Chapter 29 Captured
Seeing that Bilbo was discovered by the trolls and was about to be caught and eaten, all the dwarves couldn't sit still beside him.

The first to rush out were Fili and Kili. Bilbo was encouraged by them to steal the horse, so they were the first to jump out when Bilbo was in danger.

"Put him down!" Fili jumped out and shouted, waving the broadsword in his hand.

"What did you say?" the troll asked muffled.

"He said, let you put him down!" Kili came out from behind Fili.

The troll sneered, then threw Bilbo directly at the two of them.

In order to catch Bilbo, the two had to drop their weapons and reach out to catch them, but they were both thrown to the ground.

It was like a signal, and more dwarves rushed out of the woods behind the two of them, raising their weapons high.

Thirteen dwarves and three trolls quickly fought together.

Bofur swung his mace and smashed a troll's toe so hard that the troll clutched his toe in pain and hopped.

Every time the troll jumped, the whole ground trembled.

Three trolls were caught off guard, and they were besieged by an average of four dwarves each.

The dwarves have a clear division of labor, and two dwarves with maces or battle axes attack the troll's feet.

The other two dwarves with broadswords defended them against the attacks from the trolls.

All of a sudden, the ogre was completely helpless after being beaten, and even one ogre was pushed into the fire.

"Ah, I'm on fire, I'm on fire." The ogre screamed and jumped out of the fire. When he jumped out, he was greeted with broadswords and maces.

Bilbo fell to the ground from mid-air, and when he stood up unsteadily, a group of dwarves had all rushed into the battlefield.

He saw the dwarves mingling with the trolls, quietly leaving the center of the field.

Pick up the scythe dropped by the troll, and cut all the hemp ropes that tie the expedition's horses.

He hasn't forgotten his mission, he doesn't know how to fight, and he doesn't have a weapon, a sickle?He was carrying it, so he couldn't move it at all.

There was nothing he could do to help the dwarves who were fighting, so he chose to save the horses.

The dwarves took the first-mover advantage and caught the ogre by surprise. The battlefield situation once showed a one-sided crushing situation.

Unfortunately, the dwarves were no match for the troll after all, even if they had taken the initiative from the start.

When the ogre reacted and started to fight back, the dwarf seemed a little powerless.

Trolls are huge, powerful, and thick-skinned.

The damage that the dwarves did to them just now was just a little skin trauma, and they couldn't pose a threat to them at all.

A troll grabbed Nori viciously, intending to tear him in two.

Seeing this, Feili stepped on a rotten piece of wood and jumped up, slashing his sword at the ogre's hand.

The troll was in pain, and threw Noli to the ground.

Pangbo was slapped by the troll and flew away, and the weapon did not know where he fell.

The troll came after him, ready to trample the nasty dwarf into a pulp.

Curiously, he drew his bow and set an arrow, and shot three consecutive arrows at the ogre's face, which gave Pangbo a chance to escape.

The dwarves, who were originally cooperating seamlessly, were scattered by the counter-attacking trolls. Everyone could only fight on their own, and the entire battlefield fell into chaos.

They have to be vigilant at all times, if they are not careful, they may be trampled into meat paste, or caught by trolls, crushed to death and torn to pieces.

A group of dwarves backed away tacitly, and finally they gathered together. Ori, who was too late to evacuate, was thrown away by the ogre, and rolled four or five times on the ground before being caught by other dwarves.

"Where's Bilbo? Has anyone seen him?" cried Thorin, picking up the broadsword.

"He's there!" Fili pointed behind the troll.

Obviously, the ogre who lost his target also found the hobbit behind him.

As soon as Bilbo came to his senses and wanted to escape, he was unfortunately caught by the ogre.

"Bilbo!" Kili saw that Bilbo was caught, and he wanted to rush to save him.

But he was pulled back by Sorin: "Don't go there."

I saw Bilbo being held up in the air, and two trolls grabbed his limbs respectively. As long as the trolls exerted a little force, he would be reduced to the end of five horses.

"Put down the weapons in your hands!"

"Or I'll tear him apart," the troll's head yelled.

Bilbo, still in shock, stared at Thorin who was about to decide his fate.

Thorin was hesitant at this moment, on the one hand, he counted Bilbo's life as his companion, and on the other hand, he surrendered and was captured, and everyone would die alike.

He remembered what Gandalf had said to him in the forest of the Lone Land.

"Gao Yuan is now your partner, a member of the expedition team. No matter what his relationship with the elves is, it has nothing to do with whether he is worthy of your trust as a friend."

"He didn't ask you anything, but he was willing to help you deal with the evil dragon in Gushan. You can't even trust your partner who was born and died."

"Thorin Oakenshield, I don't know who else you can trust, me? Or your dwarf friends? Or Mr. Bilbo Baggins? I know you don't trust him."

Thorin thought of this, and finally chose to drop the weapon in his hand.

Seeing this, the other dwarves dropped their weapons one after another.

The dwarves who gave up resistance were put into sacks by the trolls.

The troll is putting a few dwarves on the barbecue skewers, preparing to have a carbon-grilled dwarf skewer.

Thorin, Bilbo, and others were stuffed into sackcloth pockets and thrown aside.

Suddenly, a sound similar to the cry of a dragon resounded throughout the sky.

Hearing this sound, the trolls, who were about to grill the dwarves, turned around in fright.

"Is that the cry of the dragon? It's terrible, it's the dragon coming!!!" Robb, the most timid ogre, held his head and screamed.

The dwarves who were cursing at first also fell silent.

Watching the trolls running about, Bilbo looked at Thorin, for he and Balin were the only ones here who had actually heard the dragon's roar.

"Is this really the cry of a dragon, Thorin?"

"Could it be that dragon of the Lonely Mountain, Smaug, who has come here?" asked Bilbo.

The other dwarves also turned their attention to Thorin, and Thorin shook his head.

"I don't know if it's the voice of the dragon, but I'm sure it's not the voice of Smaug." Thorin said in a deep voice.

At this time, they were like a group of lambs waiting to be slaughtered, tied in sacks, and another dragon came, which was too bad.

Bilbo looked at Balin and asked, "Are there any other evil dragons in this world?"

Balin thought for a while: "I think Smaug should be the last dragon in Middle-earth."

Thorin paid no more attention to Bilbo's small talk with the other dwarves.

At this time, the problem they have to face is not the sudden appearance of the dragon, but that they are about to become the troll's dinner.

Thorin kept wriggling his body. He took out a dagger from his bosom, and was cutting the rope that tied the sackcloth bag tightly.

The ogre, who was frightened by the sound of the dragon, finally calmed down at this moment, and the ogre Monbo slapped the smallest ogre Robb on the head.

Bilbo flinched back. If this slap hit him, he might turn into a pile of mud.

"Let's go on," said the troll.

 Thank you readers for the two monthly tickets of "Super Cabbage Soup", thank you for your support!

(End of this chapter)

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