Conan: I'm really not a model worker at a winery

Chapter 315 Finding a Fengshui Treasure Place Suitable for Burying People

Chapter 315 Finding a Fengshui Treasure Place Suitable for Burying People

After Noah's explanation, Gin probably seemed to understand what was going on.

But in general, he didn't understand the brain circuits of people like the FBI at all... It's not too strange.

Gin couldn't help but mourn for Matsuda Jinpei who just joined their five-star group:

What a seedling, it is suspected that it has something to do with the organization.

Although it is indeed related to 'organization', this organization is not that organization...

This kid is really wronged.

But speaking of the police...

Qin Jiu remembered that the peripheral member who called him last night who was suspected to be doing something, had an inexplicable premonition:
Will the other party feel unbearable and really go to intercept and kill the police officers investigating the case?


In that case, with the "learn from the past", this kind of action will definitely attract the attention of the FBI. If it is not done well, the FBI really thinks that their organization wants to attack the police, and maybe even Belmode's actions will not be let go. in the eyes...

No, you can't let it go, it is necessary to take precautions in advance.

Gin frowned.

However, regarding the members of the organization, even if they acted without authorization, they would still need to be executed later... and if the other party did do something without reporting, it should be after the other party's action that Qin Jiu got the information from the intelligence agent.

It seems a little late to execute at that time, and there is even a suspicion that there is no silver 300 taels here.

"...Really, what am I thinking." Suddenly, Qin Jiu stepped on the brakes with a cold face - he had already reached the first inspection site, "That peripheral member should not be so bold."


Qin Jiu felt that he still couldn't underestimate criminals other than organizations.

He has seen many cases of assassination of policemen before.

These people are bold: the police dare to kill, the high-level executives of various industries dare to kill, even the people of the organization dare to kill...

Well, there are indeed some unlucky people with low status in the winery who were killed because they provoked some people...

So, Gin made up his mind: "Noah."

[yes!Lord Gin, please listen to me! ]
After Hiroki finished patching, Noah's idiom usage frequency decreased a lot, and the error rate was also low.

"Tell Lie that if they encounter someone on the road who wants to attack the police, stop them as much as possible." Before turning off the fire, Qin Jiu said at the end, "If a policeman is really killed, then try our best to catch the murderer, and make sure not to Get involved with an organization will do!"

After finishing speaking, Gin turned off the engine, switched the radio channel back, got out of the car and locked the door.

It seems that he and the organization have put too much pressure on the FBI recently, and we must be careful that things will turn against each other...

After locking the door and pulling the handle of the car twice, Gin turned around and prepared to go to the next target location to find out.

But when he left, he looked at his car from the corner of his eye, feeling a little complicated:
"I don't know how Conan pried open my car door..."

Indeed, the doors of this kind of antique car can be opened with just a bit of iron coils...

But Conan, isn't he a decent guy?Such things as prying cars are actually capable... It seems that there is still a lot of potential for development.

Qin Jiu suddenly had a different idea.

"Forget it, let's talk about it after leaving the organization." Qin Jiu thought for a while, but still focused on his eyes.

I don't know that it will be the year of the monkey when I leave the organization... Maybe it will be 2222 in a few months.

At least, we have to wait until the headquarters in Japan is completely exposed and destroyed, or it is controlled by his people, so that the British headquarters will lose control of this side.

It's too early to think about this now.

Gin kept a relaxed mood, and Shi Shiran stepped into this abandoned factory.

——The first stop, the abandoned factory in Chiyoda.

These places for investigation are mainly for Belmode fishing: they need to find a place with good Feng Shui to be used as the FBI's cemetery.

But for Gin, he'd better find a 'Colosseum' that is easy to block.

The FBI, the organization... none of them can escape.

Gin squinted his eyes and walked around the abandoned factory first, then shook his head in disappointment.

"Without the commanding heights, snipers have no room to play."

He took out a notepad that hadn't been used for a long time, took a pen and wrote a place name on the paper, wrote the word 'disadvantage' next to it, and copied the content he was muttering silently.

That's why Gin needs a person to investigate, and would rather give up Vodka as the driver.

Because vodka doesn't help at all...

In terms of reconnaissance, a hundred vodkas are not worth one hundredth of him. It is a waste of time to drag it out. Unlike other missions, it can at least deter the mission target.

Throw vodka at the base and help with the mail, it's the right way to do both!
"...Well, there are no good hiding spots nearby."

Gin looked around again, pressed the brim of his hat, and looked around.

Good, no one.

With a little effort in his legs, he jumped onto the wall very lightly, and stood on top to look at the general environment of the entire factory.

Afterwards, Gin jumped into the factory and began to wander, while constantly recording his own judgments in the notebook:
"Feng Shui is not good, unqualified..."

"There are too many blind spots, and the sniper position can't be used. Give it up."

"If the road is wide, two trains can walk side by side, which will easily lead to a frontal fight between the two sides, and bad reviews."

"The layout of building x in district x is not bad..."

Because there were no outsiders around, Gin let himself go here, and took a look at every corner of the abandoned factory in less than 10 minutes.

——Actually, if you just want to find a suitable place to contain the FBI, you don't need to be so detailed.

The main reason is that Gin has a little thought of his own:
Organizations can block the FBI today, and they can block the day after tomorrow...

Everyone knows who they want to block.

However, this place obviously didn't meet Gin's wishes. He shook his head, put away his notebook and pen, and Gin drove a Porsche by himself to the next destination.

The remaining three places are in Minato District, Hirakawa District and Ota District.

Except for Chiyoda, the remaining three places are all coastal areas, and the locations are also factories, warehouses and docks near the sea.

This kind of place where there are usually people, but there is not much traffic, and it is remote, but it will not cause too much vigilance by the FBI, is perfect for fishing.

Moreover, these places were not only chosen for themselves - they were also prepared for the FBI to deploy their own personnel.

Just imagine, when people from the FBI found out where they planned to operate, they ran over to inspect it, and found that the place was very well-feng shui, especially suitable for burials...

Can you not be moved?

Don't you have to figure out how to arrange it nearby so that they can be wiped out?
So finding a place here is a technical job.

Gin took a look and still didn't match the wharf he had in mind, and silently crossed it on the notebook.

(End of this chapter)

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