Chapter 50 Temple Escape
Gao Yuan nodded, then stood in the center protected by Sorin and the others, and closed his eyes.

A large amount of mental power escaped from Gao Yuan's body and spread around.His mental power is the same as super power, it can only cover a range of about 150 meters.

At this time, he is observing the original appearance of the world from the perspective of spiritual power, from the perspective of spiritual power.

The world he sees with his spiritual power is the same as the world seen by the hobbit wearing the Lord of the Rings in the movie, as if he is in a ghost world.

Netherworld, where is the realm of death, is a place where only high elves (the elves with the halo of the holy tree are called high elves, such as Galadriel. Those without halos are called dark elves or wood elves, etc.) and rings A realm that spirits can enter.

No one can exist in the real world and the nether world at the same time, unless he wears the Supreme Lord of the Rings.

The form of the high elves can only stay in the real world, but the power from their souls can also exist in the netherworld.

As for the ring spirits, they are undead creatures that only exist in the nether world, and are the products of corruption and corruption by the Lord of the Rings. Although they can also affect things in the real world, they have no physical existence in the real world.

Of course, Gao Yuan didn't enter the Nether Realm at this time, but the world he saw was similar to what he saw in the Nether Realm.

This is a dark world without any color, but if there is a high elf standing in the high field of vision at this time, then there will be a trace of color in this black and white world.

In Gaoyuan's system panel, the spiritual energy bar was dropping rapidly, and didn't stop until it dropped by more than half.

Suddenly, Gao Yuan felt a wave coming not far from them, and Gao Yuan felt very familiar with that wave.

It might be Bilbo. Counting the time, he should be being chased by Gollum at this time.

While escaping, Bilbo accidentally put on the Supreme Lord of the Rings and entered the Netherworld.

Besides, Gao Yuan couldn't imagine that at this moment, who else would be outside this world, in the realm of invisible things.

Don't worry about Bilbo, this hobbit has always been lucky, and Gao Yuan has more important things to do now.

He sensed everything around him with his mental power.

"If everything has its shape, it has its fluctuations..."

This is recorded in Rivendell's library, and there are descriptions about the magic in this world by the elves.

In Gao Yuan's understanding, on the other side of this world, there are countless strings, which are the beginning of all things, the continuation of all things, and the end of all things.

Gao Yuan called this string-like thing—the string of the world.

And the mystery of magic is to pluck this string hidden outside the world but within the world.

Listen with your ears and chop with your heart.

Gao Yuan's thought power plus spiritual power slammed into the foundation of everything in this world - the string of the world.

"Boom. Boom"

Far beyond the endless universe beyond the world of Arda, there is the Hall of Eternity.

In the Hall of Eternity, a formless, shadowless, indescribable, and indescribable existence suddenly awakened, and his divine power "looked" in the direction of Arda.

This indescribable existence is the creator of the Arda world, the beginning of all things, and the existence of the inextinguishable fire that can create all things from nothingness. He is Yiru Iluvita.

"The strings playing "Ainu's Great Movement" were plucked." The omniscient God said in a little surprise.

Hearing Iluvita's muttering, a life form in the form of light quickly flew to Iluvita and asked, "Great Eru, do you need to inform Manwe and the others to investigate?"

Iluvita was silent for a moment.

"No, the immutable grand movement is not my original intention, and my later sons and daughters will make it more exciting."

Return to the depths of the Misty Mountains of Middle-earth.

With Gaoyuan as the center, an invisible wave swept through the void within a range of 150 meters, but the influence of this wave did not stop within the range of 150 meters.

Thorin and the other dwarves obviously also noticed this abnormal phenomenon, and they looked around in horror.

Immediately afterwards, the huge cave where the orc town was located in the depths of the Misty Mountains began to tremble violently.

"Is it an earthquake?" Balin looked around in horror.

The tunnels and caves began to tremble violently, and the caves began to collapse. Countless rubble fell from the roof of the cave, hitting the goblin buildings below.

Countless goblins standing on plank roads, suspension bridges and wooden frames fell off the cliff because they did not stand firm or were crushed by falling boulders, and more goblins were directly crushed to death by falling boulders .

"It's the magic of our ranger. This is the power of Gaoyuan, which is far stronger than Gandalf's!" Thorin, who was protecting Gaoyuan, exclaimed.

Gao Yuan opened his eyes suddenly, his face was full of shock, it was too bad.

In fact, long before joining the expedition, when he was studying spiritual power in Rivendell, he discovered the existence of strings in this world.

However, because he was in Rivendell at the time, and he didn't know what the consequences would be if he touched this string, and he expected that touching this string might require a lot of mental power, so he never tried it. Do.

Today is the first attempt, but I didn't expect it to have such a big impact. The string he touched is the world string that is closely related to the Misty Mountains.

His actions just now directly triggered a major earthquake that is about to sweep across most of the Misty Mountains. Gao Yuan can no longer predict what impact this earthquake will have on the half-orc town where he and the expedition team are located. Know one thing, get out of here! ! !

At this time, the goblins living in Orc Town had no time to hunt them down anymore, because at this time they themselves were in danger, and maybe the entire Orc Town would be buried in this mountain.

"We have to leave here. This place is about to collapse. If we can't leave before it collapses, we may never be able to leave here." Gao Yuan shouted sharply.

I hope that Bilbo is safe and sound at this time. Although the other party is blessed, Gao Yuan can't guarantee that the hobbit will be safe and sound in this earthquake.

Gao Yuan's words stunned all the dwarves present.

Is it so high?
My good guy, Gandalf at most just collapsed part of the rock, and Gao Yuan is going to bury the entire Orc town directly!

"You all heard what Mr. Gao Yuan said, we have to leave here immediately." Sorin raised the beast-biting sword in his hand and shouted.

So the dwarves followed behind Gao Yuan and started a great escape from the temple.

Numerous gravels fell and collapsed many plank roads and bridges.

The road behind them began to collapse all the way, and wherever the dwarves went, the road collapsed.

The temple escape of Gao Yuan and the dwarves is difficult. Not only do they need to avoid the huge rubble falling from the top of their heads;

Gao Yuan is even more difficult. He still needs to help those dwarves from time to time, leaping over a cliff of more than ten meters. Buried in the belly of the Misty Mountains.

(End of this chapter)

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