Do whatever you want from today

Chapter 451 You Think You Are the Boss of Caihong Mansion

"Who asked you to park your car here? Hurry up and give up the space." Xiao Du is the security guard of the Caihong mansion, and has been working here for three years.

The reason why I can work here for several years without changing places is because it is easier to fish in troubled waters.

And the people who live in this apartment are basically young girls.

Because he works as a security guard here, he has already added many girls' WeChat accounts.

Although he hasn't gotten to one yet, there is one who has already had a lively conversation with him, and he has gone out to eat hot pot with her several times.

The only bad thing is that every time she comes out, she always brings her best friend with her.

When I was lazy, I found a Ferrari in the parking lot at the front door.

And it was so hard to die, it happened to stop at Director Sun's position, and he hurried over to ask him to move away.

"Director Guan should come to the Caihong mansion, tell him, I'm coming." Seeing the security guard coming, Su Wei thought that he didn't know his car.

After all, Director Guan didn't even know the car Su Wei bought in Kyoto.

So he mentioned Director Guan in front of the security, thinking that even if he didn't know his car, Director Guan should have confessed to him.

"Director Guan, I don't even understand what you're talking about." Xiao Du came here when the Caihong Mansion opened.

Anyway, he didn't know which leader of Caihong Mansion was surnamed Guan.

So after hearing what the person in front of him said, he just wanted to laugh.

"It's Mr. Su who came here. Didn't what he said clearly enough?" Seeing the security guard's expression, Zhang Ruoyu actually had a bit of contempt in his eyes.

So when she spoke, her tone was not very good.

After all, she has been with Su Wei for a long time now, and her temper is getting stronger.

"I said, are you two here to be funny? I said, I don't know you, and I don't know who that shitty director is. Hurry up and give up this seat. This is our exclusive parking space for Mr. Sun." Usually Several shareholders of the apartment will not come here.

Because those big bosses have too much property in their hands.

So the person in charge here is Director Sun, Mr. Sun.

Now that Su Wei and the others have taken Director Sun's parking space, Xiao Du is of course a little anxious.

After all, if Director Sun came over and saw that his parking space was taken, he would definitely think that the security guard in charge was being lazy.

The unlucky person at that time, of course, is him, Xiao Du.

"How does this Laoguan handle things? It's not like his style of handling things." Su Wei frowned when he heard the security guard say this.

Because based on his understanding of Director Guan, he shouldn't be doing things like this.

"President Su, I think there must be a misunderstanding here, so let me ask first.

Little master, this is Caihong Mansion, right?Are there any other Caihong mansions nearby? "Zhang Ruoyu has dealt with Director Guan before.

In her eyes, Director Guan really has an exquisite heart.

So it is definitely impossible for him to arrange such a thing today.

At this moment, Zhang Ruoyu thought, maybe they came to the wrong place.

In fact, there is another Caihong mansion, but they didn't find that company, but came to this company.

"The entire Chaoyang, just our Rainbow Mansion." Seeing Zhang Ruoyu's tone softened, Xiao Du became less rigid.

Whoever wants Zhang Ruoyu's looks is that kind of super beauty.

The girl he was talking to was obviously much prettier.

It's just that this girl is not very good with this guy, and she doesn't look as strong as him.

"That's right. The person in front of you is the new boss of Rainbow Mansion. Your previous boss has already sold this place to our boss." Since the location is correct, Zhang Ruoyu is not so easy to talk about.

After all, she is the leader of this little security guard.

So tell him bluntly that the previous owner of this apartment has already sold them to Mr. Su.

"You guys want to cheat a parking space, use this trick in front of me, yeah, I have been working here for several years, and I have never heard that our apartment has changed owners, and our apartment market is so good, unless Mr. Fan You are stupid, otherwise how could I sell this place to you.

Hurry up, do you hear, our boss is from the Fan family in Kyoto, don’t think you’re awesome just because you drive a Ferrari.” Although Xiao Du is a security guard, he still knows the car brand.

If he was on the road, he would definitely not dare to fight the Ferrari owner.

After all, his social status and his relationship with other people have been hanged and beaten by others.

But where he is now is Caihong Mansion.

No matter how awesome this Ferrari is, how can they have their big boss.

"President Su, what's the situation?" When Liu Qiang started, the car stopped on the side of the road.

Then a traffic police came over on an iron horse, and he went to coordinate with the traffic police for a while.

Although others were coordinating, the attention was still on Su Wei.

Seeing that something was wrong, he asked Xiao Guo to take someone to drive down the car, and he led three other people to surround him.

"Hehe, what, you brought someone here, as if there is no one in our Caihong mansion, you wait, I will call someone over.

Brother Qiang, someone has come to make trouble in the parking lot at the front gate of our Rainbow Mansion, hurry up and bring more people, the other side has a lot of people." Although Xiao Du is 175cm tall, he was still a little panicked when he saw Liu Qiang and the others coming.

So after he put down his harsh words, he hurried to the side and used the walkie-talkie to call for helpers.

"What the hell is going on, Xiao Zhang, call Director Guan and ask him to come over quickly. I want to ask what's going on in this Caihong mansion." Su Wei also can't see this Caihong mansion now. understood.

He just took over after a while, why so many things happened.

And where did Mr. Sun come from?

This apartment has been completely transferred to him, why doesn't he know that there is another boss here.

All the promises now can only be explained when Director Guan comes over.

"I'm already on the phone with Director Guan"

"Brother Sun, I heard you say yesterday that the director of a certain company in Shanghai is coming to Kyoto today. Why are you still here? What will he do if he doesn't find you?" Ke Zhenzhen got up and went to the living room. It was found that Sun Zhaowu was still there.

This made her very puzzled, because she was with Sun Zhaowu for dinner last night.

He answered a call at that time, and the person on the phone told him that he would go to Caihong Mansion this morning.

So when Ke Zhenzhen came out, he thought Sun Zhaowu was gone.

She was also thinking about calling her little milk dog here to play.

"If you can't find me, you can't find me. I didn't go on purpose." Ke Zhenzhen is Sun Zhaowu's lover, not his wife.

He will give her 3 yuan a month, and then come to sleep several times a month.

Sun Zhaowu did receive a call from Director Guan yesterday and promised to meet this morning.

But he let him dove today, he did it on purpose.

"Ah, you didn't go on purpose? Why, he has a grudge against you?" Ke Zhenzhen didn't care about Sun Zhaowu's refusal to go to the company.

Because she has been with him for a year, he often does not go to work in the company.

So this time she was not surprised that Sun Zhaowu didn't go to work, what was strange was why she let this person dove.

"He has no enmity with me, it's just that our Caihong mansion has been sold to someone else, and my big boss is no longer Mr. Fan." Thinking of this incident, Sun Zhaowu became very irritable.

Because when his big boss was Mr. Fan, he walked sideways in the capital.

After changing the boss now, he always feels like an ancient official in the capital was demoted to the border.

"Your boss has changed? Who is it now?" Ke Zhenzhen knew that Sun Zhaowu's previous big boss was a big shot.

She became Sun Zhaowu's mistress because of his boss.

Otherwise, how could she, a college student in her early twenties, follow such a rough guy as Sun Zhaowu?

Of course, Sun Zhaowu didn't treat her badly, he spent less than 100 million on her this year.

"I don't know, I heard that it was sold to a wealthy second generation from Shanghai." Sun Zhaowu had never learned about this new boss.

Because the other party belonged to Modu, he naturally looked down on him.

Even though Boss Fan has sold the apartment, he still feels that he belongs to Boss Fan.

"You have changed bosses, so is this director here to take your position?" Sun Zhaowu, as the director of Caihong Mansion, can earn at least several million a year.

Otherwise, where would he have the money to play with women?

If Sun Zhaowu is really replaced, then Ke Zhenzhen has to think about whether he wants to break up with Sun Zhaowu.

Because of this kind of shortage, it is not easy to find it when it is gone, so Sun Zhaowu can't afford to support her.

"It's not likely to take my position, but there is a high probability that he is here to seize power, so I plan to give this one surnamed Guan a blow, let him know that this is Kyoto, and this place is up to me." Even if you know this Director Guan, no to replace his.

But Sun Zhaowu still planned to give Director Guan a little color first.

He wanted to let the other party know that Caihong Mansion was his reserved place.

"But aren't you afraid that your new boss will know about this matter?" Ke Zhenzhen felt that Sun Zhaowu's move was not wise at all.

Because he made this person look bad, he turned around and reported this matter to the boss.

At this time, what Sun Zhaowu should do most should not be to stabilize the opponent first.

Try to get the new boss, why don't you remove him as the director.

"Why should I be afraid? I'm the one left by Mr. Fan. How dare he touch me?" Sun Zhaowu was so awesome because he felt that he had been with Mr. Fan for almost ten years.

He didn't believe the new boss and dared to touch him.

This time, he must give Director Guan a bad blow because the company has a lot of deficits.

If he doesn't give the other party a blow, what will happen to the other party's audit.

"Then you are fine today, why don't you accompany me to buy bags this afternoon?" Ke Zhenzhen was not very optimistic when she heard Sun Zhaowu say this.

Because Mr. Fan sold the apartment this time, he really valued Sun Zhaowu.

It is impossible to keep him in Caihong Mansion without bringing him with him.

After all, he has so many industries, and Sun Zhaowu can be placed in any place.

There is no sign now, but the meaning of that is obvious.

So now Ke Zhenzhen is thinking, before Sun Zhaowu is kicked out, he wants to squeeze out more things.

"Didn't I just buy you a LV bag yesterday, and what do you want so many bags for, I'll buy it after I finish this matter.

Director Guan should have been waiting for me for two hours, I’ll take him to dinner now, after what happened this morning, he should be sensible.”

Director Guan of "President Su" came out of the office and saw that Su Wei had come.

He's not in a good mood now because things haven't been done well.

"Director Guan, what's the situation? You didn't tell them that I'm coming today?" Su Wei wanted to get angry at first, but seeing that Director Guan was in a low mood today, he didn't speak too harshly.

After all, when he was in Shanghai, he handled things pretty well.

Now in the Caihong Mansion in Kyoto, he wanted to hear what was going on first.

"Boss Su is all my responsibility today, I didn't do a good job." Director Guan, what can he say about this matter.

After all, he had made it very clear to Director Sun yesterday that he would come over today.

It's just that he didn't expect that after he came here, he would be shut down.

"Mr. Su, this matter has nothing to do with Director Guan. It is Director Sun of the Rainbow Mansion. We told him yesterday that we will be there this morning, but we have been here for two hours and we haven't seen him yet. "Shadow" Xiao Han is Director Guan's secretary, and he also came to Kyoto with Director Guan this time.

When he saw his boss being wronged, he couldn't stand it anymore.

After all, they arrived at the Caihong Mansion before ten o'clock, and they had already been sitting in the hall for two hours.

The responsibility for all this must be Director Sun of the Caihong Mansion.

"Director Guan, is this true? Sun Zhaowu, who is in charge here, hasn't come to work at this point?" Su Wei couldn't imagine that this Sun Zhaowu hadn't come to work at this point.

That is to say, Director Guan and the others haven't met Sun Zhaowu yet.

No wonder the little security guard had such a tough attitude towards them just now.

"What's the matter with Xiao Han, he called us over in a hurry." Brother Qiang is the security captain of the Caihong mansion, and he was just playing cards with his subordinates on the monitor.

After all, he didn't want to go out in such hot weather.

He just didn't want to go out, and Xiao Du had another situation here.

He could only stop playing the cards, so he brought people out quickly.

"Brother Yu, it's this group of people. They took Mr. Sun's parking space, and I told them to leave, but they actually wanted to hit someone." Su Wei and the others didn't intend to hit anyone just now.

But Xiao Du called out the captain, so he must make the matter more serious.

And with so many of them, they really beat up the opponent, and he wasn't afraid of making things worse.

Because the security guards at Caihong Mansion beat people, not once or twice.

"It's crazy, you dare to beat someone in our Caihong mansion, go, take me there to have a look.

It’s you, who occupy our parking space and beat up our people, right?” Brother Qiang heard that someone was looking for trouble, and his first reaction was to ask everyone to come together.

As for an accident, it does not exist in Caihong Mansion.

Because their big boss is the Fan family in Kyoto.

The other bosses are all second generations from Kyoto.

And this time, they took advantage of the reason, who asked these people to occupy the parking space of their Caihong Mansion.

"I don't want to talk nonsense with you, call Sun Zhaowu over" Although there are seven or eight security guards on the opposite side, and they seem to be in good shape.

But Su Wei didn't pay much attention to these people.

After all, when I came to Kyoto this time, although I didn't bring many bodyguards, there were six of them.

It's just that he can't do it, because this is his property.

So he asked the other party to call Sun Zhaowu, who was in charge.

"Who do you think you are? You said let us call Mr. Sun over, and we will obediently listen to you. You speak so loudly, you don't think you are the boss of Caihong Mansion, do you?"

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