The Heavens: The Magical World Begins with The Lord of the Rings

Chapter 291 Master of Darkness, Coldness and Death

Chapter 291 Master of Darkness, Coldness and Death

"...I mean, you don't need to kill him at all." Gao Yuan took a sip of the wine in his glass, and there seemed to be a gleam of light in his golden eyes.

"I don't understand what you mean, Lord Gao Yuan!" Melisandre smiled lightly at him, "Are you worried that I will harm the old bachelor Cressen because of this?"

"Please don't get me wrong, I didn't mean that, Mrs. Melisandre!" Gao Yuan explained to her in a low voice, "I'm not trying to maliciously speculate on your intentions, but I just hope that at this banquet tonight you can see For my sake, don't argue with that old and faint old scholar later."

Melisandre blinked at him with her beautiful eyes: "What if I have to argue with that old Cressenian tonight?"

"Then you just don't give me face!" Gao Yuan's voice suddenly became severe, "I don't want to see any accidents happen at this dinner tonight, and the master of this castle, Duke Stannis, must be the same."

"This will deeply affect the friendship between us. If you feel that your position in Duke Stannis' heart is comparable to mine, you can try it!"

"Can I understand that you are threatening me?" At this moment, Melisandre also put away the smile on her face. Judging from the serious expression and stern tone on Gao Yuan's face, she knew that Gao Yuan was not He was joking with himself, but showed her his firm attitude.

"Whatever you think." Gao Yuan told the red-robed woman, "In short, I don't want to see anyone die in front of me tonight, even if I want to be an enemy of Duke Stannis, I will not hesitate. Will Lady Liz keep you, Lady Melisandre!"

At the same time, Maester Cresen was staring at the new maester sent by Old Town, "Master Pylos, why didn't you wake me up?"

"The Duke asked me to let you rest. He said that there is no need to disturb you at the banquet tonight, so that you can rest in your room." The young Maester Pylos blushed suddenly, and it was obvious that what he said was not from Stannis Meaning, or maybe it's just Stannis secretly telling him to do it.

"Old man, you are too ill to be of any use now." It sounded like Lord Stannis' voice, but Cressen could hardly believe the words came from him. "From now on, I will be assisted by Bachelor Pylos. Anyway, you can't even go to the crow's nest now, so let him manage the ravens."

"I don't want you to die for helping me!"

Maester Cressen blinked, and for a moment he was speechless.

Sadness, heartache, disappointment and many other emotions rushed into his heart at once, and he didn't know how to express his love to Duke Stannis.The love was deeper and more intense than he had felt for Robert, or even for Renly.

Because in his opinion, among the three children of the Baratheon family, only the Duke of Stannis in front of him was the one who lacked the most love and needed him the most.But now he said this to himself, does he no longer need himself?Maester Cressen questioned himself.

"Obey, Your Excellency the Duke!" The words that came to his mouth could not be blurted out, but what came out of his mouth were full of respectful words, "But... but I am very hungry, please give me a seat."

Maester Cressen may still have hopes for Stannis at this moment, and he hopes that his child will let him sit by his side, so that he can continue to guard the child.

Cressen fixed his eyes on the seat next to Stannis, but he never got the answer he wanted.So Cressen looked around, and there were many princes, knights and captains sitting in their seats without saying a word.

Only Sir Davos, who was dressed simply, wearing only a brown jacket and a woolen cloak, met his eyes, with a little pity in his eyes.Ser Davos rose from the bench. "Lord Stannis, I would be honored if the old maester would sit beside me."

"Okay." Lord Stannis just replied casually, and then he turned his head and talked to Gao Yuan.The Duke Gao Yuan sat on his right, and was the most distinguished guest in this hall.

At this moment, he is discussing with Gao Yuan about the marriage of the two families. Stannis hopes that Gao Yuan will take his daughter and take a boat to Runestone City in the valley the next day.

Madam Selyse, who was sitting on his left, was still trying to maintain a smile on her face, which was as fragile as the jewelry she was wearing.No one could understand how heartbroken she was at this moment, she could only do her best to take care of the daughter beside her, adding her favorite food to Shireen's dinner plate.

Maester Cressen walked around the long table and walked dully towards the place next to Ser Davos, the former smuggler and the main table were separated by half the princes.He looked at the wine glass in front of the red-robed woman. The distance between the wine glass of the high-yuan Duke and the red-robed woman was too close. Into her glass?

Sir Onion moved his hips to make room for the old maester, and Maester Cressen said heavily, "We should all be dressed as jesters tonight."

"Because we're all going to be accomplices to kinslayers, and only a fool would do that." Maester Cressen seemed to mean something, "The red woman foresaw King Robert's death from her fire However, our Lord Duke completely ignored his brother's imminent death. Instead of reminding his brother of the same blood, he held a banquet here and celebrated it."

"My lord duke, I don't know that the words of a sorcerer should not be trusted, let alone she is a believer and monk under the command of a different god. In order to promote the 'true god' they believe in, the heathen will do anything. I'm afraid I haven't waited for his king brother The bad news came, that this Dragonstone Island bestowed by His Majesty Robert might turn upside down for her."

Maester Cressen pretended to stretch his hands into his sleeves to keep warm, but in fact he wanted to squeeze the crystals he had hidden in his sleeves in his hands.At this moment, he seemed to have finally made up his mind. He was almost about to crush the crystal in the palm of his hand. He mustered up the courage to stand up and said in a loud voice, "Stannis, you must not believe the nonsense of the Ability God believers."

Stannis' attention was attracted by him from Gao Yuan, but Lady Selyse interrupted his speech first: "You should respect my husband as 'Lord Duke', Maester Cressen, you are too It's out of proportion."

"The old maester is getting old, and it's normal for him to be not clear-headed now." Stannis still remembered that the old maester always called himself that when he was a child.But now that he is the Duke of the Seven Kingdoms, he shouldn't call him by his own name anymore.

Stannis Baratheon said grimly, "Cressen, what's the matter? You might as well speak up."

"Now that your elder brother, King Robert, is about to suffer, my lord, please consider that you and His Majesty Robert are brothers from the same mother, write a letter warning your brother and send it to the raven."

"Say no more, maester!" Stannis Baratheon cut him off decisively. "I will never write to warn Robert! Robert has been slighting me all these years, even if I For brother's sake write to him and warn him."

"You and I know what the end result will be!" Stannis continued after a moment's pause. "After he received the warning letter sent to King's Landing, he would just burn it with disdain and fight with him." My 'brother' Stark, come and make fun of me."

"My brother Robert never knew what gratitude was, and neither did my brother Renly."

"Since you are unwilling to write a letter to warn your brother, then please expel Melisandre, a follower of the false god, from your territory." Cressen suggested again unwillingly, "Lord Stannis, I still remember You once said that you no longer believe in any gods."

"How dare you call the great Lord of Light a false god!" Madame Selyse roared at him, "R'hllor the Lord of Light is the Heart of the Holy Flame, the Allah of Shadow and Fire"

"The superstitious belief in the power of false gods will only blind people." The old scholar still insisted on his opinion, "What's more, Ma'am, the King of Light you speak of has no power at all here!"

"Who said the power of the Lord of Light cannot be revealed here?" The red-robed girl couldn't sit still anymore. In Melisandre's view, if Maester Cressen just insulted herself, she could still bear it, but if It is unforgivable for the other party to insult the true God they believe in.

The ruby ​​around the neck of the red-robed woman was shining with a dangerous red light at this moment, which indicated that she was ready to kill the old scholar, even if she used the power of the ruby ​​on her chest.

"Mr. Bachelor, I'm afraid you should wear the jester's crown again when you speak such unscrupulous nonsense here."

"That's right!" echoed Lady Selyse. "I think that funny hat on Patchface suits you, old man."

"I order you to put it on!"

At the right time, the jester Patchface also jumped out to disrupt the situation: "No one wears a hat under the sea, I know. I've seen them."

Stannis Baratheon's eyes were shaded by the shadows of his thick brows, and his square jaw moved soundlessly as he pursed his lips.Stannis has always been like this when he was angry since he was a child, always grinding his teeth like this.

"Fool!" Cressen had once placed high hopes on him, but now he growled and ordered Patten to put on that humiliating hat for him, "You heard what my wife said, quickly put your hat on Cressen .”

Patchface came to the main table with a funny dance, and the old bachelor just sat there quietly, not knowing what was going on in his heart.He let the Fool put the ridiculous crown on him, and bowed his head in shame and resentment.

"I see, if he wants to express his opinion in the future, he might as well put that crown on his head and let him sing." Mrs. Selyse teased.

"Woman, don't push yourself too far!" Stannis Baratheon yelled at his wife, "He's an old man, not to mention he's been with me for most of my life."

"I will follow you to the end, my dear Lord Stannis," thought Maester Cressen sadly. "My poor, lonely child. Perhaps you will never know that you were ever loved, and thereafter No one will ever love you like I do."

Maester Cressen resolutely picked up the wine glass in front of him, which contained half a glass of sour red wine, and a strange purple crystal was tightly held between his thumb and index finger.The seed-like purple crystal was thrown into the glass of red wine by him with lightning speed.

In the blink of an eye, the purple crystal quickly disappeared in the wine glass.This series of actions of the old bachelor was only seen by Sir Davos beside him. He was sure that his actions were secret enough and impossible to be discovered by others.

Little did he know that all his actions were clearly seen by the red robe woman and Gao Yuan in front of her.At this moment, Melisandre finally understood why Gao Yuan specially warned her before, and told her not to kill anyone at this banquet.

Although Stannis Baratheon is the host of this dinner, but this dinner is actually held by Stannis for the sake of them.Reminiscent of the marriage agreed between Chen Gaoyuan and Stannis, in a sense, this dinner is actually equivalent to an engagement banquet between the two families.

Even in this marriage between the two families, only the girl was present.

Maester Cresen stood up confidently, shaking the wine glass in his hand calmly: "Maybe I'm really old-fashioned."

"Mrs. Melisandre, would you like to have a drink with me?" Cressen showed a "kind" smile on his face, "Let us take this opportunity to honor your Lord the Lord of Light, and drink this cup to pay homage to his majesty." How would you like to pay your respects?"

The red-robed woman sized him up, then lowered her head to look at the indifferent Gao Yuan, and then readily agreed: "Okay!"

All eyes were on Maester Cressen at the moment, he could feel it.As he rose from his seat, Ser Davos grabbed him by the sleeve with the four short fingers that Lord Stannis had shaved off.

"Major Cressen, what are you going to do?" Onion Knight asked him in a low voice.

"I'm sorry, Ser Davos!" Cressen jerked off Ser Davos' broken finger, and turned to tell him, "I must do this, and it's all for our Dragonstone, and especially for us The soul of a grown man."

The red-robed girl gracefully stepped down from the high table to meet him, and the two became the focus of all eyes.But the old maester only had eyes for her: the blood-red eyes; the blood-red robe; the blood-red gemstone necklace and the blood-red lips that pursed into a faint smile.

Melisandre stretched out her hand to hold his finger holding the wine glass. The heat wave from her fingertips almost caused him to knock over the wine glass in her hand. She solemnly reminded him: "Mr. Cressen, old bachelor, pour out the wine now You still have time!"

"No!" The old scholar resolutely rejected the red-robed woman's offer with a hoarse voice, "Never!"

"Forget it!" After saying that, Melisandre from Assia took the wine glass from him, raised her head and took a swig.Cresen's eyes widened, watching the red liquid in the cup flow into the mouth along the red lips of the woman in red robe, and flow into the stomach cavity along the throat.

When the red-robed woman returned the wine glass to his hand, there was still a small half of the red liquid in it, and the blood-red liquid was like his Cressen's urging charm: "It's your turn, old scholar Cressen!" The old scholar said with trembling hands He took the wine glass, but he was still trying to calm down. The bachelors of the Academy City must not be afraid.

Just when the old scholar was about to raise the wine glass to drink the liquid inside, a big hand snatched the life-threatening wine glass from his hand.

"That's the end of tonight's farce!"

A magnetic man's voice reached the old bachelor's ears, and Maester Cressen opened his eyes suspiciously.I saw the honored guest that Lord Stannis had invited today was standing in front of him at the moment, holding the wine glass with less than half a glass of red liquid left in his hand.

"Lord Gao Yuan! I've already drank the wine prepared for me by Bachelor Cresen!" The red-robed woman reminded him, "In exchange, Mr. Bachelor should also drink the wine in this glass, which is very fair!"

"Master Gao Yuan, you shouldn't stand up and stop him."

"I said! This farce ends here!!!" Gao Yuan suddenly turned his head to look at the red-robed woman, and his eyes suddenly glowed with gold.Melisandre couldn't help but staggered back a few steps, and for a moment she felt as if she was being targeted by a giant dragon.

Melisandre struggled to maintain her figure, and then raised her head to look at Gao Yuan again: "Since you don't want Maester Cressen to drink this glass of red wine, then Mr. Gao Yuan will drink it for him. glass of red wine."

"I won't drink the wine in here!" He told the red-robed woman in front of everyone present, and then let go of his fingers, letting the wine glass containing the deadly poison shatter on the ground, and the bright red liquid spilled all over him. Carpet underfoot.

"But in exchange!" Gao Yuan said loudly, "I can tell you that there is some news about the ghosts and the ancient gods north of the Great Wall!"

"It is the controller of darkness, cold, and death. It is an ancient alien god that existed before everything in the world appeared. It is the eternal enemy of the Lord of Light you believe in." Gao Yuan's voice gradually became ethereal, as if The ancient Ability God is swearing his existence to the world at this moment. "The world has never been known by its real name. It is not bathed in fire and light like the King of Light, so people call it 'Cold god'!"

"Are you a believer of the Cold God?" Melisandre's face paled when she heard this, she staggered back again, and finally sat on the ground weakly because of her unsteady steps.

The big ruby ​​on the neck of the red-robed woman is constantly shining with dazzling light, which is enough to show how frightened the red-robed woman is at the moment.

"No, I'm not a believer of the Cold God!" Gao Yuan shook his head gloomyly, "The power of the Cold God is not strong enough to cross the Great Wall of Desperation. If I am really a believer of the Cold God, at this moment The people in the castle may have already turned into ghosts and ghouls who don't know whether they are alive or dead."

"I've only seen its incarnation and servants in the north of the Great Wall!"

(End of this chapter)

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