The Heavens: The Magical World Begins with The Lord of the Rings

Chapter 113 Heading to River Valley City 【Subscription】

Chapter 113 Heading to River Valley City 【Subscription】

Just when people fall into endless greed for wealth;

When you are in the infinite fantasy of a better life in the future.

Bud, who has always been rational, stood up again.

He is a loud reminder of those who have fallen into madness because of wealth.

"We are not going to take the treasure of the king under the mountain, we will only take the part we deserve, and only use the wealth to rebuild our homes and maintain our lives."

However, people have already fallen into the pie that Bud and Greed have drawn for them, so how can they listen to Bud's rational voice.

They were still cheering, chanting slogans demanding compensation.

Even these slogans have gradually changed, and they have begun to shout that they will take away all the treasures in the lonely mountain.

The change in the situation caught Bud a little by surprise.

He started to panic, he desperately wanted to stop this bandit thinking from spreading among the crowd.

Thranduil sat on the elk's back and watched all this happen in silence. He would be happy to see that Thorin Oakenshield in the Lonely Mountain got into some trouble.

But at the same time, he was also thinking about whether it was really worthwhile for the Woodland Kingdom to choose to help these people.

He saw all the ugliest scenes of these human beings in his eyes.

What is the difference between the residents of Changhu Town in front of them and those greedy dwarves in the kingdom below the mountain?

Maybe they should be thankful that among them there is still a sensible person like Bud.

Thranduil believed that with a leader like Bard, these people might not become what the dwarves were in the past.

If it wasn't for Bard's persuasion in the crowd, Thranduil might have turned around and left with his troops.

Of course, we have to see how effective Bard's persuasion is.

At this moment, Gao Yuan, who had been in a relationship with Arwen, stood up. He stood on a raised boulder, and he looked at the residents of Changhu Town who fell into madness.

Gao Yuan pulled out the Evening Star Blade from his waist and raised it above his head.


A huge flame shot up from the gauntlet of Evening Star Blade until it covered the entire blade.

The raging flames made those who had been trapped in the nightmare of flames last night instantly quiet down.

They looked at the burning sword in Gao Yuan's hand in horror.

They couldn't be more familiar with the breath coming from the flames burning on the Blade of Evening Star, it was the smell of Dragon Flame.

"It's the Dragonslayer, and his sword must have drank Smaug's blood to make it that way."

"It's terrible, I don't want to see such a flame again in my life."

"What does he want to do..."


Gao Yuan didn't speak, he just held up the sword in his hand, he wanted to reawaken the fear of Long Yan in their hearts.

He wants them to always remember that he killed the dragon.

Only then will they submit to his majesty.

After everyone is silent, Gao Yuan's majesty has conquered all of them, instead of continuing to succumb to his own greed.

"Perhaps, you can't listen to Bud's admonition at this time, because he was just your friend and neighbor. No matter how hard he tried to persuade you, let you stay rational."

"But don't forget, he is the direct descendant of the lord of River Valley City, Ji Rui'an; after the disaster happened last night, he is also the only one who helped you through the difficulties."

"Residents of Long Lake Town, don't turn a blind eye to the most sane people among you."

As soon as Gao Yuan's voice fell, everyone looked at Bud standing among them in unison.

Gao Yuan's words made them realize their mistakes and feel guilty for it.

Qi Qi, who was the closest to Bud, put his hand on Bud's shoulder and apologized to him.

Gao Yuan's speech is not over yet, and they have awakened their conscience, which does not mean that their inner greed has been eliminated.

He continued: "I am not a resident of Changhu Town, and you are not even my friends, so I don't want to participate in your decisions about the future."

"The king under the mountain in the lonely mountain is my friend."

"Therefore, I won't help you ask him for treasures; of course, I don't object to you asking him to compensate for the loss of Changhu Town."

"But!" At this moment, Gao Yuan changed the subject and his tone suddenly became severe.

"I will never let a group of robbers have the opportunity to rush into my friend's house and rob them of their wealth!"

Gao Yuan's last words resounded through the sky, like the roar of a dragon, and spread throughout the entire Changhu camp.

Gao Yuan raised the Evening Star Blade above his head and slammed it into the boulder protruding below him.

A huge amount of flame exploded from the sword of Evening Star Blade, and the hot flame shot up into the sky, engulfing Gao Yuan's right hand holding the sword and most of his body.

A group of people who were closer to Gaoyuan were shocked to find that the hair on their foreheads was curled up due to the high temperature, and they even smelled a burning smell.

People showed fear in their eyes, and they stepped back one after another, trying to keep a distance from the terrifying flame.

Thranduy, who was standing behind Gao Yuan, was also frightened by the flames emerging from the Evening Star Blade, looking at Gao Yuan who was almost engulfed by the flames, with a look of astonishment on his face.

He was surprised that Gao Yuan was not afraid of the hot flame.

The flames that erupted from the Blade of Evening Star did not last too long, and quickly disappeared.

The sleeve on Gao Yuan's right hand and the clothes on his right upper body were all burned to ashes by the flames.

Even so, Gao Yuan's body is still safe and sound.

Arwen took off her blue robe and put it on Gao Yuan.Under her blue robe, she was wearing a blue and white elf battle armor, and under the battle armor was a black strong suit.

The flames died down, and it took a while for Bard to recover from the shock.

He stood up and asked Gao Yuan a question.

"Dear Mr. Dragon Slayer, I respect your protection of your friends, but if the new king under the mountain is unwilling to meet our request for compensation, and you do not allow us to use force to threaten."

"How do we get the compensation we deserve?"

When Gao Yuan just gave a speech, he didn't think of this level. He thought for a while before answering Bud's question.

"I know very well the dwarves' obsession with wealth. I can allow you to force Thorin Oakenshield. But you can't really enter the Lonely Mountain to rob."

"Even if there is really no other way in the end and you have to use force to rob, you can only take away the part you deserve, and only take the wealth used to rebuild your home and maintain your life."

"This is my bottom line!"

This is Gao Yuan's final compromise, and Bud and the others in the original book did the same.

This is very reasonable, he can't really let these people starve to death or freeze to death in this harsh winter.

At this time, Thranduil also stood up at the right time, he was still riding on the back of his elk.

"I and the army in my kingdom are willing to help you claim the compensation you deserve from the king under the mountain."

Thranduil said with a smile: "If the King of the Mountain is not willing to fulfill his duty of compensation, we are also willing to fight for you."

"Of course, I also have my own selfishness. There is also a treasure I want in the treasure house of Lonely Mountain. It is a gemstone necklace that exudes pure white starlight. It is a national treasure of the Woodland Kingdom, a white gemstone necklace."

"I originally commissioned the dwarves to make it for my wife, but those greedy dwarves refused to return it to us after they were built, just using the woodland kingdom's unwillingness to provide reasonable remuneration as an excuse. "

In this way, the humans in Changhu Town, the elves of the Woodland Kingdom and Gao Yuan reached an agreement, and they began to pack up the things in the camp and prepared to go to the lonely mountain.

The first to set off were all the adult men in Changhu Town who could take up arms, and the army of the Elven King Thranduil. They first marched towards the lonely mountain in the north.

Followed by the army from Rivendell, they need to help the old, weak, women, children and wounded in Changhu Town, and head to River Valley City.

However, Arwen, Gao Yuan and others are not considered to be involved in this dispute between humans, elves of the woodland kingdom, and dwarves of the Lonely Mountain.

In this way, No. 11 days after the death of the dragon, the elf army of the Woodland Kingdom, the humans in Changhu Town, the elf army of Rivendell and Gao Yuan entered the wasteland created by the dragon Smaug.

(End of this chapter)

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