Chapter 302 No Choice
"When was this letter delivered?" Catelyn raised the letter raft from King's Landing in her hand, and she asked Ser Rodrik loudly, "When a bird brings a message, you should call Wake me up!"

"According to Miss Mia Stone, the raven carrying the letter raft arrived at the Eagle's Nest City in the early morning!" Sir Rodrik replied honestly, "The letter raft was first delivered to the Duke of Gaoyuan, and passed through Gaoyuan. After my lord had seen it, it was passed on to me through the hand of Ms. Mia Shidong."

"Miss Mia Shidong told me to wait until you wake up, madam, before handing over the letter to you."

"It's such an important matter, you should wake me up immediately!" Caitlin insisted.

"Miss Mia Shidong also said that Lord Gaoyuan has sent an urgent call to Sir Nestor of Gate of the Moon below, and Duke Gaoyuan intends to talk to you after meeting Sir Nestor."

"It's Mia Stone again. Has she become the mouthpiece of Duke Gao Yuan?" Caitlin frowned at the moment, "Does the illegitimate daughter really think that she can be in the position because of this?"

"Sir Rodrik, where is Lord Gaoyuan now?" Caitlin's face turned ashen at this moment, "I don't care when he plans to come to talk to me again, or whether he has finished the meeting with Lord Nestor, I will I'm going to see him right now."

"Lord Gao Yuan must be receiving Sir Nestor in the castle hall at this moment."

"Go back to your room and pack up later. We've been in this canyon for too long. No matter what the outcome of the negotiations with Duke Gao Yuan is, it's time for us to leave." Caitlin ordered, " Since that vicious woman, Queen Cersei, sent a letter to the Eyrie, she must have sent a similar letter to Winterfell."

"My duty is to accompany my three sons in Winterfell. Robb must have gone crazy after hearing the news. Neither I nor Ned are by his side at the moment. I don't know what he will do. stupid thing."

"Sir Rodrik, if your strength is still strong enough, after I meet with Duke Gao Yuan, I will ask him to send someone to escort us to Seagull Town, and we will take a boat back from there."

"Going to the boat again." Sir Rodrik's face turned blue when he heard that he was going back to the north from the sea again, but he still held back and did not tremble, "Madam, I will follow your orders."

Caitlin summoned the maid Gao Yuan sent to her, while the old knight waited outside the door.While letting the maid change her clothes, she was thinking about how to persuade Gao Yuan to send troops to help herself and Ned after seeing Gao Yuan later.Thinking of the illegitimate daughter who had been by Gao Yuan's side all the time, Caitlin gritted her teeth with hatred.

Thinking of this, Caitlin suddenly became worried.

The righteous boy Caitlyn knew in Winterfell was long gone.Since the day they parted at the Xianglong Inn, Gao Yuan has become more and more unfathomable in her eyes, and the depth of her mind has become more and more frightening.

As the chances of getting along increased, Caitlin also found that Duke Gaoyuan was gradually proficient in manipulating those political means.He no longer uttered the words of justice, and his acting style became more and more cautious and his emotions and anger were not displayed, as if he had concerns about everyone around him.

The worst thing is that he is now starting to care about the gains and losses of interests. She is very worried that Gao Yuan will refuse to send troops to aid them, and he is worried that Gao Yuan will suddenly fall to the Lannister family because of interests.Although Caitlin still believes in Gao Yuan's conduct, no one can guarantee that he can still maintain his original aspirations in the face of huge interests.

"My husband helped him a lot," Catelyn said to Ser Roderick as she followed him up the stairs of the tower toward the cold, pale halls of the Eyrie. "When we asked him to send troops, he couldn't forget that."

"Ma'am, I believe Lord Gao Yuan will not forget." Sir Rodrik twirled the beard on his chin.During the period of recuperating in Moon Gate Castle, his beard grew back again, white as snow and bushy, and now his appearance is almost the same as before.

"I heard the news from Maester Comont that the Duke of High and Far has handed over a thousand elite soldiers to your uncle, and ordered him to lead the troops to rescue the riverlands and Riverrun City." Sir Rodrik comforted, "You want I understand that the reason why Duke Gao Yuan did this was not because of your request, Madam."

"Compared to the current crisis facing Riverrun and the [-] Lannister army, the thousand elite soldiers that Uncle Brynden took away are just a drop in the bucket."

"One thousand elite soldiers is indeed not a lot, but Ma'am, you must know that the Lannister family has not shown any hostility towards Duke Gaoyuan and the East." Sir Rodrik explained, "Lord Gaoyuan has no obligation to help Riverrun cross the city." To overcome the difficulties, the reason why he ordered Sir Brynden the Blackfish to bring a thousand elite soldiers to the rescue of Riverrun, isn't this the Lord Gaoyuan expressing his attitude to you and the Lannister family, madam?"

"The king is dead."

As soon as the two people who climbed to the top of the tower reached the door of the hall, they heard a distant voice coming from inside through the weirwood door.Catelyn and Ser Rodrik exchanged glances, and then Ser Rodrik pushed open the weirwood door.

The two strode into the hall, and saw that Gao Yuan was sitting on the throne carved out of weirwood at the moment, and the Evening Star Golden Dragon flag, which symbolized the family of Duke Gao Yuan, was flying above his head.Seeing Caitlin leading Sir Rodrik into the hall from a distance, the conversation between Gao Yuan and Sir Nestor came to an abrupt end.

"Master Gao Yuan, I have something to talk to you about!"

Mrs. Caitlin passed Sir Nestor and came to Gao Yuan. At this moment, there was only a moon gate between them.

Gao Yuan got up from the throne helplessly, "Mrs. Stark, I remember I said I'll talk to you about your husband later!"

"We're talking now!" Kaitlyn unconsciously raised her voice.This move of hers immediately attracted the common eyes of Sir Nestor and Mia Stone.

"Mrs. Stark, the reason why my lord treats you so politely is because you are the wife of Duke Stark." Sir Nestor couldn't help frowning, "But please don't forget where this is?"

"This is the Eagle's Nest City, of course I haven't forgotten it!" Caitlin turned her head and said coldly, "I just wonder if Mr. Gao Yuan still remember how you became the master of this castle?"

"Sir Nestor, don't be rude! Lady Caitlin is our honored guest." Gao Yuan first reprimanded Sir Nestor in the audience, and then he promised Mrs. Caitlin, "I will never forget the help Lord Stark gave me, Lady Catelyn!"

"You better not forget!" Caitlin took out the letter sent from King's Landing from her bosom, "This letter was delivered to the Eagle's Nest City in the early morning, why didn't you let the rice Ms. Ya Shidong handed it over to me?"

"Madam, if you read the back of the letter carefully, you will understand that the recipient of this letter is me, not you!" Gao Yuan looked at the other party and frowned, "It's just because the content of the letter is different from that of your husband, madam. Regarding the matter, I ordered Ms. Mia Shidong out of courtesy to forward the letter to you and ask you to read it."

"Oh, out of politeness! What a good one out of politeness!" Lady Caitlin sneered, "My husband is a prisoner; my son intends to call my husband's vassals to declare war on Lannister; my two daughters are King's Landing is alive or dead; and you say you're only passing the news to me out of courtesy."

"What's the difference between you and me if you know this news earlier or later?" Gao Yuan asked, "At this moment, we are all in the Eagle's Nest City, thousands of miles away from King's Landing. Winterfell is a thousand miles away."

"I understand your anxiety, madam, but you can't solve any problems by venting your anger and dissatisfaction to me right now."

"You should therefore be as calm and patient as I am."

"Lord Gao Yuan, you simply cannot understand my mood at the moment. Family is more important to me than anything else, and you are still talking about calmness and patience with me!" Caitlin pretended to be polite, and even she couldn't bear it.

"If you still want to participate in our next conversation, madam, you'd better remain calm and be patient." His tone seemed to put an end to this dispute, "Sir Nestor just said from the following Moon Gate Fort came up, he doesn’t know much about the current situation and your husband’s current situation, you must give him a chance to understand the cause and effect of the matter, right?”

Mrs. Caitlin was at a loss for words when she heard the words. She really didn't think about it that much just now. At this moment, she has already begun to regret her impulsive behavior just now.

"Sir Nestor, where did we just talk?" Seeing that Caitlin stopped talking, Gao Yuan turned his head and prepared to continue the conversation with Nestor Royce just now.

"My lord, you just said that the news came from King's Landing that the king has passed away."

"That's right." Gao Yuan murmured, "Besides, there is another news, and this news is related to Mrs. Caitlin."

"That's Lady Caitlin's husband, Duke Eddard Stark accused of treason." Gao Yuan looked at Caitlin, wanting to see how she reacted at the moment, but Caitlin just looked at him expressionlessly, "The letter the raven has brought us from King's Landing says that Lord Stark conspired with Robert's two brothers to take Prince Joffrey's throne."

"My husband will never do such a disgraceful thing!" Having said that, Caitlin's tone seemed a little hesitant at the moment.There seemed to be a disdainful voice whispering in her heart at this moment: What honor is there for Ned to have a bastard child with some woman?

"He just did what he was supposed to do!" Madam Caitlin deliberately drew out her tone, trying to hide her hesitation, "No matter what those people in King's Landing say, I always believe that what Ned did It was the right choice."

"Of course, these are just one-sided words of Queen Cersei." Gao Yuan affirmed Caitlin's statement, "Madam, I have always believed in your husband. I believe that everyone here believes in Lord Stark as much as I do. Lord Tucker's character will never do anything against his honor."

"But this letter is written in the name of your daughter Sansa Stark." Gao Yuan told Mrs. Caitlin, "According to the contents of the letter, Miss Sansa Stark wrote a total of four such letters." The recipients include the Heir of House Stark of Winterfell, Lord Hoster Tully of Riverrun, Lord Stannis Baratheon of Dragonstone, and us of the Eyrie."

"It also bears the seal of Lord Stark."

Caitlin confidently flipped through the notes on the letter, and the font and notes on it seemed indeed written by her daughter Sansa.Because the news on the letter was too shocking before, Caitlin didn't have time to tell who wrote the above content.

However, this is good news for Caitlin.Since the letter was written by Sansa, it at least shows that Sansa's personal safety in King's Landing is guaranteed.

After calming down, Caitlin finally had patience this time and began to carefully review the contents of the letter
But the more confident Catelyn looked at the contents of the letter, the colder she felt: King Robert is dead, and Robb and his mother should hurry to the Red Castle to swear allegiance to Joffrey.She said we must be faithful, and when she married Joffrey, she would beg her husband to spare her father's life.

My poor daughter, you never said a word about Arya.No, Sansa didn't say a word about her sister, what happened to my other daughter.Caitlin thought sadly.

"This is indeed Sansa's note, but what it contains should be the meaning of Queen Cersei." Caitlin shook her head heavily, "Lord Gao Yuan, they also ask you to go to King's Landing to declare your allegiance to the new king."

"Ms. Stark, do you think I will follow their orders to go to King's Landing and swear allegiance to the so-called new king Joffrey?" Gao Yuan sneered, "The Lannister family has no credibility at all, During the Reaver's War, they tricked the mad king Aerys into opening the gates of King's Landing, and what did the mad king get?"

"The Lannister army sacked the whole city of King's Landing; the mad king Aerys was brutally pierced by the sword of the kingslayer; Prince Rhaegar Targaryen's wife and son did not survive"

"Mrs. Caitlin, let me ask you, is the Stark family planning to surrender to the Lannister family?" Gao Yuan smiled meaningfully at Caitlin.

"My husband is now held in the dungeon of the Red Castle by them, and my two daughters are now in their hands." Caitlin seemed a little hesitant, "But my son Robb Stark, never Will allow us to surrender to the Lannisters."

"He has now summoned the northern vassals under Ned, and I believe he will soon lead the northern army south. Soon, Robb will respond to the request of King's Landing with practical actions."

(End of this chapter)

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