The Heavens: The Magical World Begins with The Lord of the Rings

Chapter 145 Reappearing the Glory of the Sacred Tree

Chapter 145 Reappearing the Glory of the Sacred Tree

The light shining on the Silmaril in Gaoyuan's hand gradually weakened.

Only then did Gandalf and the others truly see the appearance of the legendary Elf Silmaril.

It was an octahedral crystal shaped like a diamond, and the radiant light emanating from it was the radiance from the Twin Sacred Trees fused into it.

In the era of the Two Sacred Trees, they were integrated into this crystal called the Silmarillion by the famous Elven King Feanor of the Noldor.

It is also one of the last brilliance left in Arda after the two great golden and silver sacred trees withered.

"The Silmarillion!" exclaimed in amazement.

Gandalf stared dumbfounded at the Silmaril in Gao Yuan's hand.

Before coming to Middle-earth, Gandalf was a Maia who served Valamanwe.

The time of his birth is difficult to verify, but at least it was before the appearance of the world of Arda.

Like Maya, Vera is one of the earliest beings created by the creation god Iluvita, and is collectively called Ainu by Iluvita.

Gandalf must have seen the three Silmarils with his own eyes in the Age of the Two Trees, or in the First Age.

That's why he recognized the precious diamond in Gao Yuan's hand at the first time.

But Bard knew nothing about the origin of the Silmaril in Gao Yuan's hand.

He wondered why Gandalf should be so surprised at the presence of the Silmaril.

"The Silmarillion, what is that?"

Gandalf, who came back to his senses, tried hard to take his gaze away from the Silmaril in Gao Yuan's hand, but he still couldn't resist the urge to take another look at the Silmaril.

In the end, he couldn't help but sighed deeply, and explained to Bud:
"That is the most precious treasure that has been produced since the awakening of the elves, and many people want to own them, including those great Valar.

"Those who once coveted them even killed their relatives in order to get them; betrayed allies who have cooperated for thousands of years; launched a war that swept across the entire world of Arda."

"They were once the source of many tragedies and disasters. It was not until the end of the War of Wrath in the First Age that people lost the whereabouts of these treasures."

Gandalf shook his head. He didn't know whether the reappearance of the jewel was a good thing or a bad thing.

The reappearance of the Silmaril in front of the world will definitely attract those who have been secretly coveting this jewel to compete for it. He is worried that those tragedies that happened in ancient times will be repeated because of the appearance of this jewel.

Although Fëanor and his seven sons, who had sworn to be enemies to any owner of the Silmaril, have been dead for many years now, there is no guarantee that no one else is still coveting these Silmarils at this time.

"After this incident, you must make an oath not to disclose the news of the Silmarillion to anyone, in the name of Iluvatar."

Gao Yuan naturally also understood the news of the Silmarillion's existence, and what would happen if others knew about it.

In order to prevent the tragedies that had occurred in the previous era from happening again, he had to bind the two with an oath to ensure that they would not leak the news.

"It's not that I'm persecuting you, but you must know that once this news is leaked, it will bring unimaginable disaster to the people of Middle Earth, the elves of Rivendell, and me."

Gao Yuan's two huge golden vertical pupils were shining brightly, staring closely at Gandalf and the hesitant Bard, as if if you don't agree, I will turn against you.

This is not a joke, if they don't swear, Gao Yuan will really choose to turn his face.

He didn't want to see Rivendell, because the jewel in his hand became a target of public criticism.

The elves he was familiar with at that time, as well as Arwen, would be in trouble because of this.

Every husband is not guilty, and he is guilty of his crime.

Even on this continent, there are not many people who can take away the Silmaril from him.

But those who covet the jewel in his hand will definitely pay attention to Rivendell and Arwen.

"The Lord of Darkness must have known the news at this moment!" Gandalf reminded, "Nazgul is Sauron's servant, and he is also Sauron's ears, eyes, and touch. What they know and feel is also what Sauron knows. Feeling."

The implication is that Sauron has already learned the news that the Silmaril has reappeared, and he will definitely come to snatch the jewel in his hand. Gao Yuan wants to hide this news, which is unrealistic.

Then there would be no point in forcing them to swear an oath.

"If Sauron wanted to have the Silmaril for himself, he would not be so stupid as to spread the news. And he is trapped in the Doomsday Volcano in Mordor at this moment, without the help of the Lord of the Rings, He's never going to get out of there, so I'm not worried about that."

"After the matter in the Lonely Mountain is over, I will take the Elven Silmaril and leave people's sight. Even if this news is leaked, those who covet the Silmaril in my hand will not be able to find my whereabouts .”

Gao Yuan had planned for a long time. After the Hobbit story ended, he would not stay in Middle-earth for too long.

At most, before leaving, he will return to Rivendell with Arwen to stay for a while, and then go to other worlds, and return until the Lord of the Rings plot begins.

That's all Gao Yuan said, and it's hard for the two of them to say anything more. The current situation they are in doesn't allow them to continue arguing with Gao Yuan.

Don't forget that at this moment the danger they are facing has not been completely resolved.

Under Gao Yuan's supervision, the two soon made an oath in the name of Iluvita not to divulge news about the Silmarillion.

After the two made their vows, Gao Yuan withdrew from the form of the golden dragon, and his huge body quickly began to shrink until he returned to his human form.

And that Elf Silmarillion was always lying in his palm, shining with dazzling brilliance.

Gao Yuan firmly grasped the Silmaril in the palm of his hand and raised it above his head.

Since the Silmarillions were born, they have had many owners, but they all just kept them as treasures.

Just like Morgoth, he simply used the three Elven Silmarils as decorations and set them on his crown.

They never used the power contained in the Silmarillion against their enemies.

So, how should Gao Yuan use the power contained in the Silmarillion?

Very simple, through the description of the Silmarillion, we can know how to use the Silmarillion.

"Loving the light will return a brighter light!"

I saw Gao Yuan holding up the Silmaril in his hand, and slowly walking out from the white shield released by Gandalf.

The shining light of the Silmarillion in his hand was like a bright lamp in the dark night, illuminating the surrounding environment high and far.

Provide him with protection in the endless dark energy and evil breath.

The evil power from Sauron is continuously pouring out from the Witch King of Angmar in front of him.

In this power, he felt the dark and evil rotten aura emanating from the Witch King of Angmar.

This is an aura that any race that likes light will feel disgusted.

Gao Yuan walked slowly in front of the Witch King of Angmar.

In the distant field of vision, behind the withered and pale body of the Witch King, a blazing evil eye almost occupied his entire line of sight.

In the vertical pupils of the evil eyes, Gao Yuan could vaguely see the figure of Sauron hiding in the shadows.

Gao Yuan took out the light element magic ball he had prepared in his hand, and fused it with the Silmarillion in the other hand.

The Elf Silmarillion, which had been shining brightly, touched the Light Elemental Ball.

A more dazzling light suddenly lit up, almost overshadowing the afternoon sun in midsummer—it was the power in the Silmarillion, the light of the two holy trees that came from Valinor, the blessed land, and illuminated the whole of Arda .

(End of this chapter)

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