Chapter 19 We Need a Snitch 【Two in One】

Gao Yuan sat beside Gandalf, and the two stared at the long table.

At this time, Bilbo's house looked like it had just been burglarized, and all kinds of food and debris were scattered everywhere.

The dwarves will not pay attention to etiquette and politeness when they have dinner with you.

You can't imagine what kind of scene it was before the eyes of Gao Yuan, Gandalf and Bilbo.

They chatted loudly and devoured the food on the table.

A tomato the size of Bilbo's fist would be swallowed by these dwarves in one bite.

It has only been 5 minutes since Gao Yuan sat down, and the dwarf named Pangbo has eaten the second roast leg of lamb, leaving only the bones.

A piece of cheese as big as a steering wheel, these dwarves held it in their arms and gnawed it, drinking fruit wine like beer, because they had already drank the malt wine, and now only fruit wine was left.

It's hard to imagine that these dwarves, except Thorin, just had a big meal half an hour ago, and their stomachs are like a bottomless pit.

Among the dwarves, Thorin was probably the only one who had a pretty good diet. After all, he was the heir to the royal family, and his family was rich in his early years, so his basic etiquette and accomplishments were still pretty good.

Then Kili, the youngest of the dwarves, staggered up onto the table.

He held up the wine glass in his hand, and amidst the cheers of the crowd, he led the others to drink the fruit wine in the glass.

Gao Yuan also raised his glass to salute in the air, and then began to taste the sweet and sour fruit wine slowly.

"My dwarf brothers, I think we should take turns to come up and introduce ourselves, so that the newcomers who join our team can get to know us."


The dwarves raised their glasses again, and began booing.

They began tapping rhythmically on the table with their knives and wine glasses.

"First of all, let the newcomers in our team introduce themselves first."

Gao Yuan glanced at Bilbo who was standing behind him, the hobbit hesitated at this moment.

He patted Bilbo on the shoulder.

Give him an encouraging look, you go first, after all you are the protagonist in the original book.

Bilbo took two deep breaths, nodded, and summoned up his courage to step forward.

When they saw Bilbo coming out, they all stopped making noise and waited quietly for the hobbit to introduce himself.

"That. My name is Bilbo Baggins. You know where I live. You are in my house now."

"...this is Hobbiton in the Shire."

There was silence, and Bilbo nervously pulled his hands out of his pockets and put them in again.

"Papa..." Gao Yuan took the lead in applauding.

"For Bilbo!" Gao Yuan shouted.

Then all the dwarves clapped their hands.

Bilbo walked back awkwardly. At this moment, he might be able to use his toes in the underground of Bag End to dig out another three-bedroom and one-living room.

Gao Yuan smiled happily, and patted Bilbo again: "You did a great job."

Next, Gao Yuan, under the gaze of everyone, stepped forward.

"My name is Gao Yuan. As you can see, I am a ranger from Rohan." Gao Yuan raised the wine glass in his hand and drank the wine in the glass in one gulp.

The cheers sounded again, and everyone raised their glasses and cheered Gao Yuan's name.

Now that Gao Yuan and the others have finished their introductions, it's the turn of the dwarves to introduce themselves.

The two brothers Kili and Fili came to the stage first.

"My name is Kili. Next to me is my brother. His name is Fili."

"Hey, I should introduce myself."

The crowd burst into laughter.

The two walked down while fighting.

"Bahrain, that's my name"

"Wadrin, Bahrain is my brother"

Soon, all thirteen dwarves had introduced themselves, and the dinner continued, and the dwarves began singing and dancing excitedly.

Bilbo was pulled by Gao Yuan to sit beside him. At first he was a little bit reluctant, but he was pressed directly on the chair by the tough Gao Yuan.

He also began to slowly blend into this joyful atmosphere.

The dinner party lasted for a long time, and it didn't end until late at night.

Everyone started to clean up the mess, and after more than an hour of hard work, the dining table was cleaned up.

All the tableware was also washed by the dwarves and put into the cupboard at Bilbo's house.

The rubbish and filth on the ground were also cleaned up.

Seeing Bag End being restored to its original state, Bilbo's face improved a lot, but the food and wine in the cellar were basically empty.

After the cleaning was over, everyone returned to the long table.

This time all the dwarves were sitting tight together.

It was Balin who spoke first, his long white beard almost touching the ground.

He was Thorin's kin, born on the Lonely Mountain like himself.

"What was the result of the meeting held in the Blue Mountains? Did all the seven dwarf kingdoms send envoys to attend?"

Thorin replied in a low voice: "They all sent envoys."

Dwalin glanced at Thorin, his face was a bit ugly.

"What do the dwarves in the Iron Hills say, will Dyne bring someone to go with us?"

Thorin hesitated for a moment, looked at the expectant eyes of the other dwarves, and took a deep breath.

"They refused to go. They said that this adventure is our own business."

As soon as the voice fell, the faces of the other dwarves darkened, and everyone fell into silence for a while.

At last Bilbo could stand it no longer, for he never knew what adventure they were talking about.

He wanted to ask clearly.

"Are you going on an adventure?"

Gandalf glanced at the bold Bilbo.

"We need more light here, Bilbo, get me a candle, please."

Gandalf spread out the map of the Lonely Mountain, on which the topographic map of the Lonely Mountain was clearly drawn, marking several important roads, mountains and rivers, including the valley town at the foot of the Lonely Mountain.

Of course, the most important thing is that the location of the secret door that can enter the Lonely Mountain Dwarf Dungeon is marked on this map.

When the dwarves of the Lonely Mountain evacuated from the Lonely Mountain because of Smaug, they blocked the main entrance of the Lonely Mountain Dungeon.

Therefore, if you want to enter the Gushan Dungeon now, you can only use this secret door to enter.

The key to entering the secret door is the map of the Lonely Mountain and the key that Thorne handed to Gandalf.

It's just that the hidden door location information on the map is hidden in a clever way

"In the far east, over mountains and rivers, through forests and wastelands, there stands a sharp but lone peak: the Lonely Mountain."

"Oyin, he said that he has seen the omen, and that omen shows that it is time."

"I saw the raven fly back to the Lonely Mountain, which is just like what was described in the prophecy. When the birds that used to live there fly back to Eribor (Lonely Mountain), the rule of that monster will come to an end." Owing said.

A group of dwarves fell silent. Although they had already decided to go to the Lonely Mountain, without the support of the seven dwarf kingdoms, and even without the support of the iron hill dwarf Dyne, it would be difficult to achieve their goal with only a dozen of them.

"Monster, what monster?"

"A bad dragon, Bilbo. The most terrifying creature monster on this continent, its name is Smaug." Gao Yuan explained to Bilbo.

"He will breathe fire from the air that burns everything," said Kili the Dwarf.

"He loves babies that shine the most."

He knew that these dwarves were trying to scare him, and Bilbo was a little unconvinced: "I know what a dragon looks like."

At this time a dwarf stood up: "I will not be afraid of it, I will kill it."

"I'll give it a taste of a dwarf's hammer."

"Even if we send out a large army, it is difficult to defeat it, not to mention that we only have thirteen. And we are not the best or the smartest among the dwarves."

"Knowing that this is death, but still rushing forward, that is not brave, it is stupid behavior."

"Who are you calling stupid?"

"Even though we are not elites, we are all warriors who will never give up until the death."

"We still have a wizard and a ranger now."

"Gandalf must have slain countless dragons before"

"He Killed Hundreds"

Hearing the dwarves bragging, Gandalf, who was smoking, choked on the smoke, and he coughed twice violently.

"Ahem, cough, cough, I never said that."

"Yes, Gandalf, how many dragons have you slain. Tell us"

As they talked, the dwarves began to quarrel, looking at their posture, as if they were going to climb up the table to fight.

The Dwarves here, not all, had lived on the Lonely Mountain.

The old dwarves headed by Balin have experienced the kind of despair facing Smaug, so they are more cautious about this issue.

And the young people headed by Kili and Fili, or the dwarves who have never been to the Lonely Mountain, they are not afraid of the so-called giant dragon.


Thorin, who was already annoying enough, finally couldn't hold it anymore. He slapped the long table heavily, and scolded the dwarves who were arguing.

"Since we can see those signs, can't other races see them?"

"Rumors have already spread."

"The dragon hasn't been seen in 60 years and they say it's either dead or gone."

"Countless pairs of eyes are staring at the mountain standing in the east, they are thinking, wandering, hesitating and weighing the pros and cons."

"Perhaps, those great wealth belonging to our dwarves are left unguarded at this time."

"Are we just sitting here, waiting to see someone else take our wealth?"

"Let's take this opportunity to take the initiative to take back our Erebor!"

"Take back Erebor!"

Thorin raised his fist and shouted loudly.

The Dwarves, inspired by Thorin's words, they also cried after Thorin, Take Erebor back.

But at this time, Bahrain, who was the oldest and calmest, poured tears on everyone.

"Sorin, have you forgotten that when we left the Lonely Mountain, the main entrance was already blocked?"

"We have no way to enter the Lonely Mountain."

At this time, Gandalf, who had been watching the play, spoke.

"My dear Mr. Balin, don't forget, we still have a map of the secret roads of Lonely Mountain."

Balin took the map and looked at it carefully: "But there is no secret road marked on it."

Gandalf smiled mysteriously: "Not everything will be marked on the surface."

Gandalf's words aroused the interest of all the dwarves, and they couldn't wait to know how Gandalf could enter the Lonely Mountain.

Gandalf pointed at the lower left corner of the Lonely Mountain map spread out on the table with his pipe.

There is a string of runes in there.

"These runes say that there is a tunnel connected by a secret door that can directly enter the hall of the dungeon."

"Since it is written like this on the map, there must be a secret door somewhere in the lonely mountain."

"However, the secret door of the dwarves is invisible when it is closed."

"Even if we searched the whole Lonely Mountain, we could not find it." Thorin knew how secret the secret door was designed and made by the dwarves.

Gandalf pointed to the map on the table.

"As I said, not everything will be marked on the surface."

"The answer is hidden on this map."

"Perhaps, I don't know how to discover the information hidden on this map, but in Middle-earth, there are others who know."

Gao Yuan, who has been watching the development of the plot, noticed the marginalized hobbit.

So far, the dialogue between the dwarves and Gandalf and others has been different from the plot in the movie.

Worried that the original protagonist Bilbo would not be able to participate in the whole plot, Gao Yuan spoke.

"Even if we do find a way into the Lonely Mountain, if the dragon doesn't leave or die, how are we going to get the Arkon back for Thorin?"

Hearing that Gao Yuan was flattering himself, Gandalf showed a relieved smile.

"So we need someone who can conceal himself without lacking courage."

Gandalf said and looked at Bilbo, who had been serving as the background board.

"As long as we are careful and clever enough, we will succeed."

Gao Yuan answered again: "So, you need a snitch, a snitch who has the courage to break into the dragon's lair and steal the Aken gem."

Qi Li also took advantage of the situation and said: "The snitch should be highly skilled, preferably professional."

Bilbo began to sway in embarrassment again, and he put his hands in the pockets of his suspenders nervously.

Thorin turned and looked at Bilbo gravely.

"Who are you?"

Bilbo himself did not know that he had never left the Shire in all his life.

But suddenly turned into a snitch.

"Me? No, I'm not a snitch, and I've never stolen anything in my life." Bilbo didn't really want to take the risk.

He had been listening to the people talking about the adventure, and he knew it must be dangerous.

Balin looked at Bilbo disappointedly, and he shook his head: "He's not a snitch material."

Balin made a start, and all the dwarves also complained about Bilbo's various shortcomings.

For example, what has never been fought, mother-in-law, mother-in-law, and can't fly.

Gandalf was very angry, and he was afraid that the merciless words of these dwarves would hurt Bilbo's confidence.

He was about to get angry, but Gao Yuan spoke again.

"Hobbits are light on their feet, and they are born snitches."

"He can sneak into almost any place if they want to."

"And he doesn't have the unbearable smell that you dwarves have. Smaug has been in the Lonely Mountain for so many years, and he is very familiar with your smell. As long as you step into its territory, he will know that someone has broken into it lair."

Having said that, Gao Yuan took a look at Qili who was picking his nose, the youngest dwarf among them, he had the strongest smell.

Qili turned his head in doubt:? ? ?

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(End of this chapter)

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