The Heavens: The Magical World Begins with The Lord of the Rings

Chapter 130 Dance of Dragons 【Subscription】

Chapter 130 Dance of Dragons 【Subscription】

The situation on the frontal battlefield where Gao Yuan and the coalition forces are located has now stabilized.

On the side battlefield, after the golden dragon enters the arena.

Previously, he led the dwarf sheep cavalry and chariot alone, left the coalition army, and went around to the right wing of the orc army, Ironfoot Dyne.

It happened to also launch a charge to the right wing of the orc army.

Hundreds of dwarf sheep cavalry, led by the chariot and Dyne, took the lead and blew the horn of charge from the top of the Lonely Mountain branch.

They went all the way down the hillside, accelerated continuously, and rushed straight into the army of orcs.

The half-orc army caught off guard was smashed to pieces by these dwarf sheep cavalry.

Seeing that the situation on the frontal battlefield was not good, Azog, the orc leader on Raven Ridge, issued a new order to the orc army.

"They can't fight on two fronts, let's attack River Valley City!" Azog shouted to the herald beside him.

"Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh" the orc's war horn sounded on the top of the mountain.

As a result, the half-orc army and the siege trolls who were originally at the rear turned their guns and launched an attack on River Valley City.

Bard, who was fighting side by side with the golden dragon, kept an eye on the movement of River Valley City while fighting with the orcs.

When the army behind the orcs turned their guns and marched towards River Valley City, he noticed this situation immediately.

Seeing the half-orc army that was about to arrive on the bank of the rushing river, Bud hurriedly came to Gao Yuan's huge body.

"Mr. Gao Yuan! Mr. Gao Yuan!" Bud hurriedly called the name of the golden dragon.

Gao Yuan was stretching his neck at this time, spitting out a huge amount of flames from his mouth, when he suddenly heard Bud's call.

He stopped breathing the dragon's breath, turned his head and looked at the little bug that called his name with two vertical pupils emitting golden light.

"Those half-orcs have turned around, and they are heading towards River Valley City!" The fighting sound was too loud, Bud was afraid that Gao Yuan could not hear clearly, so he shouted loudly.

The golden dragon raised its head and stretched its neck to look in the direction of River Valley City.

The golden light in the giant pupils flickered, and then he snorted coldly: "Humph! I see, I'll go over right away and let them taste the dragon flame."

After finishing speaking, Gao Yuan rushed in the direction of Hegu Town. The golden dragon flapped its wings and ran wildly in the half-orc army with its two hind legs.

I don't know how many half-orcs were trampled to death along the way, and even more half-orcs were thrown to the ground by the strong wind blown by the wings of the golden dragon.

Immediately afterwards, the golden dragon soared into the sky and left the main battlefield where the coalition forces fought against the orcs.

For a moment, the half-orcs didn't know whether they should be happy for the departure of the golden dragon, or feel sad for the half-orcs behind who were preparing to attack River Valley City.

Have a good trip, brothers.
The half-orc army stopped on the bank of the rushing river and launched an attack on the city of the river valley.

The trebuchet trolls lay prone on the ground, and the goblins on their backs manipulated the trebuchets, continuously throwing boulders into the river valley city.

In this regard, the Rivendell army commanded by Lindir has long been prepared.

When the half-orc army had just arrived near River Valley City, Arwen organized the soldiers in the city and used newly cast trebuchets to throw boulders outside the city.

Even the frequency of throwing boulders out of River Valley City is much higher than that of the half-orc army outside.

Everything is missing in River Valley City now, except those boulders.

There are ruins left by Smaug everywhere here, and huge stones are scattered all over the city.

In addition to the trebuchet, there are countless elf archers on the city wall.

Many of the half-orcs who attacked Dale City were mercilessly shot by the arrows of these elf archers before they even crossed the frozen River Run.

Even the ogre who was about to knock down the city wall with its head was shot in the head by dozens of arrows and fell to the ground.

Azog stood on the ruins of the dwarven watchtower on Raven Ridge. The moment he saw Rivendell's army appear, Azog had a look of disbelief, and even a flash of panic.

"The army of Rivendell, how did they come here?" Azog pinched the neck of the herald beside him and asked.

The poor herald whose neck was twisted by Azog also looked innocent at this time.

How could he know when this Rivendell army appeared in Lonely Mountain and hid in River Valley City.

The matter has come to this point, even if Azog kills the herald, it will be of no avail. He can only bite the bullet and continue to command his army to attack River Valley City.

From the current point of view, there are not many Rivendell elf soldiers stationed in River Valley City. Azog estimated that there are about 300 to [-] soldiers.

At this time, from the main army, he separated nearly [-] orc soldiers, all the goblin troops, and dozens of ogre catapults to attack River Valley City, which should be enough to capture this dilapidated city. Fortified.

Unfortunately, a huge golden dragon broke his last fantasy.

I saw the golden dragon, after circling a few times above the river valley city, launched an attack on the orc army that was attacking the city.

Gao Yuan flapped his wings and swooped down from the high altitude on the right side of River Valley City, along the channel of the rushing river from north to south, spitting out fiery flames all the way.

The breath of the dragon melted the already frozen river, and the torrential water instantly swallowed up the half-orcs on the ice, and even a few trolls sank into the icy river.

Along the way, Long Yan also blew up the two bridges that originally crossed the Running River and connected River Valley City, completely cutting off the possibility of half-orcs attacking River Valley City.

Even if the orcs temporarily built a bridge and tried to cross the icy river, after being discovered by the defenders in the city, they were destroyed by the catapults in the city.

More orcs and goblins fell into the rushing river and were swallowed by the water.

Gao Yuan flapped his wings slowly, and carefully landed in the Rivendell army camp in River Valley City. At this time, Arwen was holding the sword in his hand high, directing the elf soldiers to operate the trebuchet.

He reverted from the form of the golden dragon to the human form, and the original clothes on his body were still intact, and the transformation into the golden dragon did not damage his clothes, which made Gao Yuan marvel at the wonder.

When Arwen saw Gao Yuan who had transformed back into a human form, she immediately rushed towards him and grabbed Gao Yuan's neck.

"How's the situation in the city?" At this time, the battle was tense, and he didn't have time to make out with Arwen, so he hurriedly asked about the situation in the city.

Arwen smiled: "The situation in the city is pretty good. I have arranged for the residents of River Valley to hide in the city hall. Just as you expected, those half-orcs really attacked us."

"Fortunately, we were prepared and did not cause many casualties. After you melted the ice in the river and destroyed the bridge, there is absolutely no possibility for them to attack. You can rest assured to help the coalition forces."

Gao Yuan heard Arwen's report, patted Arwen's smooth hair, and kissed Arwen's delicate lips affectionately.

"Send someone to keep an eye on the south of River Valley City, I'm afraid the orcs will go around there and attack." Gao Yuan ordered.

There is a big difference between observing the battlefield situation from the ground and from the air.

While circling in the air, he found that the defenses to the south of River Valley City were somewhat lacking, so he reminded Arwen.

"Once something happens, immediately let Lindir blow the horn of the elves, and I will come as quickly as possible."

After finishing speaking, Gao Yuan flew into the sky again, towards the frontal battlefield of Gushan.

On the frontal battlefield of the battle between the coalition forces and the orc army, the two sides have already fallen into a state of anxiety.

Relying on the huge number of orcs, as well as the help of ogres and goblins, the orc army has always firmly gained the upper hand.

However, the coalition forces are not far behind.

On the one hand, the dwarves and the woodland elves cooperated tacitly, always maintained a good formation, and their combat effectiveness was amazing.

On the other hand, the golden dragon incarnated by Gao Yuan before and the dwarf goat cavalry led by Dyne have completely disrupted the formation of the orc army.

At this time, they hardly cooperated at all, more like a group of mobs.

Facing the tacitly coordinated coalition forces, although they will not be defeated, they will not take much advantage.

It seems that the battlefield at this time has fallen into a delicate balance.




This delicate balance was not maintained for too long, and was soon broken by a sudden roar.

The commanders of the allied forces turned their heads one after another and looked at the lonely mountain behind them in horror. Those voices came from the north of the lonely mountain.

It was a creature that was even more terrifying than the giant bats before. They had different shapes, and each was more than 40 meters long. The huge wings spread out covered the sky above their heads, dragging long The tail flicked over the heads of the coalition forces.

Dyne rode on a wild boar mount, looked up at the monsters in the sky, and asked loudly, "What are those?"

"It's a dragon! Hordes of dragons!" Gandalf looked desperately at the dragons passing over his head.

Seeing so many evil dragons appear, Thranduil's face also changed color at this moment.

"Just like what Gao Yuan said, those are evil dragons from the dry wilderness, there are more than 80 of them."

When Bard heard this, his face was even more ashamed. They were already desperate enough to face the large army of orcs, but now more than 80 evil dragons appeared
On this day, Bud and the humans in Changhu Town finally recalled the fear of being dominated by the dragon Smaug that night.

And now there are more than 80 evil dragons above their heads.
Although their size is not as large as Smaug's, each of them is at least 40 meters in size, and they can fly and even breathe dragon flames
(End of this chapter)

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