Chapter 513
The next day.

"Ding Ding Ding"

"Hey, who are you?" While Su Wei was soundly asleep, he was awakened by the ringing of the phone.

Originally, he didn't intend to pay attention to it, but he didn't expect the other party to be persistent.

He picked up his phone and saw that it was a phone number he didn't recognize.

However, the other party's number turned out to be a six-digit Leopard number, so it can basically be ruled out that this is a random call.

"Hi, President Su, I'm Yang Wenze." Yang Wenze received the news last night that Shi Feiyu and Su Wei had dinner together.

He didn't sleep well all night, and when it was almost 12 noon, he quickly called Su Wei.

Because he had a deep-seated fear of Su Wei.

"Yang Wenze? Who are you, how did you get my number?

You evil pen, you scratched your tooth, it hurts so much, can you do it?" Su Wei heard the other party's self-explaining name, he thought for a while, but he didn't recognize the name.

Even if they know each other, the owner of this name is not a powerful person.

So when he spoke, he was not polite at all.

At this time, the girl next to him woke up, and he pressed her down directly.

Who knew that she was not skilled enough and hurt Su Wei, so he cursed directly.

The woman under Su Wei was one of the ones Jin Gaode called out last night.

He picked the best looking one and brought him back.

"Mr. Su, I am Yang Ye's nephew. Don't get me wrong. I am calling you because of Shi Feiyu." Yang Wenze heard Su Wei's voice, he really My heart is going to break.

Because he thought the woman over there was Shi Feiyu.

But he didn't dare to get angry yet, because he couldn't afford to offend Su Wei.

His awesome uncle was killed by Su Wei, how dare he be arrogant.

"Shi Feiyu? Oh, I know who you are now. It turns out that you took her trust and refused to give it to her." After Su Wei finished scolding the girl, she finally learned a little bit.

I know that I should not bite with my teeth, but the way of eating popsicles.

While enjoying it, I heard Shi Feiyu's name.

In addition, the opposite party reported his name as Yang, so he didn't know who the other party was.

It should be that Yang Ye's nephew, who now holds Shi Feiyu's trust and refuses to give her that.

"President Su, that trust was used by my uncle to give to his grandson, but now that Xiaolong has passed away, Shi Feiyu and our Yang family have no ties, so of course the money cannot be given to her." Yang Wenze always thought it was his own.

After all, Yang Ye only has two sons, and Yang Jiayu and Yang Jiale have no children.

Now that all three of them are dead, of course he and his brother will inherit the inheritance.

No matter how much the money is, it shouldn't be a problem for the two of them to be the first heirs anyway.

Who knows that when the inheritance figures came out, the two brothers were happy and crazy.

But soon they couldn't laugh anymore, because an illegitimate child appeared in Yangjiayu.

All of this inheritance belongs to him, and he and his brother, because they are not immediate relatives, can't share a dime.

But because Yang Xiaolong was too young, the owner of this money became Shi Feiyu.

"You think I'm stupid, or I don't know the law, Yang Xiaolong is dead, the only heir to this money is Shi Feiyu, what does this money have to do with you?
Alright, alright, you can come straight up, your skills are too bad, remember to practice more in the future." Hearing Yang Wenze's words, Su Wei almost laughed out loud.

Does this person treat him as a fool, and tell him such a funny thing.

A relative next to him, what qualifications does he have to get involved in this money, does he really treat the world as a fool?

Feeling upset and the girl's skills are not good enough, he let the girl sit up by herself.

"This money belongs to the Yang Group. Because of his blood, Xiaolong is of course the sole heir of the Yang Group, but now that he is dead, the money will of course go back to the Yang Group." Although the person opposite, Yang Wenze can't afford to offend .

But for the money in trust, he had to say this.

Even if it is a strong word, he has decided that this time he will grab food from the tiger's mouth.

After all, people die for money, and birds die for food.

"Yang's Group? Is there still a Yang's Group in the Devil City now? It was dismembered by me half a year ago. Could it be that it was reincarnated from the dirt?
Tear, that's it, your mouth is not good, other places are very good. "Su Wei didn't lose his temper when he heard Yang Wenze's shameless words.

That's because the girl on her body started to shake now.

I didn't expect that her verbal skills were not good, but her skills on horseback were top notch.

Sure enough, these young girls have good physical strength.

"Boss Su, I know you want to help Shi Feiyu this time, but the money really belongs to our Yang family. As long as you show your respect, we promise to give you a satisfactory figure." Originally, Yang Wenze didn't like the money. Intended to split out.

Because he really felt that the money belonged to their Yang family.

Only he and his younger brother have the right to use the money.

But Su Wei and the others couldn't afford to mess with them, and now they've stepped in, so he wanted to spend money to make Su Wei stop taking care of this matter.

With this trust, Yang Wenze is confident that he will not care about this matter.

After all, no matter how beautiful Shi Feiyu is, she is still not so beautiful as to overwhelm the country.

In reality, 1000 million people and her are chosen. I believe that few people will choose someone without money.

"Don't make me feel bad, that is, you want to throw money at me? How much money can you give me? Now that I have taken Shi Feiyu, all the money in the trust is mine. Isn't it better for me? , I don’t have time to talk nonsense with you, wait for my lawyer to talk to you.” Hearing what Yang Wenze said, Su Wei really felt that he was ignorant and fearless.

He is already so rich, yet someone wants to throw money at him.

Could it be that he was rich, or that he didn't let everyone know about it?

At this time, the girl on his body started to speed up, and Su Wei hung up the phone in a hurry.

After all, compared to this matter, the phone call is a trivial matter.

"Mr. Su, Mr. Su? Damn, you forced me to do this"

. . . . . .

Although Su Wei gave Zhang Ruoyu a break, he still went to Baihe Building today.

Since he hasn't been there for so long, he wants to talk to Director Guan about the annual meeting.

Now that he has so many companies, it is impossible not to have one at the annual meeting at the end of the year.

When the time is determined, he plans to go skiing in XJ.

As for the top ski resorts in Europe, he has just returned from abroad and has no idea to go there for the time being.

And with his skills, it would be a waste to go to a top ski resort like Switzerland.

"Director Guan, I haven't been here for so long, Baihe Building has changed a lot now." Su Wei came to Baihe Building again after half a year.

I found that the changes here are really big.

The tree at the door was newly planted, so it was still supported by wooden stakes.

Now the stumps of those trees have been taken away, and it seems that they have taken root.

There were not many people at the deserted gate before, but now there are many people coming in and out.

"Baihe Building has indeed changed a lot in the past six months, and the current occupancy rate has reached more than 70.00%." ​​When Su Wei came before, it was not long after it opened.

At that time, except for the decoration workers, few people went to work in the company.

Now that the people who are settled in and the people who are decorating are in the same building at the same time, of course there are more people here than before.

"That's good. I was worried before that the occupancy rate here would drop because of me." Although the rent collected is not a big figure for Su Wei.

But if no one came to settle in such a good building, it would make him feel very humiliated.

Seeing that he was not affected by him now, Su Wei nodded in satisfaction.

He didn't go to his office, he is now inspecting the Baihe property, this is the first time he has come here.

"President Su, then you may be thinking wrong, because you have let more people know about our Baihe Building, and more people have settled in." In fact, the most important thing about the building is to make it famous.

Because when people come to you to start a company, they also hope that you will be famous here.

If after the company is established, tell others that no one knows where it is, it will be a failure for site selection.

And Su Wei's building, because of him, is very well-known on the Internet.

The fame on the Internet counterattacked in reality, and soon made this newly opened building famous.

"It's no wonder that some of those celebrities will go the black and red route. Sure enough, they can make money if they are well-known. I'll answer the phone first." Su Wei didn't expect that even if he became popular, he would bring his own building into flames.

For the first time, he had a clear understanding of his own influence.

At this time the phone was vibrating, he picked it up and saw that it was Shi Feiyu calling.

"Hey, Brother Su, it's me, I'm Shi Feiyu" Shi Feiyu called Su Wei, actually a little uneasy.

Because after eating yesterday, she went back directly and did not accompany Su Wei to the bar.

Calling Su Wei now, she is afraid that Su Wei will be angry, mainly because she is really not interested in going to the bar now.

"I know. Didn't I save your phone number yesterday? What's wrong? Did something happen?" Originally, Su Wei meant to call Shi Feiyu after he finished chatting with Director Guan.

But now that she's calling, he just happens to have a chat with her.

Moreover, something must have happened to her call, otherwise she wouldn't have called.

"It's like this. Yang Wupeng called me this morning and said that they thought about it and thought that I was Xiaolong's mother after all, so they planned to give me [-] million yuan." I dare not find a nanny.

It's just that she doesn't know how to cook, so she lives by ordering takeout.

While eating today, she received a call from Yang Wupeng.

On the phone, he actually told her that he could give her [-] million yuan.

"I'll give you [-] million, isn't that good? If you take this money, you can spend your whole life at ease, so have you agreed to them?" Only then did Su Wei know that Yang Wenze and his gang had returned the money to them. Shi Feiyu called.

Then he really wanted to know what choice he would make.

If Shi Feiyu chooses [-] million, then he will respect her choice and will not ask about this matter again.

"I didn't agree, because my son was poisoned. I don't think it's that simple. The murderer is probably the two brothers. I just feel strange that they called me. After all, they planned to call me before. I swept the house away." The figure of [-] million is really attractive.

If Shi Feiyu agrees, she will become super rich immediately.

And she is a gold digger.

It's just that when the money is exchanged for her child's life, then everything is different.

If she can agree to this, then she really has no bottom line, and her son will die in vain, and there is no one to avenge him.

"That's right, it's strange, because they called me this morning, I think they already know that you have met me, and there should be someone from them watching you by your side." Su Wei only met Shi Feiyu yesterday, Yang Wenze called him today.

Anyone who is a normal person can guess that Shi Feiyu is being monitored.

And the matter of her being monitored should have been going on for a long time.

"Someone is watching me? What should I do then? Brother Su, can I stay at your house for a few nights?" Shi Feiyu was really scared to death when she heard that she was being watched.

After all, her child was most likely killed.

If they wanted to get her, it would be easy.

But now the safest place, Shi Feiyu can think of is Su Wei's house.

After all, by his side, a group of bodyguards have been following him to protect him both openly and secretly.

"You don't come to my house. They dare not touch you. They called me and you today, which means they are very afraid of me. Your son's death may indeed have been done by them." Su Wei called Yang Wenze today, He could feel that the other party was a little paranoid.

For a person like this, he is not surprised at all to commit murder.

Especially when a large sum of money is involved.

"It must have been done by them. Before you didn't come back, Brother Su, I didn't dare to call the police. Now that you're back, should I call the police?" Shi Feiyu didn't dare to call the police before because Yang Wenze told her , let her go to the police.

If he wasn't bluffing, then he was confident.

Shi Feiyu didn't believe that he was bluffing, which meant that if she went to call the police, it might really be fruitless.

But now that Su Wei is back, she finally dared to call the police.

"Of course you have to call the police. I'll find a lawyer to accompany you to the police later, and then go to the court to sue them. He must be unable to leave the country." Su Wei also understood what Shi Feiyu said, and he didn't dare to call the police before.

He definitely doesn't intend to rush ahead in this matter, just ask the lawyer to arrange it.

As long as it is in a fair and just environment, Yang Wenze will lose a hundred lawsuits.

He made Yang Wenze unable to leave the country because he was likely to be a murderer.

"Brother Su, thank you, you are really a good person." Shi Feiyu didn't expect that she found it difficult, and Su Wei had already figured out what to do in a few moments.

Thinking that she might soon be able to avenge her son.

After several months, a smile finally appeared on her face.

"Damn it, I was actually issued a good card." Su Wei hung up the phone, feeling very upset now.

For a scumbag like him, the most annoying thing is to receive a good person card.

Although Shi Feiyu didn't mean that, but he was still very upset.


"Xiaoli, are you better? When Director Wang hears about it, be careful if he really fires you." Zuo Jiaojiao and Xiaoli are colleagues, and they usually have a good relationship.

This time Xiaoli was led, and then ran to the stairwell to cry, and she was comforting her.

"Woooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo Oh, I don't agree"

(End of this chapter)

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