Chapter 123
"Now I have to go. I have given the gem to your hands. Mr. Gao Yuan will ensure that you use it for the right purpose. I hope you can make good use of it."

The purpose of Bilbo's trip was finally accomplished. At the moment when the gem was handed over, his hanging heart finally fell to the ground.

He no longer has to worry about a war between the two sides, and no one will die because of it.

Only Gao Yuan knew that all this might not end as simply as they thought.

The battle that took place in front of the gate of the lonely mountain was still unavoidable after all.

The dwarves are a stubborn race, and Thorin is the most stubborn existence among the dwarves. He will never compromise so easily.

All the people in the tent looked at Bilbo with great respect at the moment. His selfless devotion was admired by everyone present, even the proud Elf King.

Thranduil bowed in a rare way, and saluted Bilbo.

He wasn't the only one in the tent who did this, and the others also bowed down to salute him.

"Mr. Bilbo Baggins!" Thranduil raised his head, and no longer looked at Bilbo with that contemptuous look. "There are many people in this world who are worthy of respect, but you are more respectable than any of them." Most, more worthy of respect."

"After today, at least all the elves in the Woodland Kingdom will respect you for what you did today. Although I don't know how much you know about dwarves, I probably know a little more about dwarves than you do. .I suggest you stay, you will be respected and welcomed here."

"Thank you very much for your kindness." Bilbo bowed deeply to everyone in the tent, "but I don't think I should just abandon my friend after all we've been through together."

Gandalf also disapproved of Bilbo's decision to return to the Lonely Mountain.

"Bilbo, you should not go back there again. I can't imagine what kind of madness Thorin will do when he finds out what you have done tomorrow."

Bilbo ignored Gandalf's advice: "I am not afraid of Thorin, I am his friend."

"You should be afraid. Never underestimate the greed of dwarves, especially Thorin Oakenshield who suffers from dragon disease. You can't use normal thinking to figure out what he will do next." This is a warning from Gao Yuan.

Although he knew that Bilbo would be safe and sound in the end, it was best to avoid that kind of thing from happening as much as possible.

If Bilbo is really unwilling to stay, then tomorrow's negotiation, he will be there in person to ensure Bilbo's safety.

Gao Yuan is quite confident about his position in Sorin's heart and the degree of threat.

If nothing could be done, he could still take the matter on himself, so that Thorin would not blame Bilbo for all his crimes.

However, even what they said, they still couldn't stop Bilbo's determination to go back to the Lonely Mountain.

In the end, Gao Yuan had to personally escort Bilbo away. When they left here, Thranduil and Bard both saluted him.

Gao Yuan sent Bilbo to the gate of the Lonely Mountain. He used his thoughts to send Bilbo up the city wall tens of meters high, which saved him from climbing the ropes. The two said goodbye to each other in front of the city wall. .

In the early morning of the next day, the weather in Gushan was still gloomy, with tiny snowflakes floating in the sky.Early in the morning, the coalition forces of the woodland kingdom and humans assembled in front of the gate of the Lonely Mountain.

The warning horn sounded in the lonely mountain, and Sorin and others came to the city wall in full armor, ready to fight.

Thranduil sent a messenger to stand alone at the feet of Thorin and others, asking whether Thorin intended to return to the negotiating table.

"It must be because Ironfoot Dyne and the others came to support them!" Thorin said excitedly to the other dwarves when he heard that the other party wanted to renegotiate, thinking that the coalition forces had given in.

"They must have heard that Dyne has cut off their supply line. This should be enough to suppress their arrogance!"

Sorin didn't hesitate, and quickly agreed to the envoy's request for renegotiation.

Not long after, another team came out from the coalition of the woodland kingdom and the human army. They held their respective flags high and came in front of Sorin and the others.

When the dwarves were assessing the situation before them, they noticed that in addition to Bard and the Elven King, Gao Yuan and an old man covered in a cloak also appeared in the team.

At this time, Gao Yuan had put on a brand new battle armor and elf cloak, with the brand new Evening Star Blade pinned to his waist, and he was riding on the back of Arwen's war horse Asifaros.

Seeing Gao Yuan's appearance, Sorin's face became very gloomy, and he couldn't help suspecting that Gao Yuan had joined the coalition army at this time.

But he quickly got rid of this idea in his mind, Gao Yuan had no reason to join the coalition to deal with him and other dwarves.

The relationship between Gao Yuan and the dwarves is far from comparable to that between the elf king of the coalition army and humans.

"Thorin Oakenshield!" Bard spoke first, "Are you still unwilling to back down?"

Sorin sneered secretly, he laughed at the fact that the coalition forces were already besieged on all sides, but they were still holding on secretly.

"My decision will not change just because of several sunrises and sunsets!"

"Are you here to waste my time? The elf troops still haven't retreated according to my order. Before you follow the conditions I gave, there is no room for negotiation between us."

A few days ago, he asked Bard to let the Woodland Kingdom leave.

He has never been on the negotiating table, leaving a place for the energy king, he will only negotiate with Bud and others.

"Is there no condition that allows you to give up part of the gold?"

When Bud asked this question, he already had the answer in his heart.

"I can't be tempted by what you have." Thorin flatly rejected Bard's request for negotiation.

At this moment, Thranduil spoke.

"Since you are not willing to negotiate, then this negotiation will come to an end."

"We just came to inform you that we have gladly accepted the compensation you owe."

Hearing this, Sorin felt an inexplicable uneasiness in his heart.

"What compensation? I gave you nothing."

The scene that happened next almost made Sorin faint.

I saw Bard reaching into his arms and took out a gemstone shining with white light. That gemstone was like the hot sun in the sky in summer.

Bud held up the gem in his hand and showed it in front of Thorin.

"We've got the Arken Gem."

This sudden change made Sorin stand on the spot in a daze, and there was a dead silence all around for a while.

Kili looked at the Aken gemstone in Bud's hand in disbelief, and he asked angrily, "You thieves, why do you have our family's heirloom diamond in your hands?"

"That gem belongs to the king of the dwarves of Turin!"

Bud replied: "Of course the king can get his gems, but before that, he has to take out one-fifteenth of the Lonely Mountain's treasure to compensate the residents of Changhu Town who lost their homes."

"And that white gemstone necklace that belonged to another king"

"How on earth did you get it?" Thorin was furious as he watched Bard keep playing with the Arkon gem in his hand.

"I gave it to them." At this moment, Bilbo, who had been shrinking in the corner, stood up on his own initiative, and openly admitted that he had given the gem to the coalition forces.

"I gave them that jewel in exchange for my fair share of fifteenths of gold."

All the people on the city wall set their eyes on Bilbo, and they couldn't believe that Bilbo did it.

The dwarves slipped their tongues for a moment, and they couldn't judge whether Bilbo's actions were right or wrong.

But they subconsciously think that this is an act of betrayal!

(End of this chapter)

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