The Heavens: The Magical World Begins with The Lord of the Rings

Chapter 293 Riding the Wind and Breaking the Waves

Chapter 293 Riding the Wind and Breaking the Waves
Standing on the dilapidated stern, the outline of the island overlooking the island gradually fades away until it disappears.At this moment, the ship they were on was sailing towards the depths of the strait sea, and the sailors on the deck behind Gao Yuan were busy in full swing.

The huge sails were lowered from the towering masts, and a dozen experienced sailors tied the tightened ropes to the railings on both sides of the ship.

In the next journey, they will go north from the sea along the coast of the Crab Claw Peninsula and return to Seagull Town in the valley.The moist sea breeze is blowing from the direction of Dragonstone Island at the stern, and the current situation at sea is completely different from when they rushed to Dragonstone Island from King's Landing-the warm currents and sea winds from the Dorne Sea and the Summer Sea are driving them Heading north at breakneck speed.

According to the experienced old captain on the ship, if they continue sailing at this speed, they will probably see the lighthouse on the port of Seagull Town before evening and sunset.

But after they sailed for a certain distance, the old captain found Gao Yuan on the deck with a sad face.The old captain brought good news and bad news to Gao Yuan and the others. The bad news was that the route they were on was about to face a huge storm, and the good news was that after several hours of sailing, their ship was already dead. Not far from Crab Island.

In order to avoid the coming storm at sea, the old captain Xiang Gaoyuan proposed to sail the ship to the nearest crab island, where there is a port for their ships to park and wait for the storm to pass.

"Why don't you rush out of this sea area before the storm comes?" Gao Yuan proposed a bold idea to the old captain.

Follow his eyes to look at the endless blue sea ahead, there is not even a cloud in the distant sky at this moment, everything looks so calm, it doesn't look like a storm is coming.

"At this moment, it is only half a day before we set sail from Dragonstone Island, and the Crab Island is already close at hand." Gao Yuan did not accept the old captain's proposal, but decided to continue sailing along the original plan. The next voyage is already halfway through, so why waste time in the port of Crab Island?"

"But, my lord," the old captain anxiously pointed his finger at the sky in the east, "My lord, the gods in the sky have already issued a warning to us. The weeping star that should have been hanging high in the sky has disappeared at this moment." In the eastern sky."

"The birds that have been hovering over our heads since we set sail are now completely gone. From my years of sailing experience, this must be a harbinger of an approaching storm."

"Lord Gaoyuan. Judging from my many years of experience in smuggling at sea, I also think what the old captain said makes sense." Sir Davos stood up at this time and echoed, "Do you think we should listen to his advice and go to How about taking shelter from the approaching storm at the nearest Crab Island?"

"Even if the old captain's judgment is wrong, at most it will delay us for half a day in the port of Crab Island. After confirming that the storm will not hit, we can start again from the port, only to reach Seagull The time in town will be a little later."

"And the advice of the old captain can avoid most of the sea risks for us. If our ship really encounters a storm at sea, I am afraid that the delay will not only be half a day, but also may be faced. Risk of shipwreck."

"You don't need to say any more, I've made up my mind at this moment!" Gao Yuan raised his hand to stop Sir Davos from continuing, "Sir Davos, your lord, Duke Stannis, asked you to escort his daughter. The only reason for appearing on this ship. Your duty is to protect the safety of your young lady, at this moment you should stay by your young lady's side instead of standing here and dictating my decision!"

"If our ship really encounters a storm, you just need to take Miss Shireen into the cabin and make sure she doesn't fall into the water. I will guarantee that you will reach your destination safe and sound."

"Pass my order, the ship continues to move forward according to the established route and target." Without waiting for the Onion Knight to refute again, he turned his head and told the old captain impatiently, "Go and ask the sailors on the ship to set the sails on the mast. Put them all down, and strive to cross the sea area where Crab Island is located at the fastest speed."

"As long as the speed of the ship is fast enough, we can leave this dangerous sea area and the coast of the Crab Claw Peninsula full of reefs earlier." Gao Yuan explained his reasons for doing so, "At that time, even if the storm really comes, Not enough to pose a threat to our ships."

"When we successfully break away from the central area of ​​the storm, letting it howl and rain will only be the best help for us to sail to our destination." Gao Yuan is determined to lead them through the storm.

"At this moment...we are all living on this ship, just like grasshoppers living on a rope." Seeing that the persuasion was not going far, Sir Davos had no choice but to return to his cabin angrily.During this period, he kept talking about the long night and the cold winter, who is the survivor and so on.

Many things happened at the dinner party on Dragonstone last night. Apart from the conflict between the old maester and the red woman about faith and loyalty, Stannis Baratheon publicly told everyone He announced his decision to marry the Arryn family of the Vale of Arryn.

Just after announcing the "good news", the Duke of Dragonstone ignored Mrs. Selyse's objection and decided to let his daughter go to the valley with Gao Yuan and the others on the boat the next day.

Hearing that his lord was so impatient to send his daughter away, Sir Davos, who could no longer sit down, stood up decisively from the bench, and offered to ask for an order to personally escort Shireen Baratheon to Runestone City in the valley, and settle it there before returning by boat.

At that time, Stannis had already been dazzled by the spirits, so he naturally agreed.His wife, Mrs. Selyse, reprimanded her husband for being ruthless, and said angrily that she would never agree to marry the Ayrin family; while angrily wanted to take her daughter away from the dinner party.

The end result, of course, was that Mrs. Selyse was stopped.And the person who stopped her was none other than the priestess of the King of Light.

Melisandre told Mrs. Selyse that she had just seen in the holy flame the vision of the future bestowed by the Lord of Light: her daughter would enjoy a happy life in the valley far beyond Dragonstone Island and be free from illness forever torture.

I'm afraid even the fool Patchian at the dinner party wouldn't believe the nonsense that the red-robed woman said.But Mrs. Selyse actually believed it, and she was convinced of it.

A few simple words can make a mother who is reluctant to part with her child change her mind. This is probably the magic of faith.

So, Shireen Baratheon, a poor little girl, followed Gao Yuan and the others on the boat to the valley.

What kind of fate awaits this poor little girl in the future, even Gao Yuan has no way of knowing.

But as long as his plan can succeed, and her father Stannis will not repent and come to take her away, Gao Yuan believes that the little girl's fate will not be as bad as in the original book.

The only problem was, Shireen Baratheon's future husband!
Will Robert Arryn accept such a girl who is "ugly" in appearance but pure and kind in heart to be his wife?

When Gao Yuan threw this question to Earl Yohn Royce, his answer was affirmative: "If this girl is really as pure and kind as Mr. Gao Yuan said, I believe she will be able to reap her own rewards." happiness."

"When I go back, I will teach the little duke well. He already has a vicious mother in his life. A kind-hearted fiancée may be able to make him better. A kind girl like Miss Xilin is like a sister. Little Robert will soon forget his mother as well."

"My lord about Lysa Tully, what do you plan to do with this vicious woman when you go back?" When their ship passed the strait between Crab Island and Crab Claw Peninsula, Earl Jon Royce once again Asked him this question.

"Yorn! You shouldn't throw this question to me." Gao Yuan turned his head and looked at the dark clouds floating on the sea level to the east. Just as the old captain said, a storm that has been brewing for a long time is hitting them at this moment, " What to do with Lysa Tully may be left to you, Lords of the Vale, to decide."

"Please don't forget, I once made an oath to the gods"

"I can't even take part in the trial of Lysa Tully, otherwise everyone will think that the trial was held at my behest."

Seeing the storm coming from the sea in the distance, all the crew members on the ship fell into panic.At this moment, they had sailed out of the strait between Crab Island and Crab Claw Peninsula, and the raging wind and turbulent ocean currents determined that they could no longer turn back.

Even if they put away all the sails on the boat now, and everyone goes down to the cabin to use oars to power the boat, they can no longer change the direction of the boat.

Even if they successfully turned the bow of the ship and headed against the direction of the ocean current and strong wind, they might not be able to drive the ship into the port on Crab Island in the early hours of the morning.The biggest possibility is that the ship has been wandering in the middle of the strait, or it was smashed on the reefs and beaches due to the raging storm.

For the current plan, they can only win a glimmer of life if they continue to sail forward according to the established route.As Gao Yuan said, they can only survive in the end if they break through this dangerous reef area and head towards the edge of the storm and the depths of the ocean.

Fortunately, judging by the current speed of the ship.There was still a good chance they would be able to get out of the area affected by the storm before it actually came.As the storm approaches, ships travel faster and faster at sea.

"My dear sailors, please hold tight to the ropes that bind the sails in your hands." Gao Yuan strode past the old captain who was at the helm, and came to the high platform and shouted excitedly to the sailors on the deck below, " Let us meet the storm together; let the storm be more violent!"

"If it's just a small storm that makes you pee your pants, what qualifications do you have to sail the real deep sea? Only after the baptism of the storm can you become a real sailor in the future !"


Gao Yuan's impassioned speech immediately aroused the fierceness of the sailors on the deck.A considerable part of them became sailors because of being forced to do so. Some of them owed gambling debts on shore; Earn enough money to care for your seriously ill family members
The reasons why these people became sailors vary, but one thing is certain, the vast majority of them are going to sea for the first time.

These inexperienced sailors were "carefully selected" by him, and the experienced sailors recruited by Bronze Yon were all left on Dragonstone Island by him at this moment.All the sailors who stayed on Dragonstone Island were handed over by him to his most trusted subordinates, Sir Anda and Sir Jon.

After Stannis strips the promised ship from the royal fleet, Anda and Jon, the two knights entrusted by him with important tasks, will lead the experienced sailors to drive his warship, Return to the port of Seagull Town.

As for the rookie sailors in front of them, if Gao Yuan didn't arouse the blood and ferocity in their hearts at this moment, when the storm really came, I'm afraid they would all hide in the corners of the cabin and deck and shiver.

Such a timid and timid sailor cannot meet the great goal of galloping the vast ocean in the lofty future.After he returns to the valley, he will set up an invincible fleet of his own.And this fleet will bring him great help in the future battle against the alien army.

According to Gao Yuan's needs, this fleet will help him transport his soldiers and supplies to every coast of Westeros.

"This lord must be crazy"

The old captain, who was at the helm of the ship, stared dumbfounded at what happened before him.

"My lord is not crazy!" Jon Royce looked at the tall figure in front of him adoringly, and then glanced at the old captain with trembling legs in disdain, "On the contrary, my lord is sober now Very! He knows exactly what he is doing now. If your legs are still shaking like this, when the storm comes, you will roll to the bottom of the cabin and peel potatoes! Just like those who are hiding in the cabin at the moment Like a coward!"

"Hmph, I was really blind to recruit an old guy like you onto the boat!"

The sailors on the deck felt as if they had been beaten to death at this moment. They tied all the ropes they could use to the sails to prevent the sails from being blown away in the storm.They also filled the empty wooden barrels on the ship with seawater to increase the weight of the ship and stabilize the balance of the ship.

"You have long expected that a storm is coming, so you rejected the captain's suggestion to anchor the ship in the port of Crab Island to rest, and ordered him to brave the risk of a storm to cross the Crab Island Strait." Jon Royce The count came to his side with great respect.

"That's right, long before we set sail, I already expected that a storm was brewing on the Strait Sea." Gao Yuan turned his head and smiled lightly at Bronze Jorn, "It's just that I'm not sure that this storm will appear in Nowhere, but I believe it will never be too far from Dragonstone."

Although Gao Yuan has no experience of sailing at sea all the year round, his understanding of meteorology in modern society is not comparable to the so-called sailing experience of the old captain.

The humidity in the air suddenly increased, the atmospheric pressure dropped suddenly, the originally scorching sea blew a cool sea breeze, the speed of the ocean current increased abnormally, and the abundance of thunder elements that could be seen everywhere in the line of sight, all these phenomena were in the It was shown to Gao Yuan that a massive storm was forming in the sea around Dragonstone Island.

"Please forgive my curiosity, Lord Gaoyuan!" Bronze Jorn turned his head to look at the huge black storm cloud cluster that was almost close at hand, "Why are you so sure that we can survive this massive storm?"

"The most fearful thing for the girls in the flower shop is that their daughters will become the captains of the sea, and what they are most afraid of is encountering the storms they have encountered countless times. Except for the gods in the sky, there is no Which captain can be sure that his ship will be safe and sound in the storm at sea."

"It's a pity that I'm not the captain. And neither are you, Earl Jorn." Gao Yuan had a mysterious smile on his face, "If you are worried that you will be buried in the middle of the strait with this ship, you just need to choose Just believe in yourself."

"Of course, you can also choose to trust me, and you can always trust the decisions I make!"

While Jon Royce was still savoring Gao Yuan's words just now, a storm at sea that looked like the end of the world also arrived as expected.

Suddenly, a gust of wind blew up on the originally calm sea, and the huge sail on the mast was blown loudly.The raging strong wind is like a pair of invisible big hands, grasping it in the hands and kneading it into any shape, just like the stormy waves surrounding them.

As the storm clouds completely covered the sky above their heads, the surrounding sea suddenly became invisible, as if the whole world was engulfed in darkness.Even the last ray of light on the deck was extinguished by the waves raised by the storm.

A huge flash of light flashed across the sky, reappearing a glimmer of light in the dark world, and then earth-shattering roars came from all directions.Then it rained heavily on the sea.As if the gods in the sky heard the signal released by the thunder and lightning, they tore open the sky and poured down the Milky Way in the sky.

The waves rolled up by the storm were like a huge mountain, overwhelming the ship they were on.In just an instant, the entire ship was submerged in the waves like a mountain.

But the next time the lightning flashed across the sky again, the flat boat in the "mountains" miraculously floated up from the bottom of the sea.

The wind still raged on the sea, and the dark peaks rose one after the other.The sailors on the deck have not had time to pull back the sail that was torn off by the huge waves, and soon they will face the next fallen black mountain.

In the face of the mighty power of nature, the sailboat that Gao Yuan and the others were on was as inconspicuous as a fallen leaf falling into a deep mountain.But relying on the desperate efforts of dozens of sailors, they finally survived the huge storm.

During this period, the danger they faced was almost indescribable in words, and Gao Yuan had to use his long-hidden thoughts to protect the lonely sail under their feet and everyone on it.

In the end, after an unknown amount of time, they finally sailed out of the area affected by the storm.And when the raging wind turns into a cool breeze; the turbulent waves gradually subside; the majestic torrential rain gradually becomes as fine as a cow's hair.The sailors who survived the catastrophe seemed to vent on the deck, and they all started shouting towards the sky.

When everything calmed down on the sea, a ray of golden sunlight shone on all of them through the clouds.The sailors crowded to the stern, looking at the storm that was gradually moving away from them, their eyes were filled with lingering fear

"Look! It's Seagull Town!"

As an exclamation sounded on the deck, everyone on the ship turned their heads and looked sideways.Taking advantage of the afterglow of the setting sun on the sea level, they saw the bright lighthouse in Seagull Town, like an everlasting towering tree, standing on the edge of a cliff above the port, offering a reminder for those who lost their way at sea. The child guides the way home.

 There are a lot of metaphors in this chapter, so I'm young.The next chapter picks up the pace, it's poisonous to write such delicate stuff.

(End of this chapter)

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