Chapter 256 Confrontation
In Westeros, people here generally believe that "seven" is a sacred number, so when Aegon the Conqueror established this city, he specially built seven gates on the city wall here as passages to enter and exit King's Landing.

The seven gates are: Dragon Gate, Lion Gate, Linhe Gate, Old City Gate, Gods Gate, King's Gate and Iron Gate. Each gate here has iron gates, heavy wooden gates and city guards. members guard.

The King's Gate is one of the seven city gates that can be used to enter and exit King's Landing. It is located at the southern end of the southwest city wall, adjacent to the Linhe Gate and the banks of the Blackwater River. A martial arts arena was built here to hold tournaments.

Whenever the previous kings wanted to hold a grand tournament in King's Landing, they usually put the venue of the tournament in the arena, and this time the Prime Minister's Tournament is no exception. .

When Gaoyuan walked out of King's Gate in a hurry and arrived outside the city wall of King's Landing, more than a hundred tents of different colors had already been set up by the banks of the Blackwater River.

Although the tournament held for the prime minister has not really started yet, many ordinary people and noble knights have already gathered around the tournament field to watch the tournament.The reason why they waited here for the start of the meeting early is to be able to watch the exchange of ideas and martial arts among the knights at close range.

Thousands of people who came from all over the Seven Kingdoms gathered at the bank of the Blackwater River, and one can imagine how spectacular the scene before them was.There are shining silver armors everywhere; tall horses covered by iron armor; people in groups of three or four are excitedly discussing who will be shot under the horse tomorrow; bright flags are flying on the top of the tents. No wonder Bronze Jon said that this would be an unprecedented banquet.

Usually, it is difficult to see such a scene in the Seven Kingdoms. The martial arts competition has not really started yet, and the periphery of the martial arts field is still a prosperous and prosperous scene; let alone after the conference officially starts tomorrow, it should be What kind of scene?

Aside from being amazed, Gao Yuan did not forget his real purpose of coming here. He came to this martial arts arena to find Jon Arryn's former attendant.

Tomorrow is the day when the prime minister's martial arts tournament kicks off. Gao Yuan is very clear about what this martial arts tournament means to this Sir Hugh from the canyon. The event is getting ready.

The young knight had just been knighted by the king himself, and now he must be extremely eager to prove himself at this conference.In order to get a good ranking in tomorrow's martial arts tournament, and also to perform well in front of King Robert, Gao Yuan heard that Sir Hugh spent a lot of money to build a new set of armor for himself.

When Gao Yuan entered the venue where the jousting competition would be held tomorrow, he saw at a glance Sir Xiufu who was measuring the length of the venue with his own feet.

Gao Yuan just walked over and blocked the opponent: "Sir Xiufu of the canyon?"

"Sir, I don't care who sent you to find me, but now you've blocked my way, don't you see that I'm busy now?" Sir Hugh glared fiercely at Gao Yuan who was standing in front of him , "Before I get completely angry, you'd better step aside for me."

Seeing that the stranger in front of him was still unmoved, and was still staring at him with the eyes of a dead person, Sir Hugh suddenly felt a little creepy and wanted to go around Gao Yuan.

But with a flash of Gao Yuan's figure, he stood in front of the opponent again.

"Damn guy, what on earth are you trying to do!" Sir Hugh was really angry now, and after he finished speaking, he tried to push away Gao Yuan who was standing in front of him.

But the moment his hands touched Gao Yuan's shoulders, he began to regret it!

No matter how hard he tried, this guy stood still like a mountain standing in front of him. Even if Sir Hugh had put all his strength into feeding himself, Gao Yuan's tall body was still intact. move.

"Hmph! You really don't know the heights of the sky and the earth!" Gao Yuan looked at the frightened Sir Hugh with contemptuous eyes, and saw Sir Hugh's hands were shaken away with a sudden shake of his shoulders.

The huge force caused the young jazz to stagger back a few steps, until he was unable to maintain his balance, and sat down on the soft sand and gravel.

Gao Yuan stepped towards Sir Hugh who fell on the ground: "I came here specially to find you today, just to talk to you about Lord Jon Arryn."

"As for Lord Jon Arryn, I don't think we have anything to talk about." Ser Hugh, who was slumped on the ground, clutched his wrist in pain.

"You have been Jon Arryn's squire for four full years, and you should know everything Jon Arryn did before he was alive. I just want to know from you, Jon Arryn Lord Ayrin had something unusual before he died." Gao Yuan was not so easy to fool.

"Why do you think that I will tell you this? I don't even know who sent you." Sir Xiufu sat on the ground and yelled at Gao Yuan, "And until now, you have not told me identify yourself."

"You can call me Duke Gao Yuan, the current Guardian of the East and the Duke of the Eagle's Nest City." Gao Yuan introduced himself, while extending his hand to Sir Xiufu who was sitting on the ground, "I came to you this time just to Investigating the truth behind Lord Jon Arryn's death was not instructed by anyone."

Sir Hugh didn't hand over his hand to Gao Yuan, but got up from the ground on his own: "There is nothing to prove, why should I believe you? If you say you are the guardian of the East and the Duke of the Eagle's Nest City, then you are gone?"

Seeing that the other party still refused to believe him, Gao Yuan casually threw Royce's family crest to the other party: "You must know the family crest of Earl Jon Royce, right? I think this should be enough to prove that I identity."

Sir Hugh carefully held the coat of arms in the palm of his hand, and after repeatedly confirming that the pattern on the coat of arms was indeed the orange-bottomed runestone of the Royce family, he looked at Gao Yuan solemnly: "Master Gao Yuan, do you want to What do you want to know from me?"

"I want to know who murdered Lord Jon Arryn!"

Gao Yuan's voice was like a thunderbolt in Sir Hugh's ears, and he stared at Gao Yuan with wide eyes in disbelief.But after a short period of panic, he immediately put on a shocked look: "You mean, Lord Jon Arryn was murdered?"

"Lord Ayrin is an amiable and trustworthy person. Who would want to murder such a respectable old man?"

"Stop acting! Ser Hugh from the valley, lying will not do you any good!" Gao Yuan scolded coldly, "Today I have questioned three former servants of Lord Jon Arryn, and you It's the last one."

"Before that, I was investigating this in the Vale of Arryn."

"I don't understand what you mean, Lord Gaoyuan." Sir Hugh asked with some doubts, "I really don't know about the murder of Lord Jon Arryn."

"Hmph! I think you won't cry when you see the coffin!" Seeing that Sir Xiufu was still stubborn, Gao Yuan snorted coldly, "Do you know Sir Xiufu? I already know the target I will face in the first game tomorrow, guess who is the unlucky guy who will face me?"

Hearing Gao Yuan talk about the match arrangement of the tournament, Sir Hugh suddenly turned pale with fright, and only heard him ask in fear: "Master Gao Yuan, your first priority. The target of the match tomorrow. Could it be me?"

"Tomorrow at the martial arts tournament, I will pierce your throat with the lance in my hand. If Sir Xiufu, you still refuse to answer the question honestly." Gao Yuan threatened with a vicious expression, "Don't doubt whether I have the strength, Even if you put on the brand-new armor that I just entrusted the blacksmith to make, the lance in my hand can still pierce your chest right through."

As soon as Gao Yuan's voice fell, Sir Hugh's face turned pale at a speed visible to the naked eye.

It wasn't until this moment that he finally understood that the newly promoted guardian of the East Territory in front of him might not be fooled by him as easily as others.

Unless he can tell who the real culprit who murdered Lord Ayrin is, the other party will never let him go.

The other party threatened to kill him in a fair manner at tomorrow's martial arts tournament. Sir Hugh could not deny this. Judging from the collision between the two just now, this guardian is indeed powerful.

However, the lances used in the martial arts tournament are all specially made, and once there is a fierce collision, they will immediately be broken into countless pieces.So Sir Hugh didn't have to worry about being pierced through the chest by the lance in his hand as Gao Yuan threatened.

But what to do after that, even if he is lucky enough to survive tomorrow's martial arts tournament.Now those valley lords who followed Gao Yuan and admired Lord Aylin so much, would they let him go?

The answer was naturally no. If the lords in the Vale of Arryn knew that they had concealed the truth about Jon Arryn's death, those canyon lords would definitely try their best to take revenge on themselves.

What made Sir Hugh especially fearful was that his wife was still at his home in the Vale of Arryn. Even if he could escape the punishment of the Lord of the Canyon, how would they deal with his wife and other family members.

Thinking of his wife who was still in the Vale of Arryn, and thinking that he would not be able to escape the sanctions of the valley lords after all, a burst of unprecedented despair suddenly hit his heart.

With a muffled plop, Sir Hugh knelt down in front of Gao Yuan with a mournful face, only to hear him beg Gao Yuan:
"Master Gao Yuan, please forgive me. Now I have finally managed to become a respected knight. I am about to rise to the top and start enjoying the glory and wealth. I don't have to look down and act with winks. I really don't like it." Know exactly who murdered Lord Arryn."

"Oh, is that so?" Ser Hugh's kneeling begging not only did not get Gao Yuan's sympathy, but made him more convinced that the young knight in front of him had a ghost in his heart, "Jon Arryn, the widow who now lives in the Eagle's Nest City That's not what she told me, and she even filed charges against you."

"The whore of the Tully family. Damn it." Sir Hugh, who was extremely annoyed when he heard that it was Madam Lysa who turned black and white behind her back, could not help cursing softly.

"I warned you, Sir Hugh!" Gao Yuan warned him again in a deep voice, "Lying will do you no good! Before I came to you, I had already conducted a series of investigations on this matter in the Vale of Arryn and King's Landing. investigation."

"Your lies and acting are so clumsy in my opinion!"

"Lord Gao Yuan, I can swear to you in the name of the old and new gods, I really don't know who the real murderer of Lord Jon Arryn is." Sir Hugh assured Gao Yuan, "I can tell you what I know Tell you all."

Seeing that Gao Yuan didn't even want to believe the oath he made to the gods, Sir Hugh could only look at Gao Yuan helplessly: "Master Gao Yuan, how did Lady Lysa accuse me in Eagle's Nest City?"

Seeing that he had broken through Sir Hugh's psychological defense, Gao Yuan smiled slightly: "Lady Lysa told me that the person who poisoned and murdered her husband Jon Arryn must be someone who was very close to him and who Friends who often share meals with him at the same table."

"Later, Madam Lysa accused you in front of many canyon lords in Eyrie City." Gao Yuan said unhurriedly, "Mrs. Lysa thought that you poisoned and murdered her husband, because Jon Arryn has been slow to officially canonize you as a knight, so you have resentment towards the lord you serve."

"This is simply nonsense!" Before Gao Yuan finished telling Mrs. Lysa's accusation against him, the excited Sir Hugh couldn't help but began to refute this ridiculous accusation, "I admit that I did have an opinion about it. Lord Jon Arryn has some complaints, but those are just private complaints, and I will never do such vicious things as murdering Lord Arryn with poison."

"Using poison to murder an amiable and respectable old man, only a vicious woman, a weak coward, and a treacherous eunuch would use such a despicable and despicable method." Sir Hugh roared, "Accuse me Murdering Lord Arryn with poison is simply the greatest insult to my honor."

"It's meaningless to talk about honor with a renunciate who tried to murder his own lord!" Gao Yuan spread his hands. Lord Ern Arryn."

"Lord Gaoyuan, I can swear to you in the name of the old and new gods, I never thought of murdering Lord Jon Arryn." Sir Hugh tried to prove his words again with the oath.

"Before your innocence is proven, the so-called honor and oath you said are so pale and powerless." His tone was very cold, as if he was stating an established fact, "This is not convincing , maybe someone hired you to put poison in the water glass of the former prime minister?"

"When Lord Jon Arryn passed away, King Robert immediately made you a knight. Isn't that too strange?"

"Lord Gao Yuan, you have to ask His Majesty Robert yourself, I don't know why King Robert made me a knight after Lord Arryn's death." Sir Hugh replied with some helplessness, he said It is indeed impossible to explain, "You don't suspect that King Robert ordered me to poison Lord Arryn, right? Although they used to quarrel for various reasons, King Robert is still right Lord Ayrin has great respect and love."

"I don't need you to remind me, I will of course ask King Robert for clarification." Gao Yuan denied this speculation, "Jon Arryn is King Robert's adoptive father, and of course I will not doubt that it is His Majesty Murdered Lord Jon Arryn."

"Now! Lord Gao Yuan, you should believe that I am innocent?" Sir Xiufu couldn't wait, as if he had seen his innocence proved, "No matter what you said to Mrs. Gao Yuan in the Eagle's Nest City, Mrs. Lysa What, don't believe what she said. Since Mrs. Lysa and that little finger from the Five Fingers Peninsula have been messing around a lot, there hasn't been a single truth coming out of her mouth."

"It's too early to be happy now, Sir Hugh!" Looking at the smile that was about to burst into Sir Hugh's face, Gao Yuan sneered, "Don't rush to accuse Mrs. Lysa, you now The suspicion has not really been cleared."

"As I said, I came to King's Landing with complete preparations. If I didn't have sufficient reasons to doubt you, then I wouldn't come here today to find you."

"Sir Xiufu, I investigated your family before I came to King's Landing, and I found that your family is not a wealthy and property family." Gao Yuan's questioning voice suddenly rose, "Since your family is not considered Fuyu, then you, who were only canonized as a knight a few months ago, where did you get so many golden dragons to create this brand new armor for yourself?"

"I heard that after the death of Lord Jon Arryn, you suddenly got a large sum of gold dragons. How should you explain this?"

 It's killing me, it's so uncomfortable. . . .It’s hard to hold back this chapter, please forgive me if it’s not well written
(End of this chapter)

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