Chapter 192 The Son of House Stark
"We all regret the death of Waymar Royce, but before he died, he was already a member of the Night Watchman. He joined the Night Watchman and died to guard the Great Wall. He has already won for himself and the Royce family Glory!" Seeing that his elder brother was still struggling with how to explain to the Royce family, Bunyan couldn't help feeling anxious.

"The shields with their family's coat of arms are still hanging in the Hall of Shields in Castle Black. If every nobleman who came to the Night's Watch Corps dies, we have to give an explanation and explanation to the family behind them, I will I really don’t know if we should send those pampered noble young masters to carry out the mission.”

"All the signs that have happened recently indicate that the Great Wall and the Night Watchman Legion will face unprecedented challenges in the near future. The Night Watchmen are no longer as grand as they used to be. What is the strength of the Night Watchmen now? I think you should It's clear we need help right now!"

The more Bunyan spoke, the more excited he became, and even under the excitement, he couldn't help but grabbed Ed's collar.Seeing that the two brothers were about to fight, Gao Yuan quickly stepped forward to stop the opponent's movements and separated them.

"Benyan! You'd better calm down now. Lord Stark didn't say that he won't provide assistance to the night watchman." Gao Yuan pressed his powerful hand on Benyan Stark's shoulder, trying to make him clam down.

"However, he didn't promise to help the Night's Watch either!" Bunyan shouted.

"Taking this opportunity to welcome Robert, I will personally notify the lords of other territories, and let them select some strong men from the dungeon to serve on the Great Wall." Eddard Stark said in a deep voice, "They will Get there before you return to Castle Black."

He looked at his younger brother who was yelling at him, and Ed was very puzzled. Until now, he still didn't know why Bunyan was so excited.

Gao Yuan also sighed when he saw this, and had to say that Ed Stark's EQ and political intelligence were really too low. Even an outsider like Bunyan could see the reason why Bunyan was so excited at this time, but he Still not sure.

"What the Night Watch Corps needs now is a lot of supplies and a sufficient army, not a few scumbags, poachers, rapists, and farmers who stole a piece of bread because they couldn't afford to eat!" Bunyan said to Ed Promises are ungrateful.

"By God, let those criminals and peasants who have never touched a sword guard the Great Wall. This is a bad idea that some bastard came up with." Bunyan complained.

"Now, what is the difference between you and the nobles of the Seven Kingdoms who live in a state of intoxication, dreaming and dying? I came to King's Landing City from the Great Wall of Desperation this time, not because of these criminals."

"From the dungeons of the various lords of the Seven Kingdoms, looking for criminals who hope to escape their crimes by joining the Night Watchman and bringing them to the Great Wall is what Langcrow should do."

As Benyan Stark said, today's Night Watchman Legion is no longer the glory of the past, it is gradually declining.However, there are various signs that the crisis is imminent.

As a younger brother, Bunyan came in person to seek help from his older brother Ed, who was the guardian of the northern border, but he couldn't get it.Not to mention the other lords of the Seven Kingdoms, I am afraid they are all perfunctory.

"Then what do you want me to do? Do you want me to call on the lords of the entire northern border in the name of guarding the northern border, and recruit my vassals to personally lead troops to guard the Great Wall?" Ed said. He was also a little angry at the time, he was angry that Bunyan didn't understand his own difficulties at all, "Is it just because you found out north of the Great Wall that those savage tribes are gathering abnormally, or are those white ghosts that only exist in legends?"

The quarrel in the godswood finally ended without a problem. Neither of the brothers of the Stark family persuaded the other. Benyan, who was a little unhappy after the quarrel, finally decided to leave the godswood to calm down temporarily under Gao Yuan's persuasion.

But before leaving, Bunyan still did not forget to remind his brother: "Ed! The North will never be forgotten, and the Stark family should not be forgotten. Winter is coming!"

When Gao Yuan followed Bunyan and left the godswood, the 1-year-old forest suddenly became quiet, but Ed, who was sitting quietly under the heart tree, was not as peaceful as in the godswood.

The family motto that Bunyan said lingered in his ears all the time. When he picked up the handkerchief stained with tung oil and began to wipe the cold ice in his hands, trying to calm himself down, he found that Still can't calm down.

After leaving the godswood, Benyan Stark was still complaining about his brother: "Ed, he was not like this before, at least he didn't forget the family motto, it was his father who sent him to The Eyrie told him before."

"Duke Rickard Stark?" Gao Yuan asked, "I've always wondered why your father sent the eight-year-old Duke Eddard Stark to Eyrie City as Jon What about Ayrin's adopted son?"

Hearing this, Ban Yang glanced at Gao Yuan unexpectedly: "You seem to know our family's past quite well."

Gao Yuan smiled slightly: "There are many books in the room of Castle Black"

Bunyan nodded indifferently: "Jon Arryn, Duke of Jon Arryn, was a highly respected lord in the valley. The death of this respected old man is very regrettable!"

"The Duke of Arryn had no heirs until he adopted Eddard and King Robert. He suffered from the fact that no one could succeed him as duke. He had appointed many heirs, but they all died before Duke Arryn. So he adopted Ed and Robert."

Under the leadership of Benyan Stark, the two came to a school field.

At this time, several young people of different ages were practicing archery on the school field.The arrival of Bun Yang and Gao Yuan immediately attracted the attention of several young people.

This also caused the youngest boy among them, who was trying his best to draw the bowstring, to be discouraged. The arrow shot from the bowstring deviated from the direction he originally aimed and stuck on a pile of haystacks.

"It doesn't count this time!" shouted the boy who missed the arrow angrily.

His actions immediately caused a burst of laughter from the crowd, only a boy who looked about 14 years old stepped forward and patted him on the shoulder and comforted him: "Every marksman has this experience when he first started practicing archery. Missed, don't lose heart Bran!"

After a while of laughing, several young people put down their longbows and came to the two people who had rushed into the school grounds.

"Uncle Bunyan!" The three leading young men shouted in unison.

The young man who was the leader among them first stepped forward and hugged Benyan Stark. He is the eldest son of Ed Stark, the Duke of Winterfell, and Catelyn, and the future heir of Winterfell—— "Young Wolf Lord" Robb Stark.

Robb inherited most of his appearance from his mother, with sky blue eyes and auburn hair.Maybe it's because he grew up in the north. At only 14 years old, he is already comparable to his father Ed in terms of body shape, and he looks very strong.

"Robb! Look at you, you are as strong as your father now." After the hug, Bunyan patted Robb's chest vigorously, "I believe you will surpass your father soon."

Robb Stark inherited his father's personality almost perfectly, and he often wore a serious expression on his face.In the face of Uncle Bunyan's praise, this young man who is more stable than his age can't help but show a shy smile at this moment.

Who wouldn't like other people's compliments, after all, he is only a 14-year-old boy now.

The one who followed Robb and hugged Bunyan was Jon Snow, the only one among them who spoke to comfort Bran just now.Although Jon, who is also 14 years old, is not much younger than Robb, but compared to Robb, he seems a little greener.

The Duke of Eddard Stark has always claimed to be the illegitimate child. No one knows that he is actually the child of Prince Rhaegar Targaryen and Lyanna Stark-Jon Snow.

In appearance, Jon Snow has more and more obvious Stark family characteristics than his brothers and sisters, and almost all the appearance characteristics of the Stark family are gathered in him.

His physique was not as muscular as Robb's, and he looked a little lean.Long-cheeked, with brown hair and gray eyes like Bunyan and Ed.

"You've grown up, Jon! The last time I saw you, you just reached my chest." Bunyan showed a bright smile on his face, "It seems that you have changed a lot over the years. your long brown hair."

"In order for us to dress up beautifully to meet the king, Lady Caitlin asked us to trim our long hair and beards." Jon said with some regret. What he cherishes most is his long brown hair, because it is in harmony with His father Ed's hair was the same color.

"You have started to grow a beard. It seems that you will soon become a real man, Jon!" Bunyan pretended to be very surprised.

"I'm 14 years old, Uncle Bunyan." Before Jon Snow could finish his sentence, Bran, who jumped into Bunyan's arms from behind him, interrupted his speech.

Bran Stark, the second son of Ed and Catelyn, has the same appearance as Robb, with auburn hair and sky blue eyes.

He is a natural skinchanger, able to invade the consciousness and control the behavior of animals or other people, but for now he is just an ordinary seven-year-old boy.Only after suffering or training can one become a true skinchanger.

According to the development of the plot, Gao Yuan knows that the greatest suffering in Bran's life is coming soon.

In the future, Bran Stark will also become a green prophet, with the ability to control nature, explore the past and predict the future.But that was many years later.

Only one in a thousand people is born a skinchanger, and only one in a thousand skinchangers will be a greenseer.Today, there are almost no traces of skinchangers south of the Great Wall. Most of the skinchangers are born north of the Great Wall, which shows how rare the Greenseers are.

After all the children of the Stark family hugged Benyan Stark on the school grounds, there was only one 19-year-old boy left on the school grounds, who didn't come forward to say hello to Ben Yan.

Bunyan just glanced at it indifferently, and the young man leaning on the stable with a cynical smile on his face directly ignored the adopted son Ed had plundered from the Iron Islands.

Theon Greyjoy, the only surviving son and heir of Balon Greyjoy, Lord of the Iron Islands. Take away as adopted son and hostage.

Looking at the cynical smile on Theon Greyjoy's face, Gao Yuan couldn't help feeling disgusted.It's not that he has any hatred for Theon's handsome face. After all, no matter how handsome he is, can he be as handsome as himself?I am an existence that can fascinate even elves who depend on their appearance for a living.

What really disgusted Gao Yuan was what the adopted son of the Stark family from the Iron Islands did in the follow-up plot of the Battle of the Five Kings.

Theon Greyjoy, who was raised by Ed Stark as his own son, is also one of Robb's most trusted brothers. In the War of the Five Kings, he betrayed Star who raised him. Ke family, and personally led the iron people of the Iron Islands to bloodbath Winterfell.

After taking Winterfell, he also took Bran and Rickon hostage, nearly killing them both.

Although in the following plot, Theon Greyjoy was tortured so miserably by Ramsay Snow, the illegitimate son of the Bolton family, that he was almost invisible.But this is not enough to make up for the mistakes he made, and it can't alleviate Gao Yuan's disgust for this treacherous and ungrateful guy.

"What do you mean by that disgusting look in your eyes!"

Theon Greyjoy, who had been leaning leisurely on the stable, suddenly stood up straight and yelled in Gao Yuan's direction.

It was obvious that Theon Greyjoy had noticed that the golden eyes that Gao Yuan looked at him were filled with disdain and disgust.Gao Yuan's eyes hurt his fragile heart at this moment.

"If you don't want to be seen, your face is full of the appearance of a villain, you should take a rag to cover your ugly face." Gao Yuan retorted unceremoniously .

There were no other people around Gao Yuan, they were all members of the Stark family, and even Theon Greyjoy didn't dare to be so presumptuous to the members of the Stark family, so Gao Yuan was the only one he was targeting.

"What's your name, where are you from? It doesn't look like you are a night watchman from the Great Wall!" Theon walked towards Gao Yuan angrily.

Although Theon is very arrogant, he is not too stupid.

The color of the robe on Gao Yuan's shoulders is different from the black robe on Bunyan's body, which shows that Gao Yuan who is walking with Bunyan is not a member of the Night Watchman Legion.The set of exquisite armor on his body, Xi En knew that it was very valuable at a glance, and that suit was obviously not something ordinary people could afford, which showed that he came from an extraordinary background.

But there was no family coat of arms or logo on his armor, which made Theon Greyjoy a little confused about Gao Yuan's details for a while.Dare to humiliate him so much in front of the members of the Stark family, and Theon concluded that the other party must have something to rely on to be so confident, just like Weimar Royce four years ago.

Therefore, Xi En had to ask Gao Yuan for details before deciding whether to provoke him.

Facing Theon Greyjoy who was walking towards him "aggressively", Gao Yuan showed no fear and showed a disdainful smile.Only the arrogance with the power to overwhelm everything can be called arrogance.

If you don't have enough strength to support your own arrogance, no matter how you shout or how powerful you are, it's just a bluff.

(End of this chapter)

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