Chapter 116 My Baby! ! !

But Kili and Fili did not listen to Bilbo's advice, they insisted on choosing to enter the Lonely Mountain.

The two of them followed Sorin and went through untold hardships all the way from the Blue Mountains, and finally came to the gate of the Lonely Mountain. How could they give up the opportunity to enter the Lonely Mountain and see the treasure.

In the ruins of the collapsed dwarf hall, they saw Thorin who had gone crazy.

Thorin welcomed his two belated nephews.

After a brief reunion, he commanded a group of dwarves to clean up the ruins left by the battle between Gao Yuan and Smaug, and searched for the whereabouts of the gems of Aken among the gold, silver and jewels all over the ground.

But even though they searched for five full days in the treasure house, they never found the whereabouts of the Aken gem.

He sat on the top of the Lonely Mountain Gate, grieving to himself that Bilbo had not joined the Dwarves in their quest for the Stone of Arkon.

At this moment, he was very fortunate that he stuffed the Arkan gem he found on Gao Yuan's body, and that gem had become Thorin's magic barrier, which made him fall into extreme madness.

Even at this time he has not seen the gem, just like Balin said.

Sorin who has the gems will probably be even crazier.

If the gem is still on his body now, it will only become a hot potato. He is very afraid of Sorin who has changed his appearance now.

He was afraid that one day, Thorin would suspect that one of them had stolen the gem.

Maybe he'll search them all.

The fact is, as Bilbo imagined, that all this will come soon.

On the seventh day of searching for the Aken gem, Sorin, who had been unable to find the Aken gem for a long time, stood in front of the throne that belonged to his grandfather.

The throne made of gold and precious stones has been torn apart at this time, and the Akon gem that was originally inlaid on it has disappeared.

In the past few days, they have turned the entire treasure house upside down, but they have never found a trace of the Aken gem.

So Sorin, who fell into madness, couldn't help but began to suspect. Since there was no trace of the Akon gem in the treasure house, could it be that someone found the gem and hid it on purpose?

Thinking of this, his expression gradually became ferocious, and there was a fierce light in his eyes, which was a kind of look that Bilbo had never seen before, and it was more frightening than the golden light in the eyes of Smaug the dragon.

Thorin turned his head abruptly and looked at Balin and Dwalin who were standing at the foot of the throne steps.

"Listen well, and tell others that if anyone finds the Arken gem and dares to keep it privately, I will punish him severely."

Balin shook his head in disappointment, he was not afraid of Sorin's eyes and threats.

"Are you doubting our loyalty to you?"

"Aken gem is the treasure of our family's inheritance, no one would want to keep it private!"

Balin's younger brother Dwalin added in due course: "He's a king's jewel."

Thorin's eyes became more fierce, and he shouted, "Am I not the king?"

The happy life of the dwarves wandering in the sea of ​​gold and rummaging for the gems of Arken soon passed away.

One night after the evil dragon died in the sky above Changhu Town, a lot of flames suddenly lit up in the ruins of Hegu Town.

Bilbo had never liked the sulfurous air in the Lonely Mountain, which reminded him of the evil dragon who stayed here before.

He preferred to sit on the gate of the Lonely Mountain, breathing the moist air from the south, and he was the first to spot the fire in Dale Town.

"Here they come!" cried Bilbo, rushing into the Lonely Hill. "Their camp is very large. This army must have come up the River Run under the cover of night and wood."

The Dwarves ceased their search for the Arkon, and they came to the Gate of the Lonely Mountain, and watched the host that came up the River Cataract.

Holding torches high in their hands, they slowly entered the valley city like a long snake. The dwarves could clearly distinguish and see the fully armed human and elf archers among them.

Thorin was like a frightened bird, hastily opened the armory in Lonely Mountain, and began to distribute armor and weapons to all the dwarves.

He will even put on the armor for each dwarf himself, or check that they are fully dressed.

Bilbo stood aside and watched all this happen. He never maliciously tried to figure out other people's motives, but now even Bilbo couldn't stand it anymore.

This is not wearing armor or checking clothes for others, it is simply searching everyone.

Search them for hidden gems!

Bilbo was disgusted by Thorin's behavior.

When everyone was "dressed up", Thorin turned his attention to Bilbo again.

He held a set of exquisite chain mail in his hand and came to him.

"I think you'll need this!"

"Let me help you put it on," Thorin said with a smile.

Looking at the smile on Thorin's face now, Bilbo wanted to sneer.

After all, Thorin had hardly smiled at him since leaving Hobbiton.

In the end he let Thorin put the chain mail on himself, and he was not afraid, because the Arken stone was no longer on him now.

"This mail is made of mithril," Thorin explained, helping Bilbo "dress" the mithril armor.

"Wear it, and no sword can harm you, not even the swords of the elves."

After Thorin searched, he did not find the Arken gem on Bilbo's body. While he was a little happy, he was also a little disappointed.

When Thorin's dirty hand fell from his shoulder, Bilbo began to look at the mithril armor on his body.

"It looks funny. I'm not a warrior, I'm just a hobbit, and I don't fit in this armor." Bilbo didn't want to accept the armor.

Firstly, Sorin's purpose of presenting this armor to himself was not pure; secondly, he still felt a little guilty and hid his gems himself.

"It was a gift, as a token of our friendship."

Sorin glanced at the other dwarves who were showing off, and changed the topic: "Sometimes your most trusted friend may not really be worthy of your trust. I was wrong before, but now I see clearly."

"The others must think I'm crazy by now. They talk about me behind my back, but they never dare to say it to my face." Thorin took Bilbo aside.

Bilbo touched his nose in embarrassment.

He seemed to be the one who talked about Thorin behind his back the most.

Hmm. That's rude.

"Someone has betrayed me!" Thorin said firmly.

Bilbo was taken aback when he heard the words, did he find out that he hid the gem and secretly gave it to Gao Yuan?


"Arkon Gem." Thorin looked at the dwarves behind him.

Bilbo swallowed involuntarily, feeling a little nervous.

"Some of us hid it, they lied to me."

Bilbo's eyes were wide open, and his heart was beating so hard that it took him a long time to recover.

"Thorin, your wish has come true. You helped your people take back the Lonely Mountain. Now they have a new home. Isn't that enough? Why must you find that gem?" Bilbo didn't want to continue Seeing that Sorin was suspicious of his compatriots again, he wanted to persuade Sorin to give up looking for gems.

"No! I can't forgive being betrayed by my compatriots, no matter whether his intentions are good or bad!" Thorin almost shouted out excitedly.

Thorin saw Bilbo's coat pocket by accident. There was a bulging place there, and it seemed that there was a kind of magic there, which attracted his eyes deeply.

"That jewel is mine, no one can take it away, it's my treasure"

Bilbo was startled when he heard the words. He knew the words all too well. In the underground lake under the Orc Town, and himself in the Mirkwood.

But now, when he heard this sentence again, Bilbo quickly put his hand into his coat pocket, covering the ring that he had almost forgotten.

Thorin was in a trance for a while.

Immediately there was a burst of anger, and he grabbed Bilbo's hands that were covering his pockets, and asked loudly, "What's in there, what did you hide in that pocket! Is it my baby!!!"

(End of this chapter)

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