Chapter 169 Strangers

"Click click."

As the night watchman brothers on the Great Wall of Impassion slowly turned the winch, the huge iron door in front of Sir Waymar Royce was slowly rising, revealing the deep and dark tunnel behind the iron gate. The only passage from the south of the Great Wall to Beyond the Great Wall.

Sir Waymar Royce in black robes rode on his horse, calmly waiting for the iron gate to be fully raised. This is not the first time he has gone to the north of the Great Wall to patrol, although he has just taken the oath It has been less than half a year since he became a night watchman, but he has already become a senior ranger.

Behind him, the two men in black robes also riding on horses were his fellow Rangers, Will and Gary, who patrolled north of the Great Wall with him this time.

They went to the north of the Great Wall this time to investigate and track the whereabouts of the savage tribe that frequently appeared in the ghost forest recently.

When the iron door in front of him was fully raised, Sir Waymar Royce kicked the horse's belly and led the way into the dark tunnel.

This tunnel is dark and cold all the year round, and the cold wind blowing from the north of the Great Wall passes through the tunnel, making a creepy whistling sound, just like those savages and strange ghosts who are blocked north of the Great Wall, unable to climb the tall and tall tunnel. The Great Wall of Desperation can only reach the south through this tunnel.

The torches held high in the hands of the three rangers were the only lighting in this tunnel. When they passed through three iron fences in a row, passed through the last gate, and came to the north of the Great Wall, their eyes suddenly became clear.

What unfolded in front of them was the endless forest of ghost shadows.

In the past, the night watchmen would regularly send craftsmen out of the city to cut down trees to ensure that the forest in Saibei would not extend to within half a mile of the Great Wall, preventing wildlings from using the cover of trees to approach and attack the Great Wall.

However, as the power of the night watchmen weakened year by year, except for the three castles still garrisoned that could barely maintain this tradition, the scale of the entire isolation zone had already shrunk day by day.

When they came to the edge of the ghost forest, old Gary, the most experienced ranger among them, looked back at the towering Great Wall behind him, and found that the ice wall was "weeping" - this is good news, indicating that at this moment The temperature is around freezing point. If the weather doesn't change, at least their ranger team doesn't have to worry about being frozen to death in the winter night.

As everyone knows, their patrol will be the last time they see the Great Wall.

The thick snow in the ghost forest made it difficult for their horses to walk in it. Since no one came to cut down the trees here for a long time, this ghost forest extending north to the land of eternal winter is now a Wes It is the second largest forest in the Tero continent.

Sir Waymar Royce had participated in dozens of patrols north of the Wall, but every time he stepped into this forest, he still felt his scalp tingling and his back chill.

As they gradually entered the depths of the forest, the environment around them became darker and darker until night fell.In the silent and gloomy forest, the cold wind howled around them, and the rustling of snow falling from the branches of the coniferous forest could be heard from time to time.

It was almost midnight when Sir Waymar Royce and others stopped. They followed the wildlings all the way to this point. The three of them and the horses under their feet were exhausted. Tonight I had to rest for one night in this icy and snowy forest.

The horseshoes trampled on the snow and made a crisp sound. They had been searching for eight or nine days in this vast ghost forest, but they never saw them. Those brothers who stood guard on the Great Wall Reported figures of the wildling tribe.

Because of the shortage of manpower and supplies, and in order to prevent those savages from figuring out the activity patterns of their own rangers, the night watchman had long ago given up the regular patrol method in the past, and instead adopted a set of random and more Targeted work and rest system.

One night before they set off, the brothers of the Night's Watch on the Wall reported to the Lord Commander that there was a fire in the forest north of the Wall.

This is the direct reason why Lord Commander Jeor Mormont and Chief Ranger Benjen Stark arranged for this patrol.

If they hadn't discovered the traces left by those savages when they first entered the forest, they would probably think that the brother standing guard had made a mistake.

Before that, they had been following the trails left by those savages, but after a heavy snowfall a few days ago, all the traces left by those savages were buried under the snow.

So the chief of their patrol this time, Sir Waymar Royce, ordered them to disperse left and right and go forward in a row to look for the traces of the wildlings.

Hearing the officer's request, Will and Gary looked at each other, then shrugged helplessly. Obviously, both of them were a little dissatisfied with the officer's order.

If the three of them are arranged in order according to the length of time they have joined the Night Watch and their qualifications, Gary, who has joined the Night Watch for 40 years, is the oldest among them; Will, who has more than hundreds of patrol experience; finally it is the turn of Sir Waymar Royce, who has only sworn to join the Night Watch for half a year, but has dozens of patrol experience.

This young nobleman from the Valley is the third son of the Earl of Runestone City, and he chose to join the Night Watchman only because the possibility of inheriting the title is unlikely.

When he came to the Great Wall, he was personally escorted by his father, Earl Yorn, and he was wearing what seemed to be a very expensive outfit when he came.

Among his expensive outfits, nothing stood out more than a thick, soft black ermine cloak.

As a result, Gary and other night watchman brothers would often tease him about this matter while drinking.

"I'll bet those sables on him were slain by our Ser Waymar Royce himself, sticking his jeweled sword of fine steel into the cage and slaying the vile sable."

Just such a person who joined the night watchman for the shortest time, with the least experience and no prestige, has now become the chief of their patrol this time. It is obviously impossible to say that the other two have no opinion on this. .

Would you respect your officer if he were the butt of ridicule in a drinking session?

Riding on the horse, Will couldn't help thinking this way, and Gary must have felt the same way.

However, Will and Gary still had to abide by the discipline of the night watchman whether they refused to accept it or not. The two dispersed in accordance with Sir Waymar Royce's order, and began to search slowly forward in a line.

Soon, when they were about to approach the edge of the Antler River, Will, who was walking on the far left of the ranger team, discovered the traces left by the wildlings they were following.

Will hurriedly jumped off the horse, and slowly moved forward along the trail left by the wild man. He saw wisps of blue smoke rising from behind a small hillside.

In the snowflakes that fell all over the sky, Will pulled out the inferior long sword on his waist in advance, in case the long sword was frozen and could not be pulled out in a critical moment.

He lay on his stomach in the snow, and slowly climbed to the small hill covered with thin snow covered with green smoke. He saw the camp of the savage tribe that they had been tracking for the past few days. He had already seen Go to the tent spire left by the wildlings.

Will then crawled forward, he wanted to get closer to see the situation of this savage tribe.

But the scene that appeared in front of his eyes in the next second almost scared the "senior" Ranger to pee.

In the camp of the savage tribe, eight corpses were lying here and there, including men and women.

Although the heavy snow has almost covered the entire camp, only a pile of embers in the camp is still smoking, but after Will's careful identification, it can still be seen that those exposed in the snow are all human limbs.

They were all lying motionless in the snow at this moment, obviously they were all dead.

Will gripped the long sword in his hand and immediately got up from the snow. He just wanted to get back to his horse immediately, ride it and flee back to the Great Wall as if he was dying.

But as soon as he turned his head, he saw the body of a female savage hanging on the sentry tree behind him. Will climbed from the snow to the front of the savage's camp, and he didn't notice the body of the savage who was squatting on the tree. female savage.

It was obvious that the female savage was also dead at this moment, and she stared fixedly at Will's direction with her big eyes.

Will was terrified by the eyes of the dead female savage, and ran towards the direction of his war horse.

Will, riding a horse, ran wildly in this eerie forest.

Panicked, he went straight to Gary and Sir Waymar Royce, who were searching for wildlings in the forest like him.

Will, who found Gary and Weymar Royce, almost fell off his horse, and Will, who stood up struggling from the ground, ran quickly to Weymar Royce regardless of the pain in his body. Sir.

"I know you won't believe it...I found the camp of those wildlings...but what happened...the wildlings are all dead now."

Waymar Royce saw Will running up to him in a panic. He thought something big had happened. After listening to Will's report, he looked at Will with disdain: "It's just some The savages are nothing more, they die when they die, it's not worth the fuss, the savages often kill each other, maybe another gang of savages killed the savages."

The experienced Gary saw that Will's panic was not that simple, so he asked aloud, "Will, what did you see, tell me everything, don't miss any details."

"The savage's camp is two miles away, over the ridge and next to a stream." Will swallowed, and then replied, "I've been very close to observe, the campfire has been extinguished, Only a few embers were left smoking.

"Those savages were lying in a mess in the snow. I counted a total of eight people, both men and women, but I didn't see any children. All of them were motionless, including the one on the tree."

"I didn't see blood, but a living person would never lie so quietly in the snow!"

Waymar Royce listened carefully to Will's description, and he also realized this matter at this moment, it might not be that simple, he turned his head to look at the gray-haired veteran.

Waymar Royce asked casually: "Gary, who do you think killed these people?"

"In this kind of weather, the living will definitely not let the campfire go out." Gary analyzed, "The temperature has dropped sharply in the past two days, and there was another heavy snowfall a few days ago, those savages must have been frozen to death of."

"My lord, I have personally experienced the power of severe cold. When the last severe winter came, I saw people freeze to death with my own eyes. I was a child at that time."

Seeing that the noble young master didn't believe it, Gary pulled back his hood so that the young knight could see clearly the scar left after his ear was frozen off.

"Two ears, three toes, and the little finger of my left hand. I was slightly injured. My elder brother was frozen to death when he was on guard. When we found him, he still had a smile on his face." .”

Sir Waymar Royce was still very young and hadn't seen the real power of Winter, he shrugged indifferently: "Gary, I think you should wear two more clothes."

Gary glared at the young knight, obviously he didn't believe his own experience: "When winter comes, I'll see how many clothes you can wear."

Facing the furious old Gary, Sir Waymar showed some disapproval: "Gary, I noticed that before we entered the ghost forest, you looked back at the Great Wall, can you tell me what the Great Wall looked like at that time? situation?"

"Crying," Gary replied, frowning.

After saying this, he suddenly understood: "So they didn't freeze to death. If water drips from the city wall, it means the weather is not cold enough."

Waymar Royce nodded and said: "It seems that you are not too stupid. Although the temperature has dropped a lot during this time and there has been a heavy snowfall, it is definitely not cold enough to freeze eight people to death."

"What's more, they are all wearing warm furs, the terrain of the camp is enough to shelter them from the wind and snow, and there are sufficient fire materials." The young jazz smiled confidently. "Will, you lead the way, I want to see these dead people with my own eyes."

"Since those savages are dead." Gary felt a little uneasy.

After listening to Sir Royce's analysis, Gary also noticed something was wrong, so he objected.

"I think it's time for us to return to the Great Wall."

Sir Royce, who was preparing his horse, turned his head and looked contemptuously at Gary, who was panicking: "Did the dead scare you?"

Gary was not caught in the scheme of aggressive generals. He was almost sixty years old and he could be considered an old man. In his life, he had seen too many noble children die in their arrogance.

"Dead people are not scary, what's scary is the guy who killed the wildlings." Gary's words meant something.

"If you can kill a savage, you may not be able to kill a night watchman, besides, we are still rangers!" The young knight pointed to the sword at his waist and said very confidently.

"Mormont asked us to track down the whereabouts of the wildlings, and we did." Gary didn't want to cause trouble. "Now those wildlings are dead, and they will never come to harass us again."

"There is still a long way to go before us. If the snow falls a little heavier, it will take at least two weeks for us to go back." Gary was trying his best to persuade the young knight not to act recklessly.

"My lord, you have seen the scene of a blizzard!"

Sir Royce stopped what he was doing, turned around and looked at Gary seriously, his right hand quietly touched the long sword inlaid with jewels on his waist.

"Don't you think Mormont won't ask us why those wildlings died?" Royce said bluntly. "Gary, do you want to be a deserter?"

Will saw Gary bit his lips tightly, obviously under his thick black robe, he was suppressing a huge anger at this moment.

Gary has been a member of the Night Watch for 40 years. With his seniority, there will be a day when he will be questioned as a deserter.

At this time, Gary was not just angry. Under his dignity trampled by Sir Royce, Will vaguely noticed some potential uneasiness emanating from Gary.

Will couldn't be more familiar with that feeling. When he was a ranger, he crossed the Great Wall and came beyond the Great Wall for the first time.

All those horror legends that were spread in the mouths of the people in the north flooded into his heart all at once, and that feeling was the same as the emotion he felt in Gary now, making his limbs weak with fright.

Although, he is now a veteran with hundreds of patrols north of the Great Wall, and he has no fear of the vast land in front of him, which the southerners call the Ghost Forest.

But tonight was an exception. Different from patrolling this forest in the past, he felt that in the darkness around him, there were always countless cold eyes watching them with indifference to his life.

The feeling of staring made their hairs stand on end, and their hands and feet were trembling uncontrollably. Will believed that Gary had also noticed that gaze.

"I've made up my mind, get on the horse now!" Sir Royce got on the horse and looked at Will, "Will, you lead the way."

At this point, since their noble master's order had been given, they had no choice but to obey.

Will was at the head of the line, leading the rangers to the camp he had discovered.Ser Waymar Royce followed, his tall steed puffing whitely from his muzzle.Old Gary was in charge of the rear at the back of the line, muttering to himself all the way.

At this time, the sky was completely dark, but in this silent forest, there was a piece of white everywhere, and the light reflected from the snow allowed them to barely see the road under their feet.

"We should be able to go faster!" said Sir Royce.

The temperature around them is dropping rapidly as night falls, and the small snowflakes floating in the sky have now turned into heavy snow.

Royce didn't want to waste the whole night on the road. After confirming the situation of the savage camp, they still wanted to find the campsite for tonight.

Will stopped beside an old gnarled iron tree, then rolled over and dismounted.

At this moment, a wolf howl suddenly came from deep in the woods. It was the voice of a direwolf, and Will was all too familiar with it.

"There's something wrong here," murmured Gary, who was at the end of the line.

Royce had had enough of Gary muttering to himself, "Well, you're talking about what's wrong."

"Don't you feel it?" Gary asked in a low voice, "Listen carefully to the sounds in the forest."

"The sound of the wind, the rustling of leaves, and the howling of wolves. Gary, which one scares you out of your wits?" Royce gracefully rolled over and got off the horse, tied the reins of the horse to a tree trunk, and pulled the horse from his waist Draw out the fine steel long sword inlaid with gems on the hilt.

The sword was clearly newly forged, and Will wondered if it had been stained with blood.

"If you're scared, just stay here and watch the horses for us, Will and I go see the dead."

Gary didn't care about Royce's insult, because in his opinion, the young knight would soon become a dead man: "I'll light a fire."

"Old man, there should be a limit to your stupidity. If there are enemies ambushing in this forest, wouldn't you light a fire to attract them?" Sir Royce scolded angrily.

"There are some things that are only afraid of fire," Gary held a torch in his hand, and looked at Royce gloomyly, "such as bears, direwolves, and... there are some guys who are neither beasts nor humans!"

"I can't tell but I can't."

Garry's cloak hid his face, but Will could still see the way he glared at the young knight.

He was afraid that the old man would draw his sword and stab Sir Royce on impulse. Although Gary's sword was not as gorgeous and sharp as Sir Royce's sword, he really wanted to use force. Will believed that The noble young master must surely die.

In the end Gary followed Royce's orders.

Now that Gary has given in, Sir Royce has no intention of going any further. After all, he still knows how much he weighs. He looked at Will and said, "Let's go!"

Will led Sir Royce through a dense bush, up a low slope, and up the ridge.

He had found hiding place under a tree there earlier, and Will climbed the slope cautiously, making no sound.

But the noble young master behind him didn't care at all, he just stalked behind Will, and from time to time he heard the metal collision of the chain mail, the friction of the branches and the thorns catching his beautiful mink cloak swearing sound.

Wil boarded a small hillside covered with thin snow, this is where he found the wildling camp before, and there were traces of him lying on the ground on the snow.

So he chose to lie flat in the residual snow and mud again, looking down at the open flat ground.

The scene under the slope in front of him made his heart seem to stop beating, and he even forgot to breathe.

In a snow-white clearing, wisps of smoke still rising from the embers of the campfire, snow-covered rocks, a half-frozen creek, all of which are exactly the same as what Will saw a few hours ago.

The only difference is that all the people are gone.

"Gods bless!" came the voice of Sir Waymar Royce from behind Will, who was chopping branches with his sword, standing beside Will who was lying on his stomach in the snow, his sable fur The cloak crackled in the cold wind.

"Get down!" Will whispered anxiously. "Something weird happened."

Sir Royce didn't move. He looked down at the empty savage camp below the slope and said with a smile, "Will, it seems that those dead people you mentioned have moved their positions."

Will seemed suddenly unable to speak, and he tried to find the right words, but in vain.How could such a thing happen, his eyes scanned back and forth in the deserted camp, and finally stopped on the axe.Such a huge double-edged battle ax would stay in place without moving a muscle.According to such a valuable guy...

"Will, get up." Sir Waymar ordered, "There's no one here, what a shame to be hiding!"

Will reluctantly complied.

Sir Royce looked up and down with some dissatisfaction, this muddy ranger who just got up from the snow.

"I don't want to fail the first time I lead a patrol, we must find these guys." He looked around, "Climb to the tree and take a look, move quickly, and pay attention to whether there are any fire lights nearby."

Will turned around speechlessly. He knew that it would be useless to argue with the noble young master. The cold wind in the forest turned from weak to strong, mixed with icy rain and snow, cutting across his face like a knife.

Just when Will raised his head and was about to climb up the treetops, he froze in place suddenly.

In the forest filled with snowflakes, Will vaguely saw a figure covered in white smoke standing in the darkness not far from them.

Will looked at that Tao with horror on his face. The figure in the forest was covered with white smoke, and he was so terrified that he couldn't speak at all.

His feet slipped in the muddy snow, and he accidentally fell to the ground, making a crisp sound.

The tall figure obviously also noticed the movement from Will's side, and he turned his head slowly, with a pair of golden pupils staring at him firmly.

"Will, what happened to you today?" Sir Royce heard the sound of Will falling behind him, and turned his head to look at Will who was sitting on the ground in doubt.

I saw him pointing his finger to the forest not far away with a face full of horror: "There is a ghost there, did you see it, his eyes will shine like gold."

Sir Royce looked in the direction Will pointed, and saw a figure smoking white standing there in the darkness not far behind them.

He has golden eyes and is walking towards them slowly.

"I see, do you know what that guy is?" Sir Royce said in a deep voice.

He pulled out the long sword at his waist with trembling hands.

"I don't know." Fear made Will's voice a little hoarse, "Among all the guys I've seen, there is no one with golden eyes."

"Who is there?"

Sir Royce tried to raise his voice to embolden himself, but Will could hear the uneasiness in his intimidation.

The branches throbbed slightly in the cold wind, the leaves rustled, and the cold stream gurgled.

At this time, the atmosphere in the forest was extremely suppressed, just when Sir Royce was about to be unable to withstand the fear in his heart, and was about to continue to say something.

The figure slowly walking towards them opened his mouth to speak.

"Tell me, where is this place?"

It was a man's magnetic voice, which made Sir Royce's hands tightly holding the long sword relax a little.

This at least proves that the other party is an existence that can communicate with him, not those ghosts who are silent among the northerners.

"Stand there and don't move!"

Sir Royce yelled at the mysterious man, and then he pulled the limp Will out of the snow, and whispered, "Take your weapon, Will!"

The mysterious man didn't obey the young nobleman's order, and continued to approach the two.

He didn't stop until he got to the two rangers enough to see his face clearly, which happened to be the safe distance that Sir Royce believed. If the mysterious man took another step forward, he was ready to attack.

With the help of the faint light reflected from the snow, Sir Royce and the others finally saw the appearance of the person coming. What impressed Royce the most about the man in front of him was his pair of golden eyes shining in the darkness. .

The man's hair was combed neatly behind his head and tied into a not too long ponytail. His face was also completely different from that of the people living on this continent. It seemed more in line with some people on the other side of the narrow sea. The physical characteristics of a person.

Runestone City, his father's domain, often had trade relations with merchants on the other side of the strait, so Sir Royce had seen many people like this mysterious man,
The man is wearing a set of exquisite armor with a different style. The material of this armor is also composed of a material that this noble young master has never seen before. It looks like iron but not iron, and it looks more like The scales of some kind of creature.

What kind of creature has such huge scales?
There was no family crest on the armor, which made it difficult for him to identify where this man was from.

The falling snowflakes in the forest fell on the man's body, and soon turned into wisps of steam that evaporated from his body, as if falling on a piece of iron.

The mysterious man who appeared in front of Sir Royce and Will is naturally Gao Yuan who we just crossed from Middle-earth.

One second Gao Yuan was standing in the sunny forest outside Rivendell, and the next second when he opened his eyes, he appeared in this eerie cold coniferous forest.

Having just traveled to a strange world, Gao Yuan still doesn't know anything about his current environment. The first thing he has to do is naturally to find out about the situation from people in this world.

"I have no ill intentions towards you!"

Gao Yuan's golden eyes allowed him to see in the dark as in the day, and he saw the two people in front of him nervously holding the weapons in their hands.

"I'm just a lost traveler. As long as you tell me where this is, I will leave soon."

Facing Gao Yuan's golden eyes, Will seemed a little timid, and he wished that the other party would leave now.

He was about to open his mouth to answer Gao Yuan's question, but was stopped by Sir Royce.

"What do you want to do, we don't even know who he is yet! Don't forget those guys who disappeared in the wildling camp, do you want to end up like them?" Sir Royce whispered in Will's ear He scolded loudly.

Although Royce's voice was soft enough, it still reached Gao Yuan's ears without saying a word. Just when Gao Yuan was thinking about how to comfort the two people in front of him, there was a sudden movement in Gao Yuan's ears.

The cold wind whistling through the dense forest, and the sound of snow falling, and the sound of the gurgling stream beside the camp of wildlings.

Gao Yuan tried to find the tail of the guy lurking in the dark amidst these chaotic sounds, and soon he discovered where those guys came from.

That's right, those guys!
At this moment, around the forest where they are, there are more than one guy lurking in the dark watching them, there are hundreds of them.

Gao Yuan was very puzzled, why didn't he find those lurking guys when he first crossed over, relying on Gao Yuan's ability to see in the dark and his keen hearing.

Hundreds of guys with malicious intentions couldn't hide from his perception.


With the crisp sound of the sword being unsheathed, Gao Yuan held the Evening Star Blade in his hand. His tall body stood in the snow and drew the sword and looked around. The shining light in the golden pupils was very conspicuous in the darkness.

Gao Yuan didn't use his mind to manipulate the Blade of Evening Star, because there were two outsiders around him at the moment, and he didn't know anything about the world he was in. If he behaved too differently, he might get himself into unnecessary trouble .

"what are you going to do?"

Sir Royce, who had already relaxed his vigilance, suddenly became nervous when he saw Gao Yuan pull out the sword from his waist suddenly.

This was also the first time he felt uneasy since he entered the ghost forest.

Both rangers raised their long swords at the same time, aiming at the stranger standing in front of them holding the sword.

Seeing the two of them raising their swords towards him, Gao Yuan curled his lips helplessly.

"In this forest, there are some guys who are hostile to us and are approaching us."

In order to prevent the two guys he finally met in the forest from accidentally receiving a box lunch, Gao Yuan felt that it was necessary to remind the other party.

"What nonsense are you talking about? I think the most malicious guy here is you." Sir Royce looked around vigilantly, not finding anything unusual in the forest, so he yelled loudly.

But before he finished speaking, he suddenly became more vigilant. Royce clenched the long sword in his hand and aimed it in front of him, and kept turning in circles.

Like Gao Yuan, he must have noticed something, but there was no one around.

The temperature in the forest was dropping sharply, and both Royce and Will felt it. Unlike Royce, who had always been defiant, Will, who was cautious and cautious, inexplicably felt an extremely strong sense of crisis.

The two rangers were back to back in the snow, holding the long swords in their hands tightly. This is the best way to deal with it in order to prevent being attacked by the enemy during the battle.

"What did you see in the forest?" Royce shouted towards Gao Yuan.

Gao Yuan ignored this rude guy, but stared wide-eyed in the surrounding woods, trying to find the traces of those guys.

The snow in the woods was too heavy, his eyes could see through the boundless darkness, but he couldn't see through the layers of fog and the palm-sized snowflakes.

"Answer me quickly! Why is it getting so cold here?"

The temperature around them is still dropping sharply, which has exceeded the limit that their bodies can bear. Royce finally understands the meaning of Gary's saying "wait for the winter to come".

His body was trembling uncontrollably, and he didn't know whether it was because of the cold or fear. He felt that his palm wrapped in mink fur gloves had become so cold that he lost consciousness, as if it was frozen together with the sword in his hand.

Just when everyone was waiting in full force, Will suddenly caught sight of a white figure flashing past the woods on his left from the corner of his eye.

He turned his head, only caught a white shadow in the darkness, and then disappeared.

The branches are constantly throbbing in the intensifying cold wind, and the intertwined branches are scratching each other like fingers.

"There!" Will warned Gao Yuan and Royce.

Gao Yuan's tense nerves were like a bowstring ready to go, he reacted the moment Will issued a warning, pulled out the dragon tooth dagger from his waist and threw it in the direction Will pointed.

The dragon tooth dagger was like a bullet, galloping straight towards the figure in the woods. The sound of the dagger piercing the air was like thunder descending into the world. Whether it was air or snowflakes along the way, they were blown away by the powerful airflow at the front of the dagger. Even the snow on the ground was washed away by the aftermath.

The white shadow still wanted to avoid the dagger thrown by Gao Yuan, but it was not that simple.No matter where he wants to escape, under the control of Gao Yuan's divine control, the dagger can accurately find his location, even if he can teleport.

In the blink of an eye, the dragon tooth dagger pierced through the body of that white figure.

After piercing through the white figure, the Dragon Tooth Dagger remained undiminished until its roots sank into a tree trunk.

The white figure pierced by the dragon-toothed dagger suddenly turned into countless tiny ice cubes and scattered all over the ground after being stunned for a second.

Gao Yuan's sudden attack shocked Royce and Will. After he beheaded the white figure, they had completely let go of their vigilance against Gao Yuan.

"How did you do it?" Royce asked Gao Yuan.

He was a little incoherent, pointing to the dragon tooth dagger stuck in the tree trunk; pointing to the pile of ice scattered on the ground.

Gao Yuan ignored Royce's question, but looked thoughtfully at the pile of ice scattered on the ground. The way these guys died seemed familiar to him.

"Let me ask again, where is this place?" Gao Yuan looked at Royce beside him with a serious expression, "This is very important! You can choose not to answer, but I will leave you to those monsters in the forest. "

Hearing Gao Yuan's threat, Royce couldn't help but tremble all over. He didn't even dare to imagine what would happen to him if he was left here.

The fear brought about by those legendary monsters and death made him answer Gao Yuan's question without hesitation: "This is the ghost forest to the north of the Great Wall. We are the night watchmen in the Great Wall. We drop it here, please!"

Sure enough!

Royce's answer was not beyond Gao Yuan's expectations. Before that, he had roughly guessed it. Now that he has been confirmed by Sir Royce, after learning that the world he is currently in is the world of A Song of Ice and Fire, Gao Yuan couldn't help but let out a long sigh of relief.

Although he still doesn't know which version of the world of A Song of Ice and Fire he traveled through, it doesn't matter anymore.

With Gao Yuan's current abilities, he is invincible no matter which version of A Song of Ice and Fire world he is in.

Those ghosts and ghouls that frightened the aboriginals were nothing but crumbling dogs in front of him.

In this world, the only thing that can make Gao Yuan feel afraid is the cold god and the king of light who have been rumored all the time, but have never appeared in the real world.

The King of Light may have performed many miracles in the world through his sacrifices, but in Gao Yuan's view, as long as they don't show up in person, they are nothing to be afraid of.

As for the green prophets, they may have the ability to travel through time, observe and influence history, and predict the future and destiny.

However, these abilities of theirs have no effect on Gao Yuan, a person who has traveled through time. He is a person without a past in this world, so how can he affect his own destiny.

How about being able to predict the future? The weirwoods are almost extinct in the south, and the Greenseer is like a blind man there. If he couldn't beat himself in the past, will he be able to defeat him in the future?
Just when Gao Yuan was thinking, a shadow suddenly appeared from the dark of the forest, and stood in front of Gao Yuan and the others.

It was very tall, with a haggard and resolute face, but its whole body was like dry bones, and its complexion was as pale as milk.

Its armor seems to change color as it moves and its surroundings, from white as fresh snow to dark shadows, like a ghost wandering in the haunted forest, dotted with the forest's deep gray-green.

Every time it takes a step, the pattern on its body is constantly changing like the moonlight on the water.

This is the terrifying creature that has been circulating in the ancient legends of the Northland——White Ghost.

The White Walker has blue eyes as cold as ice on the sea, shining like blue stars in the dark.

I saw a spherical object thrown from the hand of the White Walker who appeared in front of everyone. The sphere drew a perfect parabola in midair and rolled down in front of Sir Royce and Will.

Will and Sir Royce fixed their eyes and turned pale with shock!

Will even cried out in surprise: "It's Gary, they chopped off Gary's head!"

 It took me two days to write this chapter, and I modified more than a dozen perspectives and time periods in which the main character cuts in. I still think it would be better to write this chapter, and there will be a small climax scene next.

  1 words, it can be regarded as making up for yesterday's and today's updates.

  Because there are some foreshadowing elements in the front, and the protagonist only appears later, so they are all combined into one chapter.

(End of this chapter)

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