Chapter 167 Homecoming
Winter in Rivendell was different from most places in the north, neither the endless whiteness of the Misty Mountains nor the decaying gloom of Mirkwood.

It is located in a valley on the edge of the Misty Mountains, almost completely isolated from the outside world, which is why people often call it the Glen. Wendell's door flowed past.

As for the first and only prolonged stop on their return journey, Bilbo spent a whole northern winter in Rivendell, the first time he had spent a winter in the Shire where he hadn't expected it.

Bilbo still doesn't know how to resolve the unhappiness at the welcoming ceremony. He only knows that after the banquet, Mr. Gao Yuan, led by Lord Elrond himself, went to pay a visit to the golden man. Flower Lord Gro Findel.

He only knew this when Gandalf came to wake up his sleeping self at noon the next day. During this year-long adventure career, he had to maintain a high degree of vigilance at all times. Already very tired, the bloodline of the Baggins family is getting stronger and stronger.

For a long time after that, Bilbo felt that he was always very tired. He usually fell asleep in bed at night, and would not wake up until the next day's lunch.

This made him always annoyed that he missed breakfast, but he never missed the afternoon tea that he was thinking about. Mr. Gao Yuan would often sit with him on the balcony of his room in Rivendell during this time period. Savor afternoon tea.

Sometimes, the beautiful Princess Evening Star will come with Mr. Gao Yuan. I don't know why, whenever Gao Yuan comes with the elf princess, he always feels that the time will become more difficult.

As for Gandalf, he departed shortly after reaching Rivendell, and is said to have gone somewhere in the North.

Bilbo learned from Mr. Gao Yuan that the gray-robed wizard seldom met and stayed in one place all the time.

He is always used to wandering in every corner of Middle-earth, and no one knows when and where he will be.

When the white and gray of winter faded from the land of Rivendell, and the tender green branches and leaves sprouted among the branches again, Bilbo had been in Rivendell for nearly three months before he knew it, and the time had passed Come April of the year 2942 of the Third Era.

At this time, it has been a year since he, Thorin and others set off from Shire, and Bilbo recalled everything he experienced in this year, as if the day when he signed the contract with Thorin was just yesterday .

On this day, Bilbo woke up very early in the morning, because today was the day he restarted his return journey, and he finally enjoyed Rivendell's rich breakfast.

During the three months in Rivendell, Bilbo has been living in this paradise-like valley, and he has forgotten to return.

He was reluctant to part with the elf friends he met here; he also couldn't forget the laughter and melodious singing of the elves.

But even such a place could not stop him from going home, and he still had only Bag End in his mind.

Fortunately, he is not alone on this trip home, and Mr. Gao Yuan and the Princess Evening Star are also with him.

In front of the gate of Rivendell, after reluctantly saying goodbye to the friends of the elves and Lord Elrond, they set off.

When they left this deep valley, the western sky gradually became dark, and the wind and rain became the last show of their return home, and it also heralded the coming of summer.

"The time of summer in May is coming!" said Bilbo, quoting gleefully from a song of the Elf, as bits of spring rain fell on his face. On the way. I think, this is the taste of nostalgia!"

"There is still a long way to go, Bilbo!" Gao Yuan, who was riding on the same horse with Arwen, joked, "Bilbo, you have only been away from home for a year, where is the nostalgia coming from!"

"But this is the last paragraph," answered Bilbo. "Nostalgia is like an oak that I keep in my pocket, which has sprouted and which I have not yet planted. In my yard."

Gao Yuan and Arwen had to applaud for Bilbo's sudden line of poetry.

In this way, amidst the laughter and laughter all the way, Bilbo embarked on the familiar yet unfamiliar road home.

They retreaded the road they had come upon.

The difference was that they did not choose the path they took when they walked with Thorin this time, because there was no troop of orcs chasing and killing them at this moment.

Except that there were fewer members in the team and it was much quieter, it was almost the same as before.

By the way, when they passed the troll forest this time, there were no trolls to disturb them.

On the way back, every time they passed a special place, Bilbo would think of what happened a year ago, and everyone's words and deeds.

To him, though, it seemed more like what happened ten years ago.

At night, he camped on the ruins of the fortress in Weathertop, looking at the hillside where they once camped with Thorin and other dwarves; on the way from the East-West Avenue to Bree, he watched the Mosquito shivering. Bilbo still remembered that when they passed the Mosquito, A scene where the whole body is bitten by mosquitoes.

After a night's rest in the Prancing Horse Inn in Bree, they continued to set off the next day, passing through the old woods and officially setting foot on the Shire, the settlement of the Hobbits.

Every journey has an end, and the hobbit's return journey is no exception, which also indicates that this thrilling adventure that belongs to him is officially over.

In this way, they stopped and stopped along the way and finally arrived at Shire. At this time, it had been more than a month since they left Rivendell.

Summer has come quietly, and the Shire is full of green at this time. Our hobbit no longer rides on the back of a steed, but uses his huge feet to step on the grass of his hometown, enjoying himself. enjoying it all.

The morning dew wet his clothes and face. He wiped his face with a red handkerchief from his bosom. It was certainly not the handkerchief he had brought with him from Bag End. lost or damaged.

This handkerchief was given to him by Princess Evening Star behind him. It was left over when Arwen sewed the gown for Gao Yuan. Bilbo liked the material of this handkerchief very much, so Arwen took it Made a handkerchief and gave it to Bilbo.

It was already mid-May at this time, summer was imminent, and the weather was gradually getting hotter, but the weather in the morning was still very pleasant.

Bilbo's good mood didn't last long, and was soon broken by an accident.

When Bilbo and Gaoyuan stood in front of the gate of Bag End again, what happened in front of them surprised the hobbit who hadn't returned for a long time.

In front of his house, people from all directions were crowded everywhere, regardless of their status, they were all gathered in front of his house at this time, and many people were coming in and out of his house.

Bilbo was also annoyed to find that their muddy feet hadn't even wiped their muddy feet on the door rug before they entered his house.

His distant relatives are holding an auction in front of his house!

The distant relatives of the Baggins family and the Took family announced Bilbo's death directly after seeing Bilbo missing for a year and not returning.

They took all the property of Bilbo's house, and held an auction in Hobbiton, most of the things had been sold, and his house was almost empty at this time.

Even our poor Hobbit Mr. Bilbo has to prove to everyone who knows him that he is not dead, that he is the real Bilbo Baggins.

So Bilbo took out from his bosom the contract signed with Thorin Oakenshield last May.

To prove himself, to be the real Mr. Bilbo Baggins, who did not pretend to be himself, and did not die.

Yes, our Mr. Bilbo has still kept the contract with Thorin Oakenshield, which is the only evidence that he has participated in that great adventure.

Perhaps others would think that the two boxes of gold and silver he brought back were also evidence of his participation in that adventure, but in fact gold and silver are everywhere in this world.

Gao Yuan is in the cave in the Troll Forest, and there are still boxes of gold, silver and jewelry that have not been dug out.

Bilbo even brought back the map of the Lonely Mountain drawn by Thorin's grandfather Thor.

But this is not enough to prove that he really participated in that adventure.

Only this contract is the real evidence.

(End of this chapter)

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