Do whatever you want from today

Chapter 533 Do You Have Thoughts About My Mom?

After Su Wei and the others set off from Xi'an, they basically didn't stay in any city for a few days, and they basically left after a day's sleep.

The only big city behind is Lanzhou, but they have nothing to add.

So in Lanzhou, after replenishing some food and water, I only slept for one night before leaving.

There is another reason why they don't want to stay, that is, many people recognized Su Wei halfway.

When they were eating, someone would come over to say hello to him and ask for a group photo.

Maybe they thought it was not easy to meet Su Wei, and it was only a few minutes of delay, so Su Wei certainly wouldn't care.

But they never thought that Su Wei is not an Internet celebrity, nor is he a celebrity, but a big boss worth hundreds of billions.

If everyone came to disturb him for a few minutes, wouldn't he not have to eat and drink, and just take pictures.

So after this incident, Su Wei became more low-key in big cities, and basically covered himself when he went out.

They drove along the road and found that there were fewer and fewer cars on the road.

It is already 10 o'clock in the evening, and she is really hungry.

After all, the cars behind here, like them, have been stuck for 8 hours.

"I really envy you, Weiwei, the life of one husband and two wives has been realized directly." Li Renfeng teased Li Ziwei, because Duoduo has been in his car for the past few days.

"Hello, may I ask how much fuel you put in this car? Which of these two caps is the fuel tank cap?" Xiao Wu worked as a refueler in XJ, so logically speaking, he is well-informed.

The first one is the other three people, who turned out to be three beauties.

Unexpectedly, she was stuck on the road, and finally the road cleared, and there was another Mercedes-Benz driving at a slow speed in front of her.

Although the collision between the two cars was quite serious, fortunately, the people in the car were fine, but they were a little scared.

After knowing this situation, he immediately used the walkie-talkie to contact the three cars behind.

"That's what you said. He drives such a good car. He drives slowly in this kind of place. When I pass him, he will give me a quick acceleration. His driving habits are too bad." Zhang Shengnan listened When Su Wei said this, he felt a little better.

After the expressway is released tomorrow, I will drive directly to the Jiangjunshan Ski Resort in one day.

If this pulls the car up, what should they do if they deny it.

Even if this matter goes to the Supreme Court, he will make sense of it.

But the only trouble may be that the road will be very congested.

Knowing the road ahead, it should be cleared.

The snow that fell this time was not as large as the biggest snow Su Wei had ever seen in the south.

"I won't go down anymore, the weather outside is too cold, I can't bear it" Before, Wu Xiaoxuan really believed that the north was a physical attack, while the south was a magic attack.

Plus this time, it was the third time they had been driven off the highway.

So Jin Gaode will crash the car, he really can't figure it out.

Moreover, its driver's seat is very high, almost on an equal footing with that kind of bus driver.

Because he was sleeping when he was stuck in traffic just now, but was woken up by his girlfriend, saying that the road was clear.

He was far away, and he saw that the road ahead was blocked, and the cars in front of him were getting off the highway one by one.

Originally, he thought that the last eighty miles would arrive at eight o'clock in the evening.

As for the traffic police, they can't wait any longer. After all, they have already accepted full responsibility, so there is no need to wait for them.

Even if it is a business, it closes very early at night.

"What do you mean we suddenly drove in front of you? You didn't drive slowly by yourself. We are all starving to death now. If we followed you, we wouldn't starve to death on the road." Zhang Shengnan took his family this time, I came to XJ to drive by myself.

At the beginning, he didn't dare to let Wu Xiaoxuan drive, after all, the car was easy to skid in this icy and snowy place.

After all, when you are away from home, it must be true that you have more eyes.

To be on the safe side, of course, I would drive [-] kilometers to that small county town for the night.

Because the low-end Nongfu Spring always has an earthy smell when you drink it.

But just in case, he let Wu Xiaoxuan order it first.

After all, if he got there later and the street was pitch black, he wouldn't be able to knock on the door to get people up for business.

. . . . . .

"Then I must go to TLF. If you want to buy better mineral water in a small county, you can only choose Yibao and Nongfu Spring." Jin Gaode didn't want to spend the night in the small county, even if the road would be a little congested.

Southerners who do not eat rice for a day will feel that they have not eaten seriously for a day.

"Honey, I didn't expect to encounter so many traffic restrictions along the way." Wu Xiaoxuan really didn't understand why there was always traffic control in the Northwest.

"What's the situation? How did the car crash?" Li Renfeng, as the lead car, really didn't expect Jin Gaode to crash.

As long as there is no traffic jam, [-] kilometers is actually very fast.

Seeing that Li Ziwei and the others had arrived at the gas station, he asked Wu Xiaoxuan if she wanted to go down for a walk.

He didn't speed up because he just woke up.

"We said that we will be responsible for it, and we will definitely not go back on our promises. Don't worry." Li Renfeng didn't expect that several of himself would be questioned.

Zhang Shengnan didn't even know what they looked like, so how could he trust them.

"Wait, we can't pull the car up yet. We have to wait for the traffic police to arrive before pulling the car up." Seeing Li Renfeng about to pull the car, Yan Xinyue hurried forward to stop it.

But it lasts for a long time, and because the climate here is too dry, the snow will not melt very much after it falls.

No matter what kind of car it is, he has actually filled it up.

"I understand, I just don't know if my face can protect you"

"These two are fuel tank caps, one is the main fuel tank and the other is the auxiliary fuel tank. You just need to fill up both of them." Su Wei's Mercedes-Benz G63 AMG 6x6 has two fuel tanks.

"Don't be arrogant, everyone, they are all out to play. We are now blocked here, which has already affected the traffic. In this way, the insurance will be reported by us, because we are the tail behind us." The person who came out to speak this time was of course Su Wei is gone.

After all, they said they were responsible, but the traffic police didn't come.

But today's giant pickup truck really confuses him, because the logo B, he really doesn't know what the car logo is.

Because this car doesn't look like an off-road vehicle, but it is really stable. I don't know if it is because of the six tires, it will not float at high speed at all.

"Just get used to it. If it's a national highway, let me drive it." Su Wei's car is now just him and Wu Xiaoxuan.

The most important thing is that the originally smooth road is now blocked by them.

It was the other party's responsibility in the first place, but he is still making strong arguments here.

They set off from their hometown and have been out for more than a month.

When he opened the fuel tank cap, he didn't know how to refuel, because there were two fuel tank caps inside.

Su Wei immediately fell in love with the eldest sister who stood aside and said nothing.

With her temper, she definitely wouldn't follow behind and wait, and quarreled with him as soon as she turned the steering wheel, but she didn't expect to be bumped into a ditch by the side of the road.

Unexpectedly, a car suddenly cut into the front of his car from behind. He couldn't dodge it in time, so he hit it directly, and then both cars fell into the ditch on the side of the road.

"This is car No. [-], here is car No. [-], car No. [-] and car No. [-], come back quickly, Lao Jin's car No. [-] collided with someone else's car"

"Husband, I'm so hungry, when will this traffic stop?" Wu Xiaoxuan remembered that they arrived here after three o'clock, and it has been eight hours now, and they have only traveled less than five kilometers.

But he tried to let Wu Xiaoxuan drive it once, and found that she drove it quite well, so he let her drive it without worry.

Anyway, whether it is time or money, he can spend it with the other party.

"I'm very hungry too. Look, does my arm look like a chicken leg? I'll give you a bite." Not to mention Wu Xiaoxuan, Su Wei is also very hungry.

Although he is not afraid of hitting, this behavior is too embarrassing.

The one that collided with Jin Gaode was a Toyota Land Cruiser, and judging by the license plate, it was from the Land of Abundance.

Because she was not hungry at noon, she ate a bucket of instant noodles in the service area.

"Whether you starve to death or not, I don't care. If you suddenly want to drive in front of me, it must be your responsibility." Jin Gaode will definitely not accept this responsibility.

"Okay, it just so happens that I can take a break too." Wu Xiaoxuan found out that this car is really easy to drive.

The price of the ordinary model is only a guide price of 998 million, while the starting price of his model is 1480 million, which is almost 500 million more expensive.

One reason is that there are few people on the northwest side, and the second reason is because of the snow.

"That won't work. After all, we don't know you, and you are covering up so tightly now. We are doing this for protection. I hope you understand." Su Wei and his group all wore masks and scarves.

"If you call the traffic police, call the traffic police. Anyway, this matter is definitely not my responsibility." When Jin Gaode heard the other party say that he wanted to call the traffic police, he must choose to accompany him to the end.

But what I didn't expect was that, except for the bad national road in Xi'an, the road got better and better as we went northwest.

And the scenery on the national highway is not comparable to that on the highway.

Because he was in the No. [-] car and Li Ziwei was in the No. [-] car, logically speaking, the No. [-] and No. [-] cars are safe.

After all, after driving for a long time, you may need to exercise your muscles.

"Get out, I'm sleeping alone every day, and I'm still a husband and two wives, what are you thinking?"

In fact, they had food in the car, but she didn't eat rice.

After all, he was driving normally, and the other party suddenly ran in front of him. At that time, his speed just picked up, and there was a car on the side that he had nothing to give way to.

After Su Wei revealed his face, the youngest of the other three sisters really recognized him.

When Su Wei heard about a car crash, he quickly found a wide place and turned around.

"Then let's pull the car out now, beauty, your car is in front, so let's pull yours first." Li Ziwei saw that Jin Gaode was about to have a fit, so he quickly pulled him aside.

So after seeing the other party subdued, she still made a sarcasm.

"This is car No. [-], here is car No. [-], traffic control ahead, we are going to get off the highway." The leading car has always been Li Renfeng's Land Rover Defender.

So the best way, of course, is to wait for the traffic police and the insurance company to come over.

The only downside is that driving on the national highway is too congested.

It's so cold outside, Wu Xiaoxuan is not willing to go down, how comfortable it is to stay in the car.

Seeing that Jin Gaode was persuaded to leave, Li Renfeng planned to get the rope out of the car and pull the car up from the ditch.

"The weather in the northwest is too cold, Brother Su, we just checked the navigation, there is a small county town 50 kilometers ahead, and TLF is 150 kilometers ahead, where do you think we are going?" Now, It was still around 2 o'clock in the afternoon.

And he wants to buy some high-end mineral water, which is not sold in the small county town, and there are few bottles of water in his car, so he needs to add some.

The second reason is that they are rear-end after all, anyway, there is insurance, so there is no need to waste time here.

She drove this car today, and it has been almost [-] kilometers since the last service area.

The way the other party drove was completely dangerous driving.

They planned not to go to the small county just now, but they only walked 20 kilometers, and then they were blocked.

"Ah, I can't bear it. I knew I should bring self-heating rice. I didn't eat the staple food. I'm really hungry." Wu Xiaoxuan pretended to bite hard, and didn't even show a tooth mark.

Because it's freezing outside, no one will come out at night.

"They gathered at that gas station, can't you get off?" After more than half an hour of queuing, Su Wei and the others finally got off the expressway.

If there is a small problem ahead, the car can easily be blocked on the road.

And this is not the ordinary version of G63 AMG 6x6, the one he bought is the only Brabus modified version in the country.

There is actually a reason why he came out to say this and took the responsibility in his arms.

It's not that they don't want to wait for the insurance company's people to come, but the other party said that the car inspection at TLF will be fine tomorrow.

It turned out that it was already ten o'clock, and they were still stuck on the road.

The only downside is that it slips under hard acceleration, but the diff lock kicks in quickly, so it's not a big deal.

After they left Gansu, they encountered traffic control at every turn in XJ.

Coupled with hearing the other party's sophistry, she became angry all at once.

It was only after they went back that they realized that the impact was quite serious.

After all, he has the most experience, and he is the most suitable to be the leader.

This made the other men almost envious of Li Ziwei.

He wants to eat roasted whole lamb now, and then a bowl of fried rice with eggs.

. . . . . .

"It's already past 10 o'clock now. By the time we reach TLF, it will be at least 12 o'clock. Where are the shops open?" People in the north go to bed early.

I just came out of this small county in the back and planned to go to Jiangjunshan Ski Resort.

So everyone guessed that Duoduo must have reached an agreement with Meng Jihong.

"I don't know. I was driving normally, and then they suddenly drove in front of me. I didn't rush to brake, and they hit me." Speaking of this, Jin Gaode was speechless.

Even if it is replaced with snow tires, it is not so safe.

"Okay, okay, the car in front is moving, and now the car is moving. As long as there is no traffic jam, the 80-kilometer road will take up to two hours. When I get to the place, I must make a roasted whole lamb to eat." Su Wei said When I saw the lights in front of me, I started to move forward slowly.

After all, the best hotel in a small county actually has the same service quality.

Su Wei and the others originally thought that the further they drove towards Jiangjun Mountain, the worse the national road would be.

But when I really came here, I realized that in the weather of more than ten degrees below zero, people would really freeze to death.

After all, the most important thing now is to go to the city first.

For this reason, he certainly felt that it was the other party's responsibility.

"I don't like to drink Nongfu Spring either. It smells like earth, so let's fill up the tank and go straight to TLF." Compared to C'estbon, Su Wei doesn't like to drink Nongfu Spring.

Because all the cars on the expressway were driven off, this caused the car on the national highway to be fully loaded.

I didn't expect to encounter such a car accident, and the car looked badly damaged.

As Su Wei drove this way, he could clearly feel that the snow on both sides was slowly piling up.

. . . . . .

"As long as you have money, you can eat it even in the early morning. By the way, you can order a roasted whole lamb on your mobile phone first, and let the boss wait for us." Although Su Wei said, as long as he has money, he can definitely eat it.

"This can't be our responsibility. After all, you are rear-ending. If you say that, then we will call the traffic police to see who is responsible." Yan Xinyue was very happy when she went out this time.

As long as they put the scene, take a few photos for them.

Then very smoothly, they agreed to Su Wei and the others to pull their car up.

Because Li Renfeng had never shown that he was a good guard, so he directly took over the rescue work this time.

While Su Wei stared at the eldest sister among the three sisters, he found that she was really elegant.

Even in this situation, he was not in a hurry, and he was not aggressive just now.

Just when he was thinking about whether to ask for a WeChat account, he was shocked by the words "Hey, you were so easy to talk just now, is it because you have some thoughts about my mother?"

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