Do whatever you want from today

Chapter 473 Personnel are about to arrive

Chapter 473 Personnel are about to arrive
The next day.

The entrance of Sino-Ocean Lavie Community.

"Old Qian, what's the matter, have you seen anyone?" Lao Zhang drove to Lao Qian's car, and handed him the breakfast he brought.

Now he and Lao Qian have a clear division of labor, and the two wait for Su Wei at the gate of the community alternately.

The time he changed his guard last night was after three o'clock in the morning.

And the time he came here now was after ten o'clock in the morning, and he rested for seven hours in between.

The younger brother was not allowed to come because they kept this matter strictly confidential.

"No, my eyes hurt, and I didn't see that kid surnamed Su coming back." Although Lao Qian came to change his guard at three o'clock yesterday, he didn't stare at him all the time.

Because now it is just to be sure whether Su Wei will come back or not.

So he put a camera there, and he checked every hour to see if Su Wei's Rolls Royce came back.

For the rest of the time, he has been busy with his own affairs in the business car.

If it's just him and Lao Qian, he will definitely not tell the truth.

"Then where did he go? Yesterday my little brother searched all over the capital, but they didn't see him." It must be bragging to say that they have searched all over the capital.

After all, Kyoto is so big, how could his little brother be able to drive everywhere.

It's just that he is also smart, and he searched all the parking lots of five-star hotels in Kyoto.

After searching, I found that I didn't even see Su Wei's shadow.

And Su Wei didn't go back to his home, so Lao Zhang was really puzzled, where did he go.

"I didn't find him in the whole capital. He couldn't have received the news, so he ran away." Hearing that Su Wei was not found, Lao Qian backed down a little.

Because if Su Wei knew about this, he must have died a miserable death.

After all, someone as awesome as Zheng Ziyang had to rely on their power to kill Su Wei.

It is conceivable that Su Wei's strength must be stronger than Zheng Ziyang's.

"We have to deal with Su Wei, now we and Zheng Shao know, you won't tell your little brother about this." Seeing that Su Wei couldn't be found, Lao Zhang also suspected that Su Wei ran away early up.

But few people knew about it, so he wondered if Lao Qian had leaked the news.

After all, you can tell from his appearance that he must not be able to hide something in his heart.

If this is the case, then he can only go back home.

"I didn't say anything, don't try to put the blame on me." Old Qian's appearance was really deceptive.

Looking at his appearance, many people would think that he is careless at first glance.

But in fact, he is a very thoughtful person.

Many people who despised him paid a terrible price.

This time when Zheng Ziyang said about this matter, he knew it was serious.

He wished to put a few locks on this memory, how could it be possible to leak the secret out.

But since Lao Zhang asked him, he knew that guarantees are useless.

Because compared with Lao Zhang who leaked the secret, Zheng Ziyang must be more convinced that he leaked the secret.

So at this time, Lao Qian acted as if he had been framed.

"Then since you didn't say anything, and I didn't say anything here, where would he go?" Old Zhang's eyes turned red when he saw Lao Qian, and he knew that if he said it was Lao Qian who leaked the secret, he would probably be caught. Beat up.

Since Lao Zhang didn't leak the secret, and he didn't tell anyone about it.

So Su Wei is such a big living person, plus the two cars of his bodyguards, where did this small convoy go?

"Why don't we call Zheng Shao and let him check it out?" If this was in Lao Qian's hometown, he would definitely ask the traffic police to check it out.

But in Kyoto, he doesn't have this ability.

So at this time, he thought of Zheng Ziyang, after all, he would definitely be able to find Su Wei's information.

"No, 24 hours haven't passed yet, so we will call Zheng Shao, what will Zheng Shao think about us?" If Lao Zhang wants to call Zheng Ziyang, he must be thinking about it.

But Zheng Ziyang's phone call was not so easy to make.

Because Zheng Ziyang entrusted this matter to them because he believed in their abilities.

But they don't even know where Su Weiren is, so Zheng Ziyang will definitely feel that they are not strong enough.

So Lao Zhang would rather wait here forever, and he didn't want to make this call to Zheng Ziyang.

"Okay, let's wait until the afternoon."

. . . . . .

"Third Master, you are looking for me" Xiao Ma was still sleeping today when he was woken up by someone's phone call.

It turned out that it was his elder brother and third master who asked his younger brother to call him.

And it's not to call him alone, but to ask him to call the younger brother together.

In this era, it seems that there is no underworld, but that is because they are hidden.

In fact, many people know them. After all, the skins they change, they can't do it without a little foundation.

"Little Ma, how many years have you guys been with me?" The third master specialized in earthworks in their city.

Today he received a call from a big brother asking him to help find a ruthless character.

After the promise is fulfilled, the benefits will certainly not be less for him.

The third master is not very interested in the benefits he said.

After all, he has made a lot of money in earthworks in the past few years.

It's just that this big brother treated him well back then, and his first pot of gold was thanks to the help of the other party.

That's why Third Master brought Xiao Ma and his party over this time.

"I don't know, but it should have happened in [-] or [-]." Don't look at the third master's name Xiaoma, Xiaoma is called like that.

But his age is almost 30 years old.

If people outside dared to call him that, they would have been served by him long ago.

"Yeah, it's been seven or eight years. Didn't you keep saying that there is no money for marriage? I have a way to make money here. Would you like to hear about it?" The third master will arrange such a matter to Xiao Ma.

It's not because Xiao Ma is the one who can fight the best among his younger brothers.

It's because Xiao Ma is the poorest among his little brothers.

Now that they are getting married, they still have to come to him to borrow money.

"The way to make money? But I'm going to get married now, why don't I forget it?" The way to make money in the mouth of the third master must be some sideways.

And these businesses have certain risks.

Xiao Ma thought that he was going to get married soon, so he didn't plan to intervene in this matter.

"Brother Ma, why don't you listen to what the third master said, you also want to give your sister-in-law a grand wedding?" Xiao Wu will speak at this time because the third master has approached him before.

He said that if he could persuade Xiao Ma, he would give him 5 yuan.

"Sir, tell me, let me hear what's going on first." Hearing Xiao Wu's words, Xiao Ma became less determined.

After all, he is going to get married soon, but the hotel where the banquet will be held and the wedding master of ceremonies have not been settled yet.

All the money he borrowed before was given to her wife as a bride price.

Originally, his plan was to pay the bill with the gift money given by everyone.

"There is a big guy in Kyoto who wants to deal with a person. If you can disable him, he will give you 100 million. If you can kill him, he will give you 300 million."

"Huh, with so much money, who is the other party going to deal with?" Xiao Ma took a deep breath when he heard the news.

Because the price of killing a person in China is not that high.

The other party is now bidding 300 million, it must be because the goal is not simple.

"Don't care who it is, just say whether you want to do it or not." Of course the third master knows that the goal is definitely not easy.

But he couldn't help if his big brother didn't tell him who the target was.

Since he only planned to help this big brother once, he didn't know who the target was, but he still planned to help.

"Brother Ma, don't look at us, we all listen to you." Xiao Wu heard the amount this time and set it to 300 million.

Knowing what happened this time is really a big deal.

So he didn't persuade him to be the boss anymore, but let him decide for himself.

"Third Master, if I hit him with a car and disable him, will he pay for it?" In this society, it is definitely not acceptable to use a knife or a gun.

Because if you use a knife or a gun, the consequences are too serious, and he probably can't bear it.

So the best way is to borrow a car.

If he killed someone, he wouldn't be sentenced to death.

It's just that he was afraid of the other party. After he used this method, he stopped giving money.

"As long as it is caused by you, he will give you the money. He has already called me 50 yuan. As long as you do it, I will call you the money now." The third master received 100 yuan at a time Ten thousand.

It is definitely impossible for him to give all of his 100 million to his subordinates.

So what he told Xiao Ma was that the other party gave 50.

For the rest of the money, he planned to hack it himself.

After all, his big brother probably ran away after telling him about it.

"If that's the case, then I'll do it"

. . . . . .

"dong dong dong"

"Come in." While Su Wei was having lunch, he heard someone knock on the door.

He slept near the Huairou film and television base last night.

Of course, the place where he slept was not in the hotel rented by the crew.

After all, the hotel was too simple for him.

"Boss Su, so you're already awake." Zhang Ruoyu originally planned to call Su Wei at this point.

But I didn't expect that after she knocked on the door every day, the inside would respond to her immediately.

After opening the door and coming in, I saw Su Wei eating lunch on the table wearing a T-shirt.

"I've woken up a long time ago. I almost finished my lunch. Have you had lunch? Do you want some?" Su Wei went to bed quite early because he had no one to sleep with him last night.

After waking up, she went to Zhang Ruoyu's room first, but was told by Lao Liu that she had gone out.

Now that Zhang Ruoyu had gone out, Su Wei had to have lunch alone.

Now seeing Zhang Ruoyu coming over, I think she probably hasn't eaten yet.

"I went to the production team this morning, and then I got a lunch box for the production team, and my stomach is still full." This time I came to Huairou Film and Television Base, of course Zhang Ruoyu wanted to see it.

After asking Liu Meng for the address, he looked for it.

When putting out the lunch box at noon, she also took a box lunch to taste, and found that it was surprisingly good.

"The filming has already started? Is there any role for me today? Do I want to come?" Although Su Wei told Ge Xiang yesterday that he will be filming here for the past two days.

But he didn't expect to arrange for him to film today.

Because when he was about to go, he was a little flustered.

"Yes, I have your part today. I'm coming here now, because Director Ge is afraid of waking you up, so please let me call you." Zhang Ruoyu has already seen the work arrangement of the crew, and Su Wei has a part in this afternoon.

And this scene can be regarded as a highlight of the play.

Ge Xiang knew that Su Wei's time was precious, so from this afternoon onwards, all the scenes were filled for him.

"How about it, is the filming scene fun?" Su Wei has never been to a filming scene, but he knew from Zhang Ruoyu's expression that the crew must be fun.

Otherwise, her expression would not be so happy all the time.

"I think it's quite interesting, but Director Ge's movie seems to be real." Zhang Ruoyu also knew about filming before.

I know that nowadays filming of fight scenes basically relies on slow motion.

But here in Ge Xiang, the actors are all real actors.

There are several actors in a scene, and there will be more or less colorful decorations on their bodies.

"It's not good to be serious, I like to be serious, by the way, you go buy some fruit and drinks, and come with me later." Su Wei really couldn't complain about the current movie.

The crew and actors who shoot in slow motion know what they are doing.

If Ge Xiang did the same, Su Wei would definitely not agree.

This time when he went to the production team, he definitely couldn't go empty-handed, so he asked Zhang Ruoyu to buy something, and he would take it with him later.

"I saw someone driving watermelons outside, why don't we buy that whole truckload of watermelons?"

. . . . . .


"Sister Wang, what's the matter with Kexin?" After Shen Beibei had finished eating, she didn't see Zhang Kexin.

After searching around, I found that she was hiding not far from the dressing room, chatting with her manager, Sister Wang.

Originally, she saw Zhang Kexin chatting with her agent, so she planned not to go there.

Who knew that when Sister Wang saw her, she beckoned her over.

"Isn't it because the kissing scene is going to be filmed later? Kexin is nervous. You came just in time, Beibei. Help me ease her mood." Sister Wang is a small manager who was trained by Lu Lingyue.

Because Lu Lingyue has too many big names in her hand, the general actors are handed over to her.

Now that Lu Lingyue has become a capital, she no longer brings people with her. Sister Wang has started to take over these potential artists.

Zhang Kexin was very nervous because she was filming a kissing scene for the first time today, and kept chatting with Sister Wang.

But Sister Wang didn't just take Zhang Kexin alone, she entrusted her to Shen Beibei where she had the time.

After all, she knew that Shen Beibei was now talking with their company about joining.

"So that's the thing. Sister Wang, go and do your work. Kexin is here and I'll talk to her." Shen Beibei has been in the industry for several years.

Not to mention kissing scenes, she has filmed even bed scenes.

And these passionate scenes are not glamorous at all, but a torture.

"Sister Beibei, what should I do next? I'm panicking when I think about the passionate scenes that will be filmed later." Before Zhang Kexin, he only had a few guest roles.

She has never experienced such a passion scene at all.

Although she knew that she had such two passionate scenes, she didn't expect it to be today.

"There's no need to panic, isn't it just a passionate scene, anyway, it's just a borrowing, at most it's just a kiss on the lips." Shen Beibei played the role of the concubine, the third female lead.

The script given to her by the crew was only about her life story.

She knows the general plot, but she doesn't know the details.

"No, I asked Director Ge, and he said that our drama is for real, so the passionate drama will also be for real, and we may kiss for a long time." The purpose of Su Wei's investment in this drama is for himself Cool.

So how could it be possible for Ge Xiang to just let them kiss lightly.

If Su Wei is not satisfied at that time, he, the director, will be scolded.

"Kiss for a long time? You and your boss? Hahaha, no wonder you are so nervous." Only then did Shen Beibei realize why Zhang Kexin was nervous.

After all, the other party is her boss, and the two of them only met once yesterday.

Today, I just acted in a passionate scene. If it were her, she would be just as nervous.

"Sister Beibei, why are you doing this? I'm panicking to death." Zhang Kexin didn't panic in a romantic scene, after all, she came to be an actress.

What flustered her was that her first kiss was still there.

When the time comes, I don't behave well when I kiss, what if I leave a bad impression on the boss.

"Looking at your expression, it doesn't mean that your first kiss is still there, right? Then there's no other way, at most, ask Director Ge to clean up the scene, so that you won't be shy"

(End of this chapter)

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