Chapter 67 The Dark Forest
"Okay, let these ponies go, let them go back to their masters."

Gao Yuan took his luggage, and Bilbo and Thorin followed him, looking at the dark forest in front of them.

It would take a great deal of time to take the Old Woods Road or the Woods River detour, and they were doomed to cross this forest if they were to reach the Lonely Mountain before the fall was over.

"Is there no other way for us to go?" Looking at the eerie dark forest in front of him, Bilbo looked timid.

As Gao Yuan said, here is a huge obstacle in front of them.

"We have to reach the Lonely Mountain before Turin Day arrives. Only then can we find the gate to enter the Lonely Mountain." Gao Yuan looked at Bilbo, his eyes made Bilbo feel a little uncomfortable, He unconsciously touched the Supreme Lord of the Rings in his coat pocket.

He suspected for a while that Gao Yuan might have already known that his escape from the dark underground lake might not be as simple as he said, and he might even have known that he had a ring that could make him invisible.

It wasn't that Gao Yuan wanted to take the Lord of the Rings from Bilbo's hands, but he remembered that night in the Misty Mountains, when he was slaughtering those wolves, he was affected by the Lord of the Rings, which once made him lose his feelings for himself. control, so he didn't notice the back arrow flying behind him.

It is not the first time for Gao Yuan to enter the Misty Forest. When he just passed through, the Misty Forest he was in was also filled with thick fog, which would make people fall into a psychedelic state.

Because in order to deal with the invasion of this fog, his mental energy value has never been recovered.

Entering the Mirk Forest again, he not only needs to be careful of the invasion of these fogs, but also needs to guard against the interference of the Lord of the Rings.

The dwarves put back Beorn the skin-changer's horse, and they marched on in a row, and entered the dense forest through the entrance called the gate of the elves.

The entrance of this path is formed by two rows of big trees leaning on each other, and it looks more like a secret passage leading to a dark cave.

This passage was very narrow, winding among the trees, and in some places only one person could pass through. As the expedition went deeper, the light at the entrance gradually disappeared behind them.

The surrounding forest was dead silent, they could only hear their own footsteps, and if they stopped, they could even hear everyone's panting.

The fog that shrouded the forest made the members of the expedition team unable to see the road ahead. They could only stare at the road under their feet and kept moving forward along this elf trail.

From time to time, there would be one or two complaints from the dwarves in the team.

Gao Yuan ignored it, he kept staring at his own system panel, always paying attention to the consumption of spiritual energy value, the deeper they went into this forest, Gao Yuan felt that his spiritual energy value was consumed faster, although the current consumed The speed is not as good as his recovery speed.

When all the people were exhausted from walking in this forest; the dwarves who had been complaining along the way stopped talking; the members of the expedition finally met, and what they encountered in the original book The brook full of wicked magic.

"You call this a creek?" Bilbo looked at Gao Yuan resentfully.

And with one hand, he pointed to the fast-flowing brook lying in front of them.Although it doesn't look very wide, it is not an existence that they can easily cross.

There was originally a stone bridge built by the elves on this river, but it had collapsed at this time, and they had to find a way to cross this turbulent river.

Gao Yuan spread his hands, he had only watched the movie, in the movie it was indeed just a stream.

"To me, this is just a small stream." As soon as the words fell, Gao Yuan soared into the air and flew to the other side of the small river.

Gao Yuan repeated the old trick again and took over the dwarves one by one.

But just after he helped the dwarves and leaped across the river full of evil magic, he felt that something was wrong with the dwarves.

Not long after leaving the creek, the dwarves felt more and more tired. They kept complaining, and then they started to walk staggeringly, and even started talking nonsense.

In the whole team, only Gao Yuan and Bilbo seemed relatively sober. Gao Yuan checked his spiritual energy value, and before he knew it, his spiritual energy value had already consumed one-twentieth of it.

Bilbo didn't have high and powerful spiritual energy, but he didn't seem to be affected by the fog in the dense forest.

Perhaps it was at this time that the hobbit's genius came into play, or perhaps he was helped by the Lord of the Rings in his pocket.

Bilbo obviously noticed those staggering dwarves, and he looked suspiciously at Gao Yuan.

"This is caused by the fog shrouded in the dense forest. We have to get out of this forest as soon as possible. Get out of the forest and they will be fine." Gao Yuan said.

At this time, there were many strange noises in the forest, like scratching and some creatures climbing on the trees.

However, neither Gao Yuan nor Bilbo could see what kind of creatures made these strange noises, although Gao Yuan, who was familiar with the plot, knew that these were made by the descendants of Ugoliant living in the dark forest.

Disgusting spider webs are everywhere in the forest. These dense and sticky spider webs are very tough and sticky. As long as they are stained with it, it takes a lot of effort to break free of them.

They tend to extend from tree to tree, or hang from trees on either side of the road.

However, there were no spider webs hanging in the middle of the road, whether it was some kind of magic that removed them, or some reason they couldn't think of.

The fog in the dense forest became thicker and thicker, and the consciousness of the dwarves became more blurred. Even Bilbo, who had not been affected before, felt dizzy at this time.

Fortunately, in this team, there is another person who has been sober, and that is Gao Yuan.

Under his leadership, the expedition has been moving along the right path.

In this dark dense forest, they have lost their perception of time, and Gao Yuan can only judge whether they are in night or day based on the two different environments of darkness and darkness.

They have been walking in this forest for five days since they entered the elf gate, not because Gao Yuan didn't want to go faster, but because the dwarves were moving slower and slower.

At night he had to order Bilbo to tie them all together with ropes, in case they got lost in the forest at midnight.

"Is there no end to this damn forest?" Thorin couldn't bear to stay in this forest any longer. His head had been in a daze for the past few days. Today he finally regained consciousness. "Is there anyone?" Climb to the top of the tree to see how long we have to get out of this forest, I think we can try our luck on the tallest tree!"

Everyone turned their eyes to Gao Yuan. Even though their brains were not very sharp at this time, they still remembered that Gao Yuan could fly. If there must be someone who climbed up the highest branch and poked his head out to check their current location, then Gao Yuan is the most suitable person.

Gao Yuan nodded. He also wanted to know how far they were from the Woodland Kingdom or the Mirkwood, but he was still a little worried about the dwarves, Bilbo and others staying below.

Because he knew that when he flew up to the treetops, the expedition team would encounter the attack of spiders in the dense forest. With their current state, they definitely couldn't deal with all this.

(End of this chapter)

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