Chapter 6 Rivendell
The route of the elf road team headed by Galadriel is exactly the one mentioned above passing through the edge of the Mirkwood.

Worried about being attacked by orcs in the Mirkwood?
Led by Galadriel, the strongest elf in Middle-earth, Gao Yuan believes that no one dares to block their way on their way.

And now Sauron, who turned into a necromancer, is still dormant.

At this moment, he is desperately trying to find his lost Supreme Lord of the Rings. By the way, he is secretly laying out for his plan to rule Middle-earth, so he is very low-key.

The elf team passed through the vicinity of Dol Guldur, where Sauron and the Ringwraiths were hiding, without even seeing a single orc.

The army then marched north along the banks of the Anduin and across the High Pass.

After nearly ten days, they finally saw Rivendell hidden in a hidden valley near the Northern Misty Mountains.

A waterfall seems to pour down from the nine heavens, and the golden brilliance of the sun reflects the river into gold, like a big river flowing with gold.

Because of the water vapor from the waterfall, the valley is shrouded in clouds and mist, and a white palace can be vaguely seen standing on the mountainside beside the valley—that is Rivendell.

To enter Rivendell, you need to pass a stone bridge without guardrails. Under the bridge is a turbulent stream formed by melting alpine snow.

Entering the valley, Gao Yuan discovered that in the valley, there are pavilions, terraces and pavilions, carved railings and painted buildings, vertical and horizontal houses, quiet songs spread far and wide, and flowers and plants are fragrant, just like a fairyland in legend.

Walking across the stone bridge, Elrond, the lord of Rivendell and Arwen's father, had already brought people to wait here for a long time.

Elrond is a very stern-looking person, with an indelible evil spirit between his brows, star-like light in his eyes, and a silver crown on his forehead. He is tall, but slightly Look thin.

"Master Galadriel, long time no see, time flies, you are still as beautiful as the first time I saw you." Elrond walked forward happily, he greeted Galadriel first, He glanced at Gao Yuan and Arwen standing behind Galadriel.

"Elon, long time no see." Galadriel smiled sweetly.

After saying hello to Galadriel, they walked to Arwen who was beside Gao Yuan, and the two hugged cordially: "My daughter, I have been waiting for your arrival in Rivendell, but I have not seen you for a long time. They even sent people to the old ferry to meet you there."

"If Lord Galadriel hadn't told me that you had suspended your trip, I'm afraid I would still be leading people to look for you at this time."

"Father, I made you worry. We encountered a half-orc on the way, so we had to..." Arwen said apologetically.

"You don't need to say that, as long as it's okay." Elrond patted Arwen affectionately.

At this time, Elrond noticed Gao Yuan, the human being standing beside his daughter, and his face suddenly collapsed. He pointed at Gao Yuan, "This is?"

It is always rude to wait for someone to introduce yourself.

Gao Yuan took the initiative to take a step forward, raised his chest and saluted, and began to introduce me: "Hello, respected Lord Elrond, I am a ranger from Rohan, and my name is Gao Yuan."

"Welcome, Ranger Gao Yuan, I think you should be the human ranger that Lord Galadriel mentioned." Faced with Gao Yuan's self-introduction, Elrond remained expressionless.

For some reason, he always looked at the human ranger in front of him a little uncomfortable.

"Has Gandalf arrived?" asked Galadriel.

Elrond frowned: "I don't know, Gandalf is rarely late, I think he should be here soon."

"Saruman has arrived."

"Who is this human? It doesn't look like a person from the west, but more like someone from the east. (Elvish)" Elrond asked Galadriel in Elvish, looking up and down with unfriendly eyes Looking at Gao Yuan.

Apparently, Gao Yuan's eastern face caught Elrond's attention.

Galadriel smiled strangely, and also replied in Elvish language: "You will understand later, but it is trustworthy."

With Galadriel's guarantee, Elrond was relieved, but he was still a little uncomfortable looking at Gao Yuan.

As everyone knows, their conversation was clearly heard by Gao Yuan.

Secretly, Gao Yuan could only spread his hands, expressing his helplessness, after all, he was Arwen's father.

People who grow cabbage will naturally be upset when they see the pigs who grow cabbage.

He and Arwen looked at each other, Arwen's eyes were crescent-shaped, and she smiled sweetly.

After a while of greetings, under the leadership of Elrond, everyone entered Rivendell.

Rivendell had already prepared a dinner for the people who came.

Galadriel was naturally the main seat, with Elrond and Arwen sitting on both sides.

Gao Yuan looked helplessly at the green plants on the dining table and had no appetite.

There is no way, since he entered the Golden Forest, it has been more than a month now. He has eaten all these green foods, and he has never touched any meat. In addition to traveling, he has lost almost ten catties because of this.

At the banquet, Gao Yuan was like a man of air, except that Arwen would cast a gloating look at Gao Yuan occasionally, no one paid attention to him as a human being.

Gao Yuan could only focus on the elf who was playing music for everyone and the wine in the crystal glass in his hand.

Galadriel and Elrond chatted happily on the side, and they praised Galadriel's beauty more. After all, she is a mother-in-law. It should be, and there is no shame.

Occasionally he would bring Arwen to talk about her life in the Golden Forest.

After the dinner, Gao Yuan was arranged to rest in a luxurious room.

Galadriel and Elrond were preparing for the upcoming Holy White Conference. The letter could not describe the whole incident. They needed to exchange information for the conference before the conference started.

After Gao Yuan rested for a while, he frantically burned his spiritual energy in his room, accumulating experience points for the upgrade of his superpower.

In the wild, facing danger at any time, I did not use these mental energy to practice mind power.

Now that he was in a safe environment, his spiritual energy had no place to use, so he could squander it at will.

He didn't go to Arwen, after all, this is the home of his future father-in-law, and there are people from Elrond everywhere.

The acquaintance time between him and Arwen is still short, and the relationship has not been really confirmed.

If anyone saw it and told Elrond, it would be a big trouble.

Elrond and Galadriel talked for a long time.

After Galadriel left, Arwen, who had been hiding in the distance for a long time, appeared.

She had already changed into a pure white gauze dress.

"Good evening, Arwen!" Elrond greeted kindly.

Both Elrond and Arwen are thousands of years old. The long years have made the family relationship between the two stronger. Although they haven't seen each other for many years, the two naturally have a tacit understanding.

Elrond he knew.

At this moment, his daughter is not resting in the room, so she must want to have a chat with him.

The two walked to a white pavilion.

"Father, were you just discussing about Mirkwood and Dol Guldur?" Arwen asked.

Elrond nodded solemnly: "Master Galadriel has noticed some unusual things are happening in Dol Guldur. She thinks that there is a dark force secretly surging. She also mentioned the Ringwraith to me. Said it might be Angmar, the Witch-king."

"Gaoyuan saw it?" Arwen asked quickly. She was born in 241 of the third era. The army even besieged the entire Rivendell for a time.

She also knew how terrible the return of the Witch King Angmar would be.

"How do you know?" asked Elrond.

"Gao Yuan once told me everything he saw in Dol Guldur, but he didn't mention anything about the Ring Spirits."

Elrond was not surprised to hear Arwen's answer, and the human ranger Gao Yuan told Arwen that it was normal.

But he always felt something was wrong, he stared into Arwen's eyes.

Elrond's stern eyes made Arwen subconsciously dodge her eyes, and she didn't dare to look directly into her father's eyes.

Absolutely wrong! ! !
An ominous premonition swept through his body instantly.

"You came to me tonight, you must have something important to tell me?" Elrond suppressed the anger in his heart.

 Second update today
(End of this chapter)

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