Do whatever you want from today

Chapter 520 Self-driving to XJ Skiing

Chapter 520 Self-driving to XJ Skiing
The next day.

Ding ding ding.

"Hey, Lao Jin, why are you calling so early?" Su Wei fell asleep in a daze, and was woken up by the ringing of the phone.

Picking up the phone, it turned out to be Jin Gaode calling.

Last night, he slept with Zhang Ruoyu in Huangpu Bay, Greentown.

And also successfully won Zhang Ruoyu's first time, and it was already four o'clock in the morning when he fell asleep.

It's only 12 o'clock, he must be upset to be woken up.

"Brother Su, did you forget what you told us the day before yesterday?" Jin Gaode called Su Wei, but there was no way.

Because both Li Ziwei and Li Renfeng refused to call Su Wei.

At that time, he wondered why he didn't call.

Taoyuan residence.

Xiao Wang in their unit is a graduate student of 985. He has only been employed for less than two years, and he is already a deputy major.

If someone you don't know calls, it's not uncommon to be scolded.

Children in the south have basically never had much contact with ice sports.

In fact, no one can see whether you are wearing clothes or not.

When Su Wei was on the phone, she put her arms around him.

While talking, he was pushed off by Zhang Ruoyu.

"It's not at home yet. I've been urging me to marry Xiaoya now. I plan to go out and hide for a few days." Li Renfeng is 27 years old now.

. . . . . .

This time in the past, I was able to see the beautiful scenery and learn to ski. Don't be too happy about that.

It turned out that Su Wei was angry about getting up.

What she said last time was about introducing someone to Wu Xiaoxuan.

You know, he didn't go to bed until five o'clock last night.

She already made it very clear that she has a husband, so she doesn't need to introduce someone to her, but Sister Zhao didn't listen at all.

The business of the current Taoyuanju is almost the same as before the change of boss.

But the hard work paid off, and after a few months, she really mastered the way of research.

Now driving to XJ, it is finally a useful place to go to it.

She talked to Sister Zhao, then walked aside to answer the phone.

He and Xiaoya have been together for three years.

If Su Wei didn't plan to go, then they planned to go by themselves.

"It's handsome, that car is mine. I changed the suspension and shock absorbers, and the whole body was painted with armor paint. It's almost armed to the teeth." The old guard was bought by Li Renfeng for 50 yuan.

But after thinking about it, I found that Wu Xiaoxuan was more suitable to take with me.

At this time, she only felt that she seemed to be wetting the bed.

It would seem disrespectful if the other person wasn't there.

After all, the scenery of XJ is so beautiful. Although it is white in winter, it has a special taste.

But thinking of yesterday's pain, she still had lingering fears, so she used chatting to ease the embarrassment.

"Brother Su, you're finally here. We've been waiting for you for a long time." Li Ziwei heard the sound of walking at the door on the third floor, and knew that Su Wei should be here.

But for those close-fitting clothes and make-up things, it's better to prepare them yourself.

Since it was Zhang Ruoyu's first time last night, he didn't use all his strength at all.

Especially the skiing place this time is at the ALT of XJ.

Su Wei heard Jin Gaode say that what he said the day before yesterday reminded him immediately.

"Then Brother Su, come here quickly, we are now at Brother Feng's repair shop, and we are discussing when to leave." This time, the few of them have actually already discussed it.

But the last time he saw them, it wasn't like this.

If Jin Gaode hadn't reminded him, he would have really forgotten about it.

"During the time I returned to China, everyone was so busy that I was dizzy. I just took some time off today. By the way, if you leave the store now, can it continue to operate?" Su Wei came to Taoyuanju this time to pick up Wu Xiaoxuan.

But XJ is so big, it is as big as several ordinary provinces in China.

Because the heater in the room was always on, the quilt was not covered, and she didn't realize it.

Compared with Su Wei's phone call, the customers in the store are nothing.

"I made an appointment with Li Ziwei and the others. We will go skiing years ago. By the way, do you want to go together?" Su Wei saw Zhang Ruoyu woke up, and began to beat her up.

"It's not impossible to drive there. Anyway, I have a G65. By the way, who owns that Land Rover Defender downstairs? It's so handsome." Su Wei thought about it for a while, and felt that self-driving is indeed not bad.

At first, she thought that Sister Zhao wanted to introduce her relatives to herself.

On the side of Li Ziwei and Jingaode, he was the one who kept urging them.

Such a proud son of heaven is her best spouse.

He rushed to pay for the money for outdoor supplies this time, just because he wanted them not to leave ink.

Today, the three of them have been discussing together for a long time.

He didn't intend to be alone when he went skiing this time.

"Sister Zhao, here we come again today." When Wu Xiaoxuan first took over Taoyuanju, it was difficult for a while because there was no supply of goods.

"Xiao Wu, you also know what our unit does. I don't know if you are married or not. The person you mentioned can only be regarded as your boyfriend. Listen to my sister's persuasion, the age of Xiao Wang in our unit Gently, now that you are a deputy department, he is the one who suits you." Sister Zhao knew that Wu Xiaoxuan had a boyfriend, but that person was abroad.

"It looks like you guys are planning to leave tonight, right? Then wait for me, I'll call someone together, and then we'll go straight out"

And there is a high probability that this matter has something to do with Xiaoya.

After all, when a man wakes up, it is the time when he has the most ideas.

Knowing that they made up their minds to go to XJ this time.

"I'm outside your store right now, you tell them to order, and then I'll take you home to get your clothes." This time I'm going to XJ, I must bring down jackets.


After parking the car, he was attracted by a big guy in the yard.

"Yes, it's so cool to drive there by yourself. We can enjoy the scenery on the way each of us in one car." Jin Gaode also thinks that he should go to XJ by himself.

After all, they went to XJ this time, not him alone, but also Li Ziwei and the others.

Unexpectedly, the person she introduced turned out to be a colleague with a normal relationship in their unit.

Moreover, the place of ALT is also huge and has no sides, which is why XJ does not include free shipping.

Going to the New Year's Eve and the annual meeting can be done on his side.

Just because she thought the other party was nice, she insisted on introducing him to Wu Xiaoxuan.

All the employees in the repair shop know about it, so they won't come here if they have nothing to do.

But when she turned her head and thought about it, it seemed that her aunt had given her face very much.

"Husband, can you help me bring me the bag in the living room, I'm inconvenient right now." Zhang Ruoyu was already blushing provocatively by Su Wei.

"There are only 20 days until the Chinese New Year. Brother Su, are you still planning to go skiing?" Now the Chinese New Year is only 20 days away.

Now that I have my aunt, I'd better stay at home obediently.

So when he goes out to play and returns to play, he should do serious things or do serious things.

"Isn't Ah Wei the last time he proposed to go skiing? I haven't skied for a long time, and my body is itchy." Li Renfeng is indeed the most active in going skiing this time.

Could it be that during this time, something happened that he didn't know about?
"Actually, the two of us are fine. Isn't this brother Feng? He has been urging us since yesterday." Jin Gaode had no objection to going skiing.

I touched it with my hand, and it turned out to be red, like blood.

Zhang Ruoyu won't be able to play any sports at that time, and it's not interesting for her to go there.

Even his own repair shop has changed 110 million yuan, which is more than the cost of buying a car.

Because the office is full of game consoles and racing simulators.

And time, he doesn't care.

Because the parents of both parties are acquaintances, they approve of this marriage very much and whisper in his ears every day.

After all, she liked Wu Xiaoxuan very much, and thought she was polite and pretty.

"Skiing? Yes, how long will it be?" Zhang Ruoyu was still a little flustered when Su Wei pressed her down.

In a long-distance relationship, the probability of breaking up is very high.

Because Sister Zhao didn't know what was going on, she had to be a matchmaker for her last month.

Anyway, his bar is now on the right track, and he doesn't need to keep an eye on it.

So he didn't have any clothes on, so he went to the living room and brought the bag.

After all, he reserved seats, but he only reserved dozens of tables, and hundreds of people would come.

"We're not flying this time, we're flying when we come back, how about we drive there?" Seeing that Su Wei wanted to apply for a flight route, Li Ziwei quickly stopped him.

And she is really interested in skiing.

It seems that a few complaints this time are all about friends.

"What's wrong with husband? Where are you going?" Zhang Ruoyu was woken up by Su Wei's call.

But the brother wanted to go out to play, so he could only risk his life to accompany him.

"Husband, I might not be able to accompany you to XJ this time, I'm here as an aunt." The one that looked like blood just now, as a woman, how could she not know.

It suddenly occurred to me that the Land Rover Defender I saw in the yard just now was so handsome.

And Wu Xiaoxuan, a beautiful girl like her, should have a better choice.

So I plan to take advantage of this time to go skiing, let myself clean up for a few days before talking.

Now just wait for Su Wei to come to the door, and then they put Su Wei up.

"Sister Zhao, I'll answer the phone and talk to you later.

His Mercedes-Benz G65 has never been used before.

Except for the engine, everything else has been changed.

"I don't think your body is itchy, but your heart is itchy. Between us, who doesn't know who, and still pretends in front of us, what's going on?" Between Su Wei and Li Renfeng, who doesn't know who.

Originally, I thought about going skiing in XJ with Su Wei.

"Yeah, luckily it's coming today"

When I heard Su Wei's tone, I realized that I was tricked by the two of them.

"That's it again, our unit's current dinner party, which one is not chosen by you?" Sister Zhao has come here for the sixth time this month.

"Xiao Wu, how did you think about what Sister Zhao told you last time?" Sister Zhao is not very old, she is not yet 40 years old.

Although most of the clothes can be bought at the place.

But Li Renfeng himself didn't want to get married in such a hurry.

As long as he didn't refuse on the phone, he would have to bring Su Wei with him this time.

But now that Zhang Ruoyu is here with her aunt, then this matter will have to wait until next time.

After he bought it, he dismantled the old guard completely.

"Look at you like this, how much you want to escape from the magic capital." Su Wei saw the three of them, and even his luggage was ready.

"It's ok, I'm the manager of the store now, and I'm already able to take care of myself. I don't care whether I'm in the store or not." Taoyuanju's current store manager is Wang Meifang.

I heard that the scenery of XJ is comparable to that of Switzerland.

Husband, you finally remembered to call me, I thought you forgot about me." Wu Xiaoxuan felt her phone vibrate at this moment, and when she took it out, it turned out to be Su Wei.

If she had come here yesterday, she might really cry to death.

"I don't know, but before the annual meeting, we will definitely be back, ah, what's the matter?" Su Wei's company annual meeting this time invited all the employees from Shanghai.

When you come to the store, you can also chat with the regular customers in the store.

So she quickly pushed Su Wei off her body, and then asked him to get her bag.

Because the few of them have already discussed it, and drove to XJ's General Mountain Ski Resort by themselves.

What's the point of going directly by plane.

Although she had already slept with Su Wei last night.

When the time comes they are there and can have a nice trip.

He used to think that the guard was ugly, but he didn't expect the old guard in the yard to be so attractive.

When returning, the car will be towed back by the cart.

The main reason why they come here so frequently is because their unit puts the place for dinner here.

With such a busy year this year, he really wants to rest.

"It's a pity, but it's a good thing that my aunt just came today." Zhang Ruoyu originally thought that my aunt really didn't give face.

Su Wei drove into Li Renfeng's repair shop and found that the yard was almost full of cars.

"Is it this Chanel bag? What's the matter? Is there something wrong with your expression?" Seeing Zhang Ruoyu's expression was wrong, Su Wei knew that something must have happened.

"Go, who said I won't go, where are you now, I'll come to find you right away" Su Wei is still very interested in skiing.

"What I told you the day before yesterday? Oh, I remembered, how could I have forgotten that?" Su Wei's anger at waking up also came from someone else.

And this sister Zhao is a regular customer of the restaurant.

If he was in such a hurry, something must have happened.

He was called up by Li Renfeng at 10 o'clock this morning.

Car Star Club.

Now that he saw her body, he was a little ready to move again.

After all, she can earn more money because of the support of these people.

It was the waiter who was almost fired at that time, and now he has become the manager of Taoyuanju.

The reason why Wu Xiaoxuan was able to let go and not let go was actually because she was too boring at home.

The bar has been open for more than five months, and he has already earned back his capital.

"Sister Zhao, I told you last time, I have a husband, so don't mention that matter." Thinking of that matter, Wu Xiaoxuan's forehead hurt a little.

He looked around in the yard for almost half an hour before he went upstairs satisfied.

Anyway, in this house, even the aunt hasn't been invited yet.

There was a beautiful woman beside him, how could he bear it, so he turned over and pushed Zhang Ruoyu under him.

They say it's an office here, but basically it's more appropriate to say it's a game room.

. . . . . .

"Understood, which ski resort in XJALT are we going to this time? Let me see which route we want to apply for." Su Wei only knew that they were going to XJALT.

"Thank you, Sister Zhao, for your frequent visits. Our business in Taoyuanju is so good." Wu Xiaoxuan always greeted guests with smiles.

That's me, here comes my aunt.

It's just that when she spoke, her tone couldn't help being a little resentful.

"This is too coincidental, there is no other way, this time I can only go to XJ to explore the road first, and when I take you there next time, I can teach you to ski in person." Su Wei was still thinking , went to XJ, Zhang Ruoyu basically recovered from his injuries.

"Go home to get clothes? Are you going to stay abroad for a long time again this time? I must follow you this time." She knew that Su Wei's deposits were frozen and he was restricted from returning to China.

Hearing that Su Wei asked her to go home to pack her clothes, she thought Su Wei was going to go abroad again.

Whatever she said this time, she had to follow Su Wei.

"What are you thinking, I want to take you to XJ for skiing, will you go?"

(End of this chapter)

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