Chapter 159 Confession
Gao Yuan couldn't remember when the dinner ended. He only knew that when he walked out of the gate of the lonely mountain with Arwen's support, the bright moon was still hanging above their heads.

The enthusiasm of the dwarves is really overwhelming. Even Gao Yuan's body strengthened by dragon's blood cannot withstand the enthusiasm of a large number of dwarves hitting the wine glass.

In fact, of most of the dwarves at this banquet, only the expedition members and Ironfoot Dyne, who had set out with them from the Shire, were dwarves they knew well.

At the beginning of the banquet, the dwarves were somewhat restrained in drinking, and Gao Yuan and the others were just drinking with the members of the expedition team they were familiar with, chatting about interesting stories in this adventure.

But when the atmosphere of the banquet reached its peak, Ironfoot Dyne led his dwarves, each holding a big and thick wooden cup, to the stone table of Gao Yuan and the others.

All this has changed! ! !

Those dwarves who seemed relatively restrained at first seemed to have opened the valve in their stomachs, and even the members of the expedition team who entertained Gao Yuan and his party began to go crazy.

They began to take turns to drink wine for Gao Yuan, Bilbo, Gandalf and others, and even the two brothers Elohir and Elradan who were traveling with Gao Yuan were not let go.

Only Arwen, as a girl, escaped the clutches of these "wine barrels".

Under the unfavorable hospitality, each of them drank at least dozens of glasses of wine, and Gao Yuan even drank nearly a hundred glasses of wine.

Who made him the strongest and never fell down?

Before Arwen supported Gouyuan to leave, he saw dimly that Bilbo was already lying drunk on the stone table of the dwarves; his two elder brothers were still drinking with Dyne.

Gandalf drank so much that he couldn't even hold the pipe in his hand steadily, and the dwarves who were going to continue drinking for him were all rejected by him shaking their heads.

Kili is the protagonist of this banquet, and many dwarves are lining up to toast him.

I'm afraid that tonight, no man will be able to walk out of the gate of the Lonely Mountain standing up.

When Gao Yuan woke up from the bed in the Rivendell camp, it was still dark.

Arwen, who was wearing a light gauze, was lying on his chest, and Gao Yuan gently covered Arwen's graceful body with the blanket on his body.

Taking a deep breath of the fragrance emanating from the elf princess's hair, Gao Yuan, who just woke up from a hangover, felt his spirit was sober as never before.

Gao Yuan's body was strengthened by the original blood in Smaug's heart, and the large amount of alcohol he drank into his stomach was quickly digested and absorbed by his body.

Those substances that were harmful to his body were all excreted by his powerful body through catabolism.

It may be because of the sudden violent ups and downs of Gao Yuan's chest, Arwen, who was sleeping soundly on his chest, was awakened by his movement.

When Arwen wakes up from her sleep in a daze, and opens those gray eyes that are crystal clear like jewels, the first thing she sees is Gao Yuan who is staring at her.

Gao Yuan's dragon-like eyes made the Princess Mu Xing's face feel hot.

The charming atmosphere continued to heat up in the contact of the two people's eyes, Arwen's breathing became rapid, and she couldn't help but gently stroked Gao Yuan's face with her warm and jade-like little hands.

Gao Yuan covered the small hand stroking his face with his big hot hand, and slowly wrapped his other hand around the slender waist of Princess Evening Star.

He could no longer bear the urge to love his lover, and lowered his head to kiss Arwen's delicate cherry lips.

The elf princess in her arms was as gentle as water, and under Gao Yuan's passionate kisses, she kept wriggling her body and slowly climbed onto Gao Yuan's body.

Like a little girl who has tasted the sweetness, Arwen began to cooperate with Gao Yuan's passionate kiss, and kept moving closer to Gao Yuan, as if she wanted to integrate Gao Yuan's whole body into her body.

It's like an apple will fall to the ground naturally. A man and a woman who love each other express their love to each other with their bodies, which does not require any learning and skills.

Maybe the initial moves will be rusty, but their bodies and love for each other will teach them what to do next.

Until the two people who fell into passion felt that the oxygen content in their lungs was getting less and less.

The couple who were passionately in love finally separated reluctantly.

Arwen, with a flushed face, left Gao Yuan's lips, and couldn't help panting.

The blurred eyes that had just woken up gradually became more blurred.

Even though the lips of the two were separated, Gao Yuan's big hand still hugged Arwen's waist tightly. At some point, the other hand was attached to the smooth and delicate back of the elf princess, groping her back and forth. The delicate skin on that back.

Excited, Gao Yuan hugged the delicate body in his arms, and instantly rolled over on the bed, pressing the beautiful woman in his arms under him, wanting to continue the action just now.

Gao Yuan took a deep breath, and just as he was about to touch the beauty's cherry lips, he was blocked by a small hand.

Arwen took two deep breaths of fresh air, tried to calm down her agitated heart, and pressed her delicate hands on Gao Yuan's chest.

"We still have a long time ahead, I don't want to be here"

In the middle of speaking, Arwen seemed to feel something under her body, and then shyly buried her face in Gao Yuan's chest.

Gao Yuan couldn't help being taken aback when he heard the words, he understood Arwen's meaning, opened and closed his mouth several times as if he wanted to tell her something, but he didn't say it.

These words, he originally planned to stay at the end to say to Arwen, but now he doesn't know whether to say these words or not.

Gao Yuan's sudden silence made Arwen feel a little uneasy. She thought it was her refusal that made Gao Yuan angry.

The elf princess raised her head to look at her lover, trying to appease him, but found that Gao Yuan's eyes were full of confusion.

Feeling the heartbeat from Gao Yuan's chest on her hand, Arwen became more disturbed.

"My beloved Gao Yuan, you know that you can't hide any secrets between two people who are in love, are you hiding something from me?" Arwen gently pointed at Gao Yuan's heart and said .

Arwen's words made Gao Yuan feel more and more guilty. Under Arwen's complicated eyes, he let go of the hands that hugged her tightly and got up from the bed.

"I just think you're right, maybe we're all too hasty."

As Gao Yuan spoke, he lifted the curtain of the tent, and the cold wind outside immediately blew on Gao Yuan's face, which made him wake up a lot from the fiery atmosphere just now.

"Arwen. I have not fulfilled my promise to you. I promised you and your father that you will not face a choice because of me." Gao Yuan took a breath of the cold air outside the tent and said, "It's like the one destined to burn Like an exhausted candle, I am afraid that the flame between you and me will burn too fast, which will only bring the end between us to an earlier date."

"Before I change my fate."

Arwen, who was only wearing a light veil, heard the words, and slowly got out of the bed, came behind Gao Yuan and hugged Gao Yuan tightly, leaning her head on Gao Yuan's shoulder.

"You're lying!!!" There was a hint of crying in Arwen's voice.

"Do you think your clumsy performance can fool me?"

"Are you ready to leave?"

As soon as Arwen's voice fell, Gao Yuan felt that his shirt was soaked, and a stream of heat flowed from his shoulders to the back of his heart.

"I do intend to be away for a while."

 Don't spray badly written

(End of this chapter)

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