Chapter 89 Prophecy
The arrival of the Day of Turin is getting closer and closer. Here they are divided into teams one after another, searching for the location of the secret door in the two branches west of the top of the lonely mountain.

According to Bilbo's conjecture, if the hints and markings given to them by the map were correct, then the highest position in the middle of the two branches of this valley must be the location of the secret door.

But the dwarves were here, but still found nothing. Later, even those who had reinforced the gate in the south, Gao Yuan and the elves also joined the team searching for the secret door.

Days passed, but every time they returned to the camp, they were disappointed.

Until the day of Turin Day, the day when the last moon and sun of autumn will appear in the sky at the same time.

When Gao Yuan, Bilbo and others searched to no avail on the other side of the valley when the sun was about to set, they were about to return.

When Bilbo was rounding a huge boulder protruding from the top of a lonely hill, he happened to discover in the shadow of the boulder a rough staircase hidden behind the boulder.

Gao Yuan and the others were very excited when they saw this simple staircase, because it was the only trace of artificial excavation they found in this area.

"Your eyes are sharp, Bilbo!" Gao Yuan couldn't help being overjoyed by this sudden discovery after days of frustration, and he patted Bilbo's shoulder appreciatively.

"Bahrain, you go to the camp and tell the others to come here quickly. It won't be long before sunset. We have to reach the top before the sun sets and the moon rises."

"Tell Sorin and them that we have to spend the night on the top of the mountain tonight, and bring food and blankets." Gao Yuan instructed Balin.

When Balin led the dwarves in the camp to the boulder, Gao Yuan had already led Bilbo to fly up to the platform on the top of the mountain led by the stairs.

On the top of the platform they found a narrower passage, and Bilbo stood on the top of the rock, calling out to the dwarves below, urging them to climb up quickly.

In the narrow passage, there are traces of artificial excavation everywhere, and it happens that only one person can pass through.

The dwarves followed this winding passage all the way from the west side of the Lonely Mountain to the top of the southern side of the Lonely Mountain.

At this time, they were right above the gate of the dwarven Lonely Mountain.

Behind them was a staircase, hidden in a crack in the mountain behind the dwarves.

Having no time to appreciate the scenery on the lonely mountain, they continued to climb up the stairs in the cracks, and finally came to a platform surrounded by rock walls on three sides

The entrance to the platform is blocked by the surrounding rock walls, and the opening is facing the western sky, so it cannot be seen from below the Lonely Mountain Dwarf Kingdom.

Even from the valley where River Valley City is located, it looks like this is just a crack on the top of the lonely mountain.

At this time, looking down from the top of the mountain, you can have a panoramic view of the entire south side of the lonely mountain, and you can also see the camp where they were stationed when they were searching the south side.

On the platform, there were no traces of artificial excavation, and what appeared in front of them was a relatively flat and integrated rock wall.

There are no keyholes, no doorknobs, and it's as if the place really is a natural platform.

When they walked along the winding stairs, they found this platform all the way.

No one will doubt whether this is really the location of the secret door.

Who would dig a completely useless staircase on this mountain?
The location of the secret door marked on the map is not wrong. The secret door of the Lonely Mountain Dwarf Kingdom is indeed located in the south of the top of the Lonely Mountain.

However, this Gushan map did not tell them that they wanted to go to the secret door in the south of Gushan.

You need to climb up from the ladder hidden in the west of the lonely mountain, and then follow the narrow passage to reach the southern top of the lonely mountain.

Even with the map that Sorin and the others held in their hands, it was difficult to find this place. They searched hard for several days on the ridge, in the valley and at the foot of the mountain, but they found nothing.

If Bilbo hadn't advised them to search in the west, and happened to find the staircase hidden behind the boulder, they might never have found the secret door of the Lonely Mountain in their lifetime.

The last round of the sun in autumn is about to disappear below the horizon, the sky has been dyed orange by the afterglow of the setting sun, and the last round of autumn moon is slowly rising at this time.

When Turin Day comes, the last round of autumn moon and sun will appear in the sky at the same time, and the gradually setting sun will shine on the keyhole with the afterglow of Turin Day, so that they can find all the places on the map. Note the location of the keyhole.

Everyone was excitedly waiting for that moment to come, but when they watched the fireball shining with golden light gradually disappear below the horizon, and the orange-red light gradually disappear on the mainland, the dwarves became more and more nervous at this time. Getting more and more flustered.

The afterglow of Turin's day is about to disappear, but the keyhole has not yet appeared in front of them.

The dwarves began to take out their weapons and tools, and began to knock and beat against the rock wall, trying to find the position of the keyhole on the smooth rock wall, or hoping to find traces of the gate.

"Come on, push harder, I can't find where the key is," Dwalin shouted anxiously.

"Smash it open!"

The smile on Thorin's face gradually disappeared at this time, and he was no longer calm. He ordered the dwarves with weapons in their hands to go up and try to break open the secret door.

The dwarves continued to knock on the gate.

"It's useless, the secret door is sealed by powerful magic, and it is impossible to open the door with brute force." Balin shouted.

However, nothing they expected happened.

After tossing and tossing for a long time, they were all exhausted. When the last ray of sunlight shining on the top of the lonely mountain disappeared before their vision, they sat down on the ground in front of the stone wall.

Sorin held the map of the lonely mountain with trembling hands, and sat down on the ground in despair. He kept chanting, the content recorded in the moon text on the map.

"The setting sun, with the afterglow of Durin's day, shall shine on the keyhole."

"That's what the map says."

Bahrain shook his head: "There is no sunshine, we only have that one chance, now we have nothing to do, all our previous efforts were in vain."

How excited they were when they discovered this platform, how disappointed they are now.

Sorin looked at Gao Yuan who was standing aside with red eyes, and he kept silent throughout the whole process. He put his last hope on Gao Yuan.

"Mr. Gao Yuan, why do you think it is? Why can't we find the location of the keyhole? Is it because we are missing something, or someone deceived us, or the records on the map are all false?" Thorin was a little incoherent up.

He was eager to seek answers from Gao Yuan. Except for Gandalf, he has always been the most knowledgeable person in this team.

Because Gao Yuan is familiar with the plot, he did not fall into hysterical loss like those dwarves.

When they were trying to find the location of the key and pry open the door just now, he had been calmly analyzing the situation of the secret door in combination with the plot in the original movie.

"Perhaps, Sorin, you all made a mistake." Gao Yuan's tone sounded very flat.

Sorin's eyes lit up, as if he had grasped the last straw, he jumped up from the ground directly.

"We... made a mistake... what?" Thorin asked tremblingly.

Gao Yuan's words attracted the attention of everyone present, and they were all waiting for Gao Yuan's speech.

Gao Yuan smiled slightly: "The moon text on the map may never record any guidance or method to find the secret door."

"The above record is probably a prophecy."

 Thorin: Who drew this map, who wrote the riddle, I will hack her to death.

(End of this chapter)

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