Chapter 282
When they walked down the steel street from the top of the Visenia Hills, the sky above Gao Yuan and the others was already dark.It didn't take long for a drop of rain to fall on Gao Yuan's face, and then more and more rain fell from the sky.

"Lord Gao Yuan, do we still have to go to the Street of Silent Nuns as planned?" Seeing that the rain was getting stronger, Sir Anda rode to Gao Yuan's side and asked him, "Look at this, there may be a heavy rain later attack."

"This difficulty makes you shrink back?" Gao Yuan asked the other party while pulling up his hood, "We don't have much time left, we will leave here tomorrow, if we don't investigate this matter clearly today, I’m afraid I won’t have another chance in the future.”

After saying that, he kicked the horse's belly and ran away. Sir Anda hurriedly rode his horse to follow behind him, and the young Sir Jon followed closely behind with other guards.

Perhaps because of the heavy rain, the bustle and bustle when they passed by here before has disappeared.Instead, the streets of King's Landing were dark and deserted, and the downpour drove everyone into the house.

The rainwater kept hitting everyone's heads. The rainwater in King's Landing City was far less warm and jade-like than the rainwater in the riverland, but more like warm blood gushing from the human body, ruthless and haunting. The crime in this city is so filthy.

The rain began to intensify gradually, and large drops of water flowed down the faces of Sir Anda and the others, which made them unable to open their eyes as they were galloping down the street.

Therefore, Gao Yuan and the others had no choice but to slow down. The heavy rainwater hit the streets paved with white stones, and the black and dirty sewage poured down from the top of the hills along the canals on both sides of the street.

Just as they passed by the square below the Baelor Cathedral, there was a clear and orderly sound of horseshoes in the mist.Gao Yuan and the others turned their heads and looked in the direction of the sound of horseshoes. A small group of Lannister soldiers wearing standard red cloaks was galloping towards them at this moment.

Seeing a group of Lannister soldiers galloping in column from the east, Sir Anda, who was following Gao Yuan, hurriedly shouted at him: "Be careful, Lord Gao Yuan!"

Sir Anda's hoarse voice was alert, and the other guards behind Gao Yuan hurriedly rode their horses to stand in front of his lord, preventing these Lannister soldiers from harming him.

In a blink of an eye, the square was full of soldiers, and both groups stopped in front of the square of the Baelor Cathedral and confronted each other.A flash of lightning flashed across the dim sky, and the leading red-robed soldiers held up bright red flags in their hands.

The silk banner was flying in the strong wind and rainstorm, and the standing golden lion embroidered on it seemed to come alive, waving its sharp claws with open teeth and claws.

Gao Yuan caught a glimpse of their leather jackets covered with chain mail, iron gloves and knee pads, wearing steel helmets decorated with golden lions, and rain-soaked cloaks clinging to their backs.He didn't have time to count at the moment, but according to Gao Yuan's visual estimation, there were at least thirty Lannister soldiers standing in front of them at the moment.

They were neatly divided into two columns, and blocked the way of Gao Yuan and others on horseback or on foot. I saw that these people were holding long swords and steel guns in their hands, and it was obvious that the visitors were not good.

"There's more!" shouted Ser Jon, and turned his horse's head to find more people behind, cutting off their retreat and surrounding them.

Sir Anda's sword came out of its sheath with a clang: "Whoever stands in the way, die!"

Immediately afterwards, more valley knights pulled out the sabers around their waists, and they surrounded Gao Yuan solemnly, ready to sacrifice their lives to protect their adults at any time.

"Lord Gao Yuan! I was wondering where to find you, but I didn't expect you to come to my door by yourself." The voice of Kingslayer Jaime Lannister came from the heavy rain.

As the soldiers surrounding them divided into two columns, the Lannister lion in golden armor and helmet came to Gao Yuan and the others on a maroon horse.Behind the Kingslayer was a Lannister knight with a little girl on his horse.

With just one glance, Gao Yuan recognized the little girl who was still struggling on the horseback. She was the youngest daughter of the current Prime Minister Ed Stark——Arya Stark.

"Master Gao Yuan, help me kill them." As soon as she saw Gao Yuan, Arya excitedly called Gao Yuan's name, and asked him to help her kill the Lannister family in front of her, "They killed My father, Mr. Gao Yuan, please help me kill them."

"The little wolf fell into the mouth of the lion, and all he could do was howl and howl." The rain continued to flow down the face of the kingslayer, but his tone was quite disdainful, "I don't know what she begged to help me Those who have escaped from the lion's mouth are also in danger at this moment."

"Kingslayer, what do you mean?" Sir Anda stepped forward and shouted loudly, "You'd better let Miss Arya go quickly, she is the daughter of the king's former prime minister!"

"The King's former Prime Minister!" the lion of the Lannister family roared defiantly in the rain, "As for now, he is just a lord in a remote area!"

"Lannister, are you crazy?" Sir Anda asked in disbelief: "You are instigating a war. It's not worth mentioning that you kidnapped the daughter of the Stark family, the guardians of the North. Blatantly attacking our Lord Guardian of the East!"

Gao Yuan squeezed out of the crowd calmly, and said calmly: "I think he is very clear about what he is doing now, and at the same time, he is also very clear about the consequences of what he did!"

There was a smile on James Lannister's face, and he combed his rain-soaked blond hair by the way: "That's true! I'm looking for my brother now, Mr. Gao Yuan, you should still remember my brother, right? ?”

"He was with us when we visited Winterfell," said Jaime Lannister. "He has blond hair like me, and he keeps saying nasty things, and he's about a half- Duke Gaoyuan, you are half as tall."

"I remember very clearly!" Gao Yuan also showed a smile on his face, "Because I saw him on the King's Road not long ago, but I clearly remember that his height is only one-third of mine, and there seems to be something in his mouth. Can't say anything."

"I heard that he seems to have encountered some trouble on the way, and my father is deeply anxious about it." The smile on the Kingslayer's face has disappeared at this moment, "You don't happen to know who kidnapped my brother, do you?" ?”

Gao Yuan shrugged his shoulders, and the raindrops immediately gathered into a "stream" and flowed from the back of his cloak: "At the request of Mrs. Caitlin, I ordered my vassals to assist Mrs. Caitlin in arresting your younger brother for what he committed. responsible and stand trial for his crimes."

Hearing the words, the kingslayer was furious immediately, pulled out the golden long sword from the scabbard, and rode his horse to Gao Yuan: "Draw your sword, Mr. Gao Yuan!"

"Although I wish I could kill you like Aerys, I'd rather you die with a weapon in your hand." Sir James stared at him coldly and hatefully. "At the dinner party in Winterfell that night, I I lost to you, now let us settle these new accounts with the old ones."

"You are just looking for death by provoking me now, you have never been my opponent, I believe you should be very clear about this!" Gao Yuan shook his head helplessly, "I never said that your brother Tyrion was guilty, the truth of the current incident It's still under investigation. When we're done, we'll let Tyrion go if we can prove he's innocent."

"It's just that I didn't expect you to be so impulsive, to openly attack Lord Stark and kidnap her daughter."

"It's useless to say more, let's see the truth!" James Lannister didn't have the patience to listen to Gao Yuan's explanation.

"I'm afraid you haven't considered the consequences of what you did. Do you think that after you killed Lord Stark and kidnapped his daughter, would Mrs. Catelyn let your brother Tyrion go?" Gao Yuan warned Kingslayer , "Originally after proving Tyrion's innocence, you could still see him come back safe and sound, but now."

"I'm afraid he will die no matter what. I advise you to stop before the matter is irreparable, otherwise Tyrion will really die."

"Would she really do that? Would the noble Catelyn Tully of Riverrun murder a defenseless hostage? I doubt she would!" Jaime Lannister questioned.

Gao Yuan sneered: "Normally she would not do this, but after you led people to attack her husband and kidnap her daughter, the situation and nature are completely different."

James Lannister sighed deeply, and then put the golden sword in his hand back into the scabbard: "Forget it, I dare not take my brother's life to gamble on a woman's sense of honor."

"Duke Gao Yuan, I have one doubt, and I hope you can answer it for me." The kingslayer pretended to be curious and asked him, "How do you plan to prove Tyrion's innocence, and how can you guarantee that Lady Caitlin will be there?" Released my brother afterwards?"

"No guarantee! Tyrion is staying in my Eagle's Nest now, waiting for me to go back and judge him after I investigate the truth of the matter." Gao Yuan told him frankly, "If he really did not commit the crime he was accused of Those crimes, I will naturally let Mrs. Caitlin let him go, and I will do what I say."

"As for how to prove Tyrion's innocence?" Gao Yuan took out the keel-handled dagger from his pocket and threw it to the other party, "This dagger is used as evidence to accuse your brother of sending someone to assassinate Brandon Stark. He Give this precious dagger to an assassin who will attempt to kill Lady Catelyn's youngest son Bran during the assassination at Winterfell."

"As long as you can prove for your brother that this dagger does not belong to him, or that he did not hand it over to the assassin, then you can prove your innocence for him."

After receiving the keel-handled dagger thrown from Gao Yuan, the kingslayer's face suddenly became very ugly.He did see Tyrion showing off the dagger to himself after Joffrey's name-day tourney, but after that he told himself it had been stolen.

"Duke Gaoyuan, why are you and Lady Caitlin so sure that this dagger belongs to Tyrion?" James Lannister's tone softened a lot at the moment.

"This dagger originally belonged to Petyr Baelish. He said that he lost this dagger to your brother at Joffrey's Name Day Tournament." Gao Yuan explained, "Because Tyrion Ser Loras Tyrell, who bet on, beat Littlefinger's bet on you, Ser Jaime, in a tournament, so Littlefinger lost the dagger to your brother."

"That's absolutely impossible!" The Kingslayer shook his head desperately. "Tyrion would never bet on my opponent at Joffrey's name-day tourney, and he would never bet on my opponent in a match where I participated. Bet on me, Tyrion has my back."

"So Littlefinger must be lying when he says Tyrion won the dagger by betting on Loras instead of me."

"That's the truth, Tyrion admitted it in front of Lady Caitlin and me. He said he won the dagger from Littlefinger." Gao Yuan told him, "But he also said that he won the dagger from Littlefinger's daughter The courtyard lost this dagger, so I came here to investigate this matter, because I also think there is something strange about this matter."

Gao Yuan's words made the Kingslayer fall into deep thought, which made him start to suspect that it was indeed Tyrion who sent someone to assassinate Bran.But what is Tyrion's motivation for doing this? Could it be that he already knew that the secret between himself and Cersei was discovered by Bran, so he wanted to get rid of the boy for himself to ensure that his secret would not be leaked?
But this is unlikely, James first ruled out his own guess.Leaving aside whether Tyrion has already learned about the filth between himself and Cersei, even about the incident of Bran's fall from the building, there are only himself and Cersei.After Bran's child woke up after falling from the building, he had lost all memory of this incident.

How does Tyrion know that Bran pushed himself off the tower?Even if he learned the whole thing through speculation and reasoning, according to his younger brother's character, he should come before him triumphantly after that, showing off and laughing at him.

But Tyrion didn't do anything. Instead, he acted as if nothing had happened. He didn't even give serious warnings or reminders.

The Kingslayer looked carefully at the dagger in his hand, and began to try to remember in whose hands he had seen this dagger before.It wasn't until he went through all the details of that day's martial arts tournament in his mind that he recalled who else had seen this keel-handled dagger in his hand.

"I remember who the owner of this keel-handled dagger is!" Jaime Lannister shouted excitedly, "This dagger has indeed changed owners, but the owner of this dagger is not Littlefinger or Ti I saw it once, Leon, at Joffrey's name-day tourney."

"It was in His Majesty Robert's hand, and he showed it to me at dinner, and His Majesty loves to rub salt in my wounds, especially when drunk," sighed Jaime Lannister. When are you not drunk?"

James Lannister casually threw the dagger to Gao Yuan: "Now the matter is very clear, as long as you take this dagger to ask His Majesty Robert, you will be able to prove Tyrion's innocence."

"Your Majesty Robert, you mean that His Majesty Robert sent someone to assassinate Bran?" Gao Yuan snorted coldly, "Hmph, do you think I am the kind of person who is easy to fool? How could His Majesty Robert send someone to Assassinate Lord Stark's son?"

"Perhaps someone stole the dagger from His Majesty Robert."

Gao Yuan shook his head to express that he did not believe what the kingslayer said, and said that he would take him to see King Robert: "This is just your side story, unless you go with me to His Majesty Robert to prove it."

"I will not go with you to see His Majesty Robert. I just led someone to attack Ed Stark. He will definitely not let me go." The Kingslayer resolutely rejected Gao Yuan's request.

Gao Yuan looked solemnly at Arya who was kidnapped behind the Kingslayer: "Since you refuse to follow me to King Robert, you should at least keep Miss Arya behind."

James Lannister smiled and turned his head to look at Arya, and then rejected his request again: "This little wolf cub is now my hostage, in order to ensure that Mrs. Gao Yuan, you and Mrs. Caitlin will keep your promise and release me Brother, I have to take this little girl away today."

"So, you are determined to take this girl away today!" Gao Yuan looked at the other party with a serious expression. At this moment, the rain had already soaked the King Slayer's body, and huge drops of water continuously flowed from his helmet down, but his eyes are as firm as the first time.

"In this case, I have no choice but to snatch Arya from your hands! After that, I will escort you to the Red Castle and hand it over to King Robert for punishment." Pulling out the Evening Star Blade from the scabbard, it pointed directly at the Kingslayer opposite.

As soon as Gao Yuan's words came out, the atmosphere in the square suddenly became tense, and both sides raised their weapons to face each other.Lannister's side obviously had the upper hand in terms of numbers. Kingslayer brought more than 40 people this time, while Gao Yuan's side only had about 12 people even including himself.

But Gao Yuan's subordinates are all riding horses, while the Lannisters are all on foot except for the kingslayer and a small number of soldiers.

If the knights in full armor charged hard, they might be able to fight their way through the Lannister crowd.But if they were to fight each other in this square, then their winning rate would probably only be about [-]-[-].

Of course, this is all under the condition that Gao Yuan, the cheater, is excluded.But Gao Yuan has a safer and safer strategy. He only needs to take down the kingslayer who is the leader of the Lannister family immediately, and the remaining soldiers of the Lannister family will not dare to act rashly.

The nearby residents were all watching secretly behind the doors and windows around the square, and they didn't dare to come out to interfere with the conflict between the two sides.

"Trigger, you have to show me that little girl from the Stark family!" The kingslayer glanced back at his captain of the guard.

"Yes, my lord!"

After giving these orders, James Lannister reached out and brushed his rain-soaked blond hair back, then excitedly raised the golden sword in his hand, and rode his horse towards the high and distant direction.

The maroon warhorse under the kingslayer galloped in the heavy rain, and every time the horse's powerful hooves stepped on the deep puddles, it would stir up a large cloud of dirty water.Through the dark square and the pouring rain, Gao Yuan could vaguely see the smile on the Kingslayer's face.

A huge lightning flashed across the gloomy sky of Junlin City, illuminating Gao Yuan's calm face.Amidst the roar of thunder, the white steed under Gao Yuan seemed to have been frightened. It stood up suddenly with its front feet off the ground, and then rushed towards the kingslayer on the water.

Soon the two charging knights collided in the square, and with the torrential rain on the square in front of the Baylor Cathedral, a golden light shone, as if time had been paused at this moment.

Everyone present couldn't help holding their breath nervously, and their eyes widened when they looked at the field, trying to see who won the final victory, just like the audience at a martial arts tournament.


On the hazy temple square, the sound of a heavy object falling into the water was heard by everyone present.

(End of this chapter)

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