The Heavens: The Magical World Begins with The Lord of the Rings

Chapter 47 Trap and Determination 【For collection】【For further reading】

Chapter 47 Trap and Determination 【For collection】【For further reading】

At this time, it was the dead of night, and the storm that ravaged the Misty Mountains had already stopped.

The cave where the expedition team was located was pitch black, and the torches used for lighting were extinguished due to insufficient fuel, but there was still a slight glimmer of light, which would not make it difficult to see the five fingers in the cave.

The cave, which was originally fairly wide, was now full of sleeping dwarves, making it impossible for people to set foot.

Everyone was exhausted today. After more than ten days of long-distance travel, they encountered the thrilling battle of rock giants. The dwarves were exhausted physically and mentally, and fell asleep after a simple dinner.

Gao Yuan was covered with a blanket, leaning on a rock and closing his eyes to rest. He looked at Bilbo from time to time.

Because he knew that when the goblins approached them, the sting sword on Bilbo's waist would emit a blue light as a warning.

Gao Yuan could tell at a glance that the hobbit was still awake at the moment, and he was lying motionless on the ground with his arms folded.

When a normal person sleeps, he will never remain motionless for several hours. The only explanation is that he is pretending to be asleep.

After an unknown amount of time, Gao Yuan noticed that the stabbing sword at Bilbo's waist was emitting a faint blue light from the scabbard, and he knew that the time had come.

Bofur, who was on duty at night, apparently also noticed this abnormal phenomenon.

Bewildered, Bofur stood up, walked carefully to Bilbo's side, and shook Bilbo's body.

Bilbo, who had been tossing and turning, opened his eyes immediately.

"What's the matter?" asked Bilbo in a low voice.

Although Bilbo tried his best to suppress his speaking volume, it was still very obvious in this silent cave, and his voice also awakened Thorin Oakenshield, who had been on high alert.

He opened his eyes and looked at Bofur and Bilbo who were talking.

Bofur pointed to the sting sword at Bilbo's waist.

"What's in your place?"

Bilbo looked bewildered, and he looked in the direction of Bofur's finger, only to see that the Sting Sword that was originally hanging on his waist was emitting a faint blue light.

He sat up and slowly pulled out the stinging sword, only to see that the sword was shining with blue light, and that blue light illuminated the dark cave.

Thorin stood up in shock, and he took out the beast-biting sword on his body, only to see that it was also shining with blue light.

He looked around, only to see that the grains of sand that had been spread under the dwarves began to flow away rapidly, and cracks appeared on the sand.

When the sand grains were almost lost, Sorin realized that this was not ground at all, and all the stone slabs were hidden under the sand.

Thorin immediately became alert and shouted loudly: "Get up!"

The dwarves who were sleeping were awakened by Thorin's voice, and they quickly touched the weapons beside them.

"It's a trap!"

Sorin reacted very quickly, but it was too late.

The flaps were activated one by one, and the dwarves were caught off guard. Everyone fell into the tunnel under the flaps, including Bilbo, who was in a daze.

And because Gao Yuan was familiar with the plot, he had already prepared himself mentally, so he didn't fall like the dwarves.

At this moment, he is relying on his own power to suspend in mid-air.

The screams and exclamations of the dwarves who fell into the tunnel could be heard in my ears.

Gao Yuan tilted his head, secretly thanking himself that he knew the plot. If he bumped around in the tunnel below like the dwarves, he might be knocked out of his head.

He used his mind to control his body, and also entered the tunnel below him. When Gao Yuan entered the tunnel, the replica on it was flipped over again and returned to its original state.

Accompanied by the screams and exclamations of the dwarves, more than a dozen dwarves fell out of a narrow hole, and they fell into a palm-shaped cage.

Many dwarves were stacked together. The last dwarf to fall was Pangbo. He was the fattest. The dwarves had already suffered a lot in the tunnel. Groin was crushed at the bottom by Pangbo. He and Fili almost died on the spot.

Before the dwarves recovered their strength, they saw a large number of goblins rushing towards them. Compared with the dwarves, they were shorter and extremely ugly. Humans are disgusting, and half-orcs look much better than them.

The ugly goblins uttered strange screams and rushed towards the dwarves.

"Go away, you dirty beast."

"Get out of here!"

"Don't touch me with your dirty hands"

"Damn you, you're going to do this"

"You will regret it."

The dwarves have just fallen from the top, and they are still in a mess. They haven't recovered yet.

The palm-shaped cage was already crowded with thirteen dwarves and a hobbit, but now it was crowded by a group of ugly goblins.

These goblins squeezed forward, and it was difficult for them to even shake their fists, let alone find their weapons that had disappeared, and there was no room for resistance.

Soon the dwarves were captured by these goblins, and their weapons were taken away by the goblins.

Every dwarf was surrounded by at least four or five goblins, who grabbed the dwarves by their hands and feet.

The dwarves cursed, but there was nothing they could do. The frustrated and depressed dwarves could only be pushed forward by the goblins.

In the chaos, Bilbo was also advancing in the crowd, but as he walked, he suddenly found that no goblin seemed to notice him, and they pushed the dwarves forward on their own.

With an idea, Bilbo suddenly squatted down and curled himself into a ball, and the goblins ignored him.

Nuoli, who was struggling, accidentally saw Bilbo who was squatting on the ground pretending to be an ostrich, with a look of disbelief.

Finding that he had escaped, Bilbo fled into the shadows, and watched as the dwarves were carried away.

When the goblins were gone, Bilbo stood up and drew out the sting sword from his waist, which was still shining with blue light at this moment.

Looking at the light on Sting Sword, Bilbo hesitated, wondering if he should save the dwarves.

He remembered all the ridicule and insults the dwarves had given him before, especially what Thorin said, that there was no place for him in the expedition team.

At this time, Bilbo's mind echoed again. In Rivendell, what Arwen, Gao Yuan's elf girlfriend, said to him: "Perhaps in the future, its current or future master will be in a great adventure. , use it to write a legendary story."

Bilbo thought of Gao Yuan, if Gao Yuan was standing here at this moment, how would he choose?

He would definitely save those dwarves without hesitation. After all, he was so powerful that he would be able to save the dwarves from the hands of goblins.

"This is your chance to prove yourself, Bilbo. Thorin Oakenshield said there was no place for you in the ranks, and now you can prove to him that he is wrong." rang in the mind.

Bilbo turned around and looked at the palm-shaped cage, but unfortunately there was no one there, Gao Yuan was not there.

"Fight!" Bilbo made up his mind.

Holding the sting sword in his hand, he bowed his waist and walked in the direction the goblins left.

(End of this chapter)

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