Chapter 150 I Found You
Bilbo checked again, and confirmed that the golden dragon hovering over the battlefield was calling his own name.

Even so, he still didn't dare poke his head out of the pile of rocks.

His memory was still before the great battle between the coalition forces and the orcs, and he couldn't even remember how he fainted.

Even those half-orcs who were being chased by elves and dwarves, he didn't know where they came from.

It seemed that when he woke up, the whole world he knew had changed. The elves and dwarves who were still hostile to each other not long ago.

Why did they join forces all of a sudden?

Look at Thranduil and Ironfoot Dyne who rushed to the front of the team, when they were in front of the gate of the Lonely Mountain, they still disliked each other.

But now, when they teamed up to hunt down the defeated orcs, they understood each other as if they had been comrades in arms for more than ten years.

This feels so unreal! ! !

And that golden dragon hovering in the air calling its name, where did it come from.

All Bilbo knew was the dragon, which Mr. Gory had slain, and Smaug knew his own name.

The giant dragon whose whole body is glowing with golden light under the sun is definitely not Smaug, its size is much bigger than Smaug.

As to why it knew its own name, Bilbo did not know.

Anyway, he won't show his face.The shadow left by Smaug still looms over Bilbo's heart.

Bilbo shrank behind the pile of rocks, only showing a pair of eyes, looking curiously at the battlefield in front of him.

He was surprised to find that the giant dragon hovering in the air did not attack the coalition forces below.

He still dared not step out of the pile of rocks where he was hiding.However, the war horse named Asifaros seems to have recognized the identity of the dragon soaring in the sky at this moment.

Asifaros ran out of the pile of stones, despite Bilbo's tugging, and began to growl at the dragon yonder.

Even Bilbo was pulled from the pile of stones by Asifaros.

The pure white Asifaros suddenly appeared on the battlefield, which was already very conspicuous, not to mention there was a golden dragon with excellent eyesight hovering above their heads.

The moment they emerged from the pile of rocks, they were watched by the golden dragon. The golden dragon flapped its wings in the air, turned its huge head and swooped directly towards Bilbo.

The golden vertical pupil had already set its sights on it, and it was constantly pulling the reins of Asifaros, trying to pull it back to Bilbo on the pile of stones.

Seeing that the giant dragon was coming towards him, Bilbo let go of the rein helplessly, and said angrily:

"You idiot horse, it's all right now, you now lead that evil dragon over"

"For you, we all have to become heroes who sacrificed their lives today."

"The elves who cleaned the battlefield will record our two names together on the list of victims. Perhaps, when they find us, we will have been burned to ashes, and they won't even know our names .”

"The one on the list of heroic victims, Anonymous, and an unknown war horse."

Bilbo slumped on the ground, paying no attention to Asifaros, who was cheering there.

Mr. Gao Yuan lent him this stupid horse, but he hurt himself.Now at least he doesn't have to worry about how to explain to Gao Yuan how the horse died under the dragon flame.

Because he too was burned to death by the dragon along with Asifaros.

The size of the golden dragon became bigger and bigger in Bilbo's field of vision. Before he died, he finally remembered how he fainted on this pile of rocks.

He was lying on the back of Asifaros with his whole body at that time, when four huge ground worms suddenly emerged from the mountainside.

They dug four huge tunnels on the mountainside of Raven Ridge.

It was also at that time that Asifaros was frightened, causing himself to fall into the rubble and pass out.

Just when Bilbo closed his eyes and waited to die, the golden dragon transformed by Gao Yuan had come to him.

The dragon fluttered its wings and landed slowly on the open space in front of him. The huge wind pressure generated caused Bilbo to stagger and almost fell to the ground.

Bilbo opened his eyes in terror, and looked at the great dragon that landed before him.Seeing the huge body of the golden dragon shrinking rapidly at a speed visible to the naked eye.

In the blink of an eye, he transformed into a tall figure wearing an elf cloak.

The dazzling sunlight shone on Bilbo's face from behind the figure, making it difficult for him to see the figure's face clearly.

But the figure transformed from the golden dragon in front of him was very familiar to him.

"Mr. Gao Yuan?" Bilbo rubbed his eyes in disbelief.

"Where did you go? Bilbo, we've been looking for you everywhere. We've been looking for you for a long time, but we haven't found you." Gao Yuan gently stroked Asifaros, who was rubbing his face against him. .

"Uh... that... Mr. Gao Yuan, did you become that golden dragon?" Bilbo deliberately avoided the topic of how he fainted here.

"Don't rush to talk about it, I'll explain it to you later."

"I really didn't expect you to be alive! I'm so happy! I thought your luck was exhausted! We can't find you anywhere in River Valley City, come on!" Gao Yuan said solemnly.

"Someone is waiting for you in River Valley City, maybe this will be the last time you see him." Gao Yuan reincarnated as a golden dragon as he spoke, "Come on, I'll take you to River Valley City, which is still under lockdown now .”

Bilbo was a little confused by Gao Yuan's series of actions, and he hadn't recovered from the shock of Gao Yuan's transformation into a golden dragon.

He nodded numbly, and then began to climb up his back along the golden dragon's tail.

Just halfway up the climb, the golden dragon threw Bilbo off.

"Climb on my claws!" the golden dragon turned his head and said to Bilbo angrily.

Gao Yuan didn't want people to climb onto his back along his tail. You must know that the tail of the golden dragon evolved from Gao Yuan's tailbone.

Climbing up along the tail, wouldn't it be climbing up from Gao Yuan's buttocks? He couldn't bear it.

How can anyone climb his own dragon back?

Except for people like Arwen who are very close to him, Gao Yuan will never let anyone else climb on his dragon's back.

Bilbo clung to the golden dragon's claws with all four limbs, Gao Yuan grabbed Asifaros beside him, jumped off the ground with a light leap, and flew towards River Valley City.

The location where Bilbo fainted was not far from River Valley City, and the golden dragon flew above River Valley City after flapping its wings only three times.

The golden dragon slowly landed on the ground under the watchful eyes of the humans in River Valley City.

This was the first time for them to see this giant dragon helping them at such a close distance.

This is not surprising, the residents here only know that there is a kind dragon who helped the coalition forces repel the enemy on the battlefield, but they never knew that the dragon was made by one person, and they had seen it before. Dragon Slayer Ranger.

When Gao Yuan slaughtered the half-orc army at the gate of Gushan, the people here were all in the city, and they couldn't see the appearance of the golden dragon clearly.

And when he landed in River Valley City for the first time, they had already hid in the city hall.

Therefore, when Gao Yuan landed in front of the city hall and transformed back into a human form, everyone couldn't help but exclaimed.

Of course, this does not include the elves of Rivendell, who have already seen Gao in the form of a dragon.

Gao Yuan pulled Bilbo, whose legs were weak, to the front of the tent, and lifted the curtain of the tent.

"Sorin!" Gao Yuan strode into the tent and said, "I brought you Bilbo."

(End of this chapter)

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