The Heavens: The Magical World Begins with The Lord of the Rings

Chapter 156 The King's Funeral and the Distribution of the Treasure

Chapter 156 The King's Funeral and the Distribution of the Treasure (Two in One)

Last night was destined to be a sleepless night for everyone, even though they had just experienced a great battle during the day, which was enough to shock the entire Middle-earth.

The dwarves brought their king back to the Lonely Mountain overnight, and tomorrow they will hold a grand funeral for Thorin Oakenshield and Fili, as well as the clansmen who died in this war.

On the lonely mountain battlefield outside Hegu City, there were sporadic flashes of fire.

It was the dwarven soldiers of the Iron Hills and the elves of the Woodland Kingdom, braving the snow to clear the battlefield.

These troops who went to chase the half-orc army, after returning, joined the clean-up work on the battlefield before they had time to rest.

It snowed heavily all night in the lonely mountain, but it did not stop these surviving coalition soldiers from looking for their comrades in arms on the battlefield.

If those sacrificed comrades-in-arms cannot be found tonight, they will be buried in the continuous snow forever after the night of heavy snow.

It won't be possible to find them until the spring of next April, when the snow melts.

By then, it will be too late.

Moreover, a large number of corpses piled up in the valley without treatment may cause the spread of the plague in the coming year.

One winter's snow, after melting in the coming year, passes through the buried corpses, flows into the ground and the rushing river, and will also pollute the drinking water of the entire Lonely Mountain.

Not to mention those dragons killed by Gao Yuan and Da Ying.

During that great war, the blood of the evil dragon that was sprinkled in this valley was enough to make this land not grow any grass in the next few years. If the corpse of the evil dragon was not disposed of, the consequences would be unimaginable.

After the residents of Changhu Town recovered all the remains of the victims, they held a mourning meeting late at night to mourn those family members who also died in the war.

As the host of this mourning meeting, Bud had a gloomy face throughout.

Surrounded by mournful cries, intermittent choking, and sadness all around him.
There was no one to comfort the grieving family members, because it was the same for everyone for a not-so-long period of time.

After experiencing the ravages of evil dragons on Long Lake just now, the residents of Changhu Town have not yet come out of their grief, and encountered the disaster of war invaded by half-orcs.

Now among the surviving residents of River Valley City, almost every household has relatives who died in these two disasters.

There are as few as one or two, and as many as there are only one or two left.

No one is better off than the other.

As for the whole family being able to survive, there are also almost none.

Perhaps the Bard family is one, and several of his children were lucky enough to survive these two disasters.

Originally, Bud wanted to condolence to the survivors who lost their families, but when the mourning service started, he realized that there were too many people who lost their families, and he couldn't comfort them at all.

The only thing he can do is to inform these people that the disaster for the people of Changhu Town has passed.

Then, they will be able to live a peaceful life as before.

It will even get better, because the dwarves have promised to help them survive the harsh winter and rebuild their homes.

All the residents of Changhu Town still trust Bud's words. After Bud made a promise to them, some people have already started planning for a better life in the future.

The cleaning work on the battlefield was not completed in a hurry until the next afternoon. The elves of the Woodland Kingdom and the dwarves of the Turin clan collected the corpses of their clansmen.

As for the corpses of orcs, dragons and goblins, they were piled together for centralized burning.

Gao Yuan stood on the wall of Hegu City and looked into the distance. Hills piled up with dead bodies were burning crazily while emitting thick smoke.

Those flames will burn for quite a long time, and may not go out for days and nights. The coalition forces piled up countless corpses together, and there is no way to even make them burn, because there are too many of them.

Even if all the trees in the entire lonely mountain were cut down, the corpses would not be burnt. It was only with the help of the dragon's breath from Gao Yuan's transformed golden dragon that they were able to burn smoothly.

This caused the king's funeral, which was originally scheduled to be held in the afternoon, to be delayed until dusk.

In the valley in front of the smoky Lonely Mountain Gate, humans blew their horns under Bud's instruction.

A trumpet blown in mourning for the fallen King of the Mountain.

Regardless of whether they wanted to thank the dwarves for their willingness to pay for rebuilding their homes, or for other reasons, at least they expressed their hearts.

When attending the king's funeral, Kili and Dyne expressed their thanks to Bud who came here specially.

At the funeral, Kili took off the battle armor he wore in battle and put on an exquisite costume, with a makeshift dwarf crown on his head.

The crown that originally belonged to Thorin Oakenshield's grandfather, Thorn, was discarded by Thorin Oakenshield when he came to his senses. On the head, this will be buried with him in the tomb on the Lonely Mountain.

Buried with Sorin is the beast-biting sword that Gaoyuan found during the expedition.

This beast-biting sword will emit a faint blue light when the half-orcs attack, so the dwarves will never be attacked by the half-orcs again in the days to come.

Regarding the whereabouts of the Aken gem, it was as discussed by Gao Yuan and Bud in the camp.

They informed Kili that the Arkon Gem had been of great use in destroying the Nazgul, but it had been completely destroyed by the time the Witch-king of Angmar was destroyed.

In order to prove his words, Badra went to Gandalf to prove it together, and Gao Yuan also took out the fragment of the Aken gem that he had smashed and gave it to Qili and others.

Regarding the distribution of Smaug's wealth in the Lonely Mountain, after thinking all night, Kili made an arrangement beyond Gao Yuan's expectations.

As agreed when the expedition team set off from Bag End in Shire, every member of the expedition team got their own share of gold and silver.

That is a fifteenth share of all the treasures of the Lonely Mountain, except Gandalf, who made no contract with Thorin Oakenshield, nor claimed his share.

According to the agreement between Thorin Oakenshield, Bilbo Baggins and Bard, Bilbo's share was given to Bard and other residents of Long Lake Town to help them survive the cold winter and rebuild River Valley City.

"We must respect the promise of the deceased, although it has now been reduced to pieces, but he did receive the heirloom diamond after his death."

Even though what Bard handed over to Kili was only fragments of the Arkan gem, Kili still chose to fulfill Thorin Oakenshield's promise.

However, under Gao Yuan's suggestion, before Bilbo handed over the wealth to Bard, he proposed that the king of the Woodland Kingdom be responsible for supervising the use of the wealth.

In order to ensure that this huge wealth will not fall into the pockets of a certain person or a certain family, it is not that Gao Yuan does not trust Bud and others, but that he needs to give Bud and those who covet these wealth a warning .

Of this great fortune Bilbo took but a very small part,

Even so, these treasures fully filled four wooden boxes.

After getting these wooden crates, Bilbo kept complaining to Gao Yuan that there was no way for him to transport them to Bag End.

He was afraid that on his way back to Shire, he would encounter those with evil intentions who wanted to take away the wealth, and he was even more afraid that the gold and silver would not count, and he might even lose his own life.

He didn't stop complaining until Gaoyuan promised him that he would personally escort Bilbo to Bag End.

Of the fifteen treasures we mentioned earlier, fourteen have their own ownership, so how is the last treasure, Qili, distributed?
Obviously, Qili deeply remembered Gao Yuan's reminder yesterday.

The share that belonged to Thorin Oakenshield was considered by him to be the common property of the whole kingdom below the mountain.

This is also an affirmation of Thorin Oakenshield's efforts and sacrifices in order to retake the Lonely Mountain.

Qili took out his own share of the treasure alone.

It is used to reward those warriors who sacrificed their lives and fought bravely in this war against the orcs.

Among them, the dwarven soldiers of Dyne and Iron Hills got the most, and they were also the unit that sacrificed the most in this war.

Qili rewarded them with more than half of the gold and silver in his treasure.

This made Ironfoot Dyne, who was originally reluctant and served as the regent of the dwarves, look a lot better.

The other dwarf regent, Bahrain, nodded in satisfaction with Kili's decision.

Kili took out the white gemstone necklace that the Elf King was thinking of, handed it to Thranduy in person, and solemnly apologized to Thranduy for the mistakes made by the dwarf ancestors.

The elves of the woodland kingdom brought by the elf king did not sacrifice less than the dwarves in this war, so Kili gave most of the remaining treasures to the elf king to comfort the elves who died Soldiers and their families.

Thranduil is not the kind of ignorant, small-minded person. As the new king of the mountain, Kili puts his posture so low, which is enough for the woodland kingdom and himself. Naturally, he has to show his own Come with sincerity.

Before the funeral, Thranduil publicly proposed to restore the alliance between the Durin dwarves and the Woodland Kingdom, and agreed that they would become a life-and-death offensive and defensive alliance in the future.

In order to thank the Eagle King and his clansmen, they came all the way from the Misty Mountains to help the dwarves and repelled the group of evil dragons from the dry wilderness.

Qili ordered people to build a huge golden crown for the Eagle King, and several dwarves carried the golden crown to the Eagle King.

In order to thank the dwarves for their generosity, the Eagle King also made a promise to Kili on behalf of his people.

"Young King of the Mountain, thank you very much for your generosity. I like the crown you gave me very much. In the long years to come, as long as you still fight against the evil forces, my people and I will live forever An ally of you and your people."

"Where are the other eagles?"

Bilbo stood by Gao Yuan's side, and was watching with joy that Kili himself put the golden crown on the Eagle King.

It suddenly occurred to him that he hadn't seen any other big eagles since he got up today, so he couldn't help asking Gao Yuan.

"When I turned into a golden dragon and soared in the sky today, I saw some big eagles still hunting in the direction of the dense forest. Maybe there are some remaining half-orcs there." Gao Yuan replied.

"However, most of them have already returned to the Eagle's Nest. I saw that a large force of them was flying towards the Misty Mountains without stopping at all."

"They didn't want to stay here and left at dawn."

"What a pity! I mean, I'd love to see them again," said Bilbo, somewhat gloomily.

Although he still has some shadows about being caught by the big eagles and flew to the Eagle's Nest last time, he actually likes these big eagles.

The eagles are one of the few friendly races that Bilbo has met during this arduous journey, and the friendliest ones are the elves of Rivendell.

When Bilbo stayed in Rivendell, the lord of Rivendell, Gao Yuan's father-in-law, once warmly invited him to settle in Rivendell.

"Maybe I'll see them again on the way home. I guess we'll be home soon?"

As the day of returning home drew nearer, Bilbo missed Bag End more and more, and he was a little weary of this adventure.

All he wanted to do now was to get back to his Bag End early, lie on a comfortable lounge chair, drink a cup of Hobbiton tea or smoke a pipe herb from the Shire.

Bilbo shrugged his nose at the thought of pipe-weed. It had been a long time since he had smelled pipe-weed.

The smell of pipe grass!

Bilbo turned his head in surprise to look in the direction of Gandalf. At this time, the gray-robed wizard who was not doing business was smoking his pipe.

Feeling that Bilbo was watching him, Gandalf winked at the homesick hobbit: "I took it from the storage room in Bag End, Bilbo, would you like a bite?"

"Never mind, I don't want to use someone else's pipe," thought Bilbo, shaking his head.

"Go whenever you like," said Gandalf.

Hearing that Gao Yuan would quit, Gao Yuan took Bilbo to his side.

"Go back? Don't even think about it, Bilbo. Don't forget that you promised to come back to Rivendell with me for a while."

Originally, Chili wanted to thank the skin-changer Beorn who also came to help them, but he didn't know what kind of gift the skin-changer wanted.

"Respected Mr. Beorn the skin changer, you have provided us with a lot of help when our expedition team rushed to the lonely mountain; and in this war, you have traveled thousands of miles with the Eagle King, Help us defeat those evil orc armies." Kili led a group of expeditionary dwarves to salute Beorn solemnly.

"We really don't know how to thank you. May I ask what kind of gift do you want as a thank you from the dwarves?" Chili asked.

"Dwarves, those evil half-orcs are also our enemies. I am happy to be enemies of those half-orcs, so I don't need any gifts from you. As for your thanks, I have already accepted them. I only hope that your people Will always respect me and my people so much."

The tall skin-changer shook his head indifferently, and resolutely rejected the idea of ​​Qili and others wanting to give him as a gift.

When it was all over, Thorin Oakenshield's burial began at last, in the midst of all eyes.

In accordance with the last wish of the deceased king, the ranger who turned into a dragon and the dragon slayer over Long Lake Town was designated as the host of the funeral.

As Thorin Oakenshield's best friend and most trusted person during this journey, and the most intelligent and authoritative person among all present, Gao Yuanlai presided over the funeral in person, and no one would have objection.

"I don't know if there is such a tradition among the dwarves, but in the hometown where I was born, usually at the funeral of the deceased, someone will give a prepared eulogy."

Gao Yuan wore an exquisite black robe and appeared in front of all those attending the funeral.

"I didn't prepare any gorgeous eulogy, because it all came too suddenly, but I believe that everyone here is very familiar with the deeds of Thorin Oakenshield."

"Thorin Oakenshield had to leave his homeland in his infancy because of the appearance of the dragon Smaug; he has lived a wandering life ever since, but he was not overwhelmed by the suffering of life. After being forced to leave his homeland, Sorin, who had just grown up, resolutely followed his father and grandfather and joined the war to recover Moria; in this battle, he and his people defeated the evil half that occupied Moria. Orc, but in this war chapter, he also lost his grandfather."

Gao Yuan paused for a moment and continued:
"Since then, the burden of leading the tribe to survive and regain their homeland has been placed on this young king. He did not complain about the injustice of fate, nor did he succumb to difficulties, but worked harder to shoulder the responsibility of a king At that time, Thorin Oakenshield was still walking among his clan as a prince, but he already had the excellent qualities to be a qualified king at that time."

"Shorin Oakenshield is not content with his clansman living in a foreign land. He has always been committed to making his clansman live a better life, and he is always working hard for this. He has not forgotten the important task of regaining his homeland either. , in the coming days of this past summer, he launched this great march to reclaim the homeland."

"The process of regaining his homeland was difficult, but no matter how powerful the enemy he faced, his courage never flinched; no matter how tired he was in this expedition, he never let go of the sword in his hand; How desperate the situation he faced, his will never let him forget his goal."

"Now, his wish has come true. The expedition team he led drove away the evil dragon that had been entrenched in the lonely mountain for more than 100 years; he helped his kingdom and family regain the treasure that was robbed by the evil dragon; With the joint efforts of his people, he successfully recaptured and protected his homeland in the face of the threat of the Dark Lord and his evil minions."

"However, it is a pity that this great king under the mountain, Thorin Oakenshield, also sacrificed his precious life for his wish. Thorin Oakenshield's will and last wish will be forever enshrined by the Durin clan. remembered by the dwarves, and his deeds will forever be remembered in the epic."

When Gao Yuan recited Thorin Oakenshield's eulogy, the huge dwarf hall was completely silent, and Gao Yuan's eulogy was lingering in everyone's ears. They seemed to have witnessed Thorin Oakenshield, the great king under the mountain. , a life full of ups and downs but full of legends.

"Clang clang."

Gao Yuan drew the Evening Star Blade from his waist and held it high above his head. Flames attached to the sword and illuminated the entire dwarf hall.

"Long live Thorin Oakenshield! Long live the King of the Mountain."

"Long Live Thorin Oakenshield"

"Long live the King of the Mountain."

Everyone followed Gao Yuan and yelled that slogan in unison, and the entire dwarf dungeon trembled.

(End of this chapter)

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