The Heavens: The Magical World Begins with The Lord of the Rings

Chapter 13 The Destiny of Human Beings [Please collect!Please recommend! 】

Chapter 13 The Destiny of Human Beings [Please collect!Please recommend! 】

Now that Elrond has seen that he is pursuing Arwen, Gao Yuan has nothing to hide.

Instead of being stubborn and refusing to admit that he loves and is pursuing Arwen, it is better to admit it generously, otherwise it will appear that he is too unmanly and has no courage to take responsibility.

"The moment I first met your daughter, Arwen, in Roselorien, I fell in love with her deeply."

"Although, I don't know this feeling, maybe it's just my wishful thinking, but I know I love her."

"I regard Arwen as the most precious treasure in my life. My love for Arwen is no less than the jewel in the palm of Beren's desire to grow Xin Ge."

"Even if I exchange my future, present and future; all the treasures I have, are, and will have in exchange for this treasure, I will not hesitate, even with my life."

Facing the old man, what Gao Yuan has to do is to prove how much he loves his daughter.

But Elrond stood up angrily, pointed at Gao Yuan with trembling fingers and roared.

"You still don't understand what you desire from me!"

"Arwen is not my treasure. I can give you any treasure you ask me for. Even if it is the Supreme Lord of the Rings, I can search all over Middle-earth to find it for you."

"Only Arwen, my precious daughter, I can't give it to you."

"I hand Arwen to you, and it will bring me and my daughter the pain of parting forever."

Gao Yuan shook his head. He didn't care about the Supreme Lord of the Rings, and he couldn't eat it. It only had the function of invisibility.

"I don't need the Ring."

"I don't understand, Lord Elrond, why you keep emphasizing choice and parting."

"I didn't take Arwen away from you. Did the Valar prohibit the union between humans and elves?" Gao Yuan didn't know why Elrond was so excited.

It's as if he and Arwen are together, and the father and daughter will never be able to meet each other.

"My Arwen, she is the princess of Rivendell and Roselorien, the Evening Star of her people, and her blood is extremely noble." Elrond said unceremoniously.

"She is unattainable for you, but if she looks at you differently and falls in love with you. Arwen and I, one of them will also taste the pain of eternal separation due to the arrangement of fate."

Gao Yuan retorted: "It is true that my current status may not be comparable to Arwen's, but I am still young, Mr. Elon, you cannot judge whether my future will be brilliant or not. No one on this continent is born noble. "

"I firmly believe that one day in the future, I will wear glory, stand in front of you and Arwen, and take over Arwen's happiness from your hands."

Elrond did not doubt what Gao Yuan said, that he would be clothed in glory in the future, because he already possessed a powerful power that all Middle-earth humans could not possess.

The quarrel between the two made Elrond know that he could not persuade Gao Yuan with words such as blood and glory.

As a result, Elrond, who had calmed down, began to calm down:

"Gao Yuan, you are a human being, and your life will come to an end!"

"Arwen has spent a long time in the world. Your life, in front of the long life in front of her, is just like a small seedling growing beside a young birch that has gone through the cold and heat."

"Arwen chooses to be with you. When you die, she will be entangled in the pain of life and death for countless years to come."

"If she chooses to become a mortal and die with you, then I will witness my daughter die in front of me, and I will taste the sadness of being separated from her forever."

Elrond was right, this is the fate of the combination of humans and elves with infinite lifespan.

Just like Beren and Lucien in the First Age.

Gao Yuan finally understood why Galadriel said those regrettable words to him in Rosslorien.

"But the ending of the story is not as happy as humans imagined."

After a long silence, Gao Yuan suddenly smiled, very happily.

Elrond was very puzzled, he had already made it very clear, and he knew that Gao Yuan must also understand.

If he really loves Arwen, he will definitely choose to let go.

But why is he smiling so happily?

Indeed, for the humans of Middle-earth, the fateful conundrum of the end of life is unsolvable.

However, for Gao Yuan, a traveler who can travel through the heavens, is this still a problem?
His answer would still be the same as in Lothlorien and Galadriel.

"My lord Elrond, before you wear the honor and resound in the Middle-earth Continent as a knight-errant."

"I will never make a promise to Arwen lightly."

Gao Yuan paused for a moment when he said this.

"As for whether I can stay with Arwen forever, until the end of the war."

"Master Elon, I cannot promise you."

"I will try hard, my life may come to an end, but I will use my short life to prove to you and Arwen that my love for Arwen will never change."

Elrond sighed, he knew that he might never be able to convince the young man in front of him.

how to tryTo find Iluvatar or the Valar to grant him eternal life?

It is not that simple to get rid of the fate of human beings who have an end.

That is the fate that Iluvita personally set for human beings.

"To this day, I still don't know what Arwen's feelings for me are."

"Master Elon, if Arwen and I really love each other, will you stop us?" Gao Yuan looked into Elrond's eyes.

At this moment, the light in the eyes of the two debaters dimmed.

"Hey, what is supposed to come will eventually come. This is fate. You and I will not bring up this matter again until many years later. Dark clouds are overwhelming the city, and many misfortunes are coming."

Elrond lamented again: "I cannot prevent fate from coming."

"Arwen told me that she found her destiny, and the key to that destiny is you. If I can't persuade you to change your mind, then I can only hope that this destiny that has been written in the grand movement, It will be an outcome that everyone can accept."

Elrond went away with sorrow and sighs.

Elohir, who stayed outside the door, did not hear the dispute between Gao Yuan and his father Elrond inside.

When Elothir saw his father leave, his face was sad, which made him very puzzled.

Elohir, who was very curious about what the two talked about, approached Gao Yuan and wanted to find out what they were talking about inside.

Of course Gao Yuan would not tell Elohir.

He and his dad almost got into a fight inside.

Not to mention telling him that he wanted to be her brother-in-law.

"I just discussed some details about going to the Lonely Mountain, and then discussed fate by the way." After dismissing Elohir's curiosity, Gao Yuan went back to his room.

As everyone knows, Gao Yuan and Elrond just left.

Elohir turned and ran to his sister.

Tell Arwen all about this matter.

(End of this chapter)

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