Chapter 121 The Snitch in the Darkness
"These are just your guesses. I think what you said is to help your dwarf friends and eliminate the threat from the coalition forces."

"I admire your loyalty to them, Mithranda."

Even though what Gandalf said was true, Thranduil was still unwilling to believe what Gandalf said, at least he would not change his decision easily until he actually saw the orc army.

"But it's not enough to shake my decision. I will make my army more vigilant. When those dirty half-orcs really appear in front of my army, let's discuss the issue of letting go of the dispute. "

Gandalf still wanted to argue, but the proud elf king ignored them, and it was the greatest tolerance not to let the guards drive them out of the tent.

The three walked out of the tent, and on the way back to the camp of the Rivendell elves, Gandalf looked very angry.

He was originally that irritable temperament, how could he not be angry when he met that elf king who was more stubborn than a dwarf at this time.It was Gao Yuan, but he seemed indifferent.

Gandalf couldn't help asking Gao Yuan why he wasn't worried about it at all.

Gao Yuan said that he had actually persuaded the Elf King a long time ago.

Whether it was when he and the expedition team just arrived in the woodland kingdom; or after the woodland kingdom was attacked by half-orcs; or he was in the human camp in Long Lake.

He has been persuading the elf king, but with little success, besides, he already has his own plans at this moment.

"I have already asked Arwen to send many elf scouts, which are distributed in various key positions of the Lonely Mountain. As long as the orc army appears near the Lonely Mountain, I will be able to know immediately."

"I even asked Arwen's two elder brothers to go to Gundabad Mountain to investigate the situation of the orcs there. I believe that news will be delivered to me soon."

"The elves of Rivendell have secretly built many siege equipment in River Valley City. As long as those orcs dare to appear in front of us, I will give them a little color."

Standing in God's perspective, Gao Yuan has a very clear view of the macroscopic situation of the entire Lonely Mountain. He also understands the upcoming plot very well, so he started planning early on with the help of the strategic terrain of the Lonely Mountain.

The only thing he couldn't control was the four armies that appeared out of nowhere.

He didn't know if Rivendell's elf army could be regarded as one of the four armies mentioned in the main mission.

However, what he can now be sure of is that the ring spirit should be regarded as one of the main forces.

If Rivendell and the elf troops of the Woodland Kingdom are just a large army.

Then the Orcs in the Misty Mountains, the Orcs in Dol Gurdur, and the Orcs in Gundabad Mountain should only be regarded as a large army.

Under the fog of war, there should be other armies hidden.

Gandalf was amazed by Gao Yuan's far-reaching considerations. On his way back to the Rivendell camp, he kept praising Gao Yuan's judgment on the situation.

This also made the tight string in his heart relax a little.

Bud has been beside the two of them, listening carefully to their conversation. Although his understanding of the situation is not as thorough as that of Gao Yuan and others.But he also understood the tension under this lonely mountain dispute at this time.

So after the conversation between Gandalf and Gao Yuan, he kept asking Gao Yuan what they should do next.

And Gao Yuan had only one suggestion for them.

"Bud, you only need to remember one thing!"

"Don't go to war with the dwarves lightly. There are only thirteen dwarves in the lonely mountain at this time. Why do you think they have the confidence to choose to fight with your coalition because of the thirteen dwarves?"

"Don't take the King of the Mountain for a fool."

This is the end of Gao Yuan's words. As for whether he and the elf king listen or not, that's their business.

He has been trying to avoid the big battle between the Elf King and the Iron Hill Dwarves in the original book, at least to prevent them from consuming their respective strengths before the orc army shows up.

But now it seems that hope is very slim. Whether it is Gandalf or Gao Yuan, they seem so insignificant in front of the two armies.

At this time, the sky near the Lonely Mountain was pitch black, and the moon had rarely been seen hanging above their heads since the beginning of winter.

In this dark night where you can't see your fingers, there are only two places in the lonely mountain that still have a little light.

One is the gate of Lonely Mountain; the other is in the camp of River Valley City.

On the day when Gao Yuan, Gandalf and others gathered in River Valley City, in this dark night, Bilbo finally made up his mind.

He walked out of his small room, took out a bundle of ropes from his backpack, and came to the top of the city wall.

They were all busy in Smaug's treasury during the day, and they would have been exhausted by now. The other dwarves had already fallen asleep, and only one dwarf was left on duty here.

Bilbo came to the top of the city wall cautiously, scanned around and did not find the dwarves on duty tonight.

So, finding a raised rock, he boldly got busy.

Just as Bilbo was concentrating on tying the rope, suddenly a voice came from Bilbo's side.

"You should be inside at this time, not up there with the cold wind blowing."

Startled, Bilbo turned his head hastily.

The dwarf Bofur, who was wearing fine dwarf armor and a fur hat, was standing not far from him at this moment.

He was warming himself by the campfire at this time.

Bofur cast a thoughtful glance at the furtive Bilbo.

Seeing that he was found, Bilbo got up quickly and wanted to explain: "No, I"

"I just think the dragon seat inside is too smelly, and I just want to come out to breathe."

Of course, Bofur would not believe Bilbo's explanation, but he didn't expose Bilbo's lie, he just smiled knowingly.

He knew that Bilbo wanted to escape before the great war began. This was a war between the dwarves and the coalition, and there was no need for Bilbo to be involved in a war that had nothing to do with him.

So he understood Bilbo's choice very well.

This has nothing to do with betrayal, the war was started because of them.

How could they have the face to force an innocent person to stay and die with them?
Also call it loyalty?
"The elves have stepped up their patrols and put the archers in place."

Bofur, who knew Bilbo wanted to escape, kindly reminded him.

"Perhaps their patience has been exhausted at this time, and they are ready to attack."

Bofur sighed, he was quite envious of Bilbo, he could choose to escape without any psychological pressure, but he couldn't.

"If nothing else, this war will be over before tomorrow night, although we don't know if we are still alive"

Bilbo didn't know what to say when he heard the words, and it took him a long time to hold back a word.

"There is no way, after all, the cloud of war has enveloped the entire Gushan now."

Bofur smiled miserably: "You are right, the cloud of war has arrived."

But soon Bofur figured it out, maybe this was their fate.

He regained his smile: "Everyone has the right to choose whether to live or not. No matter what choice you make, you should not be blamed."

"Especially to an innocent man who was accidentally caught up in this war, a war that has nothing to do with you, Bilbo."

Bilbo hastened to explain that he was not trying to run away.

But before he could think of how to speak, Bovor looked at the dark sky and continued: "It's almost midnight, and Pangbo should be on duty on the next shift. It will take some time to wake him up."

After speaking, he turned around and got into the hole dug by the dwarves.


At the last moment when Bofur was about to leave the city wall, Bilbo stopped Bofur.

He looked seriously at Bofur's face and said, "I'll see you tomorrow morning."

Bofur smiled back, even though he didn't think he'd see Bilbo again in the morning.

Nor did he wish to see Bilbo back.

"Good-bye, Bilbo."

After speaking, he turned around and went down.

Nor did Bilbo wonder if Bofur really understood what he was saying.

He quickly picked up the tied rope and threw it down from the city wall.

Then carefully climb down along the rope.

It has to be said that the city wall built by Gao Yuan and the elves is too high.

Bilbo's rope was barely long enough to reach the ground, and he nearly stumbled and fell several times.

After a lot of hardships, he finally got down to the ground.

Bilbo looked at the flickering fire in Dale City in the distance, and the elf guard patrolling around the Lonely Mountain.

He took a deep breath, put on the Supreme Lord of the Rings that could make him invisible, and the hobbit's small body disappeared into the night in an instant.

(End of this chapter)

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