Chapter 60 The Eagle's Nest
In the forest, a huge black shadow descended from the sky, like a propeller fighter jet diving at high speed, it flew across the open space in the forest in an instant.

The huge eagle talons were like a sharp blade, and instantly slashed across where the goblins were. Dozens of goblins were torn apart in an instant, and a small number of goblins were taken high into the sky by the sharp claws, and thrown from the sky. into the forest.

The Eagle King's hawk screamed in the sky, and the big eagles who were with him swooped down. Several big eagles flapped their huge wings, came to the expedition team and others, and gently grabbed them and fell to the ground. Dwarves and Bilbo.

Dozens of other big eagles pounced on the goblins and half-orcs in the forests and clearings.

The half-orcs roared angrily, and they threw their spears into the sky, but they were all blown away by the airflow from the eagle's wings. The huge air pressure even knocked these half-orc cavalry off their worgs.

Orcs and goblins, either fell to the ground, or staggered back and forth, could not escape the fate of being torn apart by sharp claws.

When their huge wings flap, even the pine trees in the forest can be broken. The orcs and goblins were caught off guard by the sudden giant beast. They ran around in the forest, and soon the scene fell into chaos. in chaos.

Gao Yuan, who had seen the dwarves, Bilbo and others being rescued and was about to intercept the pale half-orc Azog, stopped when he saw this chaotic scene, because he didn't know Azog and Azog at this time. Where is his son now, they had already fled when the eagle came.

Gao Yuan stopped above the forest, looking at the scattered and fled enemies, and sighed.

However, he still joined in the action of the big eagle hunting and killing the enemy. The weapons discarded by countless orcs and goblins gathered around Gao Yuan. They turned into a dragon, shuttled continuously through the forest, and pounced on the enemy. the densest area.

When Gao Yuan traveled through the forest and couldn't find a single orc or goblin, he stopped chasing and killing, and returned to the open space that had just experienced a big battle.

There are still a few big eagles hovering over the forest. With their sharp eyes, they can always see the remaining half-orcs and goblins in the forest. As long as those guys are spotted by the big eagles, they will start to dive from high altitude, To the forest, tear them apart, or fall to their death.

The members of the expedition team had already been taken away by the Eagle King, leaving Gao Yuan alone.

Soon the remaining big eagles came to him. They landed on the ground full of scars, combed their feathers, and looked at Gao Yuan flying towards them with eyes full of wisdom.

"Hello, Messenger of Vera, the Eagle King asked us to take you to the Eagle's Nest after the battle. Your companion is also there at this time." Gao Yuan, a big eagle, said gently.

Gao Yuan put the Evening Star Blade in his waist, and the big eagle just glanced at the sword in Gao Yuan's waist.

"I'm sorry, I'm not the messenger of Vera, I'm just an ordinary human being. Please take me to the Eagle's Nest, respected Messenger of Manwe." Gao Yuan said respectfully.

The big eagle spread its huge wings, bent down, and turned the wide bird's back to Gao Yuan.

"Come on, please don't grab the feathers."

Gao Yuan nodded, and climbed up the back of the big eagle cautiously. After Gao Yuan sat firmly, the big eagle jumped lightly, flapped its wings, and flew into the sky in an instant.

Gao Yuan saw that the peaks where the eagle's nest was located were getting closer and closer. The golden light of the morning light had already shone on the highest peak among the peaks. There was the residence of the Eagle King, and it was covered with snow all year round. Even though it was still summer, seeing The thick snow still made Gao Yuan shiver.

Big Eagle put Gao Yuan down in front of a huge platform.

They didn't speak anymore, but stood there, combing their own feathers and sharpening their giant beaks.

Gao Yuan hesitated to speak, he actually wanted to say thank you to these big eagles, but seeing the cold look of the other party, he just bowed down and saluted.

Walking into the eagle king's nest, he saw the members of the expedition team who had been taken away before. They were sitting on the ground, feasting on the eagle's nest. The eagles found a lot of meat and firewood for them.

Seeing Gao Yuan coming, they cheered and handed the food in front of Gao Yuan. Gao Yuan just shook his head and rejected their kindness.

Then he looked at the Eagle King who was lying there without saying a word.

Gao Yuan bowed and saluted: "Dear Manwe Messenger, thank you for saving me and my companions from the evil orcs and goblins."

The Eagle King opened his eyes and looked at Gao Yuan. He didn't feel any Vera's breath on Gao Yuan. He was just like an ordinary human being, which made the Eagle King very puzzled.

"We also hate those evil half-orcs and goblins. They are always active around the Misty Mountains. Rescuing your companions is just a matter of convenience. Dear Mr. Maya, I don't know which Vala sect you are Messenger coming?"

Gao Yuan shook his head. I don't know why the big eagles all regard themselves as Maiya, and Maia was sent to Middle-earth by the Valar, but there are only five people including Gandalf.

"I think there may be some misunderstanding. I am not the messenger of Vera, but before we crossed the Misty Mountains, there was a wizard in our team. His name is Gandalf. I don't know if you know him."

Speaking of Gandalf, the eagle king is not sleepy.

"It turns out that you are Gandalf's friends. He once helped me heal the arrow wound on my wing. I haven't had time to thank him. I hope you will say thank you for me next time you meet him."

The King Eagle rose to his feet and spread his huge wings, where a feather was missing in one very obvious place.

Gao Yuan smiled bitterly: "The next time we see Gandalf, we will definitely pass on your thanks to him, but we don't know where he is now."

"Quack. He often travels to and from the mountains. He doesn't always stay in one place. He has always been like this." The Eagle King quacked.

"I think he'll be back soon, for we've had a hard time without Gandalf."

Gao Yuan said with some depression that his words aroused deep approval from the dwarves.

Look at what fairy encounters they have encountered along the way. First, they encountered a rare rock giant war on the cliff; The joint pursuit of Orcs and Goblins.

"You are not a Maier, which surprises me. I have never seen a human being as powerful as you. Can you tell me your name?" Eagle King asked.

There is nothing to hide Gao Yuan's name, he generously told the Eagle King his name.

"You can rest here for a while, after that, I will let the other big eagles send you away, but we will not send you to Rovanian."

Rovanian, that is, the great wilderness where Mirkwood and Greenwood are located, the dividing line between the Misty Mountains and Rovanian, that is, the Anduin River that stretches across the north and south of Middle-earth.

The Eagle meant that they would not cross the Anduin.

"We won't go near the human realm there, they will shoot us with huge yew bows." Eagle King obviously didn't want to send them to any inhabited place, so he explained to Gao Yuan and the others, "Because they always think We'd catch their sheep, although we never did."

"We are very happy to destroy the plan of the orcs, and we are happy to repay Gandalf for the help he gave me, but we will not risk our lives to fly over those areas just because you are his friend."

Gao Yuan solemnly expressed his gratitude to the Eagle King.

"You are willing to send us a ride. We are already very happy. We owe you too much, so how dare you expect to send us further. You can send us to the place you want to send us."

Eagle King nodded.

"I will ask my people to send you to Karl Rock, so that you don't have to worry about crossing the river."

 Thanks to the book friends for a monthly ticket for Queen Xi's niche

  Thank you book friend Qianmendenghuo for a monthly ticket

  Please follow up, please collect, and I will be recommending it soon. The editor said that I still hope to make a recommendation next week. I hope readers can support Pudding more.

(End of this chapter)

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