Chapter 154 The Death of the King
Feeling the cold feeling of goose-feather-sized snowflakes falling on their faces, Gao Yuan and Bud looked at each other, and everyone seemed to understand what happened.

Seeing Gao Yuan's slightly sad eyes, Bilbo's heart skipped a beat, and he stood up abruptly, not even noticing that the grilled fish in his hand fell to the ground.

Just as shocked as him was Gandalf sitting beside him. The gemstone on the staff in his hand was constantly shining with light and dark, showing that his mood was not as calm as his surface.

Everyone rushed to the tent where Thorin Oakenshield was, and saw a group of dwarves standing in front of the tent with a heavy heart at this time, just as Kili and Dyne opened the curtain and came out.

The scene in front of them finally confirmed the conjecture of Bard and others—the king is dead!
Bard dismissed the residents of Long Lake Town who surrounded the camp. Gao Yuan, Bilbo and others, led by Kili, entered the camp to say goodbye to Thorin Oakenshield for the last time.

In the tent, Thorin Oakenshield seemed to be asleep, lying on the bed so quietly, and those who entered the tent kept silent tacitly, for fear of disturbing the king's peaceful sleep.

After paying homage to Thorin Oakshield's remains, Gao Yuan hugged the dwarf friends outside the tent, and the dwarves sang the last elegy for Thorin in front of the tent.

When all this was over, Qi Li found Gao Yuan who was about to return to the camp, and he pulled Gao Yuan to a hidden corner in River Valley City.

He seemed to have something to talk to Gao Yuan about.

"Sorin was very peaceful when he left. He left in his sleep and didn't feel too much pain before he left. Sorin said that he must thank you for your help if he can persist until our arrival. "Kili's voice was hoarse.

"As the new king of the kingdom under the mountain, Thorin gave his life to protect the homeland of the dwarves before he could start his rule as the king under the mountain. This deserves the respect of all of us. What I have done is not A piece of cake."

Gao Yuan has self-knowledge, what he has done is very limited and not worth mentioning, and Sorin is flattered to exaggerate his achievements so much.

"Fortunately, Sorin left a will for us before he left, didn't he. He chose me as his heir to the throne."

"In this will, Sorin has already arranged many matters after his death, but there is one more thing that he did not clearly mention in the will, which is why I am looking for you alone, Gao Yuan Sir!" Qili said a little mysteriously.

A trace of doubt flashed in Gao Yuan's golden pupils, is there anything else that Sorin hasn't explained?

And it is so important that you need to come and discuss it with yourself.

"I think Thorin Oakenshield should have arranged everything in his will. I don't understand what you are talking about. After all, I haven't seen it with my own eyes. The contents of that will .”

"As the heir of Thorin Oakenshield, the content of the will can only be seen by you and your clansmen. If you want, I don't mind listening to it." Gao Yuan shook his head, he didn't want to play guessing games with the other party.

Qili smiled in relief: "Sorin didn't specify the ownership of the treasures in those lonely mountains in the will. He gave me the right to distribute the gold and silver, saying that I will decide."

An inexplicable smile flashed across Gao Yuan's face, and his golden pupils seemed to want to find something in Qi Li's eyes.

"Oh! Then how are you going to distribute the gold and silver?"

He felt a little funny, this final arrangement before Thorin Oakenshield's death was simply a perfect use of power.

Sorin was obviously still a little worried about Qili after hearing his evaluation of him, so he deliberately handed over the right to distribute the treasure to Qili.

Gao Yuan's guess was correct. Thorin Oakenshield did this on purpose. After he proposed two regent kings to himself, he thought of this plan.

How to distribute these gold and silver treasures in the Lonely Mountain is the first test left to Kili by Thorin Oakenshield after his death, as the king of the mountain, to test his wisdom and temperament.

If the gold and silver are distributed unevenly, it may even cause the dwarves to split again.

Even Thorin's cousin and the dwarves of the expedition might not care about such wealth.

But it doesn't mean that other races or individuals don't care about these wealth.

Under the leadership of Bard, the residents of Changhu Town are planning to relocate to River Valley City to restore the past glory of River Valley City. They are the ones who care most about how to distribute the gold and silver among all the forces.

If these wealth were not distributed to Bud and the others, I am afraid they would not let it go, and they might even turn against each other because of this, and set up a strong enemy for the dwarves of Lonely Mountain.

In the distribution of benefits, if the Kili is distributed to the allies or friends of the dwarves, if it is not fair and correct.

Then the dwarves are likely to lose those allies or friends who they underestimated in the process of benefit distribution.

Whether or not to distribute this huge wealth, and how much, was decided by Thorin Oakenshield completely handed over to Kili.

In fact, in secret, Thorin Oakenshield must have confessed his opinion when he talked alone with Balin and Dyne.

Let them supervise the whole process of benefit distribution, and even before Qili makes irreparable mistakes, they are ready to seize the right of wealth distribution from Qili's hands at any time and save his wrong decisions.

The existence of the regent, who has power over the current king, was not established to make decisions on behalf of the king.

It is to assist the king in governing his own country before he grows up, who is incapable of taking on the responsibilities of the king.

Avoid his fatal mistakes and help him grow.

Whether intentionally or unintentionally, it was a wise choice for Qili to choose Gaoyuan at this time.

Although both Bahrain and Dyne can be regarded as Kili's trustworthy existence, it is difficult to guarantee that these two will not have any bad thoughts in the face of such a huge wealth.

Just like those regents who have appeared in the history of the earth.

The problem with the regent is that it is easy for the king's rights to be emptied or taken away by the regent, instead of returning the power to the heir designated by the previous generation of kings after he has grown to a certain level.

Therefore, in history, often before the king of the previous generation appointed a capable minister as the regent to assist the new king, he would also find a person who was worthy of his trust and controlled a powerful force, who could guarantee the normal replacement of rights, to check and balance the regent.

And Gao Yuan is currently the only choice that can check and balance Bahrain and Dyne at the same time.

"Sorin said that if I hesitated, I could seek your opinion. I was a little unsure, so I came to you now." Qili's eyes looked a little confused.

It seems that he is really not clear about the doorways here.

Seeing this, Gao Yuan couldn't help but sigh.

Kili was still too immature, he didn't understand the good intentions of Thorin Oakenshield's arrangement at all, even when he went to him for help, he followed Thorin's advice.

"It's not for me to help you make up your mind. This will be the first test you face after becoming the new King of the Mountain. Sorin wants you to learn to solve this problem by yourself."

Gao Yuan flatly rejected Qili's request.

But after he pondered for a while, he finally decided to give a hint.

"Perhaps I can give you a little hint."

Qili had lowered his head, but raised his head again, looking hopefully at Gao Yuan.

"I would like to hear the details, Mr. Gao Yuan."

"When considering the distribution of these gold and silver, the first thing you need to consider is the people who died in this war, and their families!" Gao Yuan touched the prickly beard on his chin and said.

"After that, all you need to do is to keep every promise made by Thorin Oakenshield. Although it was a promise made by Thorin Oakenshield, you are his successor, so it is up to you to fulfill."

Gao Yuan's suggestion is limited to this. His reminder has already helped Qili avoid making fatal mistakes as much as possible, and pointed him in a direction.

He never worried about whether Kili would want to take those treasures to himself.

Not even Thorin Oakenshield dared to do it when he was at his craziest in the Lonely Mountain.

Looking at Qili who was lost in thought, Gao Yuan patted him on the shoulder. Bud is probably still waiting for him in Rivendell's camp. That was also a headache for Gao Yuan.

 Beneath the dark towering mountains, the king is home at last!

  His enemies are dead, the dragon is slain, and so will all enemies afterward.

  Although the king also dedicated his life to his ideals,
  But his successors will continue his unfinished business.

  In this great king's journey,

  A credit to the ranger who has both wisdom and courage,
  Swords are sharp, spears are pointed,

  The arrows are fast, the guards are strict;

  Seek gold with courage;
  Dwarves are no longer to be pitied.

  Ancient dwarves have high spells,
  The sound of the hammer flying,
  deep in the dark,
  The empty hall was noisy.

  silver necklace
  Torrents of starlight, crowned with
  Golden silk weaves dragon flames, strings fly,

  From the harp notes flowed a beautiful song.

  The throne under the mountain has been liberated!
  Oh, lost countrymen, come together to defend!

  Come on!Come on!Cross the wilderness without rest!
  Kings of the same clan need to fight together.

  calling through the icy mountains,

  Go back to the ancient cave!
  The king is waiting at the gate,

  There are gems everywhere, bags of gold.

  The king came home at last,
  Under the dark towering mountains.

  The dreadful dragon is slain,

  All enemies thereafter will fall like this!

(End of this chapter)

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