Chapter 142 The unexpected arrival
The snowflakes that were originally scattered all over the sky seemed to have disappeared in an instant.

Instead, ice cubes that were as sharp as steel knives fell from the sky.

At the same time, a bitter wind blew up in the valley of the Lonely Mountain, and the howling cold wind and those sharp ice blocks set off an ice storm that swept across the entire Lonely Mountain.

Those coalition forces who were fighting with the army of orcs in front of the gate of the Lonely Mountain had no choice but to retreat back into the Lonely Mountain because of the blizzard launched by the Witch King of Angmar.

When Gao Yuan was alone in the sky above the lonely mountain, he was dealing with the evil dragons attacking from the north alone. Heavy rain in the mountains.

But now, this heavy rain that was originally borrowed by Gao Yuan to weaken the power of the evil dragon has become the last straw that overwhelmed the company soldiers under the mountain

As mentioned before, when you don't know what a spell cast by a wizard will end up doing, your best bet is to interrupt their spellcasting.

Especially those spells that take a long time to prepare!
The black lightning released by the Witch King of Angmar was never prepared for lofty goals.

The strongest ultimate move he can launch is actually the one that smashed Gao Yuan's mind power shield before.

The Witch King also used this trick in the movie during the Battle of Pelennor Plains, easily smashing the staff of Gandalf the White Robe with just one blow.

Spreading fear and conspiracies are actually his greatest ability. The reason why Angmar has been called the "Wizard King" is mainly because of his proficiency in black magic, which once shined brilliantly on the battlefield of Angmar War. reason.

In fact, the Witch-King of Angmar is more of a war mage than a necromancer who is proficient in the dark arts.

Because most of the black arts he is proficient in serve for war.

Not only can he drive evil spirits such as corpse demons, but he also assisted Sauron in launching the black plague that swept across the entire continent, causing almost all the remaining Dúnedain in Kadolan to die due to the plague, even the strongest at that time. As a result, the prosperous Gondor Kingdom's population was greatly reduced.

When he defeated the Dundan kingdom of Asedan, he was able to directly control the weather. The blizzard summoned by the Witch King sank the ship of King Avidui of Asedan.

And as long as the Witch King and other ring spirits are on the battlefield, the half-orcs will become crazy, bloodthirsty, and their combat effectiveness will greatly increase.

The battle between Gao Yuan and the ring spirits is still going on, and the battle between them will not stop because of the appearance of the blizzard.Those biting cold winds and sharp ice blocks hitting the mental shield beside the golden dragon will not have much impact on Gao Yuan's combat effectiveness.

And those ring spirits who have no physical existence in the material world will not be affected by this blizzard even more. Whether it is cold wind or ice, they will pass directly through their bodies.

Through the previous battles, Gao Yuan already understood how to eliminate the ring spirits except Angmar.

The easiest and fastest way.

To kill the Nazgûl repeatedly with the weapons blessed by the Elves of the First Age or the Dúnedain until the death and darkness that made up their bodies were exhausted and they could no longer regain their form.

They will obediently roll back to their masters.

Unlike ordinary flames that cannot harm the ring spirits, those magical flames with magical energy can also cause damage to these ring spirits.

For example, the dragon flames sprayed from Gao Yuan's mouth, and the magical flames released by Gandalf using the Ring of Fire, can actually cause substantial damage to these ring spirits.

It's just that compared to those blessed weapons, the damage caused by this kind of magic flame will consume less dark power for the ring spirits.

Moreover, the Ringwraiths can also hide in the depths of the Netherworld like the Witch King of Angmar to avoid the damage caused by the magic flames.

The least effective method is Gao Yuan's light elemental ball that is constantly condensing at this time.The Light Elemental Orb can cause very little damage to these ring spirits.

And it consumes a lot of mental energy, which is mainly used by Gao Yuan to blind the eyes of these ring spirits.

The Ringwraiths are originally difficult to see in the visible world, and they are even more blind in the midday sun.

The magic ball condensed by Gao Yuan, the light that bloomed for a moment was more dazzling than the sun at noon.

Now that we have found a way to eliminate these ring spirits, it becomes a breeze to deal with these ordinary ring spirits.

This battle of the ring spirits besieging the golden dragon is actually like a boss battle in the game, except that Gao Yuan is the boss attacked by the player.

Evening Star Blade is like a shooting star, constantly shuttles across the field, chasing and killing every ring spirit on the field.

Suddenly, a "flash bomb" was thrown from Gao Yuan's hand, and the burst of light from the light elemental ball shone on the Ringwraith who was being hunted down by the Evening Star Blade, making it howl in pain.

Taking advantage of the gap between the opponent's painful wailing, the Evening Star Blade pierced directly into the opponent's head like a cannonball.

After the ring spirit fell down, its body twitched continuously, and its figure began to become blurred, and then it turned into a cloud of black mist energy and disappeared in the air.

The dark power he possessed was no longer sufficient for him to maintain his form, so after being slain by the Evening Star Blade for the last time, he returned to his master.

Soon, more ring spirits were sent back to their masters by Gao Yuan in the same way.

The souls of these ring spirits were firmly controlled by Sauron.

Gao Yuan has no means at all now to kill these ring spirits completely. As long as Sauron is still alive, they will always have a chance to make a comeback.

However, even if Sauron revives these ring spirits, he still needs to pay a certain price, especially now that he does not have the Supreme Lord of the Rings in his hand.

For Sauron, resurrecting these ring spirits can be regarded as a weakening of his strength.

It is uncertain whether the ring spirits resurrected by Sauron next time will be as powerful as they are now.

These ordinary ring spirits have been almost wiped out by Gao Yuan, and now there is only one Angmar Witch King left on the platform.

The threat of the ring spirits to him has been lifted, and Gao Yuan no longer maintains his form of a golden dragon, and he has changed back into a human form.

The Evening Star Blade, which had been controlled by thoughts, returned to Gao Yuan's hands again, and the raging fire ignited on the sword illuminated Gao Yuan's resolute face.

"Now, how do you think my strength compares to yours?"

Gao Yuan still remembered the Angmar Witch King mocking him not long ago.

Hearing this, the Witch King of Angmar let out that ugly laugh again, which made Gao Yuan frowned.

"You can't kill me like you killed them." The Witch King of Angmar's voice was hoarse and sharp, "Whether it is dwarves, elves or humans, they will all die under the army of orcs. Already won!"

After speaking, the Witch King of Angmar drew out the magic sword burning with evil flames again.

Both held flaming swords in their hands, and both of them tacitly did not take the lead, waiting for the other to reveal a flaw.

At the moment when the great war was about to break out, two people who arrived unexpectedly broke this tacit understanding and ignited this explosive barrel that exploded at one point.

 At three o'clock, ghosts know how long I've been stuck on the article, and it has been revised now.

  Sorry again.

(End of this chapter)

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