The Heavens: The Magical World Begins with The Lord of the Rings

Chapter 33 Chasing and Killing 【Please recommend】 【Please collect】

Chapter 33 Chasing and Killing 【Please recommend】 【Please collect】

Gandalf's eyes were fixed. He had already expected that there was a problem in Dol Guldur, but at the Holy White Conference held by the White Daoist Society, Saruman did not allow him to lead the members of the White Daoist Society to attack Dol Guldur.

However, with the support of Galadriel, after leaving Rivendell, he still found the brown-robed wizard Redagast, his old friend.

Ask him to closely observe the movements of Mirkwood and Dol Guldur.

At this time, Radagast came to look for him not far away from Dol Guldur or Rossgobel (where Radagast lived in the movie.), so he must have discovered something terrible.

"What has happened? Redagast," asked Gandalf.

However, this brown-robed wizard Redagast, who has been in the dark forest all year round and accompanied by animals, is obviously a little too excited, or too tired.

He hesitated for a long time, but still didn't say anything.

It was not until Gandalf took a stick insect out of his mouth that he could barely express what he wanted to express.

"The Greenwood is sick, Gandalf."

"The darkness is eroding the land, the plants are no longer growing and the animals are being frightened."

Gao Yuan curled his lips when he heard the words, what he said was nonsense.

Ever since the elves there moved away from Dol Guldur hundreds of years ago, the Greenwood was no longer worthy of its name.

Those lands and forests eroded by dark forces are now called Mirkwood. How long has it been since the brown-robed wizard walked out of the forest where he lived?

"Worse are the cobwebs"

What Redagast said next caught Gao Yuan's attention. The only famous spiders in Middle-earth are Ugoliant and its children.

Those were some huge spiders, and the Two Sacred Trees were also killed by Ugoliant and Morgoth.

It is not a good omen that the children of Ugoliant appeared in Ross Gobel, which is very far away from Dol Gurdur.

This shows that the dark power from Dol Gurdur is further eroding the territory of the green forest.

"Do Guldur, that fort has been abandoned a long time ago. The guys who were there left after they knew we had discovered their existence." Gandalf took out his pipe and began to puff again. , which was a habit of Gandalf when he was bored.

Redagast's expression became serious.

"No, Gandalf, the fellows you found are back there again."

And so Radagast began to tell of what he had discovered during his investigation into Dol Guldur.

When he discovered that the giant spiders came out of Dol Guldur, he went to the abandoned fortress to investigate.

In that place of dark power, he saw the Witch-King of Angmar and was attacked by him.

After a struggle, Redagast repelled the evil ring spirit and obtained the weapon he left behind.

Devil's Nest Sword - a sword specially cast for the Witch King of Angmar. After the Witch King of Angmar was defeated, he was buried and sealed together with him.

Just after defeating the Witch King of Angmar, he saw a necromancer appear before him, who not only pronounced his name, but tried to curse him.

Redagast, who knew he was invincible, had to flee there quickly.

Speaking of this, Redagast's emotions began to become agitated again, so Gandalf had to wipe his pipe, and then asked Redagast to take two puffs to calm down.

"The Witch King of Angmar, are you sure?" Gandalf asked excitedly.

"Someone once claimed to have found the Witch King of Angmar, but I have no evidence and cannot convince the members of the White Daoist Society." Gandalf said, and glanced at Gao Yuan who was standing aside.

"I need evidence to convince Saruman and them." Gandalf said in a deep voice.

When Redagast heard this, he took out the sword of Morgul that he had obtained in Dol Guldur, and handed it into Gandalf's hand.

Gandalf patted Redagast on the shoulder appreciatively, just as he was about to say something.

As a result, the howling of wargs from the forest interrupted their conversation.

Everyone looked around in horror.

Gandalf looked at Redagast: "They came with you?"

Redagast shook his head.

At this time Gao Yuan stood up, and he handed over a wanted warrant to Gandalf.

"I'm afraid we have been targeted before we set off from Shire. They have been following us." The wanted warrant was exactly the wanted warrant for Thorin in Bree.

Although Gao Yuan was already familiar with the plot, he didn't associate this arrest warrant with the orcs.

At this moment, a warg screamed and jumped down from a rock above everyone's heads.

Seeing that the warg was about to bite Dwalin's neck, Gao Yuan reacted immediately, and pressed the wolf to the ground with super power, Gao Yuan pulled out the black sword in his hand, and smashed the wolf's head cut off.

However, this is only the beginning, and more Wargs are coming.

"Kili, use the bow!" Thorin yelled.

All the dwarves drew their weapons one after another.

The three wolves were dealt with by the dwarves in no time.

Gao Yuan pulled the black sword out of the wolf's body: "These are the vanguard of the wolf, and the orc army is near us."

Bilbo asked now: "Orcs? Shouldn't they not appear in the daytime?"

Gao Yuan picked up Bilbo's neck.

"Pack up your things and go, Bilbo. Orcs hate the day, no, they don't appear in the day."

At this time Nuoli stood up and said: "No way, our war horses are all lost, we can't outrun the orcs who own the wolf."

Gandalf cried angrily, "That's better than nothing, and run as far as you can."

Redagast interjected at this moment: "I'll lure the enemy away."

Gandalf does not want Redagast to sacrifice himself.

"They are Gundaba wargs (wild species in the Misty Mountains, they are faster and have language to communicate with each other.), how could you outrun them?"

Redagast pointed to his sled and smiled coldly: "These are Ross Gobert's rabbits, I want to see who can run faster!"

Seeing that Redagast was so confident, Gandalf could only nod in agreement.

So the soldiers divided into two groups, Ridagast was on the ride, and the sleigh pulled by the Rabbit Rossgober attracted the attention of the Orc Warg Cavalry, while the Dwarf Expeditionary Team took this opportunity to escape.

Soon, the orc cavalry was attracted by Redagast's taunt and moved away from where the expedition team was.

Taking this opportunity, the Dwarf Expeditionary Team began to flee in another direction.

Under the leadership of Gandalf, the expedition fled in the direction of Rivendell, and soon fled into the territory of Rivendell.

As they fled, they avoided the sight of the orcs.

I don't know how far they ran, everyone was tired enough, so they stopped for a while to rest.

At this time, Thorin finally discovered that there was something wrong with the escape route led by Gandalf.

"Where are you taking us, Gandalf?" asked Thorin.

 Wait for a test to push the water to help.

  It’s [-] words. If you haven’t tested the water next week, you can only wait for the smart recommendation to save your life.

  Wow, so cool 0-0

(End of this chapter)

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