Chapter 94
Smaug, who was once such an invincible dragon, was lying quietly on the ground at this moment, with green smoke still rising from his head. It seemed that the fireball that Gao Yuan dropped from midair just now was not so powerful.

When the smoke cleared and the dragon lay motionless on the ground, Bilbo stuck his head out from behind the stone pillar.

Bilbo also saw the evil dragon that had fallen in the golden mountain. He walked out from behind the stone pillar with his head poking his head, and reconfirmed that the evil dragon was no longer moving. lofty.

"you succeeded!"

"Mr. Gao Yuan, you killed that evil dragon in one go!"

Bilbo shouted excitedly towards Gao Yuan.

However, Gao Yuan, who was suspended in the air at this time, still had a solemn expression on his face. Like Bilbo, he did not relax his vigilance because of the "death" of the dragon.

On the contrary, he became more cautious.

Smaug is currently the strongest evil dragon in Middle-earth. Although its strength may be far inferior to other evil dragons, such as the black dragon Ankaragan, it will definitely not be weak.

The strongest black dragon in history was able to fight fiercely for a whole day and night with Eärendil, the "navigator" who held the Silmaril, who was Elrond's biological father.

Although, in the end, the black dragon Ankaragang still lost to Erendil and was killed by him in the air.

However, Eärendil was actually able to slay the strongest dragon ever seen in Middle-earth with the help of the Silmarillion and Vinkilot.

And Eärendil was helped by Thorondor the Eagle King and other magical birds.

He knows best the power of the fireball he released.

Although the power is quite powerful, it is impossible to kill the evil dragon in one go.

So Gao Yuan guessed that the dragon lying on the ground was probably pretending to be dead.

Sly guy!
Bilbo was also very courageous. Seeing that the dragon had stopped moving, he even pulled out the sting sword from his waist and touched Smaug.

"Go back!" Gao Yuan shouted loudly.

What is he going to do?
Could it be that he wanted to use that sting sword to shave off a dragon scale from the dragon's body?
Not to mention that Gao Yuan has determined that Smaug is actually playing dead, let alone whether this evil dragon will allow him to shave off the dragon scales from his body.

Let's just say that his stabbing sword is not sharp enough to shave off dragon scales.

Gao Yuan's stern reprimand shocked Bilbo. He quickly withdrew his sting sword, then retracted again, and hid behind the pillar again.

The Evening Star Blade on Gao Yuan's waist flew out from his waist. Driven by his thoughts, it dragged a long white light and turned into a black lightning, galloping towards the missing dragon scale on Smaug's chest.

At the moment when the Evening Star Blade was about to be inserted into Smaug's chest, Smaug, who was lying on the ground, suddenly moved, and slapped Gao Yuan's Evening Star Blade flying away.

The cunning dragon couldn't pretend anymore at this time, it opened his pair of golden vertical pupils, and slowly stood up.

Evening Star Blade, which was shot by Smaug, flew back into Gao Yuan's hand.

Smaug got up again, feeling a little pain in his hand.

This made it raise its sharp claws curiously, and found that the black sword that was slapped away by it had left a huge scar on its sturdy dragon scale.

Through that scar, it could even see the flesh and blood under the dragon scales, where the pain came from.

Smaug was shocked: "What kind of sword is that that can cut my dragon scale?"

"This is a sword that once killed another evil dragon. It drank the blood of that evil dragon together with its master, and now I will use it to cut off your head!" Gao Yuan replied .

Although the Evening Star Blade has been recast several times and has long since lost its original appearance, its basic characteristics of the material have not changed. The blade made of black meteorite iron can be recognized by anyone who knows this sword. The predecessor of the sword.

After Gao Yuan's reminder, Smaug immediately remembered the sword that had killed evil dragons in history.

"Death Iron, Gulthan!" said Smaug, "and who are you then?"

"Don't you claim to know everything about the dwarven expedition team, why don't you know my identity now?" Gao Yuan looked at the dragon in front of him with disdain, thinking about how it teased Bilbo just now, Gao Yuan heard all this.

"Could it be that the person who told you about the expedition plan didn't reveal my existence to you?"

"Then you are really a poor creature, a poor creature who can only hide in a hole in the ground. You have been used by them. You are just a means for the Dark Lord Sauron and those half-orcs to achieve their goals."

"You, like the so-called dark lord Sauron, are nothing but a coward who only dares to hide in his lair."

Hearing this, Smaug stood up angrily, his chest glowing golden.

"I don't care who you are, but there has never been anyone like you who dared to speak out in front of me." Smaug opened his mouth wide, "Especially calling me a bug."

Gao Yuan's words really angered Smaug, and it immediately spit out fiery dragon flames into the air. Gao Yuan had already prepared for this. Spit flames.

"Sauron wanted you to be his ally, how did he promise you?"

"You don't really believe Sauron's promise to you, do you? He is the same as his master, Morgoth. Since the era of the Two Sacred Trees, which one of the guys who have worked with them really ended well? ?”

Loud voices came from all directions in the palace, and Smaug tried to turn his head, trying to find his place in the dark and spacious hall.

But Gao Yuan, who was hidden in the shadows, was never found.

He moved his nostrils, trying to find the breath left by Gao Yuan in the air, but the air around it had just been burned by its flame.

Now that the smell of sulfur is everywhere, how can it be possible to smell the smell left by Gao Yuan?
"Think, though thou art a creature of Morgoth, but see what has become of your fellow men, Smaug."

"Ugoliant, Balrog, Celebrimbor, and the humans of Númenor, all their rhetoric is just a means to achieve their own goals. In their eyes, you are worthless. not worth."

"That includes you, of course, Smaug!"

The high and distant voices continued to pass into the ears of the evil dragon from all around the hall.

Even though Smaug had burned most of the top of the palace, he still couldn't find Gao Yuan.

Gao Yuan said so much, of course he didn't really want to persuade the evil dragon in the lonely mountain to surrender, because he knew that it would be futile, and Smaug was born to be Sauron's ally.

He just hoped to anger the dragon.

Just like now, because the angry Smaug couldn't find him, he lost his mind and knocked down all the stone pillars in the hall, just to find Gao Yuan's existence.

When Smaug knocked down all the stone pillars in the hall, it still couldn't find Gao Yuan's figure.

"Who the hell are you?" Smaug yelled hysterically in the hall, "You will only hide in the shadows, and you dare not face the majesty of you."

I saw that the stone pillars in the main hall were almost knocked down.

A figure descended slowly from the top of Smaug's head, and that figure was exactly the Gao Yuan that Smaug had been looking for so hard.

He directly appeared in front of the evil dragon generously.

"I'm the ranger in the expedition team that the snitch mentioned just now!" Gao Yuan's mouth curled up slightly.

"Impossible! Angmar told me that there were only thirteen dwarves, a human wizard, and a snitch in the expedition. Who the hell are you?" Smaug yelled at Gao Yuan, "I've never seen a ranger like you !"

"That's the Witch King of Angmar. He still hides something from you. He didn't tell you everything he knows. I told you that you were used by others, but you still don't believe it."

"Stupid wretch!" Gao Yuan continued to mock.

Angry Smaug spewed dragon flames from his mouth again, and the hot flames hit Gaoyuan like a tsunami.

(End of this chapter)

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