car, you can take the co-pilot and let Xiaozhang drive the car." A person like Fan Wenqi must not marry someone else.

Although Su Wei is not a severe cleanser.

But Fan Wenqi's status in his heart is similar to that of his girlfriends.

If she married someone else, he would feel cheated.

"Boss Su, I was worried about Boss Fan's comfort just now, so let me drive." Hearing Su Wei say, Zhou Xiaoyu asked her to change seats with Zhang Ruoyu.

As Fan Wenqi's secretary, of course she didn't want to change.

After all, she saw Su Wei treating Fan Wenqi roughly just now, of course she was worried, that's why she stepped on the brakes.

"I'm going to my house now, can you find the way by car?" The place Su Wei is going now is his home in Kyoto, Yuanyang Lavie.

It's not that he thinks that Zhou Xiaoyu can't drive, but that she just can't find her way.

Because Su Wei has only been to this place once, but Zhang Ruoyu has been there several times.

"Xiaoyu, you give up the seat to Miss Zhang, let her drive."

What Fan Wenqi didn't know was that she followed her tail today.

These two people have been with her since noon.

The other party has seen everything she has been to today.

"Hey, Lao Wang, if you call me at this time, you probably have some news to tell me." After Zheng Ziyang asked Wang Yu to follow Fan Wenqi today, he went to the bar to play at night.

It wasn't until Wang Yu made the third call that he felt the phone vibrate.

After looking at it, it was Wang Yu who called, and knew that it should be about Fan Wenqi.

After talking with his friend, he came out to answer the phone.

"Young Master Zheng, Miss Fan went to the airport at 09:30 pm today, and then picked up a man at the airport." As Zheng Ziyang's personal bodyguard, Wang Yu certainly knew his current situation.

This time he asked Wang Yu to stare at Fan Wenqi, just because he didn't want to have a competitor.

Now that Fan Wenqi came to pick up someone at the airport, that person was still a man. Didn't his young master's competitor appear here?

"Picked up a man at the airport? Then this person should be the person Fan Wenqi was going to pick up at noon. This turned out to be a man. Where did they go now?" Zheng Ziyang was surprised when he heard that Fan Wenqi picked up a man. .

Because all the second generations in the capital know that Fan Wenqi is crooked.

Judging from her performance at noon, the other party is very important to her.

If this is a man, then he has no chance at all.

So he can only hope that this person is a relative of Fan Wenqi's family.

"Now they've gone to Yuanyang Lavie, and I'm waiting outside for Miss Fan to come out." Although Zheng Ziyang was wondering if this man might be a relative of Fan Wenqi's family.

But as Wang Yu who followed Fan Wenqi, he knew that this man could not be a relative of Fan Wenqi.

Because when he and Fan Wenqi were at the airport just now, the relationship was too close.

"Then you follow in, what are you doing outside the community?" Yuanyang Lavie must be this man's home.

Because of Fan Wenqi's address, Zheng Ziyang had almost already inquired about it.

He wants to know now, which building in Ocean Lavie this man lives in.

At that time, he only needs to check and find out this person easily.

"It's not that I don't want to enter, but that I can't enter this community, because they require the owner to call the foreign vehicles to enter." Wang Yu called Zheng Ziyang this time mainly because he could not enter.

After all, in a place like Yuanyang Lavie, how could he have friends living here.

So the reason why he called Zheng Ziyang was to let him think of a way.

Otherwise, if he can't get in, he can't blame him for waiting at the gate of the community.

"Yuanyang lavie, this man has a lot of money, just wait, I'll find a friend to call the property right now"

"This is your home in Kyoto. The decoration is not bad. Who is the previous owner? It's quite tasteful." Fan Wenqi went up and down after arriving at Su Wei's home in Kyoto.

I found out that the house was well decorated.

She knew that this house was bought by Su Wei from someone else.

So Fan Wenqi was a little curious as to whose house this house belonged to.

"The former owner is very famous, that's the man who now lives in the PV Peninsula in Los Angeles." That will come back next week, and the current address is the PV Peninsula in Los Angeles.

After he settled there, it can be said that it severely affected the housing prices there.

When Li Ziwei bought a house in the United States this time, Chen Yihua asked him if he wanted to buy the house there.

Because Chen Yihua's company has an exclusive agency house on the PV Peninsula.

On the other side of the Platinum Triangle in Los Angeles, their company's listings are pitifully small.

But Li Ziwei thought, his money has been spent to this extent.

I was a bit unwilling to buy PV Peninsula, so I chose to buy a house in Beverly Hills later.

"It turned out to be him, then you must have chopped him down when you bought his house." Fan Wenqi did not expect that the former owner was Lao Jia.

The price Su Wei bought from him must be very cheap.

After all, Lao Jia wants to build a car now, so he must invest some money himself.

If he fails to build a car this time, he will basically never come back in this life.

"What do you mean I hacked him severely, and he has to thank me if I can take over his house?" Su Wei's words are indeed correct.

Because of such an expensive house, it is really not easy to find a successor.

Moreover, the 5000 million houses in China, converted into US dollars, are nearly [-] million.

Laomei's $5000 million house is much more luxurious than Ocean Lavie, and it occupies a larger area and has a better view.

"Okay, I'll deliver it to you now, and I'm going back." Fan Wenqi planned to go back after visiting the house.

Because she has stopped staying up late since she became pregnant.

It's almost 12 o'clock now, and she has to go home and sleep quickly.

"Don't rush away, have you eaten yet? If you haven't eaten, eat with me." On the way Su Wei came, he had already asked Zhang Ruoyu to ask the nanny to prepare food.

When they came, the food had already been served on the table.

"Su Wei, there is something wrong with you. What are you doing?" Fan Wenqi was not used to being so polite to Su Wei.

Because Su Wei didn't treat her like this before.

Could it be because she was pregnant that his heart ached for the child in his stomach?

"I didn't think about it, I just thought you were my child's mother, and I wanted to keep you for one night"

"Brother Wang, it's already one o'clock, why hasn't Fan Wenqi come out?" Wang Yu must not be the only one who came to watch this time.

It's just that this person was recruited by Zheng Ziyang himself, and his name is Xiao Xu.

He checked the time and found that it had been more than an hour since they came in Ocean Lavie.

Fan Wenqi is in this villa and hasn't come out yet.

"Fan Wenqi probably won't come out today, you didn't see that other cars have already come out." Wang Yu had guessed in his heart that this man should be Fan Wenqi's concubine.

Because apart from Fan Wenqi's Maybach, the other two Mercedes-Benz has come out.

And now the lights in the villa are not as bright as before.

"Brother Wang, what do you mean, that man is Fan Wenqi's concubine? But isn't Fan Wenqi a concubine?" Xiao Xu understood what Wang Yu meant, but he still didn't quite believe it.

Because everyone in the second-generation circle in Kyoto knows that Fan Wenqi is crooked.

Although he is not the second generation, but his boss Zheng Ziyang is.

"Who is right to say that, she may be both male and female." Possibly straight men and straight women is a very normal thing in the eyes of ordinary people.

But in these second generations, there should not be too many distorted personalities and pursuit of excitement.

Because as Zheng Ziyang's personal bodyguard, he has seen many of his friends like this.

Therefore, if Fan Wenqi can take all men and women, it is perfectly normal in his eyes.

"What do you mean, she and Zheng Shao are the same kind of person?" Zheng Ziyang can take all men and women, Xiao Xu of course knows.

Because he had seen his boyfriend before, who looked so charming.

Although he was making money for Zheng Ziyang, he actually looked down on him all the time.

I find him such a disgusting person.

"Don't talk nonsense, I never said Zheng Shao is this kind of person." Xiao Xu dared to gossip about the boss behind his back.

But Wang Yu is different from Xiao Xu, he was arranged by Zheng Ziyang's grandfather.

If he was caught gossiping about Zheng Ziyang, it would be more than just dismissal for him.

"It's just the two of us here, are you afraid that a third person will spread the word?"

"I knew that you must have no good intentions for keeping me here today." After having dinner with Su Wei, Fan Wenqi planned to go back.

In the end, he took her into the master bedroom on the grounds that he had a gift for her.

Then in this room, Su Wei started to kiss her, and then started to touch her.

"That can't be helped. I've endured it for a long time, but you still want me to come to Kyoto to find you today, so you must be responsible for my fire." Su Wei didn't eat any meat when he went to his hometown this time. .

Now that he came to Kyoto, he couldn't help it after seeing Zhou Xiaoyu's clothes.

Bringing Fan Wenqi into the room, in fact, he was a drunkard who didn't want to drink.

"I'm pregnant now, so I'm sure I can't help you, what? Impossible, don't even think about using your mouth." If Fan Wenqi is not pregnant, then she doesn't mind helping Su Wei.

But the problem is, she is pregnant now.

Who knew that Su Wei, a stinky and shameless person, would actually tell her that she could eat it.

How could Fan Wenqi agree to this, so she refused decisively.

"You can't do this, you can't do that, so what do you say?" Su Wei saw that Fan Wenqi was unwilling, so he didn't care.

Anyway, it was Fan Wenqi who called him here, so she must solve this matter for him.

"Didn't you bring Zhang Ruoyu with you, and there are three female nannies in your villa, aren't they pretty good-looking?" Fan Wenqi thought for a while, and thought that Zhang Ruoyu was the best candidate.

After all, Zhang Ruoyu has been by his side for so long, she really doesn't believe that he will not eat Zhang Ruoyu.

And if you don't eat Zhang Ruoyu, there are three babysitters in this villa.

Although these three are not top-notch beauties, when they go to the bar, they are also the targets of those men chasing and adding WeChat.

"Zhang Ruoyu is my assistant, he just came to work, and the three nannies are the same, and this is the first time I've seen them." Zhang Ruoyu said that Su Wei really wanted to eat her up.

But today's day is not right, Su Wei plans to pick a good day to eat her up.

As for the three little nannies, Su Wei is not interested in eating them today.

Because besides them, there is a better choice.

"Su Wei, tell me the truth, did you watch Xiaoyu last week?"

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