The Heavens: The Magical World Begins with The Lord of the Rings

Chapter 103 The Destruction of Changhu Town [2 in 1, please subscribe! 】

Chapter 103 The Destruction of Changhu Town [Two in one, please subscribe! 】

"You said you found a cave where Smaug entered and exited the dungeon on the Lonely Mountain?"

After listening to how Bahrain and the others discovered the hole, Gao Yuan was so shocked that his jaw almost fell to the ground.

Another plot that never appeared in the movie, and in Tolkien's book, it is just a foreshadowing that is difficult to attract others' attention, and even in the original book, this foreshadowing has no related follow-up plot at all.

But in reality, it does make sense. After Thorin's grandfather, Thor, led the people to leave the Lonely Mountain, Smaug would occasionally leave the underground city and attack humans and dwarves near the town of River Valley.

"Didn't you tell me that there are only two entrances and exits in the lonely mountain, why there is an extra vent suddenly?" Gao Yuan stared into Suo Lin's eyes and asked.

Sorin shook his head blankly: "I also only knew about the existence of that vent not long ago. I was only 24 years old when I left the lonely mountain. My grandfather and father never knew about this kind of secret thing." Never mentioned it to me."

Gao Yuan sighed, it is useless to worry about these things at this time, the most important thing now is to prevent Smaug from leaving the dungeon, and Smaug, who escaped from the dwarf hall, has disappeared at this time.

Compared with the evil dragon that has lived in the lonely mountain for more than 100 years, he is far less familiar with the terrain of the dungeon than Smaug, and he has no idea where the hidden vent is located in the dungeon, and now he wants to catch up It is simply impossible to stop the other party.

Gao Yuan had no choice but to take a shortcut. The only thing he knew so far was that the entrance to the dungeon was located in the high ground directly above the secret door.

If he was fast enough, he could still reach the entrance of the cave before Smaug left the dungeon.

Gao Yuan stopped talking nonsense with the dwarves. After asking them which passage they entered the dwarf hall, he turned around and flew into that passage. Only a few dwarves and Bilbo stayed on the ground and looked at each other. .

When Gao Yuan came to the secret door where they entered the dungeon and saw the collapsed secret door, he felt an urge to scold his mother, he really shot himself in the foot with a stone, and was tricked by Sorin and others once.

They must have known the fact that the secret door had collapsed, but they didn't mention it to Gao Yuan. Gao Yuan snorted coldly, and condensed two fireballs in his hands without saying a word.

Two fireballs hit the boulder blocking the secret door, and a violent explosion occurred, stirring up countless debris and dust.

By the time Gao Yuan blasted open the collapsed secret door, more than five minutes had passed, and his forehead was already covered with tiny beads of sweat.

On the one hand, it was because Gao Yuan rushed out of the secret door in a hurry; on the other hand, it was caused by his high-intensity use of mind power.

After rushing out of the secret door, Gao Yuan flew into the air immediately and came to the high ground mentioned by Suo Lin and others.

But he was one step too late. At this time, Smaug had already climbed up from the entrance of the cave. It stood on the edge of the cliff, spread its huge wings, and jumped up from the cliff.

The airflow generated by the dragon flapping its wings caught Gao Yuan by surprise. As soon as he arrived on the high ground, countless gravel and dust hit his face.

Dust flew into his eyes, and by the time Gao Yuan regained his sight, Smaug had already flown quite a distance.

Gao Yuan looked at the figure of Smaug who was flying towards Changhu Town, and cursed secretly. He must have not read the almanac when he entered Gushan today, which caused everything to go wrong.

After all the calculations, Smaug escaped from the Lonely Mountain Dungeon according to the plot in the original book. He didn't need to look at the direction of Smaug's flight. He also knew that it had already headed for Long Lake Town, where it would start a massacre.

Gao Yuan glanced at the mental energy value displayed on the system panel. After such a long period of recovery, even though a lot of energy was consumed when blasting the secret door just now, there are still about three-fifths of the energy value left at this time , which is high enough to fight Smaug again.

At this time, the night in the Lonely Mountain is already very deep. In other seasons, near Erebor, you can always see the stars all over the sky surrounding the moon like stars.

The bright moonlight is like the light emitted by a huge street lamp, illuminating every inch of land in the entire lonely mountain.

Maybe it's because it's winter, or maybe it's because tomorrow's weather is not so good, the sky near the lonely mountain is covered with thick dark clouds, and even a layer of white mist rises from the ground.

Through the thick clouds, the outline of the huge moon can be vaguely seen, and the mottled moonlight shines on the earth through the weaker parts of the clouds.

Legolas and the others who were stationed in the valley to the west of the Lonely Mountain spent the whole night in fear.Two brothers, Oli and Noli, sent by Balin, have told them that Smaug still has an exit on the top of the mountain.

This caused them to not dare to relax their vigilance all night, especially after the shock in the Lonely Mountain ended, and let Legolas know that the battle in the Lonely Mountain was probably over, and he had no way of knowing who won the final victory. victory.

They have been paying attention to the sky to the south of the isolated mountain, for fear that a dragon will suddenly fly out of the isolated mountain, fly to the top of their heads, and attack them.Even the bonfire in the camp was extinguished by Legolas long ago, in order to prevent them from being discovered by Smaug.

Living up to Legolas' "waiting and looking forward" all night, he finally looked forward to the appearance of the dragon he had been waiting for.

Under the hazy moonlight, a huge golden evil dragon jumped down from the cliff edge of the lonely mountain. It flapped its huge wings and soared in the clouds.

The sound of the dragon flapping its wings could faintly reach Legolas' ears even at such a long distance.But fortunately, the evil dragon he had been staring at the sky was not flying in the direction of the elf camp. It seemed that it hadn't discovered their existence yet.

Not long after the figure of the dragon left the Lonely Mountain, Legolas saw again, a small black figure leaping up from the cliff where Smaug left, like a locked missile, heading straight towards the Flew in the direction of Smaug.

Gao Yuan was galloping over the ruins of Hegu City at the foot of the lonely mountain at this time. His eyes were fixed on the evil dragon in front of him. Although Gao Yuan had already increased his flying speed to the limit, there was always a gap between the two. small distance.

Every time he saw that he was getting closer and closer to Smaug, Smaug would flap his wings once, suddenly speed up his flight, and then pull the distance between the two of them apart.

"I am the flame that burns all. I am...death."

Smaug looked at Long Lake Town, which was almost in sight, as if it was announcing to the humans living there that their own death was about to come.

At this time, Changhu Town was already in chaos long before Smaug's arrival.

Although this time, the dwarves did not pass through the territory of Changhu Town, nor did they have any interaction with the humans here.But when Gao Yuan first made noise in the lonely mountain, the residents of Changhu town who were full of fear and vigilance against the evil dragon entrenched in the lonely mountain all the year round reacted quickly.

Most of the residents of Changhu Town like to hide in their houses during this season, because at night, from the lonely mountain in the north, there will be a biting cold wind. cause of freezing.

However, there are still some people who like to walk on the street and look at the stars twinkling in the sky above the lake. Among them is the direct descendant of the former Lord of River Valley City Ji Rui'an, that is, the sharp archer Bud in the movie.

Looking from their small town, most of the mountain body of Lonely Mountain is blocked by hills, so it looks a bit inconspicuous from the other end of the long lake.

The River Run flowed into Long Lake from an inlet in the north, and only on clear days could they see the top of the Lonely Mountain.But usually they are not too willing to keep their eyes on it.

Because they were all descendants of the residents of Hegu Town, everyone knew that there was still an evil dragon entrenched in the ruins of the dungeon in that lonely mountain.

Even though it has never appeared in people's sights for 60 years, the fear of dragons has been rooted in their hearts.

After entering the winter, the lonely mountain was completely shrouded in darkness, but today there was a sudden vibration from the lonely mountain, which gradually dissipated the clouds and darkness that had originally covered the lonely mountain, and it reappeared from the darkness. In front of everyone.

Just when everyone walked out of the house in doubt, and before they understood what happened, the sharp archer Bud had a gloomy face, and quickly ran to the mayor of Changhu Town: "The dragon is coming, someone alarmed you!" Killed that evil dragon in the Lonely Mountain!"

However, the mayor of the dead body didn't think so. He thought it was just Bud's scaremongering.

Bud saw that this nasty guy didn't believe his words, so he sneaked up to the tallest clock tower in the center of Changhu Town by himself, and rang the big bell to warn the residents of the town.

While the bell was ringing in the sky of Changhu Town, Bud shouted loudly from the clock tower: "The dragon is coming, someone has disturbed the dragon in the Lonely Mountain"

Such a big movement naturally alarmed all the residents in the town, and they all gathered in front of the bell tower at the foot of Bard.

The mayor, furious, ordered someone to climb up the bell tower to catch the rumor-mongering Bud, but he easily escaped.

His warning was effective. Even under the mayor's strong explanation, people still chose to believe Bud's words.

They returned to their homes one after another, packed up their things, brought their families, and prepared their boats. When the dragon really came, they would immediately start to escape from Changhu Town.

Why are the residents of the small town willing to believe Bud's words and react so quickly?This actually stems from their fear of Smaug from the bottom of their hearts. On the other hand, Bard still has a bit of prestige in the hearts of the residents of Long Lake Town.

He once predicted the flood and the emergence of poisonous fish. The residents of the town know his courage and character well. He is a direct descendant of Girion, the king of Dale Town.

Tonight's Changhu Town is destined to be very lively. Even though it is already late at night, the lights are still brightly lit here, and everyone is preparing to escape.

Even the mayor, who has been unwilling to believe Bud's "lie", is directing his subordinates to load all the treasures into the boat at this time.

As time went by, the movement from the lonely mountain became more and more loud, until the lake under their feet began to ripple. In fact, this happened to be caused by the earthquake created by Gao Yuan.

This made people more sure that the movement was indeed made by the evil dragon in the lonely mountain.

Even though Bard's warning was timely enough, the people still did not evacuate immediately. They still had a little luck, and they would not leave their homes unless they saw Smaug's arrival with their own eyes.

Therefore, Bard secretly organized a group of archers to protect their homeland.

Even if they couldn't protect their homeland, at least they had to cover the evacuation of the residents of Changhu Town. Those who were sitting on the boat waiting to be evacuated were all their family members.

The first person to see Smaug's arrival was Bard standing on the roof. As a sharpshooter, his eyesight was naturally the best among the town's residents.

In the dark sky, a huge black shadow swooped down from the clouds. Even though Bud had never seen the dragon in the Lonely Mountain with his own eyes, he still recognized Smaug at the first sight.

At this moment, Bud blew the horn on the roof, which symbolized the attack of the dragon, and the sound of the horn echoed over Changhu Town, allowing everyone to receive the message.

Although they didn't see the attack of the dragon with their own eyes, they reacted quickly. All the people on the boat started paddling their oars desperately, and everyone wanted to escape immediately. .

But unexpectedly, it seems that the waterway leaving Changhu Town is blocked, because there are too many people who want to leave at the same time, coupled with the obstruction of the ice floes on the water, the waterway is covered with water. The fleet was stuck in traffic.

Everyone was caught in a dilemma, especially the stupid mayor. At this time, his big boat full of gold, silver and jewels crashed into a house after knocking down several other residents' boats. died in the waterway.

Before long, they saw a flame coming straight towards them, and amidst the screams and howls of the humans, it came!
The evil dragon swooped over the head of Changhu Town, and it spit out dragon flames that could burn everything here to ashes. In the area it passed, everything was submerged in the raging fire.

Those who were unlucky in the center of the dragon flame were all burned to death even if they were not turned into ashes in that instant; while those who were a little bit luckier still had a chance to jump into the bitterly cold lake water.

Smaug let out a happy dragon cry in the air, circled in the air and then flew back to the sky above Long Lake Town.

Unexpectedly, this time the evil dragon faced the prepared humans.

A rain of arrows shot by the archers led by Bard rushed towards it, hitting the dragon scales on its body, but they broke off one after another and fell down again.

It opened its mouth again, spitting out flames from its mouth, and after this moment, Changhu Town was plunged into a sea of ​​flames.

In the attack of the archers and the harsh sound of the horn, in the battle with Gao Yuan, the anger of the dragon, which was still angry, became even more angry.

In the end, it finally lost its mind. It has been many years since no one dared to challenge him; let alone the ranger suspected of Maiya, now this group of ants in Changhu Town dare to challenge its majesty. How is it not angry.

It returned to the high sky and hovered for a while. There was a height beyond the reach of archers. The flames illuminated the entire originally icy lake. It was observing the sea of ​​fire below with its sharp eyes, wanting to Find those archers who dare to challenge their majesty.

Soon, it found the location of Bard and the others, braved the rain of arrows and swooped in the direction of Changhu Town. It didn't even care about pointing its scales at the enemy, and only wanted to burn all the enemies into coke.

In Bud's hand, he held a huge purple shirt bow and kept shooting. There was only one arrow left in his quiver, and his surroundings were already engulfed in flames.

Facing the evil dragon swooping towards them, the companions also began to abandon him and jumped into the water one after another.

This is probably the last time he will bend his bow and nock his arrow.

He faced all these bravely, facing the evil dragon swooping towards his position, without showing a trace of timidity on his face, he took out the last arrow from his quiver.

"Black Arrow! Black Arrow!"

Bud looked at the black arrow in his hand and said: "I kept you until the end, just because you never let me down, so I will pick you up every time. I inherited you from my father, and he He also got you from his ancestors. If you are really from the furnace of the king below the mountain, then please gather all your strength and hit the target with one shot!"

Bending the bow and setting the arrow in one go, Bard aimed at one of Smaug's eyes and let go of the arrowstring!

The black arrow ricocheted from the yew bow and flew towards the swooping Smaug with unrivaled poise, heading for its eyes.

Smaug, who had lost his mind, didn't notice the black arrow flying towards his eyes at all. He just wanted to burn that damned human to death with dragon flames.


The sound of a metal collision reached Bud's ears.

He failed! !
As one of the most cunning creatures in this world, Smaug has lost his mind, not his IQ. When the black arrow came to it with the sound of breaking wind, it was discovered by it instantly, and it shot Bud out with a slap The black arrow was shot off.

However, this also successfully stopped Smaug's dive attack. It fell heavily on Changhu Town, and countless houses collapsed because of its arrival.

This is a very good opportunity. Bard, who has lost his bow and arrow, can choose to escape at this time.

Jump off the roof now, not even Smaug could find him in the chaos.

As for whether he will die here, it depends on his luck, and this is just a temporary escape.

But he chose not to, and like his ancestor Giraion, he failed in hunting Smaug with the Black Arrow.

Then, like Girion, he must face the evil dragon that destroyed their homeland calmly, and face the coming death calmly.

"Who are you that dare to fight against me?" Smaug asked, looking at Bud standing on the roof.

"It's such a pity, you don't have any black arrows in your hand, what should you do now, archer?"

"Your companion has abandoned you, and no one will come to help you anymore." Smaug was very proud. He wished to vent all the grievances he encountered in the dungeon tonight on Bard.

(End of this chapter)

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