The Heavens: The Magical World Begins with The Lord of the Rings

Chapter 249 There Is No Door To Hell, You Came To Vote

Chapter 249 There Is No Door To Hell, You Came To Vote
"I sent their mother and son to Earl Yorn's family castle. Lady Lysa and her children are living well there now."

Gao Yuan had expected that she would ask him about Mrs. Lysa's recent situation. He did not intend to hide this matter from Mrs. Caitlin, and in fact he couldn't really hide it from her.

Since the moment Mrs. Caitlin made up her mind to capture the little devil, she has never been able to return to the North.Her husband's land was so far away that they would probably be overtaken by the Lannisters as they took Tyrion to the north.

Catelyn's family's castle is very close, but Riverrun is also close to the West and Casterly Rock.If she did bring her captured imp into Riverrun, it would bring Lord Tywin's wrath to both Riverrun and the Riverlands.

To cause trouble for her father, who has been ill for two years, is the last thing Mrs. Caitlin wants to see.Therefore, her only choice now is to take Tyrion through the Bloodgate Canyon and go to the Vale of Arryn to receive Gao Yuan's asylum.

Since Mrs. Caitlin was destined to go to the Eagle's Nest City, she certainly couldn't hide from her about sending Lady Lysa and the young duke to Runestone City.

It didn't even take her to board the Eagle's Nest, Ser Brynden the Blackfish stationed at the Blood Gate, Caitlin's uncle, would tell her about it.

Rather than concealing something that the other party will know sooner or later, it is better for Gao Yuan to take the initiative to explain to the other party now.

When Mrs. Caitlin heard that Gao Yuan had sent her sister and nephew to Runestone City, her emotions immediately became agitated, as if a ball of anger had ignited in her heart at this moment.

"Master Gao Yuan! Is it really necessary for the power struggle to reach this level?" Under the excitement, the voices of Mrs. Caitlin and Gao Yuan questioned suddenly, "Whether it is my sister Lysa or her child It’s not enough to pose a threat to your current status, hasn’t your goal been achieved, why do you want to kill their mother and child?”

Mrs. Caitlin's loud questioning immediately attracted the attention of everyone present, and the originally noisy hall suddenly fell into a dead silence.

Immediately afterwards, those who did not understand the whole incident began to whisper in private.Among them are some smart people who are familiar with the current situation of the Seven Kingdoms. At this moment, they have more or less guessed what Madam Caitlin and Gao Yuan are arguing about.

Faced with Mrs. Caitlin's questioning, Gao Yuan did not immediately give her the answer she wanted. He just looked at the emotional Caitlin calmly.

Explaining to a person who is blinded by his own subjective ideas and personal emotions is usually playing the piano against the cow.Only after waiting for the other party's emotions to stabilize, will the other party listen carefully and think about your explanation.

After a while, Caitlin calmed down from her excitement and sat in front of Gao Yuan again.

Caitlin tried her best to control the tone of her question to Gao Yuan: "I really don't understand, Mr. Gao Yuan, why did you do this! Have you forgotten how you promised me and Ed in Winterfell that you would try your best to protect Is Lysa and her baby safe?"

Although Caitlin was still a little dissatisfied with Gao Yuan's behavior of sending her sister and nephew to Runestone City, but after she calmed down and thought about it carefully, Caitlin finally chose to trust Gao Yuan.

I believe that since Gao Yuan chose to do this, he must have a reason for doing so.Caitlin is now eager to ask Gao Yuan to answer her questions.

If Gao Yuan can't give a reasonable explanation at this moment, he and Ed will definitely not let it go.After all, it was not someone else, but his own sister and nephew.

"Of course I have not forgotten the promise I made to Lord Ed in Winterfell, Mrs. Caitlin!" Seeing that Caitlin finally calmed down, Gao Yuan began to explain to her, "Please believe me, since I put The little duke was sent to Runestone City to be raised by Earl Jorn, and there is naturally a reason for me to do so."

"How long has it been since you met Lady Lysa?" Gao Yuan suddenly asked Caitlin two questions, "Do you know that Lady Lysa who returned from King's Landing to the Vale of Arryn, and the accompanying She was not the same person when Lord Jon, who was appointed Prime Minister, went south."

Caitlin was a little confused by Gao Yuan's sudden two questions: "We haven't seen each other since she married Lord Jon. Since then, I have gone to live in Winterfell , and Lysa followed her husband south to King's Landing."

"What do you mean?"

"She has suffered a lot in King's Landing these years. You may have heard of it, and it doesn't matter even if you haven't, but you must know." Gao Yuan began to explain in a low voice, "Madame Lysa once I had five children with Lord Jon, but two of them died when they were born, and there were four miscarriages in between."

"The gods took away the children in front of her, and only left her a little duke. She is living for little Robert." Gao Yuan continued, "Combined with the inexplicable sudden death of her husband, Sir Jon, She's now caught in her own paranoia that there are enemies everywhere who want to kill her children."

"My poor sister, no wonder she would rather run away from King's Landing late at night than see King Robert hand over his son to the Lannister family." Caitlin is now the mother of five children, she can Deeply understand the pain of losing a child, "She is to rescue the son of herself and Jon from the mouth of the lion"

"This is the problem. Lady Lysa really values ​​this son too much. In addition, Robert Arryn has been weak and sick since he was a child, so she spoiled the little duke too much." Gao Yuan reminded.

Mrs. Caitlin disagrees with Gao Yuan's statement. She is also a mother of several children. It is not uncommon for a mother to spoil her children a bit: "Master Gao Yuan, what's wrong with doting on your own children? The whole world Every mother hopes to give her child the best maternal love."

"Until the little duke was six years old, Lady Lysa hadn't weaned him; she ordered the guards of the Eagle's Nest City to push several innocent maids off the moon gate. Is this considered maternal love?" Gao Yuan asked, " Madam Lysa even breastfed him in front of all the nobles in the canyon, don't you see the problem, ma'am?"

"Lady Lysa allowed him to act recklessly in the Eagle's Nest City. This is simply pampering and spoiling the little Duke." Gao Yuan said loudly, "If this child is allowed to stay by his mother's side and pamper him all the time, he will never He might become, like his father, an upright man. Not to mention a proper Duke of the Eyrie and Guardian of the Vale."

"It's not just me who thinks this way, the lords of all the important towns in the Vale of Arryn also think so." Gao Yuan said to Madam Caitlin that it was not him who sent the little duke to Runestone City to be raised by Earl Yonne It is a personal decision, but the common intention of all the lords of important towns.

"That's why I sent the little duke to Runestone City to be raised by Earl Jon." Gao Yuan began to detail the benefits of sending Robert Arryn to Runestone City, "Earl Jon has trained three good Son, they are all knights who abide by honor now, and I believe that under the guidance of Earl Yorn, the young duke will soon grow up to be an independent lord like his father."

Although Caitlin knew that what Gao Yuan said was reasonable, she was still a little worried that her nephew would not be well taken care of in Runestone City: "Are you so sure that Earl Yorn will take good care of little Robert in Runestone City?"

"You don't have to doubt Earl Yon's loyalty to the Arryn family. He has made an oath to me and Lady Lysa, and believes that Robert Arryn will be well taken care of in Runestone City." Gao Yuan answered her question affirmatively. Doubts, "Besides, compared to the cold and lonely Eagle's Nest City, the seaside castle with a warm and humid climate is obviously more suitable for little Robert who suffers from epilepsy. He needs to recuperate there."

"Since I have your guarantee from Mr. Gao Yuan, I won't worry about it anymore." Having said that, the worry on Caitlin's face still lingers, "Actually, the one who really worries me now is Lysa, Now she has left the castle left by her husband and is living under the roof of a completely strange castle."

"Surrounded by people I don't know, I doubt she's really having a good time there."

"Taking a child away from its mother is a very cruel thing." Mrs. Caitlin obviously never thought that if Robert Arryn was taken to Runestone City, Lysa Tully would be the only one to stay. I'm afraid Madam Lysa will be even more unhappy in Eagle's Nest City.

"Going to Runestone City is completely voluntary by Madam Lysa, and we have reserved the basic right of choice for her. For this reason, I even moved the place where I deal with the government affairs in the canyon to the Moon Gate Fortress at the foot of the mountain, so that she can continue to live in In Eagle's Nest City." Gao Yuan thought he was benevolent enough.

After a lot of talk, Gao Yuan finally resolved Mrs. Caitlin's doubts.Just when he was about to start the next stage of the conversation, a handsome young man suddenly walked in front of the dining table between the two of them. The slender fingers of his right hand were constantly playing the wooden harp in his arms.

"The Seven Gods of Kindness bless you, do you want me to sing a song for you?" The troubadour placed an empty wine glass in front of the two of them, and then he leaned on the back of the bench behind Madam Caitlin.

"If you just want to come and ask for a glass of beer, I can satisfy your wish, but if you want me to listen to your clichés," Gao Yuan unceremoniously wanted to drive the singer away, "I'm sorry, I will let my subordinates throw you out of this inn!"

Obviously, the troubadour didn't intend to leave. He ignored Gao Yuan's warning, but turned his head and continued to ask Mrs. Caitlin: "Beautiful lady, do you need me to sing a song for you? In the rainy season, there is probably nothing more pleasant than listening to a song called Castame's Rainy Season."

As soon as the bard's words came out of his mouth, Gao Yuan, who was enjoying the barbecue in front of him, almost choked to death on the barbecue in his mouth.

Even Mrs. Caitlin in front of her turned pale instantly, and Gao Yuan could even hear Caitlin gnashing her teeth.

"I advise you not to play this song here, otherwise it will not be as simple as throwing you out later, maybe you will have two more big holes in your body." Gao Yuan no longer suppressed his smile, but his expression Seriously warn the other party again.

"My name is Marillian. Since my lordship doesn't like Castamere's Rainy Season, I can sing some other songs for my beautiful lady!" Marillian was still plucking the strings shamelessly, " You must have heard me play elsewhere."

Marillian's tone was serious, but he didn't even understand the meaning of the song Castamere's Rainy Season.Mrs. Caitlin, who was originally ashen-faced, also understood at this moment that the troubadour was just a good-looking guy.

Bards rarely visit Winterfell in the far north, but Catelyn saw such people often when she was a girl in Riverrun.

They rely on their handsome appearance to walk among those noble ladies, and make a living by winning their favor.When they lose the favor of the noble ladies, or fail to gain the favor of the noble ladies in the local area, they will leave and go to the next castle.

"I'm afraid not." Mrs. Caitlin answered him with a sneer.

Marillian softly played a deep and sad syllable on the harp, as if pretending to be deep and sad: "That's a pity, but you were lucky enough to hear it today."

"Beautiful lady, who is the best singer you have ever heard?" asked Marillion.

"Liang Jingru who demolished that." Gao Yuan answered immediately.

Marillian shook his head in doubt: "Who is Liang Jingru, I have never heard of such a singer."

"Of course, if you are willing to spend a silver coin, my lord, I will be happy to prove to you that I sing better than him."

"I don't have any silver coins, but I have two gold dragons. But I would rather give this money to the Gaoshan clan in the Mingyue Mountains, than to listen to your ghost screams here, hahaha." Gao Yuan couldn't hold back his laughter any longer. Meaning, while teasing each other while laughing heartily.

"Beautiful lady, your husband's words are really sour." Marillian frowned, and then said to Mrs. Caitlin, "I originally wanted to praise your beauty, but to be honest, my voice was born for those big The lord and the king listen."

"Oh, I can see it." Seeing Gao Yuan teasing the bard so happily, Caitlin's playful spirit also came up, "It is said that the master of the Tully family loves listening to music, I think you must have been to Riverrun City Let's sing."

"Of course I've been to Riverrun City many times." Marillian was still bragging about himself, "I and the young master of the Tully family are as close as brothers, and Lord Edmure has specially prepared a room for me. Guest room."

Finally, Mrs. Caitlin couldn't help covering her mouth and laughing lightly.

Little did he know how his younger brother Edmure would react to the bard's words?Ever since the girl his younger brother liked was slept by a bard who called himself Tom of the Seven Strings, he hated these bards to this day.

Not only that, but the troubadour even made up a nasty ditty to mock Edmure.From then on, as long as there are bards who dare to step into the gate of Riverrun, Edmure will order the guards in the city to arrest them, throw them into the dungeon and lock them up for a few days, and then let them go.

In the end, it was Sir Rodrik and Sir Anda who couldn't stand it any longer. Together, they threw the cursing troubadour out of the inn, and Sir Rodrik kicked each other's ass viciously. kicked.

As the door of the inn closed, the cursing voice of the troubadour gradually disappeared.

Not long after, Madam Caitlin vaguely heard the sound of someone pushing open the door of the inn at the far end of the hall.

At first Caitlin thought it was the troubadour who had been kicked out and returned.But when someone's voice sounded, Mrs. Caitlin, who was originally smiling, immediately turned gloomy.

"Boss!" An attendant's voice came from behind Madam Caitlin, "Find someone to help us feed the horses, and then prepare a clean room for our Lord Lannister. My Lord needs to wash it. hot shower."

Gao Yuan was sitting opposite Mrs. Caitlin, and from his height and angle, he could just see the airy little devil Tyrion Lannister walking into the gate of the inn.

"The gods are ascending!" Sir Rodrik exclaimed in a low voice, and then he touched the saber at his waist.Even the many Vale of Arryn knights surrounding Gao Yuan followed suit and put their hands on the hilt of their swords.

Fortunately, Caitlin quickly reached out her hand to stop him, and her slender white fingers tightly pinched Sir Rodrik's forearm.The Vale of Arryn knight also waved Gao Yuan's hand, and moved his hand away from the ready-to-go sword hilt.

Gao Yuan asked Mrs. Caitlin solemnly, "What are you going to do?"

Mrs. Caitlin shook her head: "The little devil of the Lannister family has not found us yet, and we are not the only ones in this inn. If we do it now, we will be exposed in advance. Let's see how the situation is now." develop."

Gao Yuan nodded cryptically towards Madam Caitlin: "There are more than a hundred troops following me to King's Landing this time, all of whom are elite soldiers carefully selected by Earl Yorn. As long as you need them, they are available anytime now Fighting for you, madam, and Lord Ed."

"Unless he's carrying an entire Lannister army with him, we'll have every chance of taking him out on the spot, at your word."

Looking at the other side, Martha Hyde, the owner of the Sound Dragon Inn, has already arrived in front of the little devil and the others, showing her terrifying scarlet smile, busy bowing and bowing: "My lord, I'm really sorry, Our inn is really full today."

Caitlin turned to look at the little devil's group of four: an old man in a night watchman's black shirt, two guards wearing the armor of the Lannister family army, and him, the ugly little devil with a short stature—Tyrion Lannister.

"Just let my men go to sleep in the stables. As for me, I believe you can see that I don't need a big room." Tyrion laughed and laughed at himself, "As long as the room has If the fire is warm enough and the straw under the mattress is flea-free, I'm more than happy to live in it."

Seeing that Tyrion didn't listen to her explanation, Mrs. Martha Hyde was anxious like an ant on a hot pot: "My lord, we really can't make room for you, it's all a contest in King's Landing The meeting is so bad that even the stables are full at this moment."

When Tyrion Lannister heard this, he stopped embarrassing the other party, walked around Martha Hyde and walked to the center of the hall like no one else.He took out a golden dragon from his pocket, held the golden dragon in his hands and threw it over his head repeatedly, and then caught it again.

The golden dragon that was thrown into the air and reflected golden light immediately attracted the attention of everyone present, including Mrs. Caitlin who quietly turned her head to watch all this.

A free knight wearing a faded light blue cloak shook and stood up: "My lord, if you don't mind, you can make it in my room. But I'm afraid you have to ask this boss to put on a new one for you." Brand new bedding on the bed.”

"The faster the guy is, the smarter he is! Congratulations to everyone here, you just passed a golden dragon." After finishing speaking, the little devil threw the golden dragon in his hand to the free knight, and the free knight was excited He jumped up to catch the golden dragon, and put it into his arms like a treasure.

"Heh, this guy has some talent in juggling, but I don't know what it would be like to make him jump through a fire hoop." Gao Yuan, who had witnessed the little devil's wonderful "performance", sneered.

Those guys who like to play with human nature often don't know that they are the one who is really being played with.

"Not bad!" Tyrion admired, then turned to Martha Hyde and asked, "I think there should be no problem with eating, right?"

"We have everything you want, my lord. We can provide it here." Martha Hyde was obviously stimulated by the thrown golden dragon.

Seeing that the dwarf was about to find a nearby table to sit down, Caitlin, who was sitting opposite Gao Yuan, couldn't help but secretly rejoice.Fortunately, Gao Yuan and the others were located in the corner of the hall, separated from the dwarves by more than a dozen crowded dining tables and benches, which prevented them from finding themselves.

The little devil randomly found a place in the middle of the hall and sat down.

Before sitting down, he raised his head and casually swept across the faces of all the people in the hall.Just when he thought he would not meet any acquaintances, his eyes suddenly stopped in the corner, a man in dark golden dragon scale armor.

"Sir High!" Tyrion called out his name suddenly, "I didn't expect to see you here! Let's have a drink, and tell me how you were at the King's Supper at Winterfell. beat my brother."

Seeing the little devil walking towards him, Gao Yuan felt both helpless and funny. This is really a road to heaven if you don't go, but you come to vote if there is no way to hell.

(End of this chapter)

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