Chapter 136 Trap
The half-orcs in front of the gate of Lonely Mountain have been repulsed by the coalition forces, but this is only temporary. They will soon regroup by the rushing river and attack the coalition forces again.

After wiping out the remaining half-orcs, all the surviving soldiers, under the command of their respective lords, gathered together again to reorganize their formation and prepare to deal with the counterattack of the half-orc army.

Thranduil, Thorin, Dyne and others also gathered together, preparing to discuss the next countermeasures.

Ironfoot Dyne looked at the half-orcs who were fleeing towards the river, and said: "There are too many of these half-orcs. They will come back soon, Thorin."

"We can't just keep fighting with these orcs. Their number is ten times that of ours." Thranduy said, looking at his few remaining troops.

Looking at the corpses of those clansmen lying on the ground, his heart seemed to be bleeding.

As the temporary commander of this force, it goes without saying that Sorin is also very aware of the situation they are currently facing.

If there is no other way, they may not be able to win this war.

Even with the help of Gao Yuan and those big eagles.

Thorin Oakenshield turned his head and looked above the steep Raven Ridge. On the ruins of the dwarven watchtower, the three half-orc handsome flags standing there were particularly conspicuous.

The commander of this half-orc army, the pale half-orc Azog was standing under the commander's flag at this time, overlooking the entire Lonely Mountain battlefield.

"We have to rush up and kill their leader!" Thorin Oakenshield said harshly.

Ironfoot Dyne and Thranduil followed Thorin Oakenshield's gaze and also saw the pale half-orc figure above Raven Ridge.

"Azog" Dyne murmured.

"When I go to kill that bastard and cut off his head, this war will usher in the dawn of victory."

It all started when he began to recover the Lonely Mountain, so naturally it should end with him.

Dyne shook his head and said, "Sorin, you can't go, you are our king"

Dyne didn't object to Sorin's beheading plan, but he didn't think this task should be done by Sorin. If possible, he thought they could send a small team to complete this task.

A king should not risk his life, and if the king dies, the morale of the soldiers will be severely damaged.

"Because I am the king, I should go!"

Thorin Oakenshield interrupted Dyne's speech and said firmly.

"Are you planning to go up Raven Ridge single-handedly like this?" Dyne asked, "I'm afraid you will die under the siege of orcs before you reach halfway up the mountain!"

At this moment, a familiar voice and a boom came from behind Dyne: "There are us!"

Ironfoot Dyne turned his head to look, and saw Balin driving a fairly complete dwarf chariot in front of him, and there were three dwarves, Dwalin, Kili, and Fili, in the car.

Watching this battle, Ironfoot Dyne finally understood that Thorin probably had this plan long ago.

It turned out that before they broke through the gate of the Lonely Mountain, Thorin Oakenshield and a group of dwarves gathered together to discuss this plan.

Just when Sorin led the dwarves to prepare to set off, the golden dragon in the form of Gao Yuan slowly flapped its wings and landed in front of them. The goat in front of the chariot on which Balin and others were riding began to feel uneasy because of the appearance of the golden dragon. Running around.

"There is such a good thing, did you forget to call me together?"

"Don't forget, I'm still a member of the expedition team!" The golden dragon kept opening and closing its ferocious mouth.

Thorin Oakenshield froze for a moment, then came to Gao Yuan with an apologetic face, and bowed deeply at ninety degrees.

"Mr. Gao Yuan, I am very sorry for the hurtful things I said to you and Mr. Baggins at the gate of the Lonely Mountain. I hope that after this incident, we can still be friends with each other."

Gao Yuan grinned slightly, spewed a lot of sulfur smell from his mouth, and went straight to Sorin's face: "What are you talking about, we have always been friends, when you said those words, I never Did not promise."

"Just one-fifteenth of the treasure in Gushan, you want to buy out our friendship, you are probably dreaming!"

Sorin raised his head guiltily, and looked seriously into Gao Yuan's eyes: "I understand how wrong I have done. Whether you forgive me or not is your business, Mr. Gao Yuan, and I must apologize for it."

"Mr. Baggins's"

Gao Yuan interrupted Sorin's speech, but shook his head self-consciously: "Bilbo, you have to talk to him yourself. If you want to save face, then don't talk about it at all."

"I heard your plan just now. You want to go to Raven Ridge to find Azog to settle accounts. I can take you up together."

A group of dwarves were overjoyed. Since Gao Yuan took them up, they would be much more relaxed, instead of fighting all the way from the foot of the mountain to the top of the mountain.

And with Gao Yuan's strength, killing an Azog is not easy.

But at this time, Sorin made a new request to Gao Yuan. He asked Gao Yuan not to intervene. In the duel between him and Azog, he wanted to kill Azog himself.

Gao Yuan readily agreed to Sorin's request. In his opinion, this is irrelevant. He has long since regarded Azog as his hunting target.

Judging from Gao Yuan's current strength, Azog is nothing more than an ant.

Moreover, he asked to go to Raven Ridge with Sorin and the others, not for Azog.

You must know that this war has reached this point, and in the battle of the nine armies mentioned in the main mission, there is still an army that has not appeared for a long time.

Orcs, Wargs, Dwarves, Elves, Humans, Eagles, Goblins, and Dragons, there are only eight armies in total.

But Gao Yuan had already vaguely guessed what the last remaining army was.

That's the Ringwraiths!
Just like those trolls who are not in large numbers and whose combat effectiveness is not outstanding, they are not counted in the Ninth Army at all.

The existence of only one Angmar Witch King is definitely not an army, and he cannot affect the direction of the entire war.

Then there is only one possibility.

That is, on Raven Ridge today, there may still be nine Ring Spirits lurking.

They've probably already set up a trap at this time, and they're just waiting for Gao Yuan and others to take the bait.

Now that they knew that this was a trap set by the Orcs and Ringwraiths, they couldn't rush directly to Raven Ridge like this.

As for the ordinary ring spirits, Gao Yuan didn't take them to heart at all. The golden dragon he transformed into and the evening star blade in his hand could destroy those ordinary ring spirits.

"Where's Bud?" Gao Yuan's sudden question stunned everyone present.

(End of this chapter)

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