Chapter 63 Gathering in Dol Guldur
The giant bear seemed to understand Gao Yuan's words, and it stopped struggling after being pinned down by the giant dragon. A pair of big black eyes stared at the stone dragon in front of it curiously.

Shilong just clamped his throat, and didn't intend to kill him. The dwarves poked their heads out from their hiding positions curiously. The neck of the bear.

Everyone breathed a sigh of relief, and just as Gao Yuan was waiting for the skin-changing man to stand up and transform back into a human form, the giant bear exploded again.


The giant bear let out a roar, and directly slapped Shi Long away in front of him, then turned around and leaped high, and rushed towards Gao Yuan who was hanging in mid-air, but Gao Yuan was not afraid at all, his eyes froze.

In the end, the giant bear failed to pounce in front of Gao Yuan. The stone dragon that was scattered by the giant bear turned into a pair of big hands made of stones, dragged its legs, and slapped it hard on the ground. The dwarves felt another earthquake beneath their feet.

The Evening Star Blade flew out from Gao Yuan's waist, like a black lightning bolt, appeared in front of the giant bear, and was about to kill it, the giant bear closed its eyes in despair.

But the expected pain didn't come from his neck. It opened its eyes suspiciously, and saw that the Evening Star Blade was standing in front of it at this moment, with light shining on the black tip of the sword.

The "Sword of Gursan" giant bear looked at the sword in front of him in shock, and he spit out words.

"Now its name is Evening Star Blade. Since you know its previous name, you should know what will happen if you are stabbed by it." Gao Yuan said.

"The sword of Gursan, those who are stabbed by it will surely fall into death!"

"Let me go, I won't attack you again." Beorn the skin-changer replied.

Gao Yuan didn't move the Evening Star Blade, but just looked at Beorn with a smile.

Bion obviously also knew what Gao Yuan meant, he activated his own magic, and slowly changed from the form of a giant bear to a tall man, Gao Yuan slowly fell to the ground, standing in front of Bion, his tall figure made him Gao Yuan looks a bit shorter, he is at least [-] meters tall.

"Who are you and what do you want to do when you come to my place? You even killed my dear Bobby." Beorn asked in a hoarse voice.

As soon as Beorn finished speaking, Thorin gave his two nephews a vicious look.

"I am a ranger from Luohan, and my name is Gao Yuan." Gao Yuan solemnly introduced himself to him.

"I've never heard of it." Beorn's tone was not good.

"This is Mr. Baggins from Shire, a hobbit. He has a good family background and a good reputation." Gao Yuan pulled the trembling Mr. Baggins to his side, and then pointed to the expedition team. The other members, "They are dwarves from the Blue Mountains."

"Although you haven't heard my name, I have heard of your name. Maybe you have heard of the brown-robed wizard who lives in Ross Gobel in the Mirk Forest, Redagast, he is our friend. .”

Beorn glanced at the dwarves hiding aside, then turned his head to look at Gao Yuan: "Yes, I know him, at least he won't be a bad person."

"Thirteen dwarves, a ranger, and a hobbit are a strange combination. Now that I know who you are, tell me what you have come here for?"

Gao Yuan retracted the Evening Star Blade to his waist, then sighed and said: "We just had some conflicts with the half-orcs from the Misty Mountains and Moria. We originally planned to take the old jungle road, but now we have to Passing through your territory."

Hearing that the expedition team had an enmity with the orcs, the skin-changer relaxed his vigilance a little, and his voice was no longer so hoarse.

"Oh, it turns out that you have conflicts with the orcs. I know they are a group of evil guys."

"Perhaps, you can tell me how you came into conflict with the orcs."

Gao Yuan pretended to sigh: "Well, that's a long story."

"Ha! We have all night now, don't we?" Beorn exclaimed, and then sat down in front of the campfire, which was almost extinguished.

Gao Yuan called the other dwarves over, and everyone sat around the bonfire, and Gao Yuan began to tell their stories to the skin-changing man.

"This matter must first start with the leader of our team."

Gao Yuan pointed to Sorin who was sitting opposite the skin-changer at this time: "That's him, the heir to the king under the mountain, Sorin Oakenshield."

Dol Guldur.

This place is located in the dark dense forest eroded by the dark power from Dol Guldur. The dense forest is full of dead trees. They died under the erosion of the dark power a long time ago, and their branches, leaves and skins have turned black. Dust, scattered on the ground.

The animals that originally lived here have long since disappeared, and the perennial fog has always shrouded the forest.

Dol Guldul Fortress, once the capital of the Sindar elves of the Woodland Kingdom, is now occupied by the evil necromancer, or rather, by Sauron.

At this time, a group of elves wearing exquisite armor appeared in this dense forest full of darkness and death. They were an army of elves from Roslorien and Rivendell, and there were at least a thousand people.

After the Holy White Conference in Rivendell, they gathered in the forest where the tower of sorcery was located under the leadership of their respective elf lords.

Gandalf, Galadriel, Saruman, and Elrond stood in front of the elf army, and they looked at the fortress looming in the mist.

"Do Guldur, Sauron's new lair." Gandalf murmured to himself.

Saruman was very dissatisfied with this operation. He claimed from the beginning to the end that it was a waste of effort to assemble a large army here.

But no matter how dissatisfied he was, he couldn't change the resolution initiated by the three main members of the Baidao Society at the Holy White Conference.

"This place looks completely deserted, and we are just wasting time here." Saruman never hid his dissatisfaction.

Gandalf sneered. At this time, the strongest wizard was still denying all this: "It just seems that the curse is still covering up the evil. This shows that our enemy is not ready to show up at this time." His strength is still weak."

At this moment, Galadriel stood up. Her perception ability was stronger than that of these two wizards. She already felt the darkness hidden in it.

"We can't go in together, otherwise he will find out our existence. He is used to hiding himself. If we let him know of our arrival in advance, he will hide again."

"We need someone to lure him out, someone who can defeat him at this time, but will not be easily defeated."

As soon as the words fell, the three people except Gandalf set their sights on Gandalf at the same time.

Gandalf was taken aback for a moment, does this mean let me go?Is this dish cooking?very scary.

Galadriel smiled evilly: "It seems that this task still has to be completed by you, Mithranda."

Gandalf finally took over this dangerous man. He escaped from the elf army alone and came before Dol Guldur. Holding the enemy's fencing sword in his right hand and making a staff in his left hand, he walked into the abandoned fortress step by step. .

The inside of the fortress seemed empty. If Gandalf hadn't known for a long time that there was a dark power here, and Sauron the Demon King was hidden, he might think that this place was just an abandoned capital just like when he came here before.

Arriving at the upper level of Dol Guldur, Gandalf saw that the enemy had not yet appeared, so he began to chant spells.

"Demon hiding here, I command you to appear. (Elvish)" Gandalf hammered the ground with his staff.

A ray of light flashed from the top of the staff, centering on Gandalf, the ray quickly spread around, sweeping across an area around him.

 The author is going to let himself go again, change the plot a lot, let the butterfly's wings flap more violently.

(End of this chapter)

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