Chapter 183 The Prince in the Prophecy
Xiaozhi, the chief executive of Jeor Mormont, persuaded Gao Yuan with emotion and reason, and finally succeeded in persuading Gao Yuan. He promised to tell everyone present what happened in the ghost forest that night.

With Gao Yuan's eloquence, the whole picture of the ghost forest incident was gradually and clearly revealed to everyone.

Of course, the ghost forest incident that Gao Yuan told the senior management of the Night Watch Corps was the version he had already thought about and processed by Gao Yuan before he entered the Great Wall of Desperation.

In this processed version of the story, Gao Yuan selectively concealed the parts about the strange white mist, the cold god, and his own strength in the accident.

As for the instigator of the fire and the final explosion in the ghost forest, Gao Yuanan placed it on a mysterious man they met when they were surrounded by the army of strange ghosts.

In Gao Yuan's narration, the mysterious man who came to help in the crisis held a flaming red long sword and fought a fierce battle with the alien army in the burning forest.

In the final battle, the mysterious man triggered an explosion that spread over a hundred kilometers, and wiped out all the ghosts and ghouls in it except the Night King.

When mentioning the cause of the deaths of Sir Royce and Will, Gao Yuan attributed it to the sneak attack launched by the Night King in the shadows. Three ice crystal spears were thrown at the three by the Night King, and two ice crystal spears unfortunately died. It pierced through the chests of the two rangers, and the last ice crystal spear was blocked by the mysterious man, so Gao Yuan survived.

Before Sir Royce died, he took out the coat of arms of the Royce family from his pocket, handed it to Gao Yuan, and asked him to hand it over to Waymar Royce's father in Runestone City , in the hands of Lord Jon Royce.

After the death of the two rangers, the Night King resurrected their corpses as ghouls, and in the subsequent battle with the mysterious man, he was burned to ashes by the flaming sword in the hands of the mysterious man.

"So, this family crest from Sir Royce in your hand is the only evidence that can prove that everything you said is true?" After listening to the commander-in-chief Jeor Mormont, the ghost Gao Yuan told After the Shadow Forest incident, he has been staring at the other party with a serious expression, as if to find evidence of his lying from his sharp-edged face and golden pupils.

Gao Yuan made a wry smile, and said helplessly: "I know this is really unconvincing. Other evidence that can prove what I said is true has been submerged in that earth-shattering explosion."

"Believe me, after such an explosion, it is already a miracle that I was able to come to the gate of the Great Wall alive. If you send people to search carefully in the forest where the explosion occurred, maybe you can still Find the shards of the steel longswords that the two rangers left behind from their battle that night."

"Because it hasn't been buried by the heavy snow yet, I can't guarantee that you can find them. The ground in that forest has been burnt into glass, maybe those fragments have already been melted."

"The Prince of Prophecy"

Since Gao Yuan entered the hall, Maester Aemon, who had been silent sitting next to Old Xiong, suddenly said hoarsely.As soon as this venerable bachelor made his voice, he attracted the attention of everyone present.

Few people know that this well-known Maester Aemon, who is no longer blind, was actually the third youngest son of King Maekar I of the Targaryen dynasty.

When he was still young, his grandfather felt that having too many potential heirs to the Targaryen throne would be very dangerous to the Targaryen kingdom, so he sent the then young Maester Aemon to the Citadel .

He served the Night's Watch as a maester at Castle Black for so long that most of the Seven Kingdoms forgot his Targaryen blood.

All the people present, whether it was the old bear or Benjen Stark, respected the aged bachelor very much. Hearing that Maester Aemon seemed to know something, he immediately asked.

"Maester Aemon, what do you mean by the prophesied prince?" Lord Commander Jeor Mormont asked with concern.

"I once read an ancient prophecy book in the library of the Academy City, which recorded a prophecy from the ancient book of Asshai 5000 years ago." Maester Aemon explained, "In that prophecy, once Mention is made of a prophesied prince who will draw a flaming sword from the fire when darkness is about to cover the world."

"After the long summer, the stars will weep blood, and icy darkness will cover the world."

"In this hour of terror, a warrior will draw from the flames a flaming sword. That sword is the Lightbringer, the Red Sword of Heroes."

Maester Aemon's voice trembled a little. He was very old now, but he still clearly remembered the content of that prophecy.

"The one who holds this sword is Azor Ahai reincarnated, and he will fight the White Walkers. If he fails, the whole world will be destroyed."

After reading the prophecy completely, Maester Aemon looked very excited, his body was trembling uncontrollably, and his eyes, which had not seen light for many years, looked at Gao Yuan's standing position.

The expression of Maester Aemon made Gao Yuan's hair stand on end. If he hadn't known that Maester Aemon had been blind for many years, he would have thought he was staring at him.

"Unfortunately, my eyes have been unable to see the stars in the sky for quite a long time, otherwise I would be able to try to find the star that is weeping blood among the stars in the night sky." Amon The bachelor said with some regret.

Jeor Mormont's face was a bit ugly, and the content of the prophecy was very straightforward, and he could roughly know the content just by the literal meaning.But what worries him is not the news of the reincarnation of the so-called Azor Ahai, but the news about the coming of the long night and the ghosts mentioned in the prophecy.

Combined with what happened in the Ghost Shadow Forest, if what Gao Yuan told did not lie, then this prophecy from an ancient book 5000 years ago is likely to be true.This also means that the long summer is coming to an end, the long night and the cold winter are coming, and the ghosts who have disappeared for thousands of years have reappeared north of the Great Wall.

"Maester Aemon, even if your eyes can still see now, you don't need to bother looking for the weeping star in the night sky anymore. Because after the fire in the Haunted Forest, in the sky above our heads Suddenly a red comet appeared, and even in bright daylight we could still see it with our naked eyes." Benjen Stark informed Ser Aemon of the red comet in the sky.

"None of you mentioned this to me." Maester Aemon said flatly.

Jeor Mormont sighed: "We also heard that prophecy for the first time. Before that, no one would link the sudden appearance of a red comet in the sky with the fire in the Haunted Forest. Together."

"Hmph, it's all nonsense!" Alliser Thorne, the head coach of the Night's Watch recruits standing next to Jeor Mormont, snorted coldly, "In my opinion, you don't know where you got it from." You see, the prophecy spoken by Maester Aemon happened to coincide with the appearance of the red comet at this time, so you fabricated this series of lies."

"It is said that the White Walkers used ice magic, and the steel sword was cracked by freezing."

(End of this chapter)

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