Chapter 254 Shocking
"Duke Gao Yuan, I'm afraid it's still too early to talk about the war, and the current situation will not deteriorate to that point." Ed assured Gao Yuan, but he also had no idea about it in his heart, and he could only pray secretly, "Lao Bob would not like to see war break out in the Seven Kingdoms, and he is now wary of the Targaryen brother and sister across the channel."

"Viserys married his sister Daenerys to the Dothraki horse king Drogo in exchange for the support of a hundred thousand Dothraki troops. You should also know, Duke Gaoyuan." The enemy is the brother and sister of the Targaryen family who are about to move across the strait.

"Robert has always been worried that the surviving Targaryen beggar king will lead an army of [-] Dothraki across the sea to counterattack Westeros, so at this time he will never allow seven A war broke out in the country."

Although he said so, Ed Stark has to admit that the Seven Kingdoms are now on the brink of war.Especially after Caitlin abducted the little devil from the Lannister family, even he couldn't guarantee that the war would never break out.

"It doesn't matter who the target of the war is! No matter who our enemy is, the Lannister family in Casterly Rock City, or the brothers and sisters of the Targaryen family across the strait, this will never change the fact that the war is about to break out. fact."

Seeing that Ed still had hopes for this, Gao Yuan had no choice but to wake him up with the cold facts: "When war is inevitable, prepare for the coming war in advance. This is King Robert and the Prime Minister. You should try your best to responsibility."

"Lord Ed, the situation in the Seven Kingdoms is serious now, please don't hope for it any more." Gao Yuan warned him, "The Lannister family has always been merciless to the weak, and Aerys Targaryen is the most Good lesson. King Robert only saw the threat on the other side of the channel, but ignored the threat lurking around him, but that doesn't mean you are the same."

"Just now you also said that the Lannister family is weak now, and it is impossible to be our opponent. However, unless they have the military power of the whole country as their backing, they will never dare to invade the north. Now the riverlands and valleys United with the North, they never dream of such a day."

The hot weather in King's Landing made Ed Stark, who lived in the northern region all year round, extremely uncomfortable. He had just washed his face, and now he was sweating profusely again.He casually picked up a handkerchief beside him and wiped off the sweat from his forehead: "Now is not the time to be alarmed. Since I have already participated in this fool's masquerade game, then I must pretend that nothing happened."

"Remember the purpose of my coming here as Prime Minister, Duke Goyuan? I want to find evidence that the Lannister family murdered Jon Arryn."

"If you really find it, what are you going to do next, Mr. Ed?" Gao Yuan frowned and asked.

The most dangerous part is after he has the Lannister evidence, and Ed knows that very well.At that time, he can only pray that Robert still has the wisdom he expected, not the stupidity he fears: "King Robert is the maker and arbiter of the king's laws. When I find out the truth, I will send Lannis The evidence of the murder of Jon Arryn by the Special Family was presented to him."

It's hard to persuade the damned ghost with good words, but mercy can't get over him.

Seeing that Ed Stark was so stubborn, Gao Yuan no longer wanted to persuade him too much.This is the limitation of the characters in the plot. Not everyone is like him and knows the plot that will happen in the future.Ed Stark still has blind trust in his old friend for many years, and believes that King Robert will stand up with justice after learning the truth.

As everyone knows, the enemy he faces now is the unscrupulous Queen Cersei.He certainly did not expect that vicious woman Cersei, after being cornered by himself, would overturn the entire chessboard, conspire with others to kill her husband Robert Baratheon and seize the throne.

"Speaking of the truth about Jon Arryn's death, since you, Lord Ed, don't want to startle the snake, then leave this investigation to me to investigate secretly." Gao Yuan didn't want to be with Ed Stark here because of this The quarrel continued, so he began to change the subject, "Have you found any useful clues about Jon Arryn's death?"

The weather in Wangling is indeed very hot. Even Gao Yuan, who is not afraid of flames, is actually sweating at this time. One can imagine how hot it is in King's Landing City now.The humid and stuffy air is almost suffocating, like covering one's mouth and nose with a woolen handkerchief soaked in hot water.

The poor people of Winterfell fled their hot and suffocating dwellings one after another. They all wanted to grab a good place to enjoy the cool and catch their breath at the beach of Blackwater Bay or the Blackwater River, because only there would be a little bit of water from the sea. As a result, the beach is now full of people who come to enjoy the cool air.

"Well, the death of Duke Arryn is a heavy blow to the entire city of King's Landing, especially to the Imperial Council. The entire King's Landing City was messed up by several important ministers of the Imperial Council. After I took the post of Prime Minister, they So he pushed all the problems that were squeezed after Jon's death." Ed Stark drank the refilled wine glass in one gulp, then sighed heavily and complained to Gao Yuan road.

"I'm sorry to have you, Duke Gao Yuan, come to listen to my grievances. It's just that I've felt unprecedented pressure recently, and I'm so busy every day." Ed Stark said apologetically.

Different from Ed Stark's willingness to bear hardships and suffer in silence, Gao Yuan believes that several important ministers in the imperial meeting put all the responsibility of governing the Seven Kingdoms on him, which is obviously intentional.These old foxes just wanted to see that Ed was so busy that he didn't have time to investigate the cause of Jon Arryn's death.

But from another perspective, it's not that they want to protect the hand of the newly appointed king.Except for Littlefinger Petyr Baelish, this guy just wanted to stir up disputes between the wolf family and the lion family.

"I've already talked to the Imperial Advisor Paicell, and the Chancellor of the Exchequer, Petyr Baelish." Ed Stark finally got to the point this time.

"What did Grandmaster Pycelle and Petyr say?"

"Like everyone else, Master Pycelle never suspected that Jon died from the poison of others." Eddard spread his hands and said, "He thinks Jon Arryn died of an infection caused by overwork." sickness."

"According to him, the former prime minister was often restless before that, and the responsibility that the king's hand needs to bear is far heavier than others imagined. Such a heavy pressure is difficult for even a strong person like me to bear. , let alone the old Jon Arryn. In addition, his son Robert Arryn's frail body has always made him worry about it, so it is not surprising that he contracted a serious disease after being physically and mentally exhausted .”

"Do you believe the statement of the national teacher Paicell?" Gao Yuan asked, "Although Jon Arryn was old when he died, many people said that he had always been strong. A person with an ordinary and very strong body would not He passed away in a hurry because of a sudden illness."

Eddard Stark shook his head thoughtfully: "Before I talked with Master Pycelle and Littlefinger, I was indeed skeptical about this, but now I don't dare to jump to conclusions."

"I once sneered at National Master Paicell, and even asked him bluntly, whether it was possible that Jon Arryn died of poisoning and murder by others. But at first, National Master Paicell seemed to keep this secret, It vehemently denies that claim."

"However, he immediately began to hint at me, pointing the person who might poison Jon Arryn to the intelligence chief of the imperial council, Varys, nicknamed the eight-clawed spider." Ed's face was full of doubts at the moment, " He also warned me never to trust Varys."

"Your conversation with Imperial Master Pycelle has obviously cast a layer of fog on Jon Arryn's death." Gao Yuan commented that the so-called clues mentioned by Ed were nothing more than laying down by the conspirators Smoke bombs.

"The conversation with Grand Maester Pycelle was not fruitless." Ed Stark pointed to the big book in front of Gao Yuan, "At least we now know that Jon Arryn may have died in the Investigate something. Before he fell ill or was poisoned, he borrowed this book from the Grand Master Pycelle."

"There is also such a book in the Gate of the Moon in the Vale of Arryn. According to Ser Nestor Royce, that book was brought back to the castle by Lord Jon Arryn when he returned to his domain for the last time. Yes." Gao Yuan pretended to look at the "Genealogy and History of the Main Nobles of the Seven Kingdoms" at hand, and then continued, "I also checked this book carefully just now, and it is related to the one collected in the Moon Gate Fort. The difference is that many of the enclosed descriptions of the nobles and their children's physical characteristics are missing."

"There must be something strange in this!" Eddard Stark took the book ecstatically, "Maybe it is hidden in it, the Lannister siblings did not hesitate to poison Jon Arryn It is a secret that must be buried forever, and this secret is likely to make the Lannister family never stand up."

"The question is what secret is hidden in it?" Eddard Stark murmured thoughtfully.

"No one in King's Landing City will take the initiative to tell us the truth, even if they know what's going on." Gao Yuan's words were pointed, "I'm afraid we can only investigate the truth by ourselves. Thinking that someone else would step in and help us."

"Lord Ed, you just said that in addition to the conversation with the Imperial Prefect Paicell, you also had a conversation with Petyr Baelish, the Chancellor of the Exchequer of the Imperial Council, can you tell me what you talked about specifically? Is it?" Gao Yuan asked with great interest, "I am quite interested in this Minister of Finance who is called Littlefinger, and he is involved in many incidents I have learned about."

Ed Stark frowned and looked at Gao Yuan: "Duke Gao Yuan, what do you mean? Are you suspecting that he was also involved in the murder of Lord Jon Arryn?"

"It's just for the sake of caution! We can't let go of any clues related to this incident." Gao Yuan shook his head, "The reason why I am interested in Littlefinger is just because of the name Petyr Baelish, who recently appeared It's a little too high frequency in my ears."

Eddard Stark smiled relieved when he heard the words: "Although I don't like Littlefinger very much because of his cunning and cunning, he can still be regarded as one of the few people I can trust in this city of King's Landing." people."

"Littlefinger Petyr was my wife's childhood friend at Riverrun, and it was from him that we learned the origin of the Valyrian steel keel-handled dagger that was used to murder Bran at Winterfell. Who is the master." Eddard Stark filled the wine glasses in front of himself and Gao Yuan, "Besides, he has now made a promise to Caitlin that he will help me find the murderer who killed Jon Arryn."

Hearing that Littlefinger once made a promise to Caitlin that he would help Ed find the real culprit who killed Jon Arryn, Gao Yuan just sneered to himself, that someone would easily believe Littlefinger's promise.

That's right, Littlefinger did fulfill his "promise" to Caitlin later, and helped Ed Stark find the "true murderer" who killed Jon Arryn in the city of King's Landing.But then he turned his head and betrayed Ed Stark, who had finally gained trust in him.

And it is sold very thoroughly, the kind that will never turn over.

"Little Finger has always been in love with your wife, do you know, Mr. Ed?" Gao Yuan suppressed his smile, but his eyes had already been bent into two crescents, "He used to compete with your brother Lady Catelyn, fought a duel at Riverrun with Brandon Stark, though he suffered defeat and was banished from Riverrun by Lord Hoster."

"Duke Gaoyuan, that's all in the past!" Eddie had to remind Gao Yuan solemnly not to try to doubt Caitlin's loyalty to him, "I'm not the kind of jealous lord husband , I can’t see anyone of the opposite sex having any relationship with my wife. Not only did I not doubt the relationship between Littlefinger and Caitlin, but I still don’t trust my wife very much, she absolutely cannot do something sorry to me!”

Indeed, if this kind of thing is put on any other man, they will more or less care about it.But Ed was the only one who didn't feel much about it, because he knew clearly that there was no possibility between his wife and Littlefinger.On the one hand, he believes that Caitlin will not be that kind of woman who is easygoing, and on the other hand, he knows that Caitlin is deeply in love with him now, and Ed still has the confidence of a man.

It's just that I'm afraid Ed may have misunderstood Gao Yuan's meaning. In fact, his real purpose is to remind Ed: Littlefinger will probably take away the love of Brandon Stark and humiliate him Behavior against members of the Stark family.

In addition, Duke Hoster expelled Petyr Baelish from Riverrun after the duel, and now he even hates the Tully family and Caitlin together.

"Lord Ed, do you still remember that I told you in Winterfell about the secret letter about Madam Lysa, which was probably sent from King's Landing to Madam?" Gao Yuan reminded.

"You've already confirmed with Madam Lysa in the Eagle's Nest that she wasn't the one who wrote the secret letter to Caitlin?" Eddard Stark said in surprise.

"No, that secret letter was indeed written by Madam Lysa!" Gao Yuan shook his head and denied Ed Stark's guess, "However, Madam Lysa has now personally admitted that the secret letter is indeed not She sent it from the Eyrie to Winterfell."

"The person who actually delivered the secret letter to Mrs. Caitlin was Petyr Baelish, Littlefinger!"

"Although Mrs. Lysa has repeatedly emphasized that the reason why Littlefinger agreed to help her deliver the secret letter to Winterfell is because of her repeated prayers to him. But we have reasons to suspect that Littlefinger's real purpose in doing so may not be It's not as simple as it appears on the surface." Gao Yuan's analysis sounded a bit too shocking to Ed Stark,
"Whether Lord Jon Arryn's death was really murdered by the Lannister family as written in Lady Lysa's secret letter, we don't know yet." Gao Yuan said the basis for his suspicion of Littlefinger, "I I have always been willing to speculate on people's hearts with the worst malice, but I can be sure of this: Jon Arryn's death is absolutely inseparable from Littlefinger, and it is even very possible that he is the real mastermind behind the scenes."

After Gao Yuan said his conjecture, Ed Stark's eyes widened in disbelief, looking at the convincing expression on Gao Yuan's face, once made Ed think that he had figured out the whole thing The cause and effect of the incident.

If you combine the guesses made by Gao Yuan, and then think of all the events that have happened around you since Jon Arryn's death, a closely connected conspiracy network will be fully and clearly spread in front of Ed Stark .

Now, King Robert, the Lannister family, the Arryn family, and his own family were all deeply engulfed in this big net, no matter how they struggled, they couldn't move at all.

Thinking of this episode, Ed Stark was startled into a cold sweat in the sweltering Prime Minister's Tower study.

 It’s been a long time since I’ve seen rewards and monthly tickets, and today I accidentally found out that a book friend gave a reward
  I am very grateful to the book friends whose life is too hard and only read books to relieve boredom and reward 1500 starting coins.

(End of this chapter)

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