Chapter 128 The Beginning of the War

The truth is like the warning Gandalf issued to the coalition and the dwarves.

Not long after Gandalf's warning had just been sent, they soon found that the ground under their feet began to shake violently.

Everyone turned their gazes to the direction from which the shock came.

It is the middle section of the west branch of the two branches on the south side of Gushan Mountain.

That is, between Lonely Mountain and River Valley City, located under the dwarf watchtower on Raven Ridge.

On the halfway up the mountain of Raven Ridge, four large holes suddenly burst open in the mountain.

The earth worms, which originally only appeared in the desert in the far east, drilled out of these four large holes.

The solid rock was as fragile as tofu in their mouths, and instantly turned into countless gravels.

The ground worm retracted into the cave again, followed by an army of countless half-orcs, rushing out of the four huge caves.

And the commander of the half-orc army, Azog, was already standing on the ruins of the dwarven watchtower above Raven Ridge, and he sounded the horn to attack the free folk of Middle Earth.

The sudden appearance of the orc army shocked everyone in front of the gate of the lonely mountain.

But they did not fall into chaos.

At Gao Yuan's request, he quickly got together with the army of the Elf King, Bard, and Dyne, and began to draw up a battle plan.

Since half-orcs are the public enemies of all races, everyone has chosen to abandon their prejudices and unite against half-orcs.

The middle area from Raven Ridge to Lonely Mountain is almost a flat land, so they don't have any terrain advantages to take advantage of.

The only thing that can be used is the branch slopes on both sides of the lonely mountain, which can be used as an acceleration channel for the dwarven cavalry to charge.

So, following Gao Yuan's instructions, Dyne would lead him and his goat cavalry and dwarf chariots back to the east hillside, preparing to charge towards the side of the half-orc army from there.

The dwarf infantry and the elf troops formed a double shield formation to attract the attention of the orc army from the front, and were responsible for withstanding the charge of the wolf cavalry.

The archers hid behind the infantry and shot the orc rear soldiers and the most threatening trolls.

Of course, when the warg cavalry entered the shooting range of the archer, they could also attack those cavalry.

"What about the residents of Changhu Town in River Valley City?" Bud stood up and asked.

Obviously, he was very worried about the safety of the residents of Changhu Town who were still staying in River Valley City.

Several of his children were also in it.

Gao Yuan, who was still in the form of a golden dragon, glanced at the anxious Bard with his golden vertical pupils.

Then he calmed down with a thick voice: "Don't worry, I've anticipated all this a long time ago. I have arranged for Rivendell's elf army to defend the city of River Valley, and I have also made many defensive equipment."

"There are not many roads that can enter River Valley City. The rushing river can well protect the surrounding area of ​​River Valley City."

"The main target of the half-orc army is us. What you should worry about now is how to deal with the [-] half-orc army." Gao Yuan has been making arrangements quietly all this time, just to prepare for the current situation.

Gao Yuan is full of confidence.

However, Thranduy's sudden words made Gao Yuan feel as if he had fallen into an ice cellar.

"Perhaps when you left River Valley City today, you didn't notice that a thick layer of ice had already formed on the surface of the running river around River Valley City."

Indeed, Gao Yuan ignored the fact that the surface of the running river was frozen today, which made him fall into deep thought, but he soon figured it out.

"After the war begins, I will attack the orc army in the air, in the form of a dragon, and always pay attention to the movement of River Valley City." Gao Yuan said.

Now that the river is frozen, he will use dragon flames to melt the ice. If the orc army really dares to step on the ice, Gao Yuan will let them taste the cold river water.

"However, you must always pay attention to the northern sky, where more terrifying creatures will appear. When those creatures appear in your field of vision, you must notify me with a horn!" Gao Yuan instructed.

He remembered the news that the two brothers Elohir informed him through the lark.

Gao Yuan's words stunned the people present.

Gandalf hurriedly asked: "What kind of terrifying creature, why don't I know?"

"Dragon!!!" Gao Yuan's voice was like a bolt from the blue, exploding in everyone's hearts, "Dragon from the dry wilderness!"

"How? How did those dragons come here from the withered wilderness in the extreme north?" Thranduil obviously knew something about the withered wilderness, he asked in a voice.

"This is what the two Elohir brothers I sent to investigate in the withered wilderness told me that they saw the dragons in the withered wilderness with their own eyes, and they almost came out of their nests!"

Gao Yuan told Thranduy that he sent Elohir and Elladan to investigate in the dry wilderness.Gao Yuan also told him that his son Legolas had gone to investigate the news of the half-orcs in Gundabad Mountain.

"Although not all the dragons that breed in the dry wilderness are as powerful as Smaug. But they are not something you can deal with. Once you find a dragon, please let me know and let me deal with it!" Gao Yuan ordered again .

Prevent these guys from going up and taking the small army to deal with those evil dragons, causing unnecessary losses.

Just when the coalition forces were discussing how to deal with the invading enemy.

Those swarms of giant bats, as well as thick black clouds with lightning, have floated above the coalition forces.

They obscured the few lights near the lonely mountain, filling everyone's hearts with fear.

They are about to face an army of at least [-] orcs, and everyone has no idea.

They don't know if they have a chance of winning this war.

After the discussion, Gao Yuan jumped up from the center of the coalition forces. He flapped his huge wings and flew into the sky. The wind pressure formed even made the surrounding soldiers unstable for a while.

Ironfoot Dyne led his sheep cavalry and dwarf chariots, left from the left side of the coalition army formation, climbed to the top of the branch of the Lonely Mountain, and then disappeared under the skyline.

From the direction of Raven Ridge, it looked like they were fleeing.

In fact, they were going to go around to the back of the orc army from the other side of the branch, ready to charge.

All the dwarf infantry under him were handed over to Thranduil to command, ready to resist the impact of the orc army together with the elves.

Rarely, and for the first time in thousands of years, dwarves and elves were once again united.

The first contact between the two parties started from Gao Yuan.

Gao Yuan flapped his wings and hovered over the orc army, first observing the situation of the orc army below.

The following situation was worse than he had expected.

The number of orcs that Lark reported to Gao Yuan was still too small, and there were far more than [-] troops here.

The orc army alone is not only fifty thousand, but Gao Yuan roughly counted it, and it is close to fifty-five thousand.

This is not counting the situation of the wargs under those warg cavalrymen.

Behind the half-orc army, there is also an army of goblins numbering around [-].

Gao Yuan knew the origin of these goblin armies without guessing.

After all, he was the culprit who destroyed the entire orc town. They must have been encouraged by Azog or Sauron to leave the dungeon and join the crusade team.

Crusade Gaoyuan, the "villain" who destroyed their homeland.

Among them are hundreds of trolls, who are the "old friends" of the orcs.

It is also the best war machine under the hands of dark forces such as Sauron, bar none.

They are huge, thick-skinned and powerful. The dark forces have played tricks with these trolls.

Siege trolls, iron-headed trolls, infantry crushers... etc., there are only things you can't think of, there is no troll tricks they can't do.

A group of giant bats gathered together and suddenly launched an attack on Gao Yuan who was hovering in the air. They screamed and rushed towards Gao Yuan.

Gao Yuan snorted coldly, and a ball of golden flame suddenly spewed out from his mouth.

Turning into a [-]-meter-long flaming giant snake, it instantly burned these giant bats to ashes.

The dragon's breath flame plus the control of mind power is simply not too easy to use.

The giant bats within 200 meters of Gao Yuan were instantly wiped out by Long Yan.

He has almost observed the situation of the orc army.

After circling again, Gao Yuan swooped down on the vanguard of the orc army.

The sound of the dragon flapping its wings is extremely terrifying no matter what race it sounds to.

Especially under the swooping of Gao Yuan, the golden dragon.

The golden dragon quickly swooped down from the air, and at a height of less than 50 meters from the ground, it began to straighten its posture.

Finally, less than ten meters away from the half-orc army, he began to breathe out dragon's breath from his mouth, and a steady stream of dragon flames gushed out from his mouth.

In the blink of an eye, a great wall of flames was cast in front of the orc army.

Those wolf cavalrymen who were charging were instantly burned to ashes by the dragon flame before they had time to react.

Seeing this scene, the other wolf cavalry who followed immediately tried to brake, but it was too late.

Even if they stopped the wolf's footsteps, they would be knocked into the flames by their companions behind.

The hair on the wolf's body is extremely easy to ignite, as long as it comes into contact with a little flame, they will be instantly ignited.

The flames burned blazingly on them, making the wolves howl.

He even threw off the half-orc on his back and chose to run away.

Seeing this scene, the morale of the coalition soldiers in front of the gate of Gushan was immediately boosted. They raised their weapons and cheered to the golden dragon hovering in the air.

"Long live the dragon slayer."

"Long live the Ranger Gaoyuan."

"Long live the Dragonwalker."

Cheers like a tsunami reached Gao Yuan's ears, but he didn't take it seriously.

The golden dragon circled down from the sky again, and countless arrows and spears shot towards Gaoyuan, all of which were easily blocked by his dragon scales.

Originally, Gao Yuan had the power of thought, and these arrows and spears could not reach Gao Yuan's side at all.

However, in order to test how strong his defensive power was in his transformed dragon form, he voluntarily gave up his plan to use his mind to resist these arrows and spears.

Gao Yuan swooped down again, this time he aimed at the most conspicuous targets in the orc army.

That is, those tall, naive-headed trolls.

(End of this chapter)

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